Tasha & Greg's Escape PJ -10/12/10 Sunset Pointe/Shula's - Vendor Reviews

I stood up in a friend's wedding back in the late '90s and she asked me to cover it. I thought that was super funny considering the bridesmaid dresses were a very sheer, pale yellow with these crazy straps in the back - you couldn't wear a bra and the front was almost see-thru. It was before those sticky bra cups were easily available so my mom sewed bathing suit cups into every one of the dresses at the last minute, after she saw me wearing mine and about had a heart attack. :scared1:

:scared1:n Wow, and she was concerned about your tattoo?:rotfl:
Ok, we have successfully kept our wedding a secret from most everyone except our immediate families. There are a couple reasons for this - first, we all know how small Sunset Pointe is. We didn't want to have to ask people to leave their kids behind, etc, etc because we can't fit everyone at the site. And we really wanted Sunset Pointe.

Second, we know our families have both had a hard year financially. We couldn't see ourselves asking them to take time off new jobs and spending the kind of money it would take to get to and stay at Disney.

Third, we know our friends can afford to go and take the time off but it would kill our parents and sibs to know our friends are there and they can't be. They would probably do silly stuff like charge the entire trip in order to attend. And then, which friends do we invite and which ones do we have to turn away when the family decides to attend, or do we move the location at the last minute? (is that possible??)

Fourth, and most honestly, we don't want to share our honeymoon with family and friends, regardless of how much we love them. We have a very special relationship - we are best friends and have a tendency to go into what our friends refer to as "the bubble". That bubble does not want company on our honeymoon. I know this sounds selfish but I am being very honest.

I told my bosses that we are getting married because I am taking 10 days straight off of work and am not going to bring my laptop. Since I work in IT, this amount of time off is a big deal. Well, one of my very well meaning bosses sent out an email to the team today, telling them we are getting married and that he is collecting for a gift card. :eek:

Super nice but did I mention we work together? And a lot of our friends work with us? Oh yeah, and we are IT geeks so this has probably already gone viral?! :headache: I have received 2 IMs since I just started writing this - congrats and why didn't you tell us? <sigh>

I am sure I am just going Bridezilla about all of this and it will not be a big deal whatsoever. I just had to vent about it to someone and figured this would be the best place since I know so many of you have been in similar situations. Maybe I just need a happy hour....
No more Bridezilla drama - today we got our marriage license!! We did the mail request through Brevard County and it was soooooo easy. Another awesome suggestion from these boards - I am so glad we did it! :thumbsup2

Also, I just got back from my hair and makeup trial. I had a blast and love the look, I took some pics and will post them later. Right now I am off to get supplies for tailgating tomorrow, we are going to the Michigan State game! :woohoo:
Sorry about your work "drama". I agree that they meant well. We're kind of in the same boat with our engagement. We want to tell our families in person... but we won't see my family until Christmas. Plus, I don't have my E-Ring yet since we opted for layaway instead of financing. Everyone would be asking where my ring is and I'd be like ummmmm, yeah. So we just decided to keep it quiet for now. At least on here I can let out my excitement :) Just remember that it always works out in the end... and from the sounds of it... you'll be getting a nice little gift card to take with you :banana:
I cant wait to see your pictures...I love reading your pj its like I know you for real:goodvibes
Everything looks fantastic so far! Yay for the marriage liscense. Alex and I are getting ours on the Thursday prior at the courthouse at the crack of dawn lol, hopefully the lines won't be too long

Can't wait to see the hair and make-up!
Sorry about your work "drama". I agree that they meant well. We're kind of in the same boat with our engagement. We want to tell our families in person... but we won't see my family until Christmas. Plus, I don't have my E-Ring yet since we opted for layaway instead of financing. Everyone would be asking where my ring is and I'd be like ummmmm, yeah. So we just decided to keep it quiet for now. At least on here I can let out my excitement :) Just remember that it always works out in the end... and from the sounds of it... you'll be getting a nice little gift card to take with you :banana:

Thanks for the support, I swear I was just having a Bridezilla moment. It really doesn't matter who knows, we are happy with our decisions! And, they are really nice guys who mean well so it's not like I can be mad at them - they had no clue it was a "secret"!! :laughing:

I cant wait to see your pictures...I love reading your pj its like I know you for real:goodvibes

Thanks! It's nice to know there are people following along and that I know you guys from your PJs. My sister calls you all my DISBoard friends!! :goodvibes

Everything looks fantastic so far! Yay for the marriage liscense. Alex and I are getting ours on the Thursday prior at the courthouse at the crack of dawn lol, hopefully the lines won't be too long

Can't wait to see the hair and make-up!

From the PJs I have read, it doesn't sound like the lines are long, just that some people (not DISBrides) didn't have the correct documents. We copied our passports as our IDs because DF's drivers license has our temporary address on it, not the address on the marriage license. We figured there would be no confusion if we used the passports and thank goodness we were right. Oh - I think someone else mentioned this - you have to use black ink on the paperwork, no blue allowed! :thumbsup2
My very first "glad I did" is twofold - I am sooooo glad I did a hair & makeup trial but I am even happier that I took pics of it, in natural lighting, about an hour after the application.

In preparation to post my latest update and since I really don't feel like working, I took a look at the pics DF and I took of my hair & make-up trial. While we loved the look in person, I must say, I think my make-up is a bit too light in the pics. I don't usually wear a lot of makeup and described my preferred look to be beachy and natural, to coincide with our theme. Take a look...by the way, I did not use a flash, just opened all the blinds to let the sun shine in!



I am soooo glad we took the pics (Ana's advice) because I can really see what it will look like when we get our outside pics after the ceremony. I still love the look, I just know I want Beaute Speciale to use a bit of a heavier hand on my eyes and I also know, with 100% certainty, that I want fake eyelashes. Opinions?

I love my hair and flower and know my decision to go veil-less is the right one! Please excuse the grown out highlights, coloring appt is next week!! :eek:



DF loves my hair down, I think he was a little nervous I would change my mind and get an updo. I am super happy about it all and only wish I could have taken pics with me in the dress but DF was helping me get the ones of the back of my hair and I couldn't have him seeing me ALL ready, could I? :goodvibes

LOL - ok, I cannot figure out why 3 of the pics are GIANT and 1 is regular size. I apologize for the extreme close ups, guess you will really get a feel for my make up application if they are still HUGE when I submit the post. :scared1: :rotfl:
LOVE your hair!! I like the flower and the veil-less look!

I think a heavier hand on the eyeshadow/bit of eyeliner would really bring out your eyes. Even if they do a bit darker shadow in the contour it would open everything up a bit more :) Either way you will look wonderful!!
YAY you looked beautiful in the hair and make up trial! Like there was any doubt though :)

Alex loves my hair down too! I'm so glad I did a hair and make-up trial because its the only way you can truly make changes, doing it the day of you just never know....

I cannot believe we are under three weeks away! Talk about exciting!
I just want to tell you that I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see your pictures! I also plan to get married at Sunset Pointe next year and its great to see what other brides who are getting married at this location are planning. :goodvibes
Looks wonderful!! I love your hair!!:goodvibes

Thanks!! I'm really happy about the way it turned out!

LOVE your hair!! I like the flower and the veil-less look!

I think a heavier hand on the eyeshadow/bit of eyeliner would really bring out your eyes. Even if they do a bit darker shadow in the contour it would open everything up a bit more :) Either way you will look wonderful!!

Thanks for the tips Ms Dior!! Seriously, I was hoping you would bring your professional opinion and I really appreciate it!! :worship:

BTW - I adore the Diorshow mascara. My friend was telling me it is now waterproof? I am sure Beaute will have their own wonderful products but I might have to pick some up for the honeymoon! ;)

YAY you looked beautiful in the hair and make up trial! Like there was any doubt though :)

Alex loves my hair down too! I'm so glad I did a hair and make-up trial because its the only way you can truly make changes, doing it the day of you just never know....

I cannot believe we are under three weeks away! Talk about exciting!

Thank you!! I can't believe we are so close either! I can't even concentrate at work (obviously) because I am so excited. Like a little kid!! :rotfl:

I just want to tell you that I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see your pictures! I also plan to get married at Sunset Pointe next year and its great to see what other brides who are getting married at this location are planning. :goodvibes

Thanks - it's great to hear that since I was really prompted to start my PJ because of the lack of Sunset Pointe info! I will be sure to post all pics and give my honest opinion about everything. Stay tuned!! :woohoo:
Oh my goodness! You are gorgeous!!!

You are going to have the most fabulous wedding! I am just so happy for you!

Thank you for all of the help and support you have given me. You are a wonderful person and I'm so excited for your magical day!
Oh my goodness! You are gorgeous!!!

You are going to have the most fabulous wedding! I am just so happy for you!

Thank you for all of the help and support you have given me. You are a wonderful person and I'm so excited for your magical day!

Thank you!!! I have gotten sooooo much help from the brides here, I am glad I can help someone else out! :goodvibes
So we are officially two weeks out from arriving at Disney!!!! :dance3: We are soooo excited, I cannot believe we are almost there!

I had such an awesome weekend - my family came out to surprise me with a bridal brunch at my favorite restaurant! Greg was in on it, he told me we were going to brunch there and then to an art show in downtown Grand Rapids. The whole way there he was acting really strange, I thought maybe he was upset that I was so pokey slow in getting ready. He is super laid back and never cares about stuff like that so I asked him a couple times what was wrong. He said he was just hungry and he would be really glad when breakfast was over. Uh, ok??? :confused3 He told me later he hated keeping the secret, even if it was a good one. :love:

Well, we got there and I was walking to our table when he turned me around and there was my mom, sister, sis-in-law, my friend Bernadette and...my niece Desi!!!! They even brought the baby niece and nephew, who I don't get to see very often. I was so surprised, I might have actually teared up a little!! ;)

We had breakfast and went back to our house, where we hung out while the babies napped. We went over to this little touristy town for some shopping but it was rainy and freezing so we got a bite to eat and went back to the house. We had every intention of staying up late, playing Rock Band but by 10pm everyone was asleep except Greg, Desi and I. We watched Journey to the Center of the Earth and teased Desi about her Twilight-esque Jr High love triangle. :laughing:

It was so awesome to see them and to know that they are super supportive of us getting married, even if we are choosing to do so by ourselves.

I forgot to mention - the day we went to the MSU game, we got a bit tipsy and decided to just let the cat out of the bag to all our friends. Since people were finding out anyway, we figured we should be the ones to tell them. So, we left the tailgate area, went to Coldstone and started calling people. We got back to the tailgate area and told Greg's best friend who promptly decided he was going to organize a bachelor party. So - Greg is having a bachelor party on Oct 9th, only 2 days before we leave! :scared1:
nothing sweeter than a surprise party...and with you mom...and let's not forget the babies...i'm so excited for you...have I told you this before??? did you take pictures at the bridal shower??? post them!!! haha
nothing sweeter than a surprise party...and with you mom...and let's not forget the babies...i'm so excited for you...have I told you this before??? did you take pictures at the bridal shower??? post them!!! haha

LOL - thanks!! And I didn't get any pics, I had no idea so I didn't bring my camera. I let Desi take pics with the iPhone and, um, not such a good idea. I have pics of my sister's back, the carpet, and extreme close up of her face...:rotfl:

I think my SIL took some, I will make sure I get them from her.

Speaking of pics - we got our Disney Photographer assignment this morning and Ty will be taking all of our pics. I have seen some of his pics on this board and, while he does good work, I must admit I am a little disappointed we did not get Amy or Regina. I requested either of them and I feel, at least from what I have seen here, Ty does very different work. Sigh :confused3

Greg is not concerned in the least, he says he is sure Ty will do a great job and we will have great pics. I think it might be the Project Manager in me, but I am feeling a bit put off that we are spending $2100 in addition to the package and cannot choose who provides our service. I also did not know that Escape brides don't get a meeting with the photographer beforehand. Kathleen was awesome (as always) and offered to set up a call between us but I really think, once you add on a couple thousand dollars in service, a meeting should be standard. Again, me trying to PM our wedding. :headache:

I am sure I am just having my second bridezilla moment, I am glad I have very few meetings today as I got on the boards the minute I found out and started looking for vendor reviews! :rolleyes1
I agree that you should have a meeting of some sort with the photographer...especially since you are doing what my pocket book would consider a significant add-on...but I am sure your pictures will turn out beautifully....btw did you realize that you have less than two weeks to go....ha...sigh...
I agree that you should have a meeting of some sort with the photographer...especially since you are doing what my pocket book would consider a significant add-on...but I am sure your pictures will turn out beautifully....btw did you realize that you have less than two weeks to go....ha...sigh...

Thanks for the words of encouragement! :goodvibes I am sure they will look great, especially since Kathleen spoke with the photo department and made sure our requests were on our paperwork. I can't say it enough - she is awesome!! :woohoo:


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