Tasha's Journal (UPDATE: Our baby has arrived! Pics on last page!!)

Wow..you are really on a roll! I hope you get the job. Like the others were saying a paycheck is a paycheck and you can find the one you really, really like. I certainly didn't picture my dream job to be on my hands and knees scrubbing dried crap off an old person's bathroom floor but I did it because I needed the paycheck!

Let us know how it goes!! Have a great day tomorrow!!
Day 8

Well, I am posting really late, but I have been busy today as you can imagine. Today has been one of those days that had its share of ups and downs. I went to take that 2nd test this morning. There was 5 of us there for this test. And we were told not to dress too nice since we would be getting dusty (the whole chalk thing and all). So, I just wore a pair of khakis, a t-shirt w/a collar, and a pair of tennis shoes. Two of the other people were dressed pretty similar to me. Then this girl walks in and I just about died. I know everyone else was thinking the same thing b/c their jaws literally dropped. She was also there to take the test, and she was wearing a denim mini-skirt, and a shirt that showed her stomach. That was not the worst part of this shirt though. This short was so low cut that her entire (and I mean entire) bra was showing! And I thought flip flops were bad yesterday! Then the last girl that showed up looked very nice, but she was actually overdressed for what we were doing today. Anyway, what can I say? Never thought I would have to carve chalk for a job before. It was not as easy as I thought it would be. I have an artistic family and I even went to school straight out of high school on an art scholarship so I was thinking it would be easy for me. Wrong! We had to do measurements and basically geometry (which I hate Geometry!) on this 3 in. piece of chalk. I don't think I did well, so I am not really expecting a call back. I will be absolutely shocked to get one, but if I do, then I have to take a 3rd test before we even get to the interviewing! The pay is good, but honestly I don't think it is a job I would enjoy, but I would take it b/c...well, the pay is good!
So that was the bad part of my day. I am trying to be optimistic and I have sent 4 resumes out this week (aside from the other 2 jobs that I have told you about), but I am getting a little down, b/c I just feel desperate about money right now. I have wanted to stress eat all day, but I am proud to say that although I did use all of my pts. today, I did not go over. So, I think that is progress. In the past I would have binged over this.
My day had good parts to it too, though. Like this morning, I looked in the mirror and I noticed that I looked like I was glowing. It made me feel good b/c that means that eating right and exercising is starting to pay off. Also, I had bought a pair of pants last month and wore them today and I had to keep pulling them up! And I caught Scott staring at me earlier and I asked what was wrong. He said that he could tell I was starting to lose weight, that my stomach looks smaller. And then, when we went grocery shopping tonight, I did not feel at all sluggish or tired. I had energy and did not feel out of breath. That was a first in a long time. So, all of these things certainly brightened my day some. Oh, and here's a really good update: I went to my college earlier to see about having my scholarships reinstated. I had lost them last year after I dropped my Nursing classes b/c it made me drop below half-time and I was not eligible. Well, he not only reinstated my scholarships but he also gave me a Special Career Incentive scholarship b/c of my ACT score, GPA, and what I am majoring in. That was a good moment, to say the least. So, my tuition is taken care of and atleast half of my books, maybe all.
On another note, I was so busy today and feeling crummy during parts that I decided to declare today my "official rest day" for this week. Did not do any exercise, but that is okay. I have worked out 5 days in a row, so my body probably is ready for a break anyway. I am not going job hunting tomorrow. If I get a call for an interview or something, then of course I will go. But I am taking a break from actually searching tomorrow. I will just rest and spend some time w/Scott since he is off. Oh, and tomorrow is my first weigh in, so I am hoping for good news there. I am going to take my measurements tomorrow too.

Hey, Michelle, did you notice my tags? I no longer have the hots for people who have the hots for DM. It's been replaced w/the Scott Baio one. Something I might have said about having a secret celeb crush on him on another thread! LOL! Well, all, I will keep you updated. I am hoping to have good news about my weigh in tomorrow and about finding a job soon.

I am still giving today 5 golden sunnies since I didn't overeat (and I wanted to) and b/c I declared today a "rest" day on the exercise! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
LOL, yeah, I noticed your tag and was going to comment on it. Too funny! :crazy:

Definitely sounds like you had your ups and downs today. Way to go keeping control of your eating when you were feeling stressed. I'm still having problems in that area but hearing about others staying in control is really encouraging! Don't sweat taking a day off from exercise. I think 5 days a week is great! I don't usually do too much exercise on the weekends. When I was doing the Slim In 6 tapes you work out 6 days a week and that was fine with me. Right now I do my PT exercises on the weekends and that's about it until my back is well. So take a break, relax and enjoy! :)

I'm glad you are feeling more energetic too, that's always a great thing!

Thanks Michelle! Your posts always make me feel somewhat better when I am having a rough day. Well, I have some good news this morning. I had my first weigh in. I have lost 5 lbs. and earned my first weight loss clippie!! :hyper: I have not done my measurements yet. I will try to remember to do those later. That is not all of the good news though. I had been planning to take the day off from job searching today. I was up really late last night (almost 5:30 in the morning before I finally went to bed!) and was planning to sleep in until really late in the afternoon. Of course the one day I stay up till dawn the phone rings at 9 a.m. Well, remember the job I really wanted that never got back to me? They finally got back to me today. I have to meet w/one more person today (in about 2 hours) and then he said "we will wrap things up." It makes me think of the old commercials 'How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?' Except in my case it is 'How many interviews does it take before Tasha gets this job?' LOL! This will be my 3rd interview! I am hoping that they will tell me to start Mon. instead of using their famous words, "We'll get back to you sometime next week." If they say that, then it will be at least another 2-3 weeks before I hear from them. I am hoping to have good news about this when I post later. Wish me luck!
Woo Hoo!!!! Now we both have 5lb. clippies!!!! Hurray!!! That is an awesome loss, you did great this week. I know that it gives you encouragement to keep going too!

Great news about the interview today. I hope they let you know something today and don't jerk you around any longer. Good luck! :)
HOORAY!:jumping1: The 5 lb clippie looks great!!!! And another HOORAY!:jumping1: on the 3rd interview!!!! This has to be such a picker upper for you!!!!!! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!! Please post back and let us know how it went.

This is so exciting!! It's so nice when good things happen.
Yay Tasha! Congratulations on your clippie! What a fabulous two days for you. A new clippie, a new tag from the tag fairy, good news on your interview, good news for your scholarship. Hopefully later on tonight you'll post more good news!
Congratulations on the 3rd job interview and your brand new clippie!!!:jumping1: Please let us know how everything turns out for you.::yes::

Take care,
Hey, all! Well, this is going to be really short (especially for me!) b/c Scott and I are about to leave so he can get his hair cut. I will post more later so that I can give more details about my day , but I did not want to leave everyone in suspense. So, I will just say this...YES!!! I GOT THE JOB!!! :hyper:
Finale to Day 9

Thanks for the kind words to me the past few days everyone. I know I have been kind of down but I love reading what you write in my journal. It really does lift my spirits. Well, you all know that today was a whole heck of a lot better than yesterday. First of all, I stayed OP. I used all of my pts. today but I didn't go over. However I didn't work out again today. It was a very busy day and I am exhausted from lack of sleep. I feel guilty that I did not get at least 20 min. in, but I am not going to beat myself up over it. I also feel guilty b/c I know I more than likely will not get a workout in tomorrow either. I will explain why in a minute. But right now let me say that it has really helped knowing that you were all behind me during this frustrating job search. So, here is the details to that. I went in for my 3rd interview and met the main boss. He seemed really nice and we hit it off right away. I usually feel intimidated by the "big wigs", but he was very easy to talk to. I think the people I have met so far have been fabulous. He asked me when I could start. I said Mon. He said okay, well, let me call James to talk to you. James is the other boss that I have been talking to the last few weeks. So, I went into James's office and we talked for a little while. He told me that he had wanted to hire me from the very beginning but that the company likes to do 3 interviews w/each person they plan to hire. And since it has been summer, everyone who was supposed to interview me has been on vacation which is why it has taken so long to get back to me. I told him that was fine w/me, I was just happy I got the job. He gave me a tour of the building. I have my own desk and computer and phone so that is nice. I haven't had a decent job like this before since I have been in school so much. I am still doing the whole school thing but I am doing it online this fall so that it will not interfere w/me working. They are going to pay for half of my schooling and my scholarships more than cover the rest. So I don't even have to apply for a student loan this year which is great. They also are going to give me a week's vacation after I have been there only 6 months! 2 weeks after 3 years. That means we will get to go to Disney/US/IOA/ and SW next summer b/c I will have vacation time which is great! I should have some money for it too w/this extra income. I get 6 paid holidays and 3 sick days. Oh, yeah! You all are probably wondering what I will be doing. I will be in an accounting department. We get records such as debits and credits from different places and we have to refigure everything to make sure everything is correct and that everything is precise. I am excited b/c this entry-level job will look great on a resume when I am through w/school. I am pulling a double major (for an associate's degree right now...but I may also go for my BS later on down the road, depending on how everything goes) in Business Office Tech. and Microcomputer Applications. So far I love it. Now you can see why Nursing didn't do it for me. They are as different as night and day. I start Mon. I work from 8-5 w/weekends off so that will be nice. Scott and I will finally have the same schedule including holidays off. That pretty much sums up that. I was only there for about 20 min., basically just long enough to meet "Mr. Big Wig" and take a tour and talk about what to expect, etc. I don't think this was an interview, per say...even though that's what they called it. They had already made up their minds. They had over 60 people apply for this job and me and one other girl were hired. So I am feeling pretty good about that. The other girl (whom I haven't met yet) also starts Mon. That also makes me feel a little better. We can learn together and be nervous together. I told Scott and he was ecstatic. He decided to surprise me w/ a trip to the water park and casino in Philadelphia, MS. I am not much of a gambler but I like to play the slots every now and then. I love the water park. We haven't had the money to do this b/c we have been watching our pennies a lot closer lately. We have some money set aside for bills for next month. (We didn't think we would have enough otherwise.) But now that I have an income about to start we have decided to have a good time and let my check take care of it. Which means tomorrow I will be dipping into my flex pts. and probably will not get to exercise. We were going to stay overnight but everything was booked. (It is about a 3 hr. drive) So we are just going for the day. We will be eating breakfast here (so WW pts. will be good on that), then eating lunch at the Hard Rock Beach Cafe beside the water park. They have really good food and although I feel guilty about eating there, I am going to anyway. I am going to enjoy tomorrow even if it means working extra hard this next week. Besides I am always starving after going to a water park. That night we are going to eat at a buffet at the casino. I am going to try to be careful about how much I eat, but again, I am not going to beat myself up if I mess up some. Exercise will probably be out b/c it will be really late when we get home. I am going to have to really get back on track Sunday! I will not be posting in my journal tomorrow either. I will post Sun. and let you know how bad I was! I will still probably be cheat-free as long as I don't go over my extra supply of flex pts. for the week! Hope everyone has a good, cheat-free weekend as well!

I give today 4 sunnies since I didn't get a workout in, but I did eat right. :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Tasha, I am just so very happy for you! I'm so glad that things are coming together, it's so wonderful! :)

Enjoy your time "off" today. Certainly try not to overdo it but don't be so worried about it that you don't have fun! Like you said, you'll get right back on it Sunday and you'll be doing great! ::yes::
That's such good news Tasha! Enjoy your weekend...you deserve to celebrate getting this job! Just splashing around in the water is some exercise...so you will be getting some..especially if you are walking those stairs to the slides!
Congratulations Tasha!!

I didn't have much time to read journals last night & you have such exciting news! You deserve your little celebratory trip to the water park...
Days 10 and 11

Well, yesterday (Day 10) was not as bad as I feared it would be for staying OP. I ate half of what I usually eat for breakfast, since I knew I would be eating out twice later that day. Then, we headed to the water park. We got there a few hours after the park opened. We have been there every summer since the park opened in 2001 and I have to say that I have never seen it so packed. We always go around the same time of day each year and have never had such trouble finding a parking spot. We had to park in parking lot D when we usually get to park in A. I was having a Disney moment w/remembering where we parked. Then after we parked, we had to walk on this trail that led you to the park. When we got to the gate we bought our tickets. We then proceded inside the park to rent a large locker. We had brought a change of clothes, sunblock, etc. We waited in this long line. I notice a sign stating they are out of large lockers. So I figure okay, I guess we will just have to settle for a small locker. We finally reach the front and they tell us they are out of all of the lockers. (which their sign did not say!) :mad: So, I say okay, well, is there anywhere we can put our stuff and hold up my huge beach bag so she can see my ordeal. She tells me that there are more lockers at this other place all of the way on the other side of the park. So, we walk there and are dripping w/sweat by the time we get there. They are also out of large lockers. But we did get a small one. We had been planning to eat at this point but we were sweating so badly we decided to take a dip in Clearwater Key (which is set up like a beach) first. Then we ate lunch at the MyTie Cafe. We both ordered grilled chicken salads. But I wasn't thinking and got ranch dressing instead of fat free dressing. I thought I was being smart by getting a salad. I figured up my pts. for that salad a min. ago. The small packet of dressing alone cost me 8 pts.!! I don't eat that many pts. for lunch during a full meal usually. I could have ordered the grilled chicken fajita and I would have saved pts. Oh, well. Live and learn. :rolleyes: We then decided to go in circular pool that carries you around it b/c we have always found that to be very relaxing. Not this time. Too many people in there at once. So, we went to the wave pool for a while. We then went back to Clearwater Key for the rest of the day. We did not go on any slides. This is the first time I have ever been to a water park in my entire life (and I usually go at least once a year) and not used the slides. I guess I was more in the mood to relax and it was sooo crowded. We then decided to leave. We got back on the trail and even though it did not seem so bad going into the park...it was all up hill going out of the park. I was exhausted and sweating by the time we got to the parking lot. We then went to the buffet for dinner at one of the casinos. I ate a salad w/fat free dressing this time. Then, I really dipped into my flex pts. I had fried rice, egg rolls, wontons, and a fortune cookie from the Chinese section. I had mashed potatoes and gravy from the American section. I was literally feeling famished when we ate. So, I thought I would get another helping of rice, but when I started to eat it, I realized I was full and did not eat it. I also did not have dessert and all I drank all day was water. I also tried to watch my portion sizes. So all in all, I did really well considering how I usually eat at a buffet. So, yesterday was another cheat free day for me since I did not go over my extra flex pts. I also burned off some calories w/ all of the sweating I had been doing and walking uphill. So I give yesterday 3 sunnies for not going overboard. :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Then today, Day 11, I slept in really late and missed breakfast. This was the first day I have gotten enough sleep in several days. I ate my lunch OP and have had a couple of snacks. I am about to go eat dinner OP as well. As far as exercising I have not done anything yet and don't know if I will or not. I woke up w/very sore calfs. I guess from the uphill walk that I wasn't used to. So, I am not sure if they will be okay to workout on today. I have been sore just walking from room to room. Tomorrow I will hopefully get back to my exercise routine. I also start my new job tomorrow and am very excited and very nervous about that! I will let you know how it all goes tomorrow. Thanks again for your encouraging words. I give today 4 golden sunnies. :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

P.S. We did not win anything at the casinos...but we did not play much either since we were trying to stay w/in budget.
Day 12

Well, today I am not giving myself any sunnies at all! I did terrible today! I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night. Too busy thinking all night and I am also not used to going to bed early and getting up early. Well, I got up early and ate my breakfast OP. I did not carry my lunch to work b/c I had forgotten to ask if they had a 'fridge and a microwave. I assumed they did but didn't know for sure. Turns out they do, btw. Anyway, today was pretty good as far as training at my new job was concerned. I think I am going to like it but I still have a lot to learn. For lunch, the company paid for me and the girl that was training me, plus the other new girl they had hired and the girl that was training her to go out to Harvey's in Tupelo, MS. (I work in Tupelo which is about 15 min. from my house.) I could have ordered a salad, but I was tired, irritable, and HUNGRY! I ordered a fried chicken tender platter, complete w/a roll and baked potato w/butter and sour cream. I couldn't eat but half of it but I still consider today a cheat day since I had already used all of my flex pts. So, I no longer have my cheat-free bear clippie. I got home from work and all I want to do is sleep. I am trying to stay awake until 9 or 10 so I will be able to sleep through the night though. I just need to get used to this new schedule. Well, I am so tired that as much as I know I need to, I will not be exercising again tonight. I am hoping to get back on track tomorrow but worry this job will take its toll on my diet for the first couple weeks until I start getting used to it. I will post more tomorrow. No sunnies for me today, I am afraid. :(


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