Tax Refund

I still have not gotten ours yet but DH said that one of the girls at his work was supposed to get hers the week o the 23rd and they just got last Thursday!! I am figuring that it is just taking a little longer!! Hope we get it sometime this week!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Maybe mine and yours is stuck together somewhere. I get so nervouse with stuff like this. I have heard people that are supposed to get theirs the week of whatever date and they get it one that day. We are still patiently waiting. Maybe Mickey is holding mine and wants to give it to me himself.
FWIW, dh & I were supposed to get ours this week, and sure enough, it showed up yesterday. :) Hopefully everyone else's will show up soon, too!

We are suppose to get our refund in two weeks and guess what?!!!

Our mortgage company just sent us a notice that our escrow is going to be short
$600 for the year. There goes the refund!!!!! We won't even see it.

Easy come! Easy go!!!!!!!!!!!

How many people out there are going to get to spend thier refund for fun? How many people are going to pay off debt?
Ours was supposed to be here the week of 8-6 and guess what was waiting in the mailbox for me when I got home from work last night??? Yippeeeee $600!!! I'm buying 5 day hoppers for DL and DH is taking the extra money and buying more computer parts. What a glorious day it is!!!! :D :D :D
I am getting to the point where I am regretting going to the mail box and getting let down day after day!! Thinking that it is going to be there and it isn't!!

I am beginning to think that they are stuck together. Maybe they are both at Disney and Mickey is going to give them to us when we go to his house!!

Oh well!! Guess we will just have to keep waiting!!

:( :( :( :( :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You and I seem to be in the same boat, I guess ours must be lost. What is the deal with tax return stuff? I hate to see my mail man any more. When is it going to come!!!!!!

IRS says if it is not here by Aug 27th them we should call. Why don't we just wait till Christmas. So very frustrating.
I am really getting ticked off now!! I try to be optimistic but this is ridiculous!!! L\I am driving my husband totally crazy!! Then to top it all off he has the nerve to call me at work today to tell me that we didn't get it!! Jeez!! Thanks for getting me in a REAL great mood for the rest of the day!!!

I can't believe that they want us to wait that long!!!!!!!

UGH!! I am going to go POSTAL if I don't get it soon!!!!!!

Thanks for listening to me vent!! I really needed it!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I can't stand this, I have stopped going to the mail box!!.. I am sooo angry with the whole thing, great we qualify and we get our letter, but how about the check. We may be the only 2 people that did not get our checks, anyone else out there? Hubby says to stop obsessing about it, we we eventually get it even if we have to call and have them resend it. This stinks.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
SheDaisy, not that it's going to help you feel any better but at the post office one of the workers started talking about how mail in Florida tends to be slower. (Someone was tracking a package they sent.) He said it's because there is so much development and so many people who move back and forth and have mail forwarded, etc.

I believe your husband may be right, I think you are obsessing over this (LOL). If it isn't there by the end of the week, I would call the IRS and ask them to trace it.
We never got the letter but I just knew that we qualified for the full $600. DH finally called the IRS (and actually talked to a real person!!!) they looked up our account and said that we would be getting $600, mailed on September 3rd. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I wonder why some people didn't get the letter???? We plan to use the $600 as spending money for our December trip to WDW.


Just talked to the IRS and they said that we received an incorrect letter and that we would not receive the full amount and it is not being mailed until a later date. What a bummer!!! They explained everything to me and based on the return I can understand it but I was counting on the full refund. I guess you can't count on it until you get it. Good Luck with yours, I hope yours is not attached to mine then we would be in the same boat.
Bummer wdisneyaholic. You must be one of the 500,000 "mistake" letters they sent out. Makes the letter seem something like Publisher's Clearinghouse "You may have won....." I feel bad to anyone who spends the money before they actually get the check.

I was just planning on using it for bills, I would have felt really bad if it was for a trip or something. At least we are getting something back, it is better than nothing. I just don't know how they can send letters that are so incorrect. Not one thing listed on it was correct. Based on the social security number we should have received it last week and they are saying it isn't even due to be mailed out until the 10th. Just makes you a little angry. The man at the IRS I spoke with the first time I called was not very nice. He told me if I have a complaint that I should write my congressman. Like that would get me more money!!!

After reading your post I called the IRS. I was told that mine was mailed out on July 30th. I am getting the full amount. SO WHERE THE HECK IS IT ALL READY!!!? Maybe the mail is slower here in FL, we have so many more people here than most states. Hey we have it all here, the sun, the surf and the most important thing-----DISNEY WORLD!!!!!

LOL!! Seriously though they told me to give it 3 weeks from the date that it was mailed--- in case it was not mailed out on the exact date!! Sounds to me like they are not sure when it was mailed out!!

OH well!! Maybe tomorrow!!

:confused: :confused: :confused: :( :( :( :mad: :mad: :mad: :confused: :confused: :( :( :(


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