Tax Refund

We are getting the full $600.00 mid August and we are spending it on a vacation to disney for my husband and i , and kids are left home this time.I am so excited!
We received our letter last week telling us that we were getting the maximum amount. The check was in the mailbox today. It is now safely tucked away with my airplane tickes to Orlando. My husband and I are taking a 5 day trip without the children. It is our first trip by ourselves without them. After 15 years I think we deserve it. What do you think???? LOOK OUT DISNEY HERE WE COME!!!
We got our letter from IRS this week,we get full amount but have to wait till the very last week to get it:mad: !!! And mine goes straight into the Morgage,BooHoo!!
We got our letter on 7/21 saying we were getting $600.00 the week of September 17.WOO-HOO!!!! It goes right into the Disney fund. Hopefully will be able to upgrade out hotel for our FIRST trip Feb9-16 2002!! Can't wait!!!!:pinkbounc :bounce: :smooth: ;)
We got our letter this week and are getting nothing back!:mad: That's right, NOTHING, nada, zilch, zero, a great big black hole!~ I am a democrat and you can bet I think this 'refund' was too large! But only because I ain't gettin' nothin' back!!!;)

I have numerous opinions on this but as they do not pertain to WDW and are definately political manure I will cease from voiceing them.
I haven't even gotten the letter yet! I already know that we won't get anything:( , but I am feeling left out at not even getting the letter!!;)

Oh and Frisky.......I feel your vibes.....I know from where you come!!!!:cool: :cool: :cool:
Letter last week since it's just me I am in the $300 group. Mine is sort of spent I am adding 2 days on the front end of the September trip. Just could not pass up the AP rate at WL.
We got our notice saying we will get the $600 in mid-September. They are going by the last two digits for your social security number begining with 00-09. My hubbys is 85 so we are pretty much near the end I would think.

Maybe you should check out the IRS site and see about it.
My husband and I were one of the lucky ones - we were scheduled to get our check the week of 7/23. Well Guess What? I got home yesterday evening and low and behold what was in my mailbox? A $600 check - I can really believe it now!
We got our 600 refund yesterday(already in the bank today) The letter said it would be mailed the week of the 23 and it arrived the 23 Yeah!!!
Checked the irs site & called their computerized # got ifo but need to talk to a REAL person. What are the chances of
try this 3 1-800-829-1040, thats a 800 number for the IRS.
The story of my life is we are getting a big fat NOTHING back. Good thing i wasnt depending on that money for anything. Michelle
I am positive we qualify for the rebate, and we moved two months before we filed our tax return so that can't be the problem. We still have not received the letter. I have been calling the number posted above for three days, but I either get a message that they are not accepting any calls right now due to "high call volume", or I get disconnected after spending ten minutes making my way through their phone "system". I've tried EVERYTHING to get a real live person, even hitting the "wong" numbers and pretending I am calling about another issue. Their "customer service" is unreal.
Well dh's SS# ends in 97... so we have to wait till the last week to get our $600. Which, coincidentally, is the week we'll be in WDW! Oh well, we'll save it for another vacation.:D Yeah, right... our home is 200+ years old. I know where that money's going (new windows, paint, wallpaper, doors... take your pick!) :rolleyes:

Oh well, $ is $ !
friskykitten. It is based on how much you paid in. The more taxes you pay the more you get back. For those who paid minimum or no taxes, they get minimum or no refund. Sorry!

BTW, my SSN ends in 08, we got our $600.00 on Tuesday of this week!


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