Team Goddess - Volume 11. Rocking 2012 Goddess Style!


<font color=purple>Rutger Hauer sends shivers down
Dec 8, 2006
Hi Everyone! :flower3:

Disclaimer: There may or may not have been some shameless copying and pasting happening!

Welcome to 'Team Goddess - Volume 11. Rocking 2012 Goddess Style!'

We have been going strong for almost (?) four years - that's FOUR years!

Throughout the threads there have been many ups, downs, losses and gains. The biggest gain has been friendship and support.

You’ll find we have different goals, different methods for achieving better health. Perhaps we may all wish there was a simple “quick fix”, however we know that is not a reality. We fight the daily battles with food and exercise. Some days we win, other days we struggle. But we support one another, we share and we care as we all work to achieve balance in our lives.

Jump in - here we have walkers, joggers, runners, triathletes and marathon runners. Some do yoga, zumba, aerobics, pilates...the list goes on!

We've found new passions, new good habits, and new ways to live. We've succeeded and we've failed. We're not perfect, but we own it - good and bad. But most of all, we're not afraid to start again.

We've started again more than once.

And we do it together.

I'm sure that I speak not only for myself, but for many others on this thread that the people here have been my support, my sounding boards, my biggest supporters but most of all my friends. And with good friends, you can do anything.
In the interest of keeping myself amused, I'll start with my bio:

DisneyGalUK - Aka Kelly. I have been called Bella (reasons below..!) but will answer to pretty much anything!

Age: 30
Height: 5'9'
Weight: 6lbs above goal!
Personal Stats: In August I will have been married for 4 years to a great DH!
Live in: Yorkshire, UK
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom, because theres nothing like that first glimpse of the castle.
But I Love: I secretly love Universal Islands of Adventure!
Passions: My DH, Family and Friends. Reading (I read ANYTHING), music, travelling, girly nights out
Important to know: Im clumsy. I mean REALLY clumsy. I fall down on average once a week, I walk into things, things fall on me, I get electrocuted by everyday household appliances - you get the picture. I'm a geek. I believe that one day Zombies will take over the earth.
I have Sciatica and Ive had operations on my back to remove a disc and repair a split disc. This is an ongoing condition and something Im still trying to learn to live with.
Weight loss plan and goals: Im loosely following WW and tracking everything. My main goal is to get healthy, for the sake of my sciatica and back problems. If I exercise, the pain will ease. It should be a no brainer but I really am struggling with it! If I exercise, eat right and drink water, then the weight loss will follow! I got to goal last year, but I am now 6lbs over my goal weight - so I guess my long term goal is to get back to goal :rotfl2:

This year will be my year for running. I did one 5K last year, my aim is to do more!

Age: 45
Height: 5'7 ish.
Weight: Heavier than I want to be, but still less than I used to be! Currently I'd say I'm about 10 lbs off my goal weight
Personal Stats: Married for 23 years to my DH Stephen. 3 kids. Seth (20), Nate (18) both in college, and Becca (16).
Live in: Connecticut
Favorite Park:Epcot for the drinking, MK for the magic!
But I Love: Riding the tram! Silly, I know. But I adore the tram!

Passions: Well, I have a very diverse life. I love my job - I cook in the farm kitchen at a local apple orchard. My goal is to make other people fatter so that I look thinner by comparison! We also raise goats (currently we have 29, 21 of which are pregnant!) and I sew costumes for the high school drama club.

Weight loss plan and goals: I'm back on WW. I adore this program, and it's how I lost 45lbs once-upon-a-time. I don't currently strive for "weight loss" goals, but I prefer to set goals in terms of exercise, food tracking and water intake. Beyond that, the weight will do whatever the weight will do. If I'm doing everything else "right", I can't stress over whether or not the scale is moving.
Yeah Kelly! :love:

I'm so relieved to have that old title gone. popcorn:: Yeah. :dance3:

Will return.

Age: 44
Live in: Toronto
Height: 5'9 1/2"
Weight: Don't know how far from goal - based on clothes and a feeling - and won't lose my a$$ or face to get there. :3dglasses So who knows but it will be this year!!!
Personal Stats: Frustrated! Which is better than years of not caring.
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom, because there's nothing like that first glimpse of the castle. (stole this from Mother Country Kelly)
But I Love: WDW as a whole (I'm not a Disney freak one bit- not into movies/characters - I'm a WDW freak). Love the resorts. Love maps. Love hanging out. Love DVC. Love going on a daily adventure. Love it all.
Passions: travelling - road trips :love: - airports - taking pictures (not photography - just taking) - NBA. Here's to more passions.
Important to know: Hmmm. Lord I want to ramble. Okay let's just say that I've made changes that I never ever thought I would be able to make or fix. From courage - from dedication - from this thread. And I'm talking way beyond weight. Yeah for me!!!! :dance3:
Weight loss plan and goals: Goal this year. Appreciating my body type. Eating consciously. Eating EVERYTHING because I adore food and HATE the dissection of food. Staying on course with workouts. Enjoy the process more - appreciate years of keeping lost weight off (despite gaining some) - appreciate every accomplishment - instead of looking at where I'm not. Truly excited about this year here. :love: And remind me to read this bio during hard days.
HockeyKat- Aka Kathryn, or Kat.

Age: 36
Height: 5'8'
Weight: 214
Personal Stats: In May I will have been married for 7 years to my DH. We have 2 cats and no children.
Live in: Raleigh/Durham, NC
Favorite Park: Epcot. Drinking 'round the World.
But I Love: I secretly love the tigers at Animal Kingdom.
Passions: Reading, running, hockey, computers, tech gadgets, music.
Important to know: I'm blunt and say what I think, but I mean well (most of the time). I am a total geek, but try (and fail) to hide it. Also, ***chy when poked too hard. :)
Weight loss plan and goals: Following low carb/eat clean with a focus on lean meats, veggies, dairy, and healthy fats. I would also like to rehab my current injury and get back to running, and hopefully finish a marathon one day.
Great Intro Kelly

I'm Jo
Age: 36
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 179
Personal Stats: October was 10 years for DH and I, We have 2 girls, and they keep us on our toes.
Live in: Illinois
Favorite Park: MK.
Passions: Running and my girls.
Important to know:I can't spell, you will learn that quick when you read my posts. And I could not be where I am now without these ladies
Weight loss plan and goals I just started WW yesterday, I would love to be in the 140 or close to it by Sept 2012
Twoboysnmygirl AKA Karen

Age: 38 until March 5th!
Height: 5'10"
Weight: hate to put the number b/c it's up, but I will so I can look back when it's back down. 216
Personal Stats: Married 21 years this year to Rey! Three amazing kids, Dylan (17), Dallas (16) and Savannah (11 going on 16) :p
Live in: Rural Missouri
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom for the Magic, Epcot for the drinks! :laughing:
But I Love: riding EE!

Passions: I will attempt to not Lisa-ramble, but it will be hard! ;) Photography, homeschooling, running, gardening (when I'm not killing stuff), Disney, Petsitting (having my own business is extremely rewarding, even if it's messy!), and anything outside or TREE related. I'm a tree-fanatic, whatever that's what people associate with me. :) I really restrained my rambling there. Oh, that's a passion too, I guess...rambling! :laughing:

Weight loss plan and goals: my LIFE has been a weight loss plan. Got down to a really comfortable weight for my height (180) in 2009, but gained a ton of it back and even gained last year even running all year. 2012 is the year I stop focusing on that scale so much and train for the 2013 Princess! I have some health issues that cause me to train slowly and require me to eat vegan, but I WILL run the Princess in 2013! I will be turning 40 just a week later and somehow that makes it even more special.

SeptemberGirl aka Liz
Age: 37
Height: 5'7'
Weight: I keep a ticker in my signature.
Personal Stats: Married to DH for 12.5 years, mom to one 7 yr old girl
Favorite Park: MK, because I'm nostalgic and believe in magic.
But I Love: The music when you walk into Epcot
Passions: Music (listening, not playing), seeing concerts, reading, writing, travel, and my family and friends
Important to know: I was a book editor professionally for 7 years, freelance editor and writer since 2003. My mom has been battling cancer since 1996. (This comes up a bit).
Weight loss plan and goals: I first joined WW in Oct 2007. I lost nearly 80, and gained it back. My goal is to lose 50lbs, finish the Princess Half, and continue to exercise, eat right, and make myself a priority.

Age: 48
Height: 5'4"'
Weight: a happy place
Personal Stats: Partnered, DGF Sue, coming up on six years.
Live in: Kansas City
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
But I Love: Soarin'
Passions: home improvement projects, running
Important to know: Just finished a marathon. My first. I've lost about 100 pounds in the last 15 years. Took about that long to put it on, too.
Weight loss plan and goals: Everything in moderation, cook at home, shop at the edges of the store.
Ronda! I'd love to have a race report :)

So. We're watching Biggest Loser, and I made a bit of a cranky comment about how the 100 calorie bag of popcorn is 3 points for Weight Watchers. Becca's helpful comment?

"Points are good. The more points the better! This isn't golf ya know" :rolleyes1

Thanks. :rotfl:
Ronda! I'd love to have a race report :)

So. We're watching Biggest Loser, and I made a bit of a cranky comment about how the 100 calorie bag of popcorn is 3 points for Weight Watchers. Becca's helpful comment?

"Points are good. The more points the better! This isn't golf ya know" :rolleyes1

Thanks. :rotfl:


Go up and read my nonsense. :rotfl2:

:love: to you.
Oh and Lisa? No idea on your computer problem. Maybe try using Chrome or Firefox. I gave up on Internet Explorer a while back.
I arrived at the starting line a little undertrained, but healthy. I'm a run walker and hoped to average 13:00/mile. For the first half I did that. I slowed down and around mile 15 felt the same big, honkin' blisters starting on the ball of my feet. Right behind the middle toe. When I walked it hurt. When I ran it felt as if my feet were tearing. Much like 2010 I did some math. Realizing I could walk and not get swept, I walked. Pace for the second half was closer to 17:00.

There's got to be something in my stride/strike. Maybe it's when I get tired. Maybe it's the stuttering stride in traffic. I don't know. The two times I've done 20 mile long runs it hasn't happened. Frustrating and disappointing, but the bling and sense of accomplishment brings it all into focus.

I traveled with our friend Robin. She grew up in central FL and went to the MK a lot as a kid. Hadn't been back for long time. I got to show her AK and DHS. We arrived Friday around 7:30. Checked into Pop and headed for Epcot for Illuminations. DHS was evening EE. We got to ride ToT and RnRC. She screamed.

Saturday I took a short run - mostly to make sure I had everything I would need Sunday. Then it was off to the expo - E! We hit AK for the safari, ITTBAB and FOTLK. EE was down and not looking good. Flame Tree for lunch. We went to Downtown Disney. Robin was hoping to find an Eeyore sweatshirt, but the 100 Acre Woods gang has fallen out of favor.

We went to bed around 9:00 with two alarms and a wake up call set for 2:30. I was out the door a little before 3:00. Every year brings tales of bus catastrophes - this year sounds like BWV may have had some runners miss the start. I'm too much of a control freak to let this much planning rest on catching a bus. I drove to Epcot, ate a bagel in the car and napped for 45 minutes.

Running through the parks is fun, but it's only, what four, five miles of the 26. That's a lot of two lane roads to chew through. I enjoyed the entire weekend. It was as if the race was just what I had to do Sunday morning. Robin was able to see me on Main Street and at the Poly. She went to Epcot got to ride Soarin' and the Land. Then she saw me at Spaceship Earth and it was done!

After an ice bath we went to the MK and rode and strolled. We had ressies for the Wishes dessert party. No way we got our money's worth in dessert, but waiting for the fireworks without the crowding was wonderful and easily worth the price.

We returned to the MK Monday and just soaked up the Disney atmosphere. I got a step workout at the Swiss Family Treehouse.

I'm a little sore. The feet feel better. I'm a marathoner.

Awesome Ronda!! Thanks for the report!

I get those blisters sometimes too, exactly where you are talking about, just behind the toes on the ball of the foot. Usually it's when I am doing more miles than I have before, or am ramping up again after some time off.

Was 20 the furthest you had gone?

Oh, and on a completely different note, the DIS has gone nuts for me. It's showing posting times not-quite-an-hour different. This post says 10:42PM for me, and it's 9:51 here.


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