Team 'Ohana 2009: No One Left Behind

Jeanne: We saw Billy Idol in concert after the VA Beach 1/2 marathon last year! He was awesome, and my kids are now BIG fans! He looks great and had a lot of energy during the concert!

Team 'Ohana Update:

Please welcome two more members to the family: Kathy (MomofTwoGirls) and DOOD.

:cheer2: WELCOME KATHY! We're glad you found us! :grouphug:

As for DOOD. Yes, that DOOD; he's not going to be posting here, but he IS going to track his miles/minutes as part of our team--baby steps into the dark side of WISH! :rotfl2:
JenG: Congratulations on your first 1/2 marathon. You did a fabulous job, and set a great PR time at your race. :woohoo: We're looking forward to reading the Race Report and hearing all the details. Maria's right--you were the most active cousin yesterday, I'm sure. And you set the bar high for the rest of us! :thumbsup2

Robert: I can't begin to imagine the hassles of trying to find attorneys in FL, in addition to all the doctor's visits and expenses. There's never a good time for this to happen, but especially in this economy.... In general, I think it's economic times like these that reveal the customer ethos of a business, for better and (as it sounds in this case) for worse. I'm sorry it happened to you and Linda, as I know you've got so much on your plate already. :sad1:

Vic: Aw, Vic. Methinks you protesteth too much. Obviously, I need to buy you a drink or two the next time we meet just to loosen those tight lips of yours. ;)

Beth: Billy Idol. *Sigh* Snarling bad boys are a weakness of mine!
Congrats, JenG....way to go on your first marathon!!!! Another virgin bites the dust! :cool1: Awesome time, too!

Vic and Beth: :wave2: Thanks for visiting! I notice Vic has a Goofy logo.....another brave soul about to test previously untested waters....want some company? :crazy2: I guess I'll make my final decision when Robert starts reporting that registration is over 90% full. Still trying to convince jackie that she should do it. It sure does help to have a training buddy closeby.

WELCOME, KATHY!!!!!! :welcome:

Just jump right in......I know we're a pretty scary bunch, but we're nice, really we are. :rolleyes:

So did all my R&R buddies catch Bruce last night? Ever since Sopranos, I can't look at VanZant and not think of Sylvio! Yo, bada bing!
So glad I could get us off to a good start Feb 1!

Reposting a trip report I wrote on the DL Divas thread with all the details of the race. Now that I've gotten my first race over with, maybe I can put the Ohana team in my sig ;)

There's a link straight to the pics at the end, if the reports a little too detailed to read. ;)


In researching potential races, it didn’t take me long to realize that this marathon stuff could lead to some pretty nice vacations. I, of course, pondered the Disneyland marathon for August 2008, but I just didn’t have enough time to train. So I put DL on the back burner and found another race which was close, in Huntington Beach. It was perfect: in February so I had time to train, nice weather and a completely flat course. Plus, not a bad vacation destination spot to dangle as a carrot to inspire me to train.

I think I can say that I remained pretty focused and calm during my months of training. Stayed the course, put in the hours and hard work and didn’t get too emotional about the whole challenge. I met my trainer two weeks before the event and he asked me if I was getting nervous and I just wasn’t. I was calm and collected. Well that lasted about 5 more days and then, ah, I started getting SO anxious. Would my leg and foot bother me? What if I had to go to the bathroom during the race? What if I couldn’t handle all the crowds? What if? What if? What if? And why did I sign up for this stupid race in the first place? :crazy2:

Funny, that last week, I couldn’t even get excited about going on a mini-vacation. It wasn’t feeling like fun, unfortunately. My mom told me to look at this race as a party, not a test – which helped a lot. And she and grandpa were supportive and eager to take the boys and dog for the weekend. We flew out on Sunday at 11am on Jet Blue from Oakland to Long Beach. The flight was all of an hour, with individual tvs and I love the Long Beach airport. It takes all of two minutes to walk through the airport and get a cab and we were at the hotel about 30 minutes after the plane landed. The Hyatt was lovely. Our room wasn’t ready, so they put us in a pool/ocean view room that was well appointed with mini fridge, large bathroom, king size bed and couch.

Immediately after bringing our bags to the room and then went straight to the expo to pick up my race number and tshirt. I felt really awkward – not knowing what to do, where to get things, what I was supposed to get. I just wanted to already be experienced and know what to do and not feel so “fresh.” Plus, I was completely focused on my foot and leg, worrying that they were going to bother me the next day. My DH and I managed to navigate through the expo and get the shirt and number and all was pretty simple.

Then we had an afternoon just to relax and have fun. My DH enjoyed several beers, but I didn’t have anything, as my trainer told me not to drink any alcohol the day before the race. I was drinking lots of water with electrolytes and had some protein and carbs for lunch to get some fuel in me. We then went to the hot tub where DH continued having beers and I had more water and tried to massage out all my aches and pains. From there we went to the beach and enjoyed a beautiful sunset. I was a bit preoccupied and singularly focused, however, and didn’t even want to walk on the sand in fear that it might make my foot hurt more. I’m sure I was an absolute joy to be with for DH.

Thanks to the several beers my DH drank, he fell asleep at 8pm, which was perfect as I could order my breakfast for the next morning, request a wake up call and get to bed by 9pm. I couldn’t believe it, but I slept just fine and had a good 8 hours plus sleep before my alarm went off at 5:30 (and then the wakeup call at 5:45). I was told to get up two hours before the race to get ready, so I did. Had a bath to warm up and relax my muscles, did some warm up exercises and lots and lots of stretching. Pinned on my number, got my race tag on my shoes, and my little back pack filled up with water, iTunes and electrolyte snacks for the race. I also had a little map with all the distances marked off and the times I should be at those distances, assuming a 12 minute mile. Another GREAT tip from my trainer.

At this point, we braved the crowds. Wow, there were a lot of people. WAY more than those lines for early morning entry at DL I found my corral of people who had the same estimated completion time. I figured I could do the 13 miles in about 2 hours and 30 minutes. We waited huddled together and then finally it was our turn to start and we were OFF! I resisted the urge to keep up with others and stayed SLOW. My trainer had told me again and again NOT to make the mistake to start off too fast, so I let others pass me and kept my pace. It took at least a mile to feel warmed up so I could go a little faster. I didn’t think I would enjoy running with so many people and unfortunately, I didn’t. But it wasn’t so bad that I would avoid another race. I just had to put on my music and focus on myself and my pace and how I was feeling and not worry about the others.

The first couple of miles I was still kind of nervous trying to get my stride. The next three miles were great. I was feeling a bit of a runners’ high and going faster and passing people and enjoying my music and the experience. I looked at my map and it didn’t seem far until I would get to the turnaround point where I could go back toward the finish line. Unfortunately, that little map that I printed out was not to scale and that quick jaunt to the end of the street turned out to the longest 3 miles of the race. That was the NOT fun part of the half marathon for me. I could see thousands of people running in front of me, thousands of people on the other side of the street running the other way and if I peaked back endless people behind me. At one point I just stared at my shadow and refused to look at all the people and just ran – step by step by step. It seemed to take forever until I reached the turnaround point. Fortunately, the race went smoother from there.

At this point, I had completed about 8 miles, so I was more than half way done. I had some aches in my foot and leg and hip joints, but nothing which prevented me from continuing my pace. My running was slow, but still strong, and if anything my pace was a little faster now, as I wasn’t so worried about conserving energy for the race, since I had only five miles left. I just had to “keep on running, keep on running, keep on swimming, uh, I mean running.” My RUN RUN RUN soundtrack that DH made me was now over, so I put on a playlist of DISNEY tunes. And as I saw people on the side cheering the runners, I imagined my DISboard WISH board giving me a virtual cheer and ran on!

I had my own water in my Camelback, but it was starting to run low, so I started taking in the water and electrolyte drinks that volunteers were distributing. There were a LOT of very nice volunteers on this race who I appreciated so much. And all the people racing were kind and courteous. I kept on running and was feeling pretty strong and energetic and then I got to mile 10. Oh, that felt good! Only three miles left. I was almost done. At this point, the crowds weren’t as thick and we were running on the ocean side of the street, so there was a nice view. I decided I could pick up my pace a little bit, as there was no point in not using up all my energy this race. Well that faster pace lasted about ½ mile and then I decided to go back a little slower. This was definitely the FUNNEST part of the race. As you could feel the excitement grow, there were more people on the sidelines cheering us on, and the anxiety that I might not finish the race dissipated.

When I got down to the last half a mile, I started looking out for my DH. I wanted him to see that I was still energetic and going strong and to get a pic so everyone could see. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t find him in all the crowds. Well I wasn’t going to waste time looking around and just kept running in to the FINISH! I crossed the finish line trying to smile for the picture (which I’m sure will be just awful despite my attempts and self delusion that I was looking OK) and within seconds someone handed me a medal, and then someone handed me an electrolyte drink and then I just kept on walking until after a few minutes I was back in my hotel room and it was done. I made the race in about 2 and ½ hours (don’t know the exact time, but think that was about right according to my watch), called my DH and he left the crowds and came back to the room to find me and give me the snickers I had asked him to give me after the race.

I was DONE. I FINISHED! I had DH take a few pictures on the balcony of me and my medal and then proceeded to take an ice bath to tend to those inflamed and achy muscles. After that, it was a short swim in the gorgeous pool and then two beers and a greasy sandwich with a plate full of greasy fries. No more worrying about nutrition…I just ate what I wanted and drank more than I should and made it to the airport with a big smile on my face wearing my new Hunting Beach half marathon shirt!

And here are a few pics on Picasa:
Personally, I'm a huge Billy Idol fan...Rebel Yell and Cradle of Love!

WTG JenG!!!!!!! :cheer2: Congrats...great race report! sorry about Linda...we had some spotty service at Big River, but they never dropped furniture on us. I hope there's no nerve damage. Are y'all coming back for Princess?

Kathy....Great to see you here!!!! Welcome to Ohana!!!

Marcy...tell us about raw food cheffery! Is that like whole food? I've been trying to get off the processed stuff with little luck.

Jeanne...thought Bruce looked and sounded great last night. How old is he 60?

Maria...saw the trailer for the new Star Trek movie during Superbowl. Looks great, but don't think I'll be able to reconcile it with the old series. Doesn't appear like any Shatner-style acting in the new flick. I love the old series for how campy it seems now...the mood lighting just kills me!

Debra...official welcome to DOOD and his team participation!! I'm not having much luck with the theme song. I'd have to say there are different ones for different times of my life. I asked DOOM what he thought and he said when we met (I was coming off a divorce), it was the Alanis Morrissette song, You Oughta Know. I'm much less bitter now. ;)

We got Lost from Netflix. pretty interesting so far...we're half way through season 1. No spoilers, but is it like that old book (was it HG Wells) Island of Dr. Moreau? that's the first thing I thought when the polar bear showed up.

So do we just report miles/minutes at the end of each month...broken down by activity?
Ok, I'm off to read another chapter -- Guess who finally got Plum Spooky from the library?!

Maria :upsidedow

I just got the email from the library that my copy is ready for pickup! :cool1: Now I must admit the real reason I asked to join 'Ohana... somewhere along AK during the marathon, Debra and I were discussing our teams from last year and I was confessing that I hadn't been real happy with mine since we weren't very chatty, and she told me that there were lots of book discussions on 'Ohana. The rest is history - I knew where I wanted to be!

JenG - Great job on your first half! :cheer2: And what a fabulous race report. I'm very envious - when I read about Huntington Beach, I immediately knew I wanted to do that one. There's just a small problem of about 3000 miles, :rolleyes2 but my sister lives in SF, and I have cousins in Huntington Beach, so maybe one day...

Jeanne - I can always train for Goofy, even if I don't actually do it. :) I'm seriously considering Richmond or OBX as an alternative for a full if funds aren't available for Disney, plus the timing is much better with the Galloway schedule. I'll have all the big mileage done during the regular season, so even if I add a Disney race I can just keep doing more of the same. And Bruce was great last night! Even Annie, who wasn't expecting much from him, had to admit he was better than she expected!

:welcome: Kathy & DOOD!

I've registered for the Krispy Kreme Challenge this weekend, along with DD and her best friend. For those not familiar with it:

The Krispy Kreme Challenge started in December 2004 as a dare between a few NC State undergraduate students. Sophomore Ben Gaddy took home bragging rights that afternoon, running the race in 34 minutes and 27 seconds. After receiving positive coverage from campus news papers and being placed as #85 on the "102 More Things You Gotta Do Before You Graduate" by Sports Illustrated: On Campus, organizers decided to publicize the Krispy Kreme Challenge and turn it into something that would not only be an event to bring together people from all over the country, but also to benefit important causes along the way. Since then, the Krispy Kreme Challenge has managed to raise over $30,000 for the NC Children's Hospital and has brought together people from all corners of the US.

The race begins on campus, runs 2 miles to the local KK, where you eat a dozen donuts, then run the 2 miles back, all in under an hour. This year they've added a "casual" category, where you're not required to eat all 12 donuts - I opted for that one! ESPN will be there this year to cover the race - they're expecting around 5000 runners. Seemed like a good excuse not to do my LR on Saturday!

Jackie: see you Saturday morning! Actually I didn't even ask you about it because of the "conflict of interest" issues :rotfl2:, but I'm so glad you'll be doing it. I wonder if Wendy is in this year...... We'll be casual runners also. Even though we're not doing the challenge, we still get a box of a dozen donuts to take home so don't forget to bring a little race bag to carry them.

JenG: great race report!

DOOD: :welcome: (almost forgot that yesterday!)
Hello Cousins!

Debra - Puddin' meat - yikes! The things we do for love, right? I hope you at least had some bourbon to wash the puddin' meat down. :drinking1 Sorry to hear about the fender bender, but at least there were no injuries.

Jackie - :welcome: The Krispy Kreme Challenge sounds like a lot of fun. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Tracy, Bryan, & Connie - :wave: Thanks for visiting!

Kathy & DOOD - :welcome:

Robert - Sorry to hear about Linda's foot. Here's some pixiedust: for a speedy recovery.

Maria - It's a small world after all...(sorry if you now have that song stuck in your head). It would be great to meet up at the Honan race. I may have my kidlets with me also. Maybe we can leave all of the kids with your SIL so we can run. She wouldn't mind an extra kid , or two, or three, right? :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: Actually, if we have the kids with us, we might put the baby in the jogging stroller and encourage the other two to try to run. I'm not sure how that will go over, so I really hope I can get a sitter. Are you ready for more snow today? :scared1:

Jeanne - You can add me to the growing list of Billy Idol fans! White Wedding was always one of my favorites too, but for different reasons...:rolleyes1

Jen G - Great race report! Congrats on your first half marathon! :cheer2:

Mel - Hi. :wave2:

As for me, I finally got out and ran Sunday and Monday. The sidewalks are still really icy though and the snowbanks leave no extra room to run in the street. We are getting another 3-6 inches of snow today. :sad1: I spent most of the day yesterday trying to score a hotel room on the Last Minute Travel website - with no luck. Apparently, I was a bit preoccupied at times while trying to score a room and wasn't paying enough attention to DS2. So, does anyone know how to get blue crayon off of light maple wooden cabinets? :blush:
Jackie: The Krispy Kreme race sounds like a blast-- a relatively guiltless box of donuts is always fun, although that 2nd 2 miles with a stomach full of grease might not be too fun :crazy2:

JenG: congrats on the 1/2, it sounds like fun and the setting looks beautiful

I'm now in full swing for the Princess 1/2 training. I actually managed 8 miles yesterday and a 12 min per mile pace which is pretty good for me.. hopefully I'll be able to keep that up for the whole race.
To SAY......................

Welcome DOOD! :cheer2: :cheer2: BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! We'll have him converted to the dark side sooner or later!!!:darth:

- Since I'm a preschool teacher, I'm all too familiar with crayon marks on walls. Try spraying WD-40 on the crayon marks, then wipe off with a paper towel until all marks, and WD-40 residue is gone. :thumbsup2 Good luck! You can also look on the Crayola website. They have lots of tips on how to get their products off of different surfaces. :rolleyes1
Allie, thanks so much for the tips on crayon removal. As a preschool teacher, I'm sure you're an expert on such matters. :upsidedow DS2 is my third child, so you'd think I'd know better than to leave him alone with crayons. My older two kids just never got into trouble, but this little guy, well, "trouble" is his middle name. :rotfl:
What about one of those Mr. Clean magic erasers? Those things are, well, magic!

Sorry - I had a long post written up and then got distracted and then the browser froze, so now it's gone. :(

Regarding the weight loss tracking - I don't know if we want to do % or just total lbs lost. I'm kind of in favor of just tracking pounds, but if there is a general leaning toward %, I'm not vehemently opposed.

I also propose that we count all weight lost in 2009, so if you lost in January, I think that should count. Any opposed?

Welcome to our new additions!

I am running frantically for Cabaret now - we open in a week and a half. My new mileage and minuteage tracking system is working well so far. I'm proud to be getting the workouts in spite of all the other hoo-ha right now.

Take care, cousins!
My cabinets are crayon-free now. Corinna, thanks for the Mr. Clean eraser question. I don't know why I didn't think of that. I opted for that instead of WD40 since my little guy was underfoot.

I don't know if it's just me, but whenever I get one of those magic eraser thingies out to clean something, I end up walking around the house looking for more things to clean. They're just so amazing.

Corinna, it's great to hear that you're able to keep up with your workouts even when the rest of your world is so busy. :thumbsup2
Glad the magic eraser worked for you! :thumbsup2 I'll remember that for the future. :idea:

I also remind my kids that you only draw/color on paper. ::yes::
I've been busy... here it is!

Real-Life Name: Jen
Location: Central WI
Family/Household: Me, DH, DD8 (Emma), DDalmost 6 (Kate)
Age: almost 37
Day Job: Currently I work at home as an independent contractor

Describe your running/walking/biking/swimming/XT background: I ran track in grade school, mostly sprinting. Then I gained weight, and didn’t do anything until college when I wanted to lose weight. I ran with my dog privately. Then nothing until I was challenged 3 years ago by someone I knew to run the WDW ½ marathon because I always wanted to. So I started training again because he was going to do it with me… he didn’t but WISH did!!
What accomplishments are you most proud of in 2008? 2008 was all about survival for me. I had more personal problems and issues than should be legal. I could write a book about how horrible and soap opera-y my year was. But I survived and even had a PR in the ½ marathon in May!
What are your WISH goals for 2009? PR’s all the way baby. I am on a comeback. I can not let life’s problems conquer me. I want to PR in the 5K and ½ marathon! Oh and lose weight. I gained last year… so this extra baggage HAS to come off once and for all. I dream for those pre-baby years weight!
Planned events for 2009/2010? (Event, place, date, distance)
I “think” I am doing the Green Bay ½ marathon in May. No other races are scheduled, but I want to try to fit in more 5K’s and other close races as they keep me motivated.
What do you do for fun (besides DIS)? HA…. Well, I do just about everything. I have a side hobby where I design and make custom childrens clothing and accessories. I also knit, crochet and quilt. We also do a lot of camping and I love to garden. I am sure there are more things.
Favorite DIS-friendly curse word. (With apologies to James Lipton.) “SHUTUP!” As is “NO WAY!”. But I had to stop saying it because the kids yelled at me that it is a bad word.
In the soundtrack of your life, your theme song would be…. “Suddenly I See” has really hit a place with me. “We’re all in this Together” makes me cry as that is the song the choir was singing at the end of my first ½ marathon at WDW (yes I started crying then too!)
Interesting fact or anecdote about yourself. Blackmail-able stories are welcomed! Well, my life has been a crazy mess, so we will skip over that. DH and I met at a local cheese festival (Ha Ha, I know, only in Wisconsin!) and I didn’t like him but my friend did (note, she was older than me and DH is younger than me…weird). He didn’t like her, but he liked me. So I flirted with him just because and well… the rest is history! THEN… I found out that I knew him from somewhere before and low and behold I saw him get in trouble for cheating about 4 years prior!!!)
Real-Life Name: Jennifer
Location: Castro Valley, CA (SF East Bay)
Family/Household: DH, DS5, DS3
Age: 39
Day Job: Marketing for Tech Company

Describe your running/walking/biking/swimming/XT background: Just started last year and ran my first 1/2 marathon last week! Don't have an athletic background, though I was on a swim team in middle school but wasn't competitive and do ski
What accomplishments are you most proud of in 2008? (WISH related or otherwise) Running around my neighborhood lake - about 9 miles
What are your WISH goals for 2009? I'm turning 40 in December and am looking to accomplish something INCREDIBLE ;)
Planned events for 2009/2010? (Event, place, date, distance) DL 1/2 marathon
What do you do for fun (besides DIS)? Travel, hiking, skiing, gardening
Favorite DIS-friendly curse word. (With apologies to James Lipton.) Dang. I guess. I don't really have one.
In the soundtrack of your life, your theme song would be….Upside Down from Curious George
Interesting fact or anecdote about yourself. Blackmail-able stories are welcomed! I was a Soviet Studies major and spent three years living in Moscow. But I promise, nothing to tell about Russia that is blackmail-able. Well, other than the vodka stories...
Ok, so I'm turning the big 4-0 in just a little over 10 months and would like to have an end of year goal that is worthy of this birthday. I just finished my first 1/2 marathon and am trying to figure out what is the right next challenge.

So I'd like some input on what would be a next good goal. I'll be doing the DL 1/2 in September, but need a longer term end of year race to schedule. Should I think about a marathon? I'm one of those keep reaching higher but don't kill yourself kind of people and I'm not quite sure if a marathon is the right next step. Should I be working on my time? Is there any step in between the 1/2 and the full?

Looks like we have a lot of people who have done the full and the Goofy in the Ohana family. I want to know why I should/shouldn't think about doing the marathon for Dec 2009/Jan 2010? If I've only been running 8 months, is the full an attainable goal? Any run/walk plans that might make the full a little more reachable?

So interested to hear your perspectives. Thanks!
JenG: you can DEFINITELY do the full in 2010......especially after reading how well you did in your recent half! Nancy and I both went from zero to a full in just 11 months.....never thought that would be possible, but we did it. Of course we walked the entire way, which is alot different from running, and our biggest battle was with the clock. With the fabulous time you got on your half, you have plenty of cushion. Maybe you could add some walk/run intervals to make it less taxing...whatever it takes. The one thing I am certain of is that YOU CAN DO IT!


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