TGIF: The College Years

Aw, thanks Jenny! :goodvibes And that's awesome that you'll be done with HS at so young. You'll already be ahead of the game when everyone else is just starting college, that's such a good idea. Do you plan on staying home for college or going away? good luck with everything!

MEEE!!! :lmao: I wish I could live in NYC for the spring, summer and fall and then movie down to Florida for the winter. It's WAY too cold out, I hate it. UGH.

Welcome to the thread! What part of NY are you in?
Well I'll have to stay here until junior year but after that I may actually go away. I really feel the need to go somewhere different and travel! But for now, I'm stuck here.
Have you looked into Licensed Clinical Social Worker? It's a masters degree, I believe there are several different levels of qualifications. Alot of people do psych for undergrad, then the clinical social work as a masters. I know with that degree you can be a therapist, and I'm sure many other things. Something to look into if you decide to major in psych. I'm sorry I don't know too much about it yet.
I haven't actually looked into that, but now I will. I definitely want to work with people, I'm fascinated by them. That's why I thought a people-focused career would do really well. :goodvibes
About You
Name: Lauryn
Nickname: My dad calls me punk-- does that count?
Birth date: September 16
Age: 20
Current Location: Raleigh
Marital Status: Single
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Piercings: 2 holes in each ear--used to have my cartilage but it hurt too bad!
Tattoo: I have a violet in honor of my grandma... but no one ever sees it/knows or thinks i have one!
Five Words To Describe Yourself Best: Intelligent, Kind, Funny, Creative, and Fun-Loving
Favorite Number: 2
Favorite Word: I don't know--i have SO many! probably boosh--referring to anything cute or baby-like in my own language ha
Favorite Catch Phrase: "nah dawg".. and i use a ton of abbreviations all the time (does that count?)
Favorite Quote: Kind of long--BUT it is the philosophy by which i live my life..."To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one's self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived--this is to have succeeded" -Emerson
Favorite Day: Friday!
Favorite Month: April/September
Favorite Holiday: Christmas, My birthday?
Favorite Color: Pink!
Favorite Actor: They don't count, but I am obsessed with Rob and Big
Favorite Actress: i have way too many!
Favorite Band: See my previous posts!
Favorite Song: Probably "Fruitcakes" by Jimmy Buffett-- if you haven't heard it, it is the most truthful song that's ever been written!
Favorite Food: Penne alla Vodka..or anything italian, Mexican
Favorite Drink: Diet Mountain Dew, Diet Dr Pepper, Sweet Tea... and any fruity mixed drink!
Favorite Dessert: Orange Sherbet.. not a chocolate fan
Favorite Candy: Starburst or Skittles
Favorite Fruit: Strawberry
Favorite City: New York or Orlando, obviously!
Favorite Store: Sounds stupid, but...TARGET!
Favorite Book: "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Any of the Traveling Pants Series...and so far, The Poisonwood Bible
Favorite Magazine: People and US Weekly
Favorite Cartoon: When I was younger, Rugrats, Recess, and Pepper Ann.. now that I am a babysitter, the Backyardigans
Favorite TV Show: oh gosh, so so many! Rob and Big, Full House, Saved by the Bell, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters,... the list goes on and on
Favorite Movie: i have so many! anything girly, romantic, or comedic i loove! but..some of my all time faves are: my best friend's wedding, austin powers (1-3), princess diaries, home alone (1-2), wedding crashers, in her many more!
Favorite Sports Team: I live in the heart of the ACC.. especially during basketball season.. MLB- Yankees, NHL- Carolina Hurricanes

Here's my brother and I over Thanksgiving at Myrtle Beach!
I keep forgetting that tomorrow's MLK Day. After being off for a month I don't even know what day it is :lmao: Enjoy you're day off!

I'm completely jealous about you being so close to a Margaritaville! The closest one to NYC is the one they're opening at Mohegan Sun in CT this summer but that's still a good three hours away. I just found out that there are a few Cheeseburger in Paradise's on Long Island and in Jersey. They're part of the Margaritaville franchise and are owned by Jimmy Buffett but I don't know if the restaurant's as good. Have you ever been?

Hey Melissa! I'm jumping in before I even make my introduction post ;)

We have a Cheeseburger in Paradise here & it's alot of fun! I love the whole atmosphere of the place. (Tropical/Beachy) Ours will usually have a band playing or someone singing - it's great. If you can get over to one, I definately suggest checking it out! :thumbsup2
Wow! I'm so glad this board has taken off so quickly! :goodvibes
Lots of psych majors!! Look like I'm the ONLY one who doesn't like it.
(it's REALLY interesting, but I can't get my head around the functions and different parts of the brain :headache: )

I lov reading everyones surveys too!! Great way to get to know each other!
And Melissa you are totally gorgeous!!

About You
Name: Caitlin
Nickname: Caitie or Keekee
Birth date: May 6
Birthplace: Montreal, Quebec
Age: 18
Current Location: Toronto, Ontario
Marital Status: In Love :lovestruc
Ethnicity: Canadian?/Scottish
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color:Brown
Piercings: Ears
Tattoo: None yet, hopefully for my 19th bday though :)
Five Words To Describe Yourself Best: Creative, Passionate, Imaginative, Original, Outgoing

Favorite Number: 3
Favorite Word: Darjeeling
Favorite Day: Friday
Favorite Month: May
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Actor: John Krasinski, Adrien Brody & Leo Dicaprio
Favorite Actress: KATE WINSLET :lovestruc
Favorite Female Singer: Tracy Chapman
Favorite Male Singer: Jack Johnson, Frank Sinatra & Rufus Wainwright
Favorite Band: ACK! I couldn't choose one
Favorite Song: 'Change' by Tracy Chapman, 'Lovestoned' by Justin Timberlake & Anything by Jack Johnson
Favorite Music Video: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing by Jack Johnson
Favorite Food: Vietnamese (L)
Favorite Drink: Tea
Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Mousse
Favorite Candy: Reeses Pieces
Favorite Fruit: Grapefruit
Favorite City: Paris
Favorite Store: Hollister
Favorite Book: A Prayer for Owen Meany
Favorite Magazine: Teen Vogue
Favorite Cartoon: Doug
Favorite TV Show: The Office, Extras, Arrested Development
Favorite Movie: Titanic, The Departed, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

(sorry its so big, it's from facebook hehe)
I lov reading everyones surveys too!! Great way to get to know each other!
And Melissa you are totally gorgeous!!

Thank you, so are you!!! Everyone's so cute and I'm so glad that everyone's getting into this thread :thumbsup2

Hey Melissa! I'm jumping in before I even make my introduction post ;)

We have a Cheeseburger in Paradise here & it's alot of fun! I love the whole atmosphere of the place. (Tropical/Beachy) Ours will usually have a band playing or someone singing - it's great. If you can get over to one, I definately suggest checking it out! :thumbsup2

Yay, welcome! :goodvibes :lmao: I'm so glad you made your way over here!

I forgot to add my favorite Disney movies from a past post. The Little Mermaid was always my favorite, but Aladdin has recently passed it. I love both of them but Aladdin a little bit more, mainly for the music. And robin Williams! And Aladdin down at Disney is usually really, really cute :lmao: I also love Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Hercules... mainly the musicals!
HI MELLY MEL! I'm over here! Well...I will have to do the survey when I have more time!
You can't get bored here, there's always something going on even if it's something completely simple and random :lmao: I know Poughkeepsie, though! It's not that far from here, like 2 and a half hours-ish? I think?

yea, it's like an hour and and half train ride, so it's not too far.

and for my little introduction!
About You
Name: Andrea
Nickname: none lol
Birth date: June 17
Birthplace: CT
Age: 19
Current Location: poughkeepsie, NY
Marital Status: dating someone
Ethnicity: everything lol
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color:blue
Piercings: Ears
Tattoo: working on my mom for this one ;) i want a word on my foot
Five Words To Describe Yourself Best: quirky, creative, active, spontaneous, sarcastic

Favorite Number: 7
Favorite Word: bittersweet
Favorite Day: saturday
Favorite Month: june
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Color: blue (teal)
Favorite Actor: John Belushi, Johnny Depp
Favorite Actress: ....noone in particular lol
Favorite Female Singer: aretha franklin
Favorite Male Singer: too many... tom petty
Favorite Band: lol could never choose one. maybe red hot chili peppers
Favorite Song: it changes every week or so, but right now "Come on get higher" by Matt Nathanson
Favorite Music Video: none in particular
Favorite Food: croissants
Favorite Drink: diet coke or diet dr pepper
Favorite Dessert: warm brownie with ice cream...mmmm
Favorite Candy: mike n ikes
Favorite Fruit: grapes lately
Favorite City: venice
Favorite Store: charlotte russe
Favorite Book: i read constantly so this is impossible. some tops: the outsiders by s.e. hinton, les miserables by hugo, any fitzgerald or hemingway
Favorite Magazine: fitness
Favorite Cartoon: family guy/south park
Favorite TV Show: lost-only show i watch
Favorite Movie: kids, elephant, the princess bride, edward scissorhands, peter pan

HI MELLY MEL! I'm over here! Well...I will have to do the survey when I have more time!

Heeey!!!!!!!!! My favorite Diser :goodvibes :lmao: I'm so glad you made your way over here!!

See, college has to come along and get in the way of Dis time ;) Good luck today!
OoO fun survey. Yay for procrastination! :) ((I sooo should be reading for class right now...))

About You
Name: Laura
Nickname: just Laura... lol
Birth date: April 21st
Birthplace: Toms River, NJ
Age: 19
Current Location: Gettysburg, PA
Marital Status: Single
Ethnicity: Italian
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Piercings: Ears
Tattoo: none
Five Words To Describe Yourself Best: Outgoing, Intelligent, Crazy, Creative, Lazy

Favorite Number: 21
Favorite Word: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. :)
Favorite Catch Phrase: "gross" -The Pajama Men (a zany improv group)
Favorite Quote: "Don't give up fighting til nothing else stands in your way. Don't give up fighting until there's nothing left to say. And no matter what you do, don't ever compromise what you believe." (i have no idea who said this..)
Favorite Day: Friday
Favorite Month: April
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Actor: Christian Bale, James McAvoy
Favorite Actress: Anne Hathaway, Reese Witherspoon
Favorite Female Singer: Carrie Underwood
Favorite Male Singer: Justin Timberlake, Billy Joel
Favorite Band: The Fray
Favorite Song: oh wow... um, current favorite song is "Ever Ever After" by Carrie Underwood from the Enchanted soundtrack...
Favorite Music Video: I haven't watched music videos in such a long time... but I do remember Nsync's "I Drive Myself Crazy" a funny video!
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Drink: Snapple Kiwi Strawberry, Lemonade, Diet Coke
Favorite Dessert: Ice cream
Favorite Candy: Kit kat
Favorite Fruit: oranges and strawberries
Favorite City: NYC
Favorite Store: NY&Co
Favorite Book: "Angels in America" by Tony Kushner, "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown, "Hamlet" by Shakespeare
Favorite Magazine: People
Favorite Cartoon: the old school Mickey Mouse cartoons. :)
Favorite TV Show: Degrassi, Brothers and Sisters, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives
Favorite Movie: Newsies, the Pirates trilogy, Saved, Center Stage, League of their Own, Dirty Dancing, That Thing You Do, Hercules, National Treasure, Moulin Rouge, Dead Poets Society, West Side Story, Angels in America, Shakespeare in Love, Enchanted... I could go on forever... lol
Favorite Sports Team: Giants (woot woot, Superbowl!!!) and Yankees

Photo of yourself:
Favorite Sports Team: Giants (woot woot, Superbowl!!!) and Yankees


:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Did you see that game on Sunday?! What a game!

And I love the Anthony Rapp avatar in your sig. I used to have a Rent one in mine... can you believe it's closing?!!!!!!!! They keep showing "Come see Rent one last time" commercials here and I :sad1: every time!
So what is everyone's schedule like for classes?

I'm only taking 4 classes this semester, and I've got thursdays completely off (woot!)

here's what my schedule is like:
MWF 9-10am (yuck!)Functional French 4
MWF 10-11 am Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
MWF 1-2pm Narrative (english)

Tues 11-1 Psychology Practical
Tues 2-4pm Intro to Psychology

And does everyone live on residence? Or do some of you commute like me
(I have a 30 minute commute by car to school everyday)
Aww this is awesome that we have our little DIS college thread going! :goodvibes

About You
Name: Rachel
Nickname: Rach
Birth date: August 24
Birthplace: Columbia, MD
Age: 19
Current Location: Ellicott City, MD since I'm on winter break still....but Towson, MD when I go back to college next week!
Marital Status: Single
Ethnicity: A whole lotta German and some Swiss
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Piercings: One in each ear
Tattoo: None...maybe someday, though
Five Words To Describe Yourself Best: Friendly, Intelligent, Funny, Procrastinator, Fun-loving

Favorite Number: 8
Favorite Word: ridiculous
Favorite Catch Phrase: "...that's what she said." I don't even watch the office, my friend just says this in a really funny voice and it cracks me up every time! :rotfl2:
Favorite Quote: It's in my signature - "Somehow I can't believe there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C's. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy and the greatest of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably." -Walt Disney
I wrote one of my college essays based on this quote, and still try to follow it.
Favorite Day: Friday!
Favorite Month: June
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Color: Pink and blue
Favorite Actor: Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hanks, James Marsden (just came to this conclusion recently lol), Gerard Butler
Favorite Actress: Drew Barrymore, Amanda Bynes, Katherine Heigl
Favorite Female Singer: Ella Fitzgerald
Favorite Male Singer: Bobby Darin
Favorite Band: The Feeling, Maroon 5, Smash Mouth, The Fray
Favorite Song: too many...I always love "Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darin, though.
Favorite Music Video: "Here It Goes Again" - OK Go. Cliche I know, but I just can't get over the treadmills, so cool! :lmao:
Favorite Food: mashed potatoes, Mexican, Italian
Favorite Drink: Water, Orange Soda, Juice, mixed drinks
Favorite Dessert: anything chocolate will do nicely, especially cake! ;)
Favorite Candy: break me off a piece of that kit kat bar!
Favorite Fruit: grapes
Favorite City: NYC, Baltimore (it's not even that great, but it's my home city...I still love it :) )
Favorite Store: Target!
Favorite Book: children's - Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. "grown-up" - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
Favorite Magazine: People
Favorite Cartoon: Aw man remember the weekenders and pepper ann? I miss those :sad1:
Favorite TV Show: Desperate Housewives, American Idol, BOY MEETS WORLD (oh how I miss it!), Will & Grace
Favorite Movie: Ever After, Love Actually, Mean Girls, P.S. I Love You, Center Stage, Hook, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan....I could on and on, these are just a few of my favorites.
Favorite Sports Team: Orioles and Ravens.....I stick by my home team even when they fail miserably! :rotfl:

Me at High Tea at the Grand Floridian this past Thanksgiving:
And I love the Anthony Rapp avatar in your sig. I used to have a Rent one in mine... can you believe it's closing?!!!!!!!! They keep showing "Come see Rent one last time" commercials here and I :sad1: every time!

I know, I can't believe it either!!!! :sad2: Although I saw it back in August when Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal came back for a few weeks, and it was AMAZING with them, I'm pretty sure I never would have gone to see it again after that lol, I don't think anything could top it! :worship: But I still think it's a shame it's closing :sad1:
So what is everyone's schedule like for classes?

And does everyone live on residence? Or do some of you commute like me
(I have a 30 minute commute by car to school everyday)

my schedules everywhere lol. mon an 11 and a 5, tues 11, 330, and 5, you get the idea. only one 11 am class though! which is god because I am NOT a morning person! :rolleyes:

Although I saw it back in August when Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal came back for a few weeks, and it was AMAZING with them, I'm pretty sure I never would have gone to see it again after that lol, I don't think anything could top it! :worship:

I saw RENT before the movie ever came out, so I saw it with them as well, and I loved it. I dont think i could see it without them because I've only seen them in the musical and the movie lol. anyone else would sound weird to me now.
I forgot to add my favorite Disney movies from a past post. The Little Mermaid was always my favorite, but Aladdin has recently passed it. I love both of them but Aladdin a little bit more, mainly for the music. And robin Williams! And Aladdin down at Disney is usually really, really cute :lmao: I also love Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Hercules... mainly the musicals!

Agreed! :rotfl:
So what is everyone's schedule like for classes?

I'm only taking 4 classes this semester, and I've got thursdays completely off (woot!)

here's what my schedule is like:
MWF 9-10am (yuck!)Functional French 4
MWF 10-11 am Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
MWF 1-2pm Narrative (english)

Tues 11-1 Psychology Practical
Tues 2-4pm Intro to Psychology

And does everyone live on residence? Or do some of you commute like me
(I have a 30 minute commute by car to school everyday)

Your schedule sounds great compared to mine! For the past two and a half years I've had Tuesdays and Fridays off, and now for the first time ever I have to go in all five days :headache: I couldn't fit my classes in and this is gonna suck :lmao:

M 9:25 - 12:05 The Oral Presentation of Children's Literature

T 10:50 - 12:05 Core Art
12:15 - 1:30 Psych: Cognitive Development

W 8:25 - 10:25 Student Teaching
1:40 - 3:20 Integrated Methodologies for Literacy Instruction

Th 9:25 - 12:05 Education and Literacy: An Integrative Approach to Language Arts
12:15 - 1:30 Psych: Cognitive Development

F 10:50 - 12:05 - Core Art
Here's a picture from about a year ago. I couldn't find a good one of me smiling. Anyway, here ya go. All of you guys are so pretty. :goodvibes:

I know, I can't believe it either!!!! :sad2: Although I saw it back in August when Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal came back for a few weeks, and it was AMAZING with them, I'm pretty sure I never would have gone to see it again after that lol, I don't think anything could top it! :worship: But I still think it's a shame it's closing :sad1:

I saw RENT before the movie ever came out, so I saw it with them as well, and I loved it. I dont think i could see it without them because I've only seen them in the musical and the movie lol. anyone else would sound weird to me now.

Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp are the best! I saw Rent with Anthony Rapp and he was as good as always. Has anyone read his book? It's really sad but inspiring. Check it out of your a fan of him, of Rent or just of theater :thumbsup2 I actually saw Adam Pascal in Aida and he was AMAZING! I absolutely love his voice :love:

Here's a picture from about a year ago. I couldn't find a good one of me smiling. Anyway, here ya go. All of you guys are so pretty. :goodvibes:


So are you! Everyone's so cute, no wonder this is the best thread on the Dis ;)
I was sooo sad when I heard Rent was closing. :(
I've seen it twice on Broadway, and one of the times was with Adam and Anthony this summer. I want to see it again before it closes, but I don't think I'm going to. I would rather my last memory be of Adam and Anthony as Roger and Mark. :)
(hah, Over the Moon just came on my itunes, lol)
Oh, and melly, I saw Adam in Aida as well. OMG amazing. haha. I love him.

And talking about schedules, here's mine...
9:00-9:50am Italian 202
2:10-3:25pm Fundamentals of Directing

8:30-9:45am Historical Methods
10:00-11:15am History of the Theatre

And yes, I live on campus. I actually live in house on campus. We have a thing called "Theme Houses" that you come up with a theme, and hold events throughout the year that combines with your theme. I'm in the World Music Appreciation House with my friends, and we live in a house combined with Theatre House. :)


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