Thankful for DVC


DIS Veteran
Mar 30, 2004
I posted this on another thread, but I thought I would post it again - its apropos as we enter our Thanksgiving season and count our blessings.

We have very sadly learned that my DH needs open heart surgery in the next two weeks. He is young - 43, and we have two small children. I am pretty much alone on this bcs we came from bad families and found each other and made a beautiful family. My family, tho far away, has offered to help and my mom is coming back. His family hasn't even called us after they got the news. To say my heart is breaking is an understatement. Not to complain, but my life has been painful (full of loss and tragedies) up to this point, and this is devastating.

But, this is what I want to say. I thank God for the wonderful family memories Disney & DVC gave us. Like all of you, there are so many joyous memories of time spent together there - all of it magic. I thank all of you from the boards for all of the advice you gave us to make these trips wonderful. I am thankful for the moderators & Webmaster Doc who have taken the time to make this board something I check daily - and for the wisdom of veterans like Dean. I am thankful to everyone who helped give us so much happiness at the World- times we are looking back at a lot now.

If the worse happens, my kids have the best memories of their father at a place he loved the most. Through his hard work, their father also gave his family a vacation for the rest of our lives. I don't know that we would have even purchased if I hadn't gotten such great insights from everyone here. (I was a major lurker for a long time...) At least we had three years of marvelous vacations. If all goes well, we will be on a Disney cruise in June.

God bless all of you this holiday season, and hold your loved ones closely. Treasure those wonderful times. I will never regret all the vacations we took. (In fact, DH has been taking his stuff to the hospital in his new DVC bag we got for the 200 point add-on we just did - I am sure we will use it for the longer stay too!)

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family this holiday season. I think having such a positive outlook will definately help in the weeks ahead.

Here's to a very successful operation and many years of enjoying DVC together as a family.
My prayers for you and your whole family. I hope your DH comes back strong from his surgery.

Bobbi :grouphug:
Best of luck with the surgery. I know things like this can be difficult-Happy Thanksgiving.
Prayers for his quick recovery. If he has not had a heart attack, the surgery should give him the results he needs to lead a normal productive life. My Dad had open heart surgery 24 years ago at the age of 57. He is a thriving 81 year old today, and has avoided the heart attack that 24 years ago was iminent. We have some of the best heart doctors here in Minnesota, so he should be fine. Prayers for a quick recovery and the best possible outcome.
I will keep your family in my prayers.
Sending pixie dust :wizard: for your DH to have a successful operation and they'll you'll all be together making more wonderful WDW memories together.
And here is a hug for you all :grouphug:
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for an excellent result from your DH's surgery. :grouphug:
DVC is a blessing. So is family. I give you and DH a lot of credit for moving past some difficult times and forming a strong loving family of your own. it will get you through. Surgery is scary, open heart surgery even more so. Technology is a wonderful thing so your DH should be fine (although sore for awhile :rolleyes: ). My Dad had open heart surgery at 58 adn even though he was (still is) a smoker he did great. His bigggest gripe was being told not to drive for a few weeks after coming home. i will hold you and your Dh and children in my prayers :grouphug: . Please let us know how it goes.
Thank you for this reminder at this time of the year. Our prayers for a speedy recovery and many more magical vacations together. :wizard:
My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope all goes well with the surgery, and he has a quick recovery.
Irish prayers are with you for a successful operation.
I did cry, your story really touched me. With a wife like you, looking on the bright side of things, he can do nothing else but get well soon. It takes strong people to get over their past and move on with life. You both sound like fighters and I'm sure your DH will fight to get well and get on with life (and the cruise and the next 40 years of WDW.)

Your DH and your family will be in my prayers. I wish you all the best. My DH had open heart surgery 5 years ago and I remember how scary it was. (He is fine now.)

Your post also reminded me that memories can be more important than money. DH and I just returned from a Disney trip with our grandson (age 8). We hesitated a little to spend the money as we are going alone in January, but wanted a special trip just with grandson and are so glad we did it. Thanks for putting into perspective what is really important. All the best to you and your family.
at the time of his open heart surgery...
18 years later is a wonderful papa to his 4 grandchildren..
Prayers and peace to you...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Always remember you don't need to be related to be family and the DIS proves it. Keep positive during this difficult time. Annmarie


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