Thanks Podcast team for getting me through a tough time...


Mouseketeer & Disney Vacation Club Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hi Podcast Team,

I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your Podcasts which have really kept me sane over the last few weeks.

About 3 weeks ago, my 78 year old, dear father was admitted to the hospital and he is undergoing several tests. He has been complaining of abdomenal pains, lack of appetite, etc. The doctors are noticing a growth near the pancreas (narrowing of the ducts) and some lesions on his lungs. He had a biopsy on his lungs and we are waiting for the results. It has been an insane few weeks as dad has undergone many tests. We have not received an official diagnosis and therefore the anxiety is a lot to bear.

I have been making the 45 minutes trip every night to see dad at the hospital. I listen to your podcasts in the car which (for those 45 minutes each way) get my mind of things and yes..even make me smile. If it wasn't for your Podcast - I would probably be in tears on the highway 401 from Mississauga to Toronto.

Just wanted you guys to know how much impact you truly have on people like me.

During the holidays, please say a special prayer for my dad. He is a wonderful father and an amazing man. I told dad if he gets better - I will take him to WDW with the whole family (he has never been). His response was, "if I knew that before...I would have gotten sick earlier!"

P.S Also, want you to know that we had a trip planned to WDW in March using my DVC points. I called DVC Member Services about my situation and they have been very accommodating (and kind) - and reassured me that I would not lose my points...gotta love DVC.

Thanks guys....
I hope all goes well with your Father and that you two get to make your trip down together! Sending kind thoughts and prayers to you and your family! :goodvibes
Thank you so much Julie.

Sadly, my father was officially diagnosed 2 days ago with Pancreatic cancer and it has spread to his lungs. We are waiting to talk to the oncologist to find out about treatment options. I know there is no cure but I am hoping we can buy some precious time so I can talk him to the happiest place on earth.


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