The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I'm so sorry to hear this! Really!
Actually distresses me to hear that. I am really sorry to hear that you're going through all this. I'm sure when you went in for your procedure, that this was not something you would have wanted.
Thoughts and prayers that things begin to improve and soon.

Thanks, Friend. It is not at all what I thought I'd experience post-op. Every source I'd read said that even after a couple of days pt's often felt much better than pre-op and things were pretty smooth sailing. My tongue is still half black from biting it, my arm, although a tiny bit better, is still in a TON of pain, and I can feel the local pain med wearing off now in my neck. Just... slow going.
If you want something to read, I’ll give you my own real life update.

I am always interested in my friends' real life happenings, good, bad, or stressful. So thank you for sharing, Jeff!

I've been busy avoiding axes at work.
I've had a rough couple months on the job front to be honest.
Short story is that my company is not doing well and in an effort to get into the black before year end the axes have come out in force.
I had to lay off three of my staff and I really haven't been sure about myself for a while.
I finally received an offer letter this month to move into a different position. So at least I will be OK for a while longer.

EEK!!! That is NOT a fun position to be in, and to have to be the bearer of bad news, especially at this time of year is horrible!! HORRIBLE! I"m really sorry you've been put into that position. :( It makes even the good news of getting spared yourself a litte bittersweet.

The new position involves 12 hour shift work for two weeks and then a week off. I’ve started working day shift, shadowing someone else since there’s so much to learn with this new job. I’ll switch to night shift on 23rd. Yes I know, perfect timing for Christmas. The holidays for me this year are basically a write off. But considering the industry I’m in and many people are stuck offshore on an oil rig, I still consider myself fortunate to be able to go home after 12 hours.

So, wait... not sure i understand... you are working 14 12's in a row and then get a week off. NO days off untill you've worked 14 12's?! Then it's nights?! Oh. My. Gawd! Yes, you still have a job but that's going to be beyond brutal. :(

And keeping in mind the other option was no job, I guess I should count my blessings.

Kudos to staying grateful and optimistic!

There is a very steep learning curve with the new job and to say I’m stressed is an understatement.

I have no words. :worship:

Coupled with trying to adjust the family to me doing 12 hour shifts and not being available for practical stuff like driving DD to dance lessons or helping cook meals, let’s just say life is a bit of a struggle right now. Hopefully we all adjust and things get easier over the next couple months.

And, after having read all of that ^ just related to the work part of it, there's this. this is going to be a rough go on the family too. I'm sure you willl all indeed adjust but it will take time. Be tough, but I'd imagine there will also be a need for "tender" when strings get pulled too tightly. Praying for you during this really tough transition....
Oh, Liesa, I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this pain! I hope the healing on the other side of this recovery will make all the suffering more than worth it! Sending love and pixie dust that this process moves along quickly for you.
It'll pass, just need to be more patient with myself and have realistic expectations of my situation. Kinda wishing our Holiday dinner was Sunday, and not tomorrow, but it'll be what it'll be....
Not the update we were hoping for. I hope your recovery turns a corner soon, and your family takes good care of you when they come to visit. Sending all the healing vibes your way...
Thanks so much Irene. Given all of the pain I still have, I am still grateful for my loved ones who are all able to be here this year, and their willingness to pitch in in various ways. It's a miracle really to be having this sort of gathering at all this year. :goodvibes
Well, the long-standing inevibility of neck surgery has come. After years of putting it off, trying all of the conservative treatments the insurance wants you to go through, and simply living in pain for far too long, I'm having a 2 level (C5-6 and C6-7) cervical decompression and fusion.

Not that I know what that means, but I'm glad to know what you had done.

The good news is that I'll be able to devote more time to writing and editing photos while I'm off so I can speed this TR along a bit.

That's not good news! I'm barely starting to catch up!

So this coming weekend is all about getting ready ahead of time for my Christmas Family Dinner on the 21st,

That't tomorrow! :eek:

Happy Holidays, All!!

Happy Holidays to you!

I hope everything is merry and bright for you!!

I'll let you know when I get my next update going. Hopefully over the weekend.
So, wait... not sure i understand... you are working 14 12's in a row and then get a week off. NO days off untill you've worked 14 12's?! Then it's nights?! Oh. My. Gawd! Yes, you still have a job but that's going to be beyond brutal. :(
Yes so it’s 14 days of 12 hour night shifts, then a week off, then 14 days of day shift, then a week off.
It sounds crazy but keeping in mind that I’m in the oil business it’s not that bad. Many are going offshore for 3 weeks at a time. The oil price crash a few years ago changed the industry for the worse. Equal time (3 weeks on, 3 off) is getting less common. Crazy things like 6 weeks on and 3 off are becoming more routine, and there are people desperate enough to do it. I may have been one of them had this opportunity not come up. Honestly I’m trying to get another few years out of this industry so I can get my mortgage paid off, and then hopefully get out of it for something less stressful (but less pay).
Now it's YOUR turn: What is one real life adventure, outside of Disney, that you want to go on. Let's assume you are in shape and healthy enough to do it. Doesn't have to be physically challenging, so any place you really want to travel to or site you want to see? For me, Disney in a LOT of places around the parks, makes me actually want to GO to those places; World Showcase is especially notorious for that, at least for me.
That was another fun update to read and I am glad you had an awesome AK day with your family. I am hoping to get to Ireland for the first time this summer and I would like to visit the Hebrides in northern Scotland as well. Other places on the list are the Azores, Banff/Lake Louise and getting back to Tofino.
Still having the fam over on Saturday, but obviously they are going to have to entertain themselves. Hopefully 3 more days will make a big difference.

Hope you are all having a really amazing Christmas. :) I'm sure my little party is going to be fun, just need to get over this hump.
I am so sorry to hear that the initial recovery has been rough. I am thinking of you, my friend, and sending many positive thoughts, prayers and healing vibes your way. :hug:
My kids and a few friends have stepped up a little for errands and a bit of help, but I'm REALLY looking forward to my mom getting here tomorrow. Been a rougher go than I'd anticipated and she's very helpful.
She must be there now...
And you must be so relieved!
Everything is done except putting the rub on the lamb, getting the pinapple on the ham, making a gingerbread trifle, and making some cranberries. I'll have loads of help. :)
Ambitious! And delicious!
Very. They all did such a professional and tender job with me. I felt very safe and taken care of.
:) I'm very happy to hear that.
Sadly, so far that's not working out very well. Still loads of pain keeping me up a lot of the night which makes me sleep most of the day (in small chunks), I'm dizzy from the meds and just can't do much of anything. Even getting up from bed to go potty or take those meds is a massive ordeal.
No so happy to hear that.
You wrote this a day ago... I hope it's improved, even if just a little bit.
So the empathy didn't go very far. :laughing:
Well, the guy beside me seemed to care, so...
I'll bet! I just read an article about why (the scientific reason) it's so quiet when it snows. I'm sure it was beautiful with the occasional Northern Lights too.
I can definitely attest to quiet in winter.
Love the Northern Lights.

There was this one time... and this from a guy who used to see them a lot...
I steppe outside around 3am (I was working) and just stopped and gaped at the incredible display going on right above me.
Oh, come on......whether we're Disneyland ajacent or in WDW, I got ya covered for the best places for oysters! And the DL adjacent one has some pretty decent chowder as well!
Chowder? Did someone say chowder???
Because I suck at posing for photos.
:goodvibes It's my AK bracelet.
Only AK? I thought you wore it to Epcot... and I'm probably wrong.
I'll bet you have some amazing stories from living up there!!
A few... see above. :)
Yes, but google says the average Sept high at the Summit is -20F.
Not tooo bad, then.


Maybe? I guess I don't understand why they... don't?
OH NO!!! That is the WORST!!! I've had it really bad in college a million years ago and literally thought I was going to die. I"m so sorry!
All better now. :)
Yes, the samosas are gone. Fries were there as of May. ??
Good. Loved the fries. :)
Risk vs. Return. I'll take WDW for $3,000, Alex.
Only want 1/2 a day?
I like the unique. :)
I've noticed!
Of all the folks reading I thought that might catch your eye most. Or at least wake you up.
Oh it caught my eye all right.
Kinda true. But you'd be surprised at how well some of those beaters can get around.
True... for a while, anyways.
One of our surgeons just returned from Japan on a self-guided tour, but chose Lyfts/taxi instead of mass transit. They absolutely LOVED it! I think they stuck mostly to Tokyo and just found a lot of hole-in-the-wall places to eat and wandered. I think I'd prefer if going there, to strike out to the countryside and see temples, find tea cermonies, stuff like that. I"m not a big urban afficianado.
I am exactly the same. Tokyo, while I'm sure it would be interesting, doesn't really appeal.
But that shouldn't overly surprise you, considering the gardens I visit...
As for Fiji? Be still my heart!!! I've long, LONG wanted to travel to the South Pacific Islands, but cost-outs have always left me shy of going too much further. Bora Bora, Tuvalu, etc... just... wow.
But... also $$$$$...
Yes, I am crazy, but determined my family is treated to a nice gathering.
Good luck!
Thanks, Friend. It is not at all what I thought I'd experience post-op. Every source I'd read said that even after a couple of days pt's often felt much better than pre-op and things were pretty smooth sailing. My tongue is still half black from biting it, my arm, although a tiny bit better, is still in a TON of pain, and I can feel the local pain med wearing off now in my neck. Just... slow going.
I'm still woefully behind, but I hope by now you're feeling much better than what I just read. I saw your post about your gathering on FB, so typing must be a little bit easier. Hang in there! :hug:

Ahhhhh.... the call of adventure and exploration… you can feel it, no?

No. Not even a little bit.

It isn’t for me either.

That could be why we get along so well!

Getting closer! Anyone want a Samosa?

At first I thought you said "Samoa" and I thought, "How do Girl Scouts get there?" And no, cause those are the ones with coconut.

I can only guess that it’s because he’s out of lemon flavoring again, trying to catch the hair tie tossers, or the Mrs. asked him to shovel the snow one too many times. Perhaps you can come up with a better theory, Dear Reader. (Let’s see who’s reading…)

No, I think you nailed it.

Well, except that one time I found a chunk of plastic in mine.


What is one real life adventure, outside of Disney, that you want to go on.

Well, it's not so much an adventure, but I would like to visit the Loire Valley and perhaps even take a cooking class.

Could be interesting while all hopped up on Dilaudid! Lol!

I thought you were kidding when you typed this. I didn't think they sent people home with Dilaudid.

I do wonder what that girl behind you was doing. Pretending a friend/family member/lover was along?

You didn't see her girlfriend there sitting next to her? Weird.....


It's post-op Day 3. And it's not been fun. At all.

This has been a MUCH rougher recovery than I'd anticipated or hoped for. Aside from the normal pain in my neck and throat, which has actually been managable, I have been struggling with a horrific pain in my right arm shooting all the way down it, ending with the worst pain I've maybe ever had in my middle finger. Makes it rather hard to use it towards my surgeon now.

Oh, no! This is terrible news!

I've been on Dilaudid around-the-clock (which I absolultely did NOT want to be) and confess if it weren't for that, I'd be getting no sleep at all. While it doesnt make me loopy, it does make me a bit nauseous and EXTREMELY tired. I"ve literally almost slept for 3 days straight.

Wow! You must really have some serious pain. I hope that the sleep has helped and you are feeling better days later.

Sorry for being a whiner, but it does explain why I haven't been here to answer replies. I just can't. The doctor has put me on a course of heavy steroids to see if these concerning nerve pains are caused by swelling and if they might help. I'll know in 3 days.

You're not a whiner at all. That Frankenstein neck is serious! That's quite a scar. I hope when I read ahead you've had a positive solution.
May the optimistic spirit you had before the surgery reenergize your recovery.

May the doctors and health care providers discern exactly what is needed to optimize your journey.

May family and friends offer what is most beneficial to your return to wholeness.

May you give yourself the time, patience, and strength to best make it through this unforeseen setback.

May you know even in the moments of doubt that there are always arms around you.
That is one of the most beautiful and encouaging blessings I've been given ever. Thank you for your kind spirit and words to find comfort in. It's been a very rough go and in a few hours I'll find out more about where we go from here.
One reply at a time... You are not the only one so far behind. Not even opened other threads becuase I don't know how long I can sit at a keyboard and don't want to start replies for fear of losing them or not finding them again. :(

I think it's funny you called it the DVC lounge since that's the group least likely to use it. Unless they happen to be carrying other credentials!

I had/have no idea... I was told "breakfast is here". I stopped listening at coffee and food... ;)

That's odd. Fran was trying to sleep in the lobby a while back and they kept waking her up saying that there was no sleeping allowed.

I wonder if the outside area gets a bit more less attention and they are more lax out there?

You all must be small and have very small clothes! To fit five people and luggage for four into one car would not be possible if Fran and I were involved! We need our mini van (which you have passenged in twice now) just to get the two of us to the airport!

It was tight, but we managed. The girls shared a suitcase and 2 carryons, Zach had one and I had 2. I'm the clothes monger, but stayed a bit longer so needed more.

I wouldn't mind having a whole row to myself!

It was sweet!! I don't always get that, but it's nice when it happens!

You can't get them off the phones half the time and then when you need them, they don't turn them on! Kids.

LOL!! So true!!

I think we might need to make some time for this one again this trip. We are staying at SSR so it's just a hop, skip, and a jump!

Good idea! ... I hope you do!

You lost me at olives.

I lose quite a few there. This morning, Imma make an omelet with olives, blue cheese, ham and eggs... Our Christmas dinner leftovers. Delicacy!!!!

You would think that they could do this entirely digitally, but I think they want you to lose your card.

I think you are very right.

Well since I'm so far behind, I'll just go ahead and read the next chapter! :lmao:

I'm multiple chapters behind everywhere. I'm hoping everyone else is busy with holiday stuff and not posting much too. LOL!

I'm one of those who sticks to the rules. If it says you must present the card and I don't have it, I'll just take the hit. On our last trip Fran swore we had a TIW card, but I told her we didn't. When we got home guess what I found in my wallet! 😲

Wha....?!?! Ouch.
Yes, he seem to be amassing quite a few of these!

3 now. Oldest is just 2 a few days ago, a 7-month old and the newborn. Just so much cuddles!

I can imagine where that voice came from.... :rolleyes1 I remember the first time that we met.....

The voices are gone. :) although sometimes I wonder where the new ones come from! LOL! They are louder on Dilaudid.
No thank you. No coconut milk for me!

Mmm, love it!

:lmao: Did you fly like you did on our Mission in September! :laughing: That was fun!

OK, you promised that we would find out what was missing... :rolleyes1 I guess I still have C, D, and E left to find out.....

Oh, and a very clever take on "B"!

Well, the girls were the pilots and yes, they sucked just as bad. Maybe not quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite as bad, but very close!

And thanks!! That was fun to write!

Oh, come on......whether we're Disneyland ajacent or in WDW, I got ya covered for the best places for oysters! And the DL adjacent one has some pretty decent chowder as well!

Okay, okay!!! But only with a chowder chaser!!

:scared1: Then again, when I was less than five years old, I went off in a department store in search of something and ended up getting my parents paged over the store loudspeaker to come find me crying at one of the registers.
That is terrifying for a little one! You poor thing!

I have not. I really see no reason to go there. If I wanted the filth of Hollywood, I would just go there in person.

Good point!

Wow! Disney service is top notch!

It really is! A big reason, I just love to end up there on my travels.

I would have rented a scooter on the second day.

Nah, just more sitting breaks and a slower pace.

I learned that a long long long long time ago.

It'd be challenging to be able to do another 5 k for me, and I think I could in time, but....not yet.

Well, just last year, may have been around Christmas, yes, it was Christmas because we had just come from the preview of the Tropical Hideaway, so Fran and I were in Disneyland. Specifically the store on Main Street that sells seasonal items. Right next to the one you went to when you stole those pins from the Emporium! :lmao: She asked me to look at some sizes on shirts and I set down my purse to take a look.

LOLOLOL!! The day I almost went to Disney Jail!! As if there wasn't enough debauchery the day before with my new Disney drunk duds. :rolleyes1

We continued on through the hat store, and into the Disneyana store where I decided that I was hurting and wanted to take a pain pill. I reached down underneath her scooter to get my purse and it wasn't there! :eek: She went to City Hall and I went back to the Hideaway, and just as she was reaching the front of the line they were bringing in a purse that was sent there from one of the shops. She described it, and what was in it and luckily I got it back!

YIIIIIIIIIIIIKES!! I can't think of anything more horrible to discover gone than a purse! Phew, what an important save and timely too. I'm so glad yo didn't have to wait long finding it!
Oooh! Fellow adventure game players! I preferred thee twisty maze of passages, all different!

We had so much fun with that game when I was a teenager! I even had a birthday party one year when that was the entertainment!

Back in the day, you had to have your Dad call up the big computer center and place the phone on the modem to talk to the game center. We had two phone lines back in the day because my Dad's phone line was always on the modem. I could only play the game at night when he was done with his office! :laughing:
I'm pretty sure we had our version on a floppy disk, because I don't remember needing to use the modem in order to play the game. We did always have 2 lines, however, which came in handy when we wanted to use the modem for BBS's (Bulletin Board Systems), that were the precursor of forums like this.

That's quite a list! And I'd love any and all of them! I enjoy hiking too when I feel healthy enough, and like you, not strenuously. I love the outdoors and the fresh air but I don't like having to sleep uncomfortable places. Most of that was due to my neck issues, so let's see how this surgeryworks. :)
I hope the surgery finally kicks in and helps you recover so you can go on more hiking adventures!
Oooh! Fellow adventure game players! I preferred thee twisty maze of passages, all different!

Sounds fun. I REALLY loved playing Myst, Riven and that whole series. would still love to but... no time.

It was always the same game, and it was all text. You had to imagine everything. If you were smart you made a map and kept track of clues. You could only use two word commands, and you were trying to amass as many treasures that you could and bring them back to where you started. There was a Ming Vase, and you would say "Drop Vase", but if you hadn't found and dropped the pillow first before you dropped the vase it would shatter into a million pieces. Then there were the Chiggers..... :laughing:

Hm, tbh, that doesn't sound like my cup of tea. Sounds actually a bit frustrating.

Interesting. I just learned on our last trip the benefits of a ground floor room!

With scooters, I can super imagine.

That is a beautiful view!

Dreamy, no?

OK, I seriously would not have gone through that door if that thing were anywhere near the entrance! :scared1:

It was a few yards down the hall from our door. I was impressed with the colors.

Funny thing is, our house looks like a bomb went off, but when we are away on vacation, I'm actually pretty good at keeping the room clean.

I'm the opposite. Although the more I travel and the older I get, I find the room is a lot more tidy.

Looks very nice, and I think I saw some similar shots of that pool in Andy's TR.

Yes, you did. :) Really a cool-themed place littles.

I'm glad that you were happy with your choice. I can't imagine having five people in one room! I think our rooms at the Grand were just perfect for five people! :laughing:

It was tight for sure, but we just weren't there a ton. I know you spend a bit more time in the rooms with breakfast and naps, those are rare for us.

I'm probably going to say the Monorail. With the scooters there is so much hassle with the busses. They have to strap you in, people give you dirty looks cause you're taking up three seats per scooter. The boats are a pain cause they only hold two scooters/wheelchairs. Actually our favorite form of transport is just to ride the scooters! Like between BCV and DHS we beat the boats every time!

OH, sure! I can see that. Buses do seem like such a hassle. Monorails... ride on in and away you go!

LOL! And yes, simply riding is the way to go!
Not that I know what that means, but I'm glad to know what you had done.

In the end, I will call it, "No fun!

That's not good news! I'm barely starting to catch up!

Me too!!
That't tomorrow! :eek:

Yeah, and I probably overdid it.

Happy Holidays to you!

You too, Sweet Friend.
I'll let you know when I get my next update going. Hopefully over the weekend.

Thanks!! I have dozens of threads to catch up on; it'll be a slow go at it.
Yes so it’s 14 days of 12 hour night shifts, then a week off, then 14 days of day shift, then a week off.
It sounds crazy but keeping in mind that I’m in the oil business it’s not that bad. Many are going offshore for 3 weeks at a time. The oil price crash a few years ago changed the industry for the worse. Equal time (3 weeks on, 3 off) is getting less common. Crazy things like 6 weeks on and 3 off are becoming more routine, and there are people desperate enough to do it. I may have been one of them had this opportunity not come up. Honestly I’m trying to get another few years out of this industry so I can get my mortgage paid off, and then hopefully get out of it for something less stressful (but less pay).
That is ROUGH!! Holy cow, I do not envy that at all! But yes, it all does have to be kept in perspective for sure. No job is far worse that one with crappy hours. I know the pay is quite enticing and you're still young enough to eke out a few more years as you say... but I'd be right there with you finding something less stressful (long hours ARE!) after. Having that mortgage paid off will be HUGE!


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