The Bachelorette

I love Bryan
Peter just using her to get to be the next lead
Eric is just outclassed by her. It almost like she a big sister to him.
Her comments about being devastated... I almost laughed at that. Seriously.
Rachel... reading the script card.... "ohhh, i am devastated... just so devastated..."
I actually shook my head as I watched that, and copied her words back in a total mono-tone.

When she got upset and got her back up to her mom about Bryan... That seemed more genuine.

I am not into spoilers! And, I could be SO wrong!!!!
But I am just not seeing Peter as her pick.
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I don't have a fair view of this season because I just started watching last week at the hometowns! lol!

But from an outsider's perspective, I find Peter to be the most physically attractive and actually respect his stand-offish approach when it comes to love and the proposal. He's not telling Rachel what she wants to hear.

I get that. Her family felt that too.

And I would be with that too if he was coupling his thoughts/ways on the seriousness of engagement with some kind of other indication of how much he is into her/how serious he is --- such as letting her know how he sees her/feels about her more, could imagine life with her etc. etc. Something. Once again, I feel like he's talking to a neighbour. I don't know what is behind that suddenly. Time will tell.

He did look at how he left her last week and regretted that and let her know a few things and then seemed so distant again, in energy not words.

I honestly think Rachel would be able to bend with Peter's ways. And I do agree with you - she just might feel the most with him. But it's not just about the proposal, in my opinion. Even though that's what she's saying. It's more that he has given her very little lately. I watch with someone who isn't really into the show and honestly could care less about it all. And even she said last night that it is like his persona has completely changed. So robotic with his words.

Both of us here think he is going after the lead.
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She does out-class Eric.
While I like him, and love his Aunt... that might be too much of an issue.
Opposites can attract!

But, man, you are right... That date got off to a rough start with that big sister/mommy adult/child dynamic.
Now, THAT is a real problem in a relationship.
Eric did over come that and managed to pull it together and Man-Up in the end.
I was glad to see that.
I love Bryan
Peter just using her to get to be the next lead
Eric is just outclassed by her. It almost like she a big sister to him.

Two out of three ain't bad. :rotfl:

Perfectly said on the bold. They are great together in that way. Don't see the chemistry but a great friendship on her side. A lot of fun. But boy he adores her.


Actually I have to give you a perfect score because I love Bryan can't be argued! ;) Tell me what you love. Interested. Since I don't trust him.
I read this morning that Rachel came out and said that was when Bryan went to go speak with her father. I recall from Nick's season that her father can't be on camera due to his job as a federal judge. But yes, the editing made it way more dramatic than how it actually played out, if that was in fact when he went to talk to her dad.
They made it seem like he couldn't stand the heat and was upset! So manipulative!!!
I don't have a fair view of this season because I just started watching last week at the hometowns! lol!

But from an outsider's perspective, I find Peter to be the most physically attractive and actually respect his stand-offish approach when it comes to love and the proposal. He's not telling Rachel what she wants to hear just so she chooses him and to me, that shows that maybe he's there for the right reasons. Bryan is at the opposite end of the spectrum it seems. He will say and do whatever is necessary to be chosen and will milk the Bachelorette money train. And Eric seems like a genuinely nice guy, but I do think they are at different experience and maturity levels and it seems apparent to me.

IMO, just from what I've seen, Rachel's reaction to Peter not telling her what she wants to hear seems pretty heavy which tells me she probably likes him the best. But the potential lack of proposal, the one thing she wanted all of this, is a killer for her. I think she will need to decide if she sticks it out with Peter even though there may not be a proposal, or go with the more sure thing in Bryan or Eric knowing she will get that ring.

I saw on Instagram yesterday that Dean and Raven from Nick's season have been hanging out, seemingly in a romantic way. They would be so cute and perfect for each other!
I don't think Dean and Raven are together. In fact I'm pretty sure they aren't. It was her birthday weekend I think a bunch of them were together for that.
I read this morning that Rachel came out and said that was when Bryan went to go speak with her father. I recall from Nick's season that her father can't be on camera due to his job as a federal judge. But yes, the editing made it way more dramatic than how it actually played out, if that was in fact when he went to talk to her dad.


Happy to hear that he was there. Would have loved to have known his thoughts.
I don't think Dean and Raven are together. In fact I'm pretty sure they aren't. It was her birthday weekend I think a bunch of them were together for that.

I don't think they are together, but they could be interested in each other still. Raven posted an Instagram story of her with Dean and she tagged him in it with a heart. Later, he posted an IG story with just her rather than a group of them. Might have just been a weekend of flirting but they'd be cute together nonetheless!
Finally joining back in! popcorn::

I watched the first episode, but I didn't have a history with Rachel as I didn't watch last season. So I didn't keep watching. But, usually the last few episodes with the finalists are really good. :hyper: But, dang! I miscalculated and missed the hometown visits. Those are often so telling. :magnify:

Anyway, these are my impressions of the guys. I guess, in a way, I met them for the first time, like Rachel's family did. :scratchin

Bryan is out to W.I.N. Not win Rachel, out to win the show. He's saying all the "right" fluffy romantic things, that when one is 22, one want's to hear, and thinks that is what love really is. Like him saying when he first saw her, he fell in love right away. That he knows how she feels about him. That she knows how he feels about her. . . all those codependent phrases - the mind-reading of each other. All the stuff about being IN love, but not what MATURE Love is really about: getting to know someone, knowing each other's values, what's important in life, being on the same track, the same page, understanding how each other really thinks, not what one thinks the other person thinks & feels. Understanding how each other reacts to situations and the crises in life and can they weather the rough times together?

And every time Rachel's family tried to nail him down to specifics, WHAT about her does he love, he couldn't give any specifics. Because he's not there for HER. Him winning the show isn't about her.

Eric is really sweet. Maybe this has been covered already, but I have to wonder if he's a Jehovah's Witness, or something? Like his upbringing or religion is the reason he has only had two somewhat close relationships with women? And why he has never been in love or even been in a relationship in the last 7 years? :confused3 Even Rachel grilled him about it. "You have met a girls parents before, haven't you? You've gotten that far in a romance before?" Can someone fill me in on why there is such a gap and no relationships with women? Was he in a religious seminary? Had he been abused as a child? Was he in jail all that time? Is he a closet gay and really isn't into women, but came onto the show to prove something?

While I think he's really sweet, and he might be there in the long haul of a deeper relationship. I don't know if Rachel wants to "teach" a man how to be in a relationship. I think she wants someone who's a more Alpha male, being able to take charge & lead at times and someone who's already been in love a few times and knows the road ahead of them.

Peter, while he can't commit right now, actually seems to be the most "reality" minded of them all. Him saying, "We haven't been together long enough to REALLY know where this is going and if we truly are right for each other," is RIGHT. I have to wonder if it was edited out or he wasn't allowed to say it, but he should have said to Rachel: "This SHOW is putting on an unnatural time frame on us. If we were by ourselves in real life, we wouldn't be talking marriage at this point, and you wouldn't be demanding a proposal. Look at the statistics of the previous couples who came off this show "engaged" and then their relationship fell apart after a year. (Just long enough to keep the Neil lane ring. :rolleyes1 ) I give him props for saying WHEN he finally proposes to a woman, he will do it ONCE as she will be the one he marries and that proposal has real meaning of getting married, not "working toward" possibly getting married.

And frankly, when she got so upset that he more than likely won't propose, that is how the majority of desperate to get married women screw up and end their relationships. They want the PROPOSAL more than being with the man. More than if their relationship is ready for that yet.

I don't think Peter said he is just "dating" her or hanging around with her. He does want marriage to someone. He rightfully thinks they haven't spent enough time together to know enough about each other YET. He's cautiously hesitating for all the reasons that Bryan is rushing forward, not even figuring all that stuff out.
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Good first time thoughts having just jumped in!!!!
But, you have missed a lot.
YES, you missed a lot with Hometowns!

Peter first... He has never been open or acted like he would propose. At the hometowns, his mother told Rachel he was not ready for (do not expect) a proposal or marriage. That he was ready for what I might call a 'relationship' (I think 'dating' is HIS word) but that was it. Peter want's the milk without buying the cow. No question. He is not ready or capable of any kind of commitment, and this has been evident from the very very beginning. He is clear that he is not ready for proposal... And I don't think he has ever used the word marriage? Also, I noticed that they only seem to have any real physical contact when it is specifically posed and scripted.

Eric, comes off the way he does because of his upbringing. BUT, not because of religion... Quite the opposite. He has cut himself off and not been 'out-there' because he had a very very rough inner city upbringing with the men in his family ending up in jail, etc... It isn't religion, but just his personal defense mechanism, to cut himself off and not make the mistakes that he had seen every other male around him make. He talks about this openly. I really like Eric, but his lack of maturity and the differences in their families/culture might be just too much. It seemed awkward and he didn't quite fit in with Rachel's more polished, more upscale, family.

Bryan is a nasty, skeevy, 'playa'... He stuck his tongue down her throat, at the very same time he was uttering all of his 'smooth talking' phrases, within mere moments of meeting Rachel. Quite a feat, huh!!! I would also mention something from his past but it might be considered a spoiler. (I do not think has been divulged or discussed on the Bachelor Franchise) He is of Columbian heritage, where there are often strong Matriarchies. He is a mama's-boy, and broke up with his one last serious relationship because of the differences between his fiance and his mother. His mother makes no bones about saying that he is the love of her life... sucking down an entire drink in one long dramatic swallow, and then telling Rachel, basically, if you cross me (come between me and my son.) "I.... WILLL... KILLLL... YOU." She also seems unphased, if not proud, of the fact that he has been with 'so many women/girls'... And the only reason she wants him to have a SO is so that she can help 'take care of him'.
When Rachel brought Bryan to meet her family, every single one of them saw right thru him. they tried to talk to Rachel, but she wasn't hearing any of it.

Ohhhhhh the drama!!!! Hahahaha!!!!
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But, you have missed a lot.
YES, you missed a lot with Hometowns!

Thanks for catching me up to speed. :flower3:

Peter first... He has never been open or acted like he would propose. At the hometowns, his mother told Rachel he was not ready for (do not expect) a proposal or marriage. That he was ready for what I might call a 'relationship' (I think 'dating' is HIS word) but that was it. Peter want's the milk without buying the cow. No question. He is not ready or capable of any kind of commitment, and this has been evident from the very very beginning.

:headache: Ah, okay, now I get why Rachel seemed overly upset and was pushing for him to say he would propose. his mom proved herself right, and to not count on Peter. . :(

Quite the opposite. He has cut himself off and not been 'out-there' because he had a very very rough inner city upbringing with the men in his family ending up in jail, etc... It isn't religion, but just his personal defense mechanism, to cut himself off and not make the mistakes that he had seen every other male around him make. He talks about this openly.


Well, if anyone can understand the devastating effects men going to jail can have on a family, it would be a lawyer and her father, a federal judge. It's good that he's finally coming out of that and willing to put himself out there and take a risk with his heart. I just don't know if Rachel will be up for it. There is also the burden that if their relationship doesn't work out later, the way the majority of this show's relationships don't, that Eric will hurt more and go behind that wall again. It might be better to cut him out now and not give him a rose. :( The other two guys have been around enough to get over it if/when things don't work out.

Bryan is a nasty, skeevy, 'playa'... He stuck his tongue down her throat, at the very same time he was uttering all of his 'smooth talking' phrases, within mere moments of meeting Rachel. Quite a feat, huh!!!


He is of Columbian heritage, where there are often strong Matriarchies. He is a mama's-boy, and broke up with his one last serious relationship because of the differences between his fiance and his mother. His mother makes no bones about saying that he is the love of her life...

I noticed when he told Rachel's family his mother was the love of HIS life. The whole family took note too. And his mom pressed him as to if his WIFE will come first over his mom when there are, um. . . disagreements. :sad2:

sucking down an entire drink in one long dramatic swallow, and then telling Rachel, basically, if you cross me (come between me and my son.) "I.... WILLL... KILLLL... YOU."

:scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

Ohhhhhh the drama!!!! Hahahaha!!!!

As much as I don't want drama in my own life, I love a good drama on TV! popcorn:: :rotfl:
Peter's high school grad blurb reads ---

Go to art school, become famous in one way or another, be on The Bachelor, live happily.

Apparently, he posted it himself.


Many people have a very short time until an engagement and still have a successful marriage. Something changed in Peter with Rachel and I simply don't trust his words. That story about his ex-girlfriend a couple of weeks ago to Rachel seemed all good and ready for a "I have walls - need help committing to that special person" upcoming Bachelor season.

But then again they could choose Dean.:rotfl: BIP doesn't mean that is out of the question, Nick proved that.
As much as I don't want drama in my own life, I love a good drama on TV! popcorn:: :rotfl:


I find it relaxing. :rotfl2:

Rachel's season started off a bit boring and of course staged in parts but these last few episodes have been pretty good.
Rachel's season started off a bit boring and of course staged in parts

Yep, that's why I dropped out after the first episode. The last few seasons, they've been so obvious with all the staging, making the men come out of the limo with gimmicks :sail: :hippie: and obvious plants that she has to keep. :clown: Since I hadn't had a history with Rachel, I didn't want to watch her weed through them all till she got to the guys she really was keeping.

Yep, I was looking forward to those hometowns, as a guilty pleasure...
Def. the week of this season!

I just found out my cable has it On Demand here. So, I'm going to get to watch it after all. :happytv: :thumbsup2
Did they have fantasy suites last night? I kept falling asleep and missed quite a bit. I got through Peter and Eric's visit with her family but only part of Bryan's.
Yes.... they showed her Fantasy Suite date with Eric.
That is the one that started out with her being the assertive and mature one, while Eric showed some immaturity.
She kept making comments and asking questions which were clearly 'leading', and trying to encourage 'push' him.
(the thought that she was 'pushing' actually came to my mind)
He did seem to try to overcome that and man-up.
When he opened up to her, he did say that one of the positives for him was how she 'pushed' him.... As in brought out the best in him, challenged him to be the best he can be.... He actually used the word 'push'!!!! (no negative connotations here)
They seem to have enjoyed a positive and intimate night together...
Pick up on the happy couple the next morning... As they say good-bye, he looks at her directly and says, very simply... "I love you.. I am here...." and gives her what appears to be a somewhat deep emotional kiss and hug.

I think that is where they left off.... to be continued.....
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They seem to have enjoyed a positive and intimate night together...
Pick up on the happy couple the next morning... As they say good-bye, he looks at her directly and says, very simply... "I love you.. I am here...." and gives her what appears to be a somewhat deep emotional kiss and hug.

Yes, I have to wonder if she took him on a full "test drive." :rolleyes1 Since he's so inexperienced at relationships, I would think she'd be wondering how far that goes and if there is any real chemistry in that area.

When they showed the couple up and about the next morning, he looked very pleased, like he had a happy ending to their evening. ;)


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