~The BOT Battalion~ BOTS On The Run

Of course a snow day is much more fun if you don't have to work! I may be stuck here for the weekend.:eek:

I was too lazy to run this morning when I had a chance so now I'll be paying the price by doing a long run on the TM if I ever get home again.

Me-Doula Oblongata - If I ever birth a baby you are the coach for me!
Me-Doula Oblongata - If I ever birth a baby you are the coach for me!
OK Mr. Abby Normal - the neuroscience geek in me thought this was really funny.

Howdy everyone - I got back from Disney on Monday, and I picked up a slight cold from the plane on the way home. I'm trying to get back to the running. I did a mile on Thursday on the TM while catching up on Survivor. Yesterday I did 2 miles on the TM, and today I'm planning on doing 4 outside. The cold moved from my head into my chest.

I had a great time at Disney, and had fun catching up with Cindy and Matt at the party on Saturday. However, we lost them over the course of the evening. We'll have to catch up again in January.
Good evening from the great white almost South.

Dave - Welcome home. Sorry about the cold. Hopefully it passes soon.

Well, we got about 20-24 inches of snow since last night. Historic for these parts. No running for me but 4 plus hours of shovel based XT.

I must give a HUGE shout out to my lovely wife. I'm not sure what she posted on FB but she got up way early, did 20 miles on the TM:scared1: then came out and shoveled with me for almost 3 hours. :scared1::scared1: As if that wasn't enough, she went back out and shoveled again a couple hours later while I was sleeping. WOW!!!

Add to that the fact that I failed to check pockets of the girls' coats before I put them in the dryer. Who keeps crayons in their winter coat???:confused: So poor Kathy had to try to fix that mess... Something tells me she's going to sleep well tonight.

Take care all.
Good evening from the great white almost South.

Dave - Welcome home. Sorry about the cold. Hopefully it passes soon.

Well, we got about 20-24 inches of snow since last night. Historic for these parts. No running for me but 4 plus hours of shovel based XT.

I must give a HUGE shout out to my lovely wife. I'm not sure what she posted on FB but she got up way early, did 20 miles on the TM:scared1: then came out and shoveled with me for almost 3 hours. :scared1::scared1: As if that wasn't enough, she went back out and shoveled again a couple hours later while I was sleeping. WOW!!!

Add to that the fact that I failed to check pockets of the girls' coats before I put them in the dryer. Who keeps crayons in their winter coat???:confused: So poor Kathy had to try to fix that mess... Something tells me she's going to sleep well tonight.

Take care all.


Arn't you working this weekend too??
Me-Doula Oblongata - If I ever birth a baby you are the coach for me!

Thank you, Michelle. :hug: :rolleyes:.

Snow, snow, snow. Not so much up here, but enough for an early a.m. shovel-fest!

Glad everyone is running, etc., etc. Mike, you've gotta get on FB & see all the heinous things we say about you on there. C'mon, drink the KoolAid, dude!:drinking1. It tastes just like Optimator, I promise!
Yea, Mike, what Jodi said. Not that it's me saying things about you and all. No, no, not me. :rolleyes1

Kathy is A-M-A-ZING! I'm so incredibly impressed! I'm putting off my measly 11 on the TM until Tuesday, using the lousy excuse that my legs are tired from schlepping around in the snow all morning. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. But she makes me feel like such a slacker....
We just dug out from the 20-24" of snow we got-- had guests at the house all weekend. One of our friends was from FL and was actually excited to help us shovel (we have some fences for him to whitewash too :lmao:). It took us almost 6 hours to dig out (we have a really big driveway). I'm counting it as my XT for the weekend.

On the upside all of that snow made an awesome snowslide for our DD-- we had a pile about 6 feet high that she could climb and sled down on her saucer sled.
Mike, you've gotta get on FB & see all the heinous things we say about you on there. C'mon, drink the KoolAid, dude!:drinking1. It tastes just like Optimator, I promise!
I've got a confession to make.:blush: I've actually had a FB account since August (Kathy was holding vacation pictures hostage and I had to join to see them) but I only have Kathy and DD13 as friends.

I guess I now cave in and join the huddled masses. Heavy sigh. I will try to find you all tomorrow or Tuesday if I can figure the stoopid thing out.

I still don't know why you all can't just say your nasty things about me here. One stop shopping and all.
I've got a confession to make.:blush: I've actually had a FB account since August (Kathy was holding vacation pictures hostage and I had to join to see them) but I only have Kathy and DD13 as friends.

I guess I now cave in and join the huddled masses. Heavy sigh. I will try to find you all tomorrow or Tuesday if I can figure the stoopid thing out.

I still don't know why you all can't just say your nasty things about me here. One stop shopping and all.

Nice! All this time you've been deceiving us! :mad:


I've got a confession to make.:blush: I've actually had a FB account since August.


On another topic, I managed 10 miles yesterday. Am I crazy to think about doing the marathon at this stage of the game? OK, everyone else is in taper mode and I am going to start ramping up 20 days before the race.:confused3:rolleyes1If I remember correctly, Howard had this training plan either last year or the year before. Anyway, thinking I may try 15 or 16 miles on the weekend if I can get a marathon entry. Have I lost my marbles?

On another topic, I managed 10 miles yesterday. Am I crazy to think about doing the marathon at this stage of the game? OK, everyone else is in taper mode and I am going to start ramping up 20 days before the race.:confused3:rolleyes1If I remember correctly, Howard had this training plan either last year or the year before. Anyway, thinking I may try 15 or 16 miles on the weekend if I can get a marathon entry. Have I lost my marbles?

DUDE!!! What are you thinking?? You were the one who said after NYC...I believe we were standing on Central Park West & 72nd St...."that's it for me, eh? no more marathons."

Have you lost your mind?:lovestruc

Mike - Glad you're as sneaky as I thought you were :hug:;).

On another topic, I managed 10 miles yesterday. Am I crazy to think about doing the marathon at this stage of the game? OK, everyone else is in taper mode and I am going to start ramping up 20 days before the race.:confused3:rolleyes1If I remember correctly, Howard had this training plan either last year or the year before. Anyway, thinking I may try 15 or 16 miles on the weekend if I can get a marathon entry. Have I lost my marbles?

Colleen - I'll be ramping up with you. I have totally blown off running the past week and 20+ inches of snow on Fri/Sat jammed up my LR this weekend. I busted my TM a few months ago so indoor training is out for me. Throw in too many Christmas cookies and I wonder how I will ever be able to run the 1/2 marathon at WDW, let alone the full. My last LR was 26.2 miles at Philly. I'm thinking back to back 10/20 mile runs after Christmas should do the trick.
I'm in on the let's try to do a marathon on a long run of 12. Let's just hope the strong base I built this Fall pulls me through 39.3 miles in January. Just too much to do and too little motivation for running. I will be out there on Dec 28th trying to go 18.

Lou: Loved the FB snow pictures. Looks like the kids were having fun.

Mike: Kathy is amazing. Three hours of shoveling is pretty impressive, add in the 20 miles and if she got the crayon stains out she really rocks.

Jodi: So how was your run with Spencer?

Jen: Hope you're all shovelled out.

Howard: Happy Anniversary to you and Cam.

Dave: Glad you enjoyed your trip. Hope the cold improves soon.

As I mentioned above, my running has been spotty. Between the weather and all the holiday prep I have NO motivation. I know I'll regret all this slacking come January 9 & 10. Oh well.

Have a great day everyone.
So do we have a head count for Biergarten or WHAT?? Is everyone eating...or just drinking? I'm assuming (foolishly) that everyone on these boards will be there????popcorn::
We will be there and plan to eat-- what time exactly-- I think we have a 5:20 reservation but we could try to adjust it.

I managed 6 miles today in the midst of snow day child care-- let's hear it for plunking the kid in front of the computer and letting her play all the Webkinz she wants:happytv:
So do we have a head count for Biergarten or WHAT?? Is everyone eating...or just drinking? I'm assuming (foolishly) that everyone on these boards will be there????popcorn::

I booked a 4:45 reservation for my family that night. I have never had dinner there before...only lunch and beers. Doesn't the dinner room have huge tables? Is it possible for us to be seated in the same general area. Then we can play beer pong. :thumbsup2

Lou: Loved the FB snow pictures. Looks like the kids were having fun.

Cindy(Lou) - The kids are loving this early blizzard. They got to play in the snow all weekend and the county closed the schools all week. After shoveling all day Sunday it was nice to just plop down in 2 feet of snow. How much did you guys get?

I so have to get back out and start running. It feel like a fat load and have no idea how I will be ready for WDW. I'll be ready to drink beer but that's it. Passed at least 3 runners today that were just running on the icy roads. Kind of got me motivated but those guys were like 12" from cars doing 60-70 MPH on icy roads. Maybe I'll try to get a few miles in tomorrow around lunch time when the sun is high in the sky.
It feel like a fat load and have no idea how I will be ready for WDW. I'll be ready to drink beer but that's it.

Fellow LOAD checking in here!! Not sure I'll be ready either, but who cares...I'll be ready for a game of quarters @ Biergarten!! Never played beer pong.

Our reservations are @ 5:00 or 5:15 or 5:30...I don't know, check with mom AKA Colleen. I'll eat & drink.

Cindy - Spencer's 10 miler was great...I still can't believe my little, lazy boy ran tha far!!:rotfl:. Thanks for asking. He's ready as he'll ever be...a little apprehensive, I think, but pumped up.

Dave - Can you PLEASE get another AP so you can come to Biergarten!!!???
Good news, bad news:rolleyes1

The GOOD news is I WILL be in WDW with my family from 1/9-1/17:banana:. I think I am even (hopefully) bringing my 19 year old son:thumbsup2 So, does Colleen have any room for 5 on the Biergarten ADR's or do I need to tackle thatpopcorn::?!?! I hear BEER kills cancer cells and I've got a whole bunch of those going on:sad2:. The BAD news is I have thyroid cancer that has spread to my lymph nodes, hence why I need to lift my spirits with a vacation to WDW:lmao: Actually, it's because I can't have surgery until 2/11 and that's when I was flying to Charleston, SC to catch a Christian concert that I'm now going to catch in Tampa on 1/16 AND because I really need to see WISH'ers to warm my soul:grouphug: I LUV Southwest Airlines for making it that easy for me to change 4 rewards tickets!!

Mike - My cancer diagnosis impact was greatly lessened by seeing your smiling face all over FB:love: BTW, your wife rocks:worship::worship:

Colleen - I've got a marathon bib with your name all over it, my friend:hug: You just let me know how you want to work it. I'm not in Orlando until Saturday evening but I'd be happy to send you a signed waiver and a copy of my drivers license with a signed letter authorizing you to pick up my bib. PM me and I'll send you my e-mail addy:thumbsup2

Jodi - For some odd reason, my girls are most excited to see you:confused3 so if we can't make Biergarten work, can you possibly meet us on the Boardwalk for a Beaches & Cream deal one daypopcorn::. We will be out on the course marathon morning, Main Street and Beach Club:cloud9:

Admittedly, I am not caught up on the thread presently so I apologize for anything I've missed:eek:. A whole bunch of other nonsense is presently taking over my life:rolleyes:. However, I'll stay close for the duration since I'll actually be seeing y'all soon.

My warmest wishes to everyone this week for a very blessed Christmas.
Good news, bad news:rolleyes1

The GOOD news is I WILL be in WDW with my family from 1/9-1/17:banana:. I think I am even (hopefully) bringing my 19 year old son:thumbsup2 So, does Colleen have any room for 5 on the Biergarten ADR's or do I need to tackle thatpopcorn::?!?! I hear BEER kills cancer cells and I've got a whole bunch of those going on:sad2:. The BAD news is I have thyroid cancer that has spread to my lymph nodes, hence why I need to lift my spirits with a vacation to WDW:lmao: Actually, it's because I can't have surgery until 2/11 and that's when I was flying to Charleston, SC to catch a Christian concert that I'm now going to catch in Tampa on 1/16 AND because I really need to see WISH'ers to warm my soul:grouphug: I LUV Southwest Airlines for making it that easy for me to change 4 rewards tickets!!
I'm so, so sorry to hear about your diagnosis Sara. I'll my love and best wishes to you in this difficult time and oh so difficult year.
Sara - :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. You continue to be in my thoughts. I'm glad that we will get to see you in January.


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