The Magic, the Memories and the Food! February11 Update July 23 WPuck's Express

Love reading your reviews. So glad you write them and share with us all! :goodvibes
Woohoo! I'm so excited that you started another review. I read your last one and LOVED it!
Hey Karin!! :wave: How are you on page 5 and I didn't even know?!?!?! :confused: Well I'm here anyways!!!! :) Going back to catch up now!! :yay:

Glad we get to "eat " with you again. So funny you get Italian meats for special occasions. For my special occasions I take a 120 mile round trip drive to a German meat market in Portland, Oregon.

My sister-in-law was born and raised in Germany till she married my brother-in-law when she was 29 years old. I miss her greatly and what I call the German ways (Austrian to) Erika passed in 1996. She was 20 years older then me but thank goodness she taught me how to cook European. What made me think of this is the way you all eat breakfast. European rolls are the best, served with cold meats and cheeses, a great cup of coffee and a juice. Some times she would eat a boiled egg, but never fried.

Your reports first day of travel and then return travel always make me reflect on my friend and family Erika.

The pictures home from your last trip were inspiring Austria even from the windows of an airplane look inviting.

Anyway what is that saying "On with the Show".


:dance3: :cheer2: :laundy: :dance3: :cheer2: :laundy:

Yummy breakfast, great way to start off your Disney vacation :)
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
To all the new friends joining in on the fun!​

That breakfast looks fantastic...we like to eat like that for breakfast too! Love my stuff all piled on to one roll but DH likes to eat it all separately :confused3

Thank you! The rolls from that particular baker are out of this world. You would LOVE them!!
Guess we would get along super well IF you would consider Austria your holiday destination! ;) :laughing:

Mmmm, I always love your breakfasts. What a great start to your vacation!

Oooh, I gotta try apricot jam. Sounds really yummy!

Thank you, Yuki!
It's so nice to have time for a leisurely breakfast before such a long trip. Whenever we go to Paris we like to catch the 6am plane to Frankfurt and there is NO time for breakfast - just a quick bite and that's it!

You would LOVE our apricot jam. We have a special brand of apricots that grow here in the "Wachau" (a part of Austria) - they are super sweet and jam made from them is soooooo good! :cloud9:
I guess you will have to come here and try for yourself one day! ;) :goodvibes

Hmmm.... yummy breakfast. I'm soooo hungry... waiting for dinner to be served. I have a wonderful husband!

:woohoo: Very nice of Mark for serving you dinner! He is such a nice guy! :thumbsup2

That breakfast sounds yummy

It was! We really enjoy it when we have time for a nice breakfast! Such a good start to the day!

Hi Karin, So glad I found this something new to check out every day!!! Your breakfast does look yummy cannot wait to read more!!! Elaine

Great you found it and decided to join!
We had quite a travel day ahead of us, so getting a good breakfast started it off just right! :thumbsup2
Looking forward to your reviews!!

I am so glad you are joining us for the "ride". :goodvibes

Love reading your reviews. So glad you write them and share with us all! :goodvibes

Thank you for reading along and I am really happy you decided to come and join in here as well! :thumbsup2

Woohoo! I'm so excited that you started another review. I read your last one and LOVED it!

It's wonderful to know that you enjoyed the last review. Hope you will have fun with this one as well! :goodvibes

I love your pix of the Austrian Rolls every time !!!They look so delicious !!!

They are soooooo good, Rosie! I wish there were a way to ship them to the US for you to try. ;) :hug:
But you got some pretty yummy things in the US as well! :goodvibes

Hey Karin!! :wave: How are you on page 5 and I didn't even know?!?!?! :confused: Well I'm here anyways!!!! :) Going back to catch up now!! :yay:

I know, I know! It is unbelievable HOW fast this thread has been growing. :goodvibes
And you are here right in time! We haven't even gone to the airport yet, so you didn't miss much! ;) :lmao:

Glad we get to "eat " with you again. So funny you get Italian meats for special occasions. For my special occasions I take a 120 mile round trip drive to a German meat market in Portland, Oregon.

My sister-in-law was born and raised in Germany till she married my brother-in-law when she was 29 years old. I miss her greatly and what I call the German ways (Austrian to) Erika passed in 1996. She was 20 years older then me but thank goodness she taught me how to cook European. What made me think of this is the way you all eat breakfast. European rolls are the best, served with cold meats and cheeses, a great cup of coffee and a juice. Some times she would eat a boiled egg, but never fried.

Your reports first day of travel and then return travel always make me reflect on my friend and family Erika.

The pictures home from your last trip were inspiring Austria even from the windows of an airplane look inviting.

Anyway what is that saying "On with the Show".


:dance3: :cheer2: :laundy: :dance3: :cheer2: :laundy:

It's great you decided to "eat" with us again!
I loved to hear about your family and your German "ties". So good to know that your SIL passed on a bit of her German traditions and cooking skills to you!

Wow! Going 120 miles to get to a German market is quite a lot. Our Italian "market" is right opposite my usual supermarket. The only thing why we don't buy there more often is, that it is VERY expensive, so we only get stuff there for special occasions!

Thanks for your nice comments on my last thread! I love to include a bit of "our" part of the world.

Can't wait for more. Loved your past reports! I am so jealous of how many times you go to Disney!

Thank you for joining in here as well! :goodvibes

I'm in too! You write great reports! :thumbsup2

Great to have you here and thanks for the compliment! :goodvibes

Looks like I made it here in time for a yummy breakfast. :wizard:

You made it here! How wonderful! So good to know that so many friends hop over here from my other thread! :thumbsup2

Yummy breakfast, great way to start off your Disney vacation :)

:thumbsup2 You are so right! There's nothing better than a yummy breakfast to start off the day in style! ;) :lmao:

5 pages already and you haven't even driven to the airport yet :rotfl2:

Linda, I thought the same thing! :rotfl2: I even called Tom at work to let him know! :thumbsup2
But it makes me feel so good to know that so many people enjoy my reviews.
Day 1, February 19

A snack on the first leg of the trip

After enjoying breakfast we made our way to the airport, happy to find that our flight was on time.

It's a short flight, only 50 minutes from our home town to Frankfurt where we have a stop over and get on a nonstop flight to Orlando.

As soon as we had reached cruising altitude on the short flight the flight attendants started their service.
They offer hot and cold drinks and Tom got some coffee, while I had a Diet Coke.
Airplane coffee and tea are not very nice, but every time we fly one of us gets some and is deeply disappointed with it! :rotfl2:

They hand out a small snack on these flights and this time we got


Nussini. They are something quite common here ........ and they are real nice! ;)



A Nussini consists of several layers of wafer biskuits, sandwiched together with a Milka chocolate cream filling. It is then sprinkled with chopped roasted hazelnuts and covered in more Milka milk chocoate. Verdict? :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:

Once we had enjoyed our sweet treat it was time to put the seats to an upright position as we were about to land in Frankfurt.

Coming up: A snack and lunch on the transatlantic flight
Loved your Austrian breakfast. My DH loved breakfast in Germany! He loved that they served rolls, cheese, meats, ect... I supose I could make something like that here but we have such odd working hours it wouldn't work. Not sure how the kids would like it....

Anything with Milka on it is yummy in my opinion! I notice alot of chocolate there in Germany had Hazelnuts in them. Are Hazelnuts very commen there in Austria to? Anyway we loved them!! :love:
Loved your Austrian breakfast. My DH loved breakfast in Germany! He loved that they served rolls, cheese, meats, ect... I supose I could make something like that here but we have such odd working hours it wouldn't work. Not sure how the kids would like it....

Anything with Milka on it is yummy in my opinion! I notice alot of chocolate there in Germany had Hazelnuts in them. Are Hazelnuts very commen there in Austria to? Anyway we loved them!! :love:

We are so used to our breakfast here that only when we go away we notice how nice it is! ;)
Let me tell you, I love a good American breakfast - waffles, pancakes, french toast, bacon, eggs - yummy! But after 2 weeks I am SO craving a good roll and some decent Austrian "Marillenmarmelade" (=apricot jam! ;))

Milka is the most common brand chocolate here. And it is such a good a good chocolate. But then I am always shocked at what they charge you for a bar of it at Epcot! :scared1:
Hazelnuts are VERY common here. Hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds are the three most used nuts here (in that order!) :thumbsup2

We are so used to our breakfast here that only when we go away we notice how nice it is! ;)
Let me tell you, I love a good American breakfast - waffles, pancakes, french toast, bacon, eggs - yummy! But after 2 weeks I am SO craving a good roll and some decent Austrian "Marillenmarmelade" (=apricot jam! ;))

Milka is the most common brand chocolate here. And it is such a good a good chocolate. But then I am always shocked at what they charge you for a bar of it at Epcot! :scared1:
Hazelnuts are VERY common here. Hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds are the three most used nuts here (in that order!) :thumbsup2

Well that must be the German in my DH he loves a good roll and apricot jam! :rotfl2: We both are of German desent and love rolls with jam. ( I prefer Strawberrry )

Milka I have seen at our local Target stores here, it's nice to know I can pick up a good bar of chocolate anytime. We also have Aldi stores here, where I know I can get good chocolate..... YUM! It's all imported from Germany and Austria.
We love Milka bars!:lovestruc We have to drive over an hour to buy them at World Market, they cost $3.50 a bar now. My favorite breakfast on the Wonderful Wonder was the cold cuts, smoked salmon, cheese, and hard rolls. Very different than my usual American fare at the local Ihop!


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