The Not-So-Great about DCP


Earning My Ears
Nov 7, 2010
I don't want to be a Debby Downer...I'm just trying to get as much info about the DCP as I can before I go in the Spring.

So my question is this: What were some of your least favorite things about the program?
I don't want to be a Debby Downer...I'm just trying to get as much info about the DCP as I can before I go in the Spring.

So my question is this: What were some of your least favorite things about the program?

It's a very valid question! First thing's first, I dislike the transportation situation. I didn't bring a car, and we rely on the American Coach company for our bus transportation. There are some days where they're on their game, and there are some days when that bus just doesn't show up. Or breaks down on your way to work. On the flip side, however, most of the people that I know that drive spend plenty of money on gas. So there's that.

Secondly, it's like any other job. I personally love my location and the people that I work with, but there are those days/people/tasks that make you take a deep breath before continuing your day. You're going to have to clean things ("everyone's part of custodial!"), smile and apologize to that irate guest, and even work those 14 hour days. Sometimes you'll get hours, sometimes you're working the minimum (30 hours a week). Some weeks you'll make a decent paycheck (after rent and taxes are taken out, of course), and sometimes you'll have to pass up going to Universal because you are broke.

Overall though, It's a great learning experience sprinkled with some really challenging life lessons. I've been here for three months and I would not give up this experience for anything, because it's going to benefit me in the long run :)
I second the transportation. While the buses do the job (for the most part), I wish I had had a car for my programs (it would have made life a lot easier). Also, at times the hours could be trying. But for the most part, I loved my programs
Is traffic/parking really bad there? I'd rather bring my own car, but I don't want to spend two hours just finding a parking space.
Is traffic/parking really bad there? I'd rather bring my own car, but I don't want to spend two hours just finding a parking space.

It depends on how desperate you are to park in the front row. Early on, you'll realize that there are enough spots for everyone, but you may have to park further away then you'd like. I work in MK, and they use the Disney U parking lot across the street as overflow, but there's always some kind of spot somewhere. They have separate cast parking areas for most places, as well.

Traffic depends on the day/time. That's with anywhere though.
It depends on how desperate you are to park in the front row. Early on, you'll realize that there are enough spots for everyone, but you may have to park further away then you'd like. I work in MK, and they use the Disney U parking lot across the street as overflow, but there's always some kind of spot somewhere. They have separate cast parking areas for most places, as well.

Traffic depends on the day/time. That's with anywhere though.

Ahhhh, thanks! Makes perfect sense. I'm not really a "must-park-in-front-row" kind of person, as long as I don't have to walk a mile across a parking lot I'll be fine :P
1) having to share a room. I had 1 great roommate and 2 disrespectful roommates. I wish we could pay more for a single as it can be hard when you have such different schedules.
2) not accruing seniority. Many students do 3+ years with the company through cp/PI/seasonal/rep and it's not revognized.
3) no holiday pay or vacation days. Especially during fall advantage you work so many holidays and 7 months is a long time to not see family.
4) no schedule bid so I often only had 8 hours turnaround- out at midnight and back in at 8. Working at resorts meant bus rides were often an hour or longer commute each way. This meant 4-5 hours sleep many nights.

Honestly, it's really not that bad though. Totally depends who you get stuck rooming with and where you work. I was lucky that I LOVED my role so I was happy to be at work, but others are not so lucky. Don't let these things deter you by any means, but I want to be realistic and let you know what you're getting into.
I have to agree with that everyone else has said. The transportation is tough, I didn't have my car for awhile and my program got a whole lot better once I had it, any parking issue is trumped by having a car. Also the hours/holidays are crazy. It's very hard to get time off, I had to work my birthday and I got very use to working till 3 or 4 in the morning thanks to my location in the magic kingdom, honestly though I won't trade my program for anything and I can't wait to do another. Working in the Walt Disney World Resort makes up for anything else.
I have to agree with that everyone else has said. The transportation is tough, I didn't have my car for awhile and my program got a whole lot better once I had it, any parking issue is trumped by having a car. Also the hours/holidays are crazy. It's very hard to get time off, I had to work my birthday and I got very use to working till 3 or 4 in the morning thanks to my location in the magic kingdom, honestly though I won't trade my program for anything and I can't wait to do another. Working in the Walt Disney World Resort makes up for anything else.

What position did you have that kept you working till 3 or 4 am?
The program is an amazing thing, but its true that it's not all pixie dust and magic. If you go into the cp knowing that, you will be just fine.

1)Transportation did suck, I didn't have a car but I quickly made friends who thankfully had cars. I enjoyed the bus rides though, gave me some alone time to veg out and listen to music. It did really suck though if you worked at MK and worked closing. There are A LOT of ICP who obviously don't have cars so it really clogs the bussing situation. And what sucks about the A Bus (the mk bus) is it stops at the TTC and then at West Clock (backstage mk) so kids who play all day get on that bus before kids who worked all day. often times the bus would come and only have room for 10 more people then the 200 hundred waiting there would run to the bus, fighting to get a spot and then the majority would have to wait another 20 minutes for the next bus.
so my advice to you is, make a carpool plan with some coworkers! the bus ride there isnt so bad, the bus ride back SUCKS

2)Be aware that this is just a job and your leadership is going to either be awesome or suck just like any other job. I had some managers that I had major problems with. Due to the size of the company, there are people who are all about stepping anyone's toes to get to that next step on the ladder so just be wary and don't take it personally.

3)If you're doing spring, peak season sucks. There's a few weeks in april that spring break hits and it's hell. You're working 50 hour weeks, sometimes only having one day off. the parks are crowded, guests are hot and angry. your leadership is stressed. it just sucks. but hang in there!

4)going to the parks does get kind of old especially when peak hits and there's long lines for everything. so try to get creative with what you do so you dont get bored. i made trips to nasa, downtown orlando, universal, old town kissimmee, the florida mall. there's so much around! don't limit yourself to disney. and don't be afraid to take a no disney day! me and my roommates did that quite often. we'd roadtrip to the beach and restrict any mention of anything disney (which is quite difficult) but great therapy especially when you're feeling overwhelmed by work and whatnot.

5)housing is not as magical as the video makes it seems. while it's awesome, the inspections can be strict/on inconvenient days(aka the day after easter in which mk was open til 3am) and the office is not always cooperative. its just like any apartment complex. and their hours are really inconvenient for those us who worked mk and slept during their open hours. that being said, go to the housing events! they're a lot of fun and housing does a lot of great things for cps. just read the bulletin boards and emails

6) you dont make money. i left with 500 dollars and came back with nothing. you typically make 140 or so a week depending on your role. somehow, that goes by realllly quickly but dont hesitate to spend it. this is most likely a once in a life time experience so make sure you experience all that you can!

7) i lost contact with most the friends i had prior to the program. so be aware that that might happen. it sucks but its hard to keep up with a bunch of people when you have a new social life and a full time job.

8)leaving disney sucks. more than you can ever imagine! it was really one of the hardest days of my life when i had to say goodbye to everyone and everything i had fallen in love with. so brace yourself but don't dwell on it. soak up the time you have b/c it goes by fast!
I don't think not having a car is a really bad thing. Taking the bus was so much easier for me, and it got me into a good routine. Plus, I have a habit of being late or not ready on time, so HAVING to take the bus 1 hour prior to the start of my shift was a big help. I do agree, however, that at Magic Kingdom, getting off work at 4 AM some nights and waiting at the bus stop with the ICPs... oh gosh. The worst experiences. They all CHARGE the bus, and it's ridiculous. Often, people would just offer me rides, though.

The only downside I can think of would possibly be getting roommates who aren't around, don't hang out with you, etc. I went down and roomed with my best friend, but our roommates were kind of sucky. I met my boyfriend there and ended up hanging out with him and all my co-workers... never hung out with my roommates ((except the BFF)) besides the first week I was there.
Interesting reading - my child wants to do the College Program - good to know the reality side too!
The worst part for me was leaving...Its been 6 months and a vacation back and I'm still in a state of depression!
I totally agree with the leaving thing. PDD (Post Disney Depression) is the worst. Its kinda incredible how much 6 months can change you. Leaving Orlando was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
I have to agree about leaving. It's the reason I went FT (because I just couldn't stay away from Disney).


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