The Not-So-Great about DCP

I though the more roommates you have the cheaper it is.....?

well i guess technically but it works along the same lines. 1-3 roommates (1 or 2 bedrooms) are about $10 more expensive than 5-7 roommates(3 or 4 bedroom)

like if you have a one bedroom apartment, there will be two people in the apartment. if you have a two bedroom, there are four people total in the apartment. etc. two people per room.
Is Disney pretty easy to get hired onto full time after the program? Are there lots of positions available for CP's when their program gets over??

It depends on the location. But I've found it's usually not too hard to get FT

I'm kinda suprised no one has mentioned the number 1 thing that annoys me the most about working at Disney..the point system. Whether you are 1 minute late to clock in or 1 hour 59 minutes, you recieve a half a point and it goes on your record. You also get a half a point for forgetting to clock out, which is the dumbest thing ever, I've done it once which I don't even remember (which is I guess why I "forgot") and they hold it against you. I wasn't trying to make extra money Disney, believe me.
And a minute late?! Sometimes there will be a group of people waiting to clock out/in in front of you, and that could be your minute that you get in trouble for. I don't understand the motivation to go to work a little late vs. and hour late when the "punishment" is the same. It's so frustrating! Also, they are more strict on CP's than regular full timers. If a CP calls out sick, that's 1 point. A full time employee has to call out 3x to recieve the same.
Its the same if you call/don't show. of course, its much nicer to call then just not show, but once again, there's no "award" for doing so. I say they need to make it .75 for calling in and a full point for a no call/no show.

Yeah, the points system is a little annoying.

As for CPs vs others, it used to be the same way for CPs as well (3 days for 1 point). But due to CPs abusing the system, it was changed.
Well I was a professional intern, and not a cp. But I can still give you some input on the not so great.

1. The point system is really frustrating. Even if you're legitimately sick, its stressful to know that not only can you not go to work (so not make money for the day), but that you're actually getting punished by getting a notation on top of it.

2. If you are in a position at all of lots of guest contact, which most of the CP positions are.... be prepared to encounter germs that you've never encountered in your entire life. I got seriously sick twice in my 6 month program, which is way more than I ever get sick in a normal 6 month period. And I used hand sanitizer frequently like it was my job, and tried to prevent it in all ways possible. Our boss always pointed out that these are international germs that your body has probably never encountered before.

3. I agree with the statement, that not every one treats you like you're a human being. Yes you will get guests that will absolutely make your day, but you get really rude people too. Just be prepared, and realize that if they're grumpy in Disney World they have some serious issues that have nothing to do with you. Don't be rude back though, that could get you in trouble. Just try to remember you only have to deal with them for a matter of minutes (typically) and then its on to the next person.

4. Definitely make sure you're going down with health insurance if at all possible, I know one of my roommates didn't have it and when she had health issues she just refused to seek medical treatment which can be dangerous in some cases. And if you do need to see a doctor, I suggest walgreens or the cvs clinics. They only cost you a doctor visit co-pay if your insurance covers them. Places like urgent care can really be expensive.

5. Living with a roommate in a tiny room stinks. I know I said I was a PI, but we still had our own form of housing in which you lived with someone in your room too. Try to find a roommate ahead of time, utilize FB and these chats. Make sure you know what kind of living style the person has. As PI's we were not allowed to choose. I had to actually change apartments, which just happened to work out for me that they had one girl that wasnt happy with hers and wanted to switch. Even then it still wasn't peachy keen. The problem is that you have people coming from all over the country, different races, different ethnic background... and not everyone is accepting of everyone else. Then there is also the fact that everyone grew up differently.... this probably sounds like a duh moment. I cannot even tell you how many fights in the apartments are about "well at home my family and I always did it this way."

The best way to have your apartment work out is try to find your roommates ahead of time if at all possible. Talk to your roommates when you get there and decide how you guys want things as a whole. We did not do this, because we were so busy with all of our initial very different training schedules. Make a list of things that need to be bought for the apartment and then split up the list so that someone is responsible for each things when it runs out (or you even just split up your weekly list) and I mean things like paper towel, toliet paper, dish soap, garbage bags. If everyone gets that people do things differently it'll all be okay.

I cant really say anything about transportation on the cp. I did work in DAK though and never had a problem finding a parking spot, but I did get there before the park opened in the morning. I know as the day went on that the parking lot got more crowded.
- not having any say in my schedule or hours I worked
- working until 2-3 AM all the time
- feeling like I had no employee rights (because, well, I didn't really have any...)
- having managers that seemed like they hated their jobs
- the fact that they can deploy you to any other work location without asking you
- not being able to see family for a long time and then not being granted time off when they were actually able to come.

My CP didn't turn out the best. It did have its fantastic moments, and I do try to remember it for the better. As a job, it was a pretty great one. I actually liked their point system- I've had jobs where I'd call in with strep throat and they'd still force me to come in, so working at Disney was a huge difference in that sense.

This didn't really apply to me, but being forced to work holidays sucks, especially when you're not even getting holiday pay! I didn't know you didn't get paid extra for holidays. That's really not right. Any basic, minimum wage retail job will always at least pay you time and a half for holidays. Not cool Disney, not cool.

I think I'd be okay with going and working at Disney again as a regular cast member but definitely not as a CP. It can be a fun program, but at the same time I just thought it was crazy that I had more employee rights, was respected more, and got higher pay at a store in the mall than with a huge, well-known and loved company with a lot of power like Disney. I know that sounds harsh, and like I said as a job itself it was a pretty great one. I got to play with glow toys and talk to people all day long. I never even had one really, really bad guest experience. Okay, maybe one. But honestly it was a supervisor's fault- long story!! As far as an actual job it's the best customer service has to offer. But I definitely did not admire the way the CP itself tended to run...and how my managers were sometimes.

But everyone has different experiences! There are some amazing locations to get where you'll be with amazing people and some not-so-much. I loved [most] of the people I worked with and the job itself. I didn't even mind being outside, and I don't remember Spring Break season being that bad at all.
Yeah, the points system is a little annoying.

As for CPs vs others, it used to be the same way for CPs as well (3 days for 1 point). But due to CPs abusing the system, it was changed.

Really? Thats funny. :rotfl:

I remember once my car battery died(left the headlights on overnight) so I was going to be late. I decided to just call in, and the next day, and the following day. Considering I was off the prior day, it sure was nice having 4 days off in a row, and only one point.
Yeah, the points system is a little annoying.

As for CPs vs others, it used to be the same way for CPs as well (3 days for 1 point). But due to CPs abusing the system, it was changed.

Really? Thats funny. :rotfl:

I remember once my car battery died(left the headlights on overnight) so I was going to be late. I decided to just call in, and the next day, and the following day. Considering I was off the prior day, it sure was nice having 4 days off in a row, and only one point.
QUOTE from Pure_Imagination "This didn't really apply to me, but being forced to work holidays sucks, especially when you're not even getting holiday pay! I didn't know you didn't get paid extra for holidays. That's really not right. Any basic, minimum wage retail job will always at least pay you time and a half for holidays. Not cool Disney, not cool.

I think I'd be okay with going and working at Disney again as a regular cast member but definitely not as a CP. It can be a fun program, but at the same time I just thought it was crazy that I had more employee rights, was respected more, and got higher pay at a store in the mall than with a huge, well-known and loved company with a lot of power like Disney. "

OMG..when I read this..especially the last part..I felt like you put into words exactly my issues with the DCP. But regular cast members don't get paid much more either, so I'd say it's my problem with the whole company, not just how they treat the interns. Maybe it's just us, because so many people love working for Disney and stay after the internship..but that's why I could never work for Disney after this. There's no one to ever talk to about your personal issues and the leaders show no empathy, (like the time costuming was closed for the holidays and I called out, cried for about 2 hours, terrified about the mark on my record, the next day a merchandise leader told me I should have just showed up anyway, how it wasn't my fault, and when I asked if she could do something about the point on my record she said "IT'S TOO LATE"):confused3. If you ever bother to tell anyone your problems, they basically turn it around on you, like you should know better. They don't take into consideration this is the first time for many people to be living away from parents, working full time, in a completely new state and/or country, and we're only 18-25 yrs old. You get paid less than someone at Mcdonalds while working 10x harder. Also, be careful when it gets towards the end...I feel like they are terming people like crazy now because a new shipload is coming.

I'm not saying I hate the whole thing..Since I've been deployed to working in Germany I love being here so much more (serving beer is awesome, even without getting tips);)... but Disney has lost it's magic in my eyes..and I don't venerate the company so much. :sad2:

I was in the 2009 Fall Professional Internship program for Finance. I have a room available in a 2/2 apt about 5 miles from Disney. I still work at Disney in Celebration.

The apt. is located in Alta Corners so you can just google it and check it out. It is a very nice complex (gated, amenities, furnished areas, internet, etc.).

Let me know if you are interested

This didn't really apply to me, but being forced to work holidays sucks, especially when you're not even getting holiday pay! I didn't know you didn't get paid extra for holidays. That's really not right. Any basic, minimum wage retail job will always at least pay you time and a half for holidays. Not cool Disney, not cool.

Damn that's rough. I worked for a competing theme park in high school and we would readily get double and even triple time.
If you're doing the CP in anaheim, AVOID the housing there.

We had secuirity getting stabbed, bugs living in the fridge and dish washer and housing wouldn't believe us even tho we left them notes when we had inspections or when we would take them videos/pictures and the bugs!!

Also, Avoid Miguel at all costs. He may seem nice but he's a royal jerk and is NOT willing to help you at all. I was in an apartment with abusive room-mates and he had proof of it and kept me there. I left after a month because he was very rude and wasn't willing to help.

We also had a girl almost get raped and when she told him about it he told her to "read trashy magazines. its what I do on a bad day". He also hates giving out ANY information even if its YOUR file and he will do anything he can to get you to not have that information. When i left he didn't give me a copy of my whole file as requested and he threw a tantrum about getting anything to me.

He also is very into shoving the fact that "You are responsible for all costs even if you leave" even if its their fault OR if they replace you. I found out 8 people had left, and out of that 6 of them were replaced and not having to pay but the other 2 that were replaced were still being forced to pay because miguel said "oh you won't be replaced". He told me that and I know I've been replaced because my room-mates post about it all over facebook. When I called him about it he was "too busy" to help me. he was "with a client" everytime even tho the others would say he was available to help.

I'd look into your own housing with a few people you'd like to room with.
Really? Thats funny. :rotfl:

I remember once my car battery died(left the headlights on overnight) so I was going to be late. I decided to just call in, and the next day, and the following day. Considering I was off the prior day, it sure was nice having 4 days off in a row, and only one point.

How many points before reprimand or getting booted?
I read that over a certain amount of time points disappear from your record. Do reprimands disappear too?
Well, they don't totally disappear (they will always show on your record card). But after a certain amount of time, they won't count anymore (I want to say after 6 months).
no holiday pay or vacation days.
THIS! The regular full time/part timers would always try to make me feel better about working the holidays by being like....well holiday pay?? NOPE. Not for a CP lol.:rolleyes2 But honestly, I'm from Michigan and the holidays didn't seem like holidays...they WERE just any other day... no leaves falling around Halloween, no snow for Christmas, no family... so I guess I didn't really realize what I was missing.:confused3

That, and leaving... hoooooly...:sad2: I cried so hard. Luckily the people I got closest to live in Orlando I don't have to travel around the globe to see everyone.
Whiny full-timers were the worst part. Don't get me wrong I LOOOOVED most of my coworkers, sometimes the full-timers more than the CPers but there were some old full-timers that not only heavily disliked the Cpers but went out of their way to nitpick some of us on little things that didn't even matter, to anyone much less the guests.

I had this one woman try to get me fired because my day off happened to fall on Christmas and she had to work, she could of just asked politely to switch shifts, i would of said sure but no. Trying very hard to get someone termed seemed like a more viable option to her.:sad2:
this has all been very good reading. i was debating on the bringing my own car thing and now im convinced that i should. me and my best friend are hoping to room together and have 2 more roommates and we're each bringing our own car. so excited
like they say in the presentations, the popular kids are those with the cars. i worked epcot and its insane trying to get on the bus with all the international CPs coming on and off the bus from The Commons. unless you're willing to be cramped on a bus of people for 45mins then bring a car LOL.
I agree with so much of what people are saying here--about the full-timers and the car...

Although if you bring your car, get a thick skin to be able to tell someone no...don't let people take advantage of the fact you have a car!;)


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