The Not-So-Great about DCP

If you're doing the CP in anaheim, AVOID the housing there.

We had secuirity getting stabbed, bugs living in the fridge and dish washer and housing wouldn't believe us even tho we left them notes when we had inspections or when we would take them videos/pictures and the bugs!!

Also, Avoid Miguel at all costs. He may seem nice but he's a royal jerk and is NOT willing to help you at all. I was in an apartment with abusive room-mates and he had proof of it and kept me there. I left after a month because he was very rude and wasn't willing to help.

We also had a girl almost get raped and when she told him about it he told her to "read trashy magazines. its what I do on a bad day". He also hates giving out ANY information even if its YOUR file and he will do anything he can to get you to not have that information. When i left he didn't give me a copy of my whole file as requested and he threw a tantrum about getting anything to me.

He also is very into shoving the fact that "You are responsible for all costs even if you leave" even if its their fault OR if they replace you. I found out 8 people had left, and out of that 6 of them were replaced and not having to pay but the other 2 that were replaced were still being forced to pay because miguel said "oh you won't be replaced". He told me that and I know I've been replaced because my room-mates post about it all over facebook. When I called him about it he was "too busy" to help me. he was "with a client" everytime even tho the others would say he was available to help.

I'd look into your own housing with a few people you'd like to room with.

Ohhh great now I am worried. Really? Is he the only house manager? I am applying in two days!!!!
There is very little about my program that I would say were negative.

1. I was only deployed once (thank goodness), and my location, while not terrible, was definitely not the most welcoming. Whereas I was used to the family atmosphere CMs at my workplace had generated, at Sunset Ranch, things were spread out so much that no one was really concerned with making sure a CM from a different location knew what was going on. But I still had no problem with finding other CMs who would give me advice or tell me how/where to get things if I needed them.

2. My leaders were amazing. The absolute best. One, though, didn't handle stress very well, and when we would get busy, he would expect one person to handle the job of multiple, which could get frustrating, to say the least. The only thing to do was hold your temper and do the best you could until another leader made it onto the scene, and they would help reason with him.

3. The biggest thing: leaving! That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I was a wreck the entire week and a half leading up to leaving, because that's when I started saying goodbye... to leaders, to FT-ers who only worked two or three times a week... The last night I closed, another girl and I were closing two separate positions right next to each other, and we cried the entire time, sometimes interspersed with laughter, sometimes not. I cried getting my review from my leader, I cried at the party we had to say goodbye to each other, and I sobbed the day I had to pack up my car and leave. A friend had slept over, both of us on the couch, and he helped me pack my car. After that he went back to his apartment right across the parking lot. When it came time to leave to meet my parents for breakfast, instead of leaving the complex I ended up at his front door to say goodbye for the last time. It was definitely my most wretched time down there (my friends were from all over: California, Australia, Canada, Washington DC, Texas...), but it was completely and utterly worth it, especially as I'm still in contact with the vast majority of them. :goodvibes
Ohhh great now I am worried. Really? Is he the only house manager? I am applying in two days!!!!

He is the only manager, but there are other people you can contact when you have an issue. I would not let these stories alter your choice in participating in the DLR CP.

The issue with Miguel is that he won't help, but he will get the ball rolling if you constantly pester him. I know you shouldn't have to, but it truly is the only way to get through to him.

But remember, like with everything, there are always the extreme cases. I did have some roommate issues while I was there, but everyone does. You are roomed with complete strangers for 5-7 months. It happens. I personally loved my time in the CP and am still very good friends with two of my four roommates. I loved my job and made great friends while I was there.
There is very little about my program that I would say were negative.

1. I was only deployed once (thank goodness), and my location, while not terrible, was definitely not the most welcoming. Whereas I was used to the family atmosphere CMs at my workplace had generated, at Sunset Ranch, things were spread out so much that no one was really concerned with making sure a CM from a different location knew what was going on. But I still had no problem with finding other CMs who would give me advice or tell me how/where to get things if I needed them.

2. My leaders were amazing. The absolute best. One, though, didn't handle stress very well, and when we would get busy, he would expect one person to handle the job of multiple, which could get frustrating, to say the least. The only thing to do was hold your temper and do the best you could until another leader made it onto the scene, and they would help reason with him.

3. The biggest thing: leaving! That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I was a wreck the entire week and a half leading up to leaving, because that's when I started saying goodbye... to leaders, to FT-ers who only worked two or three times a week... The last night I closed, another girl and I were closing two separate positions right next to each other, and we cried the entire time, sometimes interspersed with laughter, sometimes not. I cried getting my review from my leader, I cried at the party we had to say goodbye to each other, and I sobbed the day I had to pack up my car and leave. A friend had slept over, both of us on the couch, and he helped me pack my car. After that he went back to his apartment right across the parking lot. When it came time to leave to meet my parents for breakfast, instead of leaving the complex I ended up at his front door to say goodbye for the last time. It was definitely my most wretched time down there (my friends were from all over: California, Australia, Canada, Washington DC, Texas...), but it was completely and utterly worth it, especially as I'm still in contact with the vast majority of them. :goodvibes

One of my biggest fears about the DCP is leaving. I mean, I know I shouldn't just assume that it's going to be the best thing ever, I really have a feeling that I'm going to love it :love:. I've done summer programs before, and though they were nothing like the DCP work-wise, the friendships I made were AMAZING and leaving was really hard. Hahaha, I guess it's pretty pathetic that I'm worrying about missing the DCP BEFORE I've even done it! :rotfl:
He is the only manager, but there are other people you can contact when you have an issue. I would not let these stories alter your choice in participating in the DLR CP.

The issue with Miguel is that he won't help, but he will get the ball rolling if you constantly pester him. I know you shouldn't have to, but it truly is the only way to get through to him.

But remember, like with everything, there are always the extreme cases. I did have some roommate issues while I was there, but everyone does. You are roomed with complete strangers for 5-7 months. It happens. I personally loved my time in the CP and am still very good friends with two of my four roommates. I loved my job and made great friends while I was there.

You confirming that this shouldn't alter people's choice in doing the DLR CP makes me feel better. I think I want to do the DLR CP after I graduate college (I'm planning on the WDW one first next year), because I consider DLR my "home" park, seeing as I live on the west coast and it's easier to get there!
One of my biggest fears about the DCP is leaving. I mean, I know I shouldn't just assume that it's going to be the best thing ever, I really have a feeling that I'm going to love it :love:. I've done summer programs before, and though they were nothing like the DCP work-wise, the friendships I made were AMAZING and leaving was really hard. Hahaha, I guess it's pretty pathetic that I'm worrying about missing the DCP BEFORE I've even done it! :rotfl:

I don't think it's pathetic at all! Missing the people I was going to work with/meet down there didn't even cross my mind until I got there and realized how amazing they were. I honestly hadn't even given the people any thought; I was just worried about missing the company, because I knew I wouldn't want to come back just because it was Disney World! But when the time to leave rolled around... I was a mess. :rolleyes:
One of my biggest fears about the DCP is leaving. I mean, I know I shouldn't just assume that it's going to be the best thing ever, I really have a feeling that I'm going to love it :love:. I've done summer programs before, and though they were nothing like the DCP work-wise, the friendships I made were AMAZING and leaving was really hard. Hahaha, I guess it's pretty pathetic that I'm worrying about missing the DCP BEFORE I've even done it! :rotfl:

You aren't pathetic at all. I had all this nostalgic feeling and was missing people I hadn't even met yet before I applied the first time around. I was that convinced it was going to be amazing and I wasn't disappointed.


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