The Official What's For Dinner thread:Thursday 1-24-08? Recipe finder in OP. Enjoy! Part 3

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well I thawed out a pork roast meaning to throw it into the crock pot and forgot! We do have shrimp pasta leftovers though as well.
Sheryl -- From what everyone on this thread says, Glynis's pot roast will certainly make your DD feel better. Graduate school can definitely be stressful at times. I remember when my dad was earning his MBA he was struggling to learn calculus at age 40-something, but then he befriended two German students who were whizzes at math. Dad helped them with some management concepts they were unfamiliar with and they helped him with the math, and they all passed the class. I'm sure your daughter will find a way out of her difficulties too, and when she graduates, both you and she will be so proud! I wish her the best of luck (and a really good meal tonight!)

Tonight is a skating night (just three more weeks...) so I'm making corn chowder this afternoon, and I'll reheat it for myself when I get home. It's another cold and dreary day here, so soup will taste really good after an hour in the rink.

Is your chowder recipe posted here?

I tell you what, I'm impressed with your Dad! :thumbsup2 I'm 40 something & it is definitely not something I would attempt now! My brain has grown moldy & turned to mush!!!:lmao:
My DD is only 25, graduated in '04 from LSU. She is handling the class work well, but the program is structured in that every project or paper is done as a group. They have the same group of people that work together through out the entire grad program. They had a group of 5, one older guy already dropped & now they have another girl who is having family problems & not carrying her load. It's really causing them problems. My DD is also working full time. Her DH is also in grad school for anesthesia & not able to work right now, so she is the sole "bread-winner" in the house. She knew it was going to be tough, just wasn't prepared to have to deal with another person's family issues too. I can't even express how proud we are of her, though. So if Glynis's Roast will help, I'm happy to do it!
WOW! 14 pages to go through to get caught up! I need a laptop- but I don't think Rick would buy the excuse that the WFD thread moves too fast for when I'm gone!:lmao:
...and We all ( that is my DH at 6'6" tall, talk about a big green beacon, Dan all 6 feet of him and the 4 shorter chubbier green versions and Kady) wore lime green shirts, and we still met no one. I'm not sure it was worth all of what we went through to get Buddy into a fluorescent lime green shirt with mickeys on the front. I'm still paying for that one!
Poor Buddy.....I wish I coulda seen that one!:rotfl2:

:rotfl: I CAN send lobsters.......but they do come to you alive, and you better be prepared on the sounds they make when you throw them in the pot of boiling water........they try to scurry up the sides of the pot and they "scream"...:scared1: ............I have grown up with it so that it doesn't phase me, in fact we always put them on the floor and have races with them....loser gets put in the pot first......................:rolleyes1
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?!?:rotfl: :rotfl:

I love the "snuggle" names! I call Kady "My little snuggle muffin". I used to call Marisa "My little Delight" but I made the mistake in front of her teacher, and scarred her for life. Now she has picked out my "home" when I outlive my usefulness. I did not think it was that bad :confused3
But once you're in the "home" who's gonna cook EVERY night?

I offered to fix DH a hot dog or a chicken sandwich, but he tried to get his own, dropped the chicken all over the floor, glared at the chicken all over the floor, tosses the poor chicken in the sink and proceeded to clean the poor floor, lost his appetite and had a granola bar :rotfl2:.

I have to add the "Road Trip" thing has me singing the theme song fro Lampoon's Vacation in my head, and it won't go away. After Buddy lost the war with the chicken, I kept seeing Clark at the Grand Canyon but I was giving him a little push :rolleyes1. DD says it is "justifiable" I just wanted to know if it would come under "AD&D" . Today is is almost back in my good graces, but he was very close.........................
Oh Nancy! Does Buddy ever admit defeat? To be bested by frozen chicken!:rotfl2: And I keep having the "Holidayyyyyyyyyyroadtrip....." thing screaming through my head too!

Well, I'm home. My Grandma recognized me at first but she's going downhill fast. I'm trying to get back up there in a couple weeks. Missed all you guys- I wanted my own friends to hang out with at the graduation party!:grouphug:
Kathy - Happy Birthday to Kyle! Drink heavily while he is out with the car on his own. It may be the key to maintaining your sanity.

Sandy - I'm in awe. That's all I can say.

Tonight's dinner is going to be Kathy's creole shrimp stuffed peppers. I've been dying to try them and I finally remembered to let the bread get stale.


I plan on it.:rolleyes1 I hope you enjoy the stuffed peppers!
I'm going to go put something in my crock pot. I'm starting a new job in 2 weeks and I need lots of crockpot ideas..... anybody got any favorites?? My new hours are 12-4 so the crockpot and I need to bond.

I can't provide much help with the crock pot, I am not organized enough to have things ready to toss in the thing in the morning :confused3, but I wanted to wish you luck with your new job!

WFD tonight, I'm going to cook Glynis's Roast! I don't want to be out of the loop, so I've got to give it a try. :goodvibes I was going to cook one of my DH's favs our typical Monday meal of red beans & rice. But I want to do something for my DD. She is having a tough time with work & she is back in school getting her MBA. She has been really stressed out with some work & school issues and I'm a bit worried about her. She likes roast so I'm going to cook that & run it over to her for their dinner tonight. Roast with either mashed potatoes or rice & sauteed spinach will be dinner tonight.

The pot roast will help, I guarantee it! You must be so proud, grad school is a tough undertaking when only one member of the family is going through the classes, I can't imagine how hard with both DD and DSIL in school. I know that they will be fine, but a Mom knows how to make it easier :thumbsup2.

Well, I'm home. My Grandma recognized me at first but she's going downhill fast. I'm trying to get back up there in a couple weeks. Missed all you guys- I wanted my own friends to hang out with at the graduation party!:grouphug:

:grouphug: back at you girl.

Kathy- How was Kyle's birthday?

Sandy- I am so impressed by the arrangement!
Hello everyone! Dinner last night was not amazing. A transformer went out on our street and we were without power for hours. By 7 PM we were starving so we ordered grinders from a shop down in the center and ate them by lantern light :laughing:.. Yup, we were original and did not even break out the candles. By 8 PM Buddy broke down and fired up the generator, and we had power back around 10 PM.

Tonight I am planning a roast pork with prunes. It should have apricots as well, but I am out and am not going back out into the rain unless I have too. I think roasted potatoes and broccoli.
Kathy- How was Kyle's birthday?

Very nice, thanks. We all enjoyed his birthday dinner last night. He's out driving on his own for the first time right now, he got his license this morning, I'm a wreck!:sad2:

Love the pic in your siggie!!
Sandy, thanks for the rice info. But after seeing your beautiful fruit arrangement, I'm really not sure I've got the talent you have to pull off the sushi! But I'm going to give it a go. Did everyone eat the fruit or just look at how pretty it was?!
You're so sweet, but I'm serious, the sushi and the fruit thing are not as hard as they look. Yes, we did actually eat the fruit. :laughing: Let me know when you're gonna do the sushi and I'll give you those tips for rolling it. And if you watch some of those "how to" videos on youtube you won't have any problems.

:hug: for you're DD. I'm sure she'll really enjoy the roast.

I'm experimenting with dinner tonight - I grilled a Boston butt (rubbed with garlic salt) just to brown it a little and give it a smokey flavor, then I put it in the crockpot with some apple juice and chopped onion. I haven't decided what we'll have with it yet.
Very nice, thanks. We all enjoyed his birthday dinner last night. He's out driving on his own for the first time right now, he got his license this morning, I'm a wreck!:sad2:

Love the pic in your siggie!!


Marisa is helping this computer challenged gal. She has been fooling around with it all morning and told me not to be surprised if it keeps changing
Happy Birthday Kyle!!! Have fun cruisin!!!

Well, I'm home. My Grandma recognized me at first but she's going downhill fast. I'm trying to get back up there in a couple weeks. Missed all you guys- I wanted my own friends to hang out with at the graduation party!:grouphug:

We missed you too! :hug: :hug: :hug: hugs for you, grandma and grandpa.

I am really going nuts getting ready for the wedding and this week is Andrews field day...I am the class mom...:scared1: is supposed to be tomorrow but it may get rained out.

I just ordered all the candy for the buffet...:banana: :banana: :banana: got alot of great stuff.

A has an orthodontist appointment today at 4:30 so I just picked up a rotissere chicken and will make a veggie and sweet potatoes. All this talk about Sweet Baby Rays made me go buy a bottle . I'll baste the chicken with that while I reheat it.

Hopefully I'll be able to eat...I just went to lunch with a friend and am not feeling too great...:confused3

We let Seymour out yesterday...:cool1: . He ran like a bat out of hell but he is now back and sleeping on the porch. Bad news is...we got home from church yesterday and found another cat with a hurt leg...:sad1: :sad1: :sad1: ...I just lost it and started balling my eyes nerves are shot...:scared1: .

Still no word on my Mom...she is about the same. I have to go visit her this week and get her a dress for the wedding...

OK, I am rambling...hope everyone is having a good day.
Nancy, I finally found that recipe. All it took was a prayer to St. Anthony, and I wasn't even halfway through it when I found not only the cupcake recipe, but a whole stack of yummy egg and dairy free recipes. I'll just post the cupcake one now. (Liam's complaining about wanting dinner...the nerve! :) )

ETA: These freeze really well. I just make one batch at the beginning of the school year and pop one out of the freezer and into Liam's lunch bag any time there is a school party.

Kady's Dairy-Free Cupcakes (the school always puts the name of the child with allergies on the recipe) -- Makes 24 cupcakes

3 cups flour
3 cups sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
10 Tbsp Fleishmann's unsalted margarine, melted
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups cold water

Preheat the oven to 350 and line muffin tins with paper liners.
In a large bowl, mix ingredients together and blend well. Pour into liners, slightly more than halfway up. Bake 20-25 minutes or until tester comes out clean. Frost when completely cool.

You can frost with Duncan Hines Creamy Home Style frosting in either Classic Vanilla or Classic Chocolate, both are milk-free. Or if you want to make it yourself:


2 cups confectioners sugar
2 tsp water
4 Tbsp Fleishmann's unsalted margarine, softened

In small bowl mix ingredients together. If necessary, add more water to make frosting more spreadable. Food coloring may be added.

I have no idea how these actually work, but they come out looking just like regular cupcakes. One very picky little girl commented that she doesn't like these last year at Liam's party, but aside from that one exception, all the children seem to enjoy them as much as regular cupcakes. And they couldn't be easier.

What other egg-free recipes do you have? I'm always looking for great tasting egg-free recipes since I developed an egg allergy a few years ago. If only you could make an egg-free pound cake. :rolleyes:
Nancy, Are you anywhere near Mystic, CT? We are going there for a few days for a honeymoon. :)

I am about an hour or so to the north. If you look at the MA/CT border you will see Hartford then a little further north is Enfield. We are west of Enfield, right where there is the little notch in CT. West Suffield.

You are going to love Mystic. Make sure that you go to Abbots in Noank for a shore dinner.

Lauren- I know that you are not going to listen, but I wish you would calm down a little. You are going to make yourself ill with the worrying. I wish that you had answers about your Mom, the waiting must be awful. The rest is going to fall into place. I don't know how it happens, but it does. Your wedding will be lovely, you will be gorgeous the men in your life handsome and adoring, and your Mom will have a dress. :hug:
Lauren- I know that you are not going to listen, but I wish you would calm down a little. You are going to make yourself ill with the worrying. I wish that you had answers about your Mom, the waiting must be awful. The rest is going to fall into place. I don't know how it happens, but it does. Your wedding will be lovely, you will be gorgeous the men in your life handsome and adoring, and your Mom will have a dress. :hug:

I'll second that! Maybe she'll listen if we gang up on her.:grouphug:
I forgot to mention earlier that I treated myself while in Louisville. I went shopping and got the new South Beach Diet Quick and Easy Cookbook. 200 recipes 30 min or less. I haven't gotten that far into it yet, but what I have seen I'm sure there'll be some posted on here!

Kathy, how'd you get them to name it after you?!?:confused3

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2:
Lauren, hope you feel better soon! & STOP STRESSING!!!! We are now a GANG! :grouphug: ;)

Sandy, I will let you know when I try it! I did watch the videos & just think they probably make it look much easier than it is!

Kady'sMom, Nancy & Hersey, We are going to be there right after y'all! We are going starting on Oct 20th. Yes because I LOVE:love: Wine!!! Too bad we are all going to just miss being there together. That would have been fun!

Nancy, That was exactly what I was worried about when DD made the decision to go back to school. I was concerned that with both of them in school the stress would just be a killer! But she felt she was not doing anything on the evenings or weekends but watching her DH study. Besides if she waited then it would be even longer before I get any grandbabies!

My house is smelling so good right now with Glynis's Roast Cooking!!! It sure does make you hungry!
I forgot to mention earlier that I treated myself while in Louisville. I went shopping and got the new South Beach Diet Quick and Easy Cookbook. 200 recipes 30 min or less. I haven't gotten that far into it yet, but what I have seen I'm sure there'll be some posted on here!

Kathy, how'd you get them to name it after you?!?:confused3

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: You're too funny, I'm so glad you're back!!!!!
I forgot to mention earlier that I treated myself while in Louisville. I went shopping and got the new South Beach Diet Quick and Easy Cookbook. 200 recipes 30 min or less. I haven't gotten that far into it yet, but what I have seen I'm sure there'll be some posted on here!

Kathy, how'd you get them to name it after you?!?:confused3

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2:

Quick and Easy Kathy?!?
:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Dinner tonight is meatloaf (a recipe the kids love because it's slightly sweet), freshly stewed squash, fresh snap beans, and macaroni and cheese. I think I'll slice up some tomatoes to go along with it, too.
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