The Running Thread—2023

Ran my 4 easy miles this morning--the AQI is still around 155. This has made me very grateful that I am (currently) a healthy person who is not impacted in any severe way by these conditions.

Hope everyone who is still dealing with these conditions is doing okay. @DopeyBadger, seems like it's still bad in your area.
Air quality is great here in west-central FL… but my Feels Like before sunrise was 94*. :headache: (83* + 78* Dew Point = T+D of 161 for those who prefer that measurement. I’m here to tell you that by this time of the year, T+D seems pretty irrelevant - it’s just freaking HOT and HUMID. Every day. Endlessly. For months. It’s often best not to look at all. Just assume it will be misery and roll with it.:rotfl:)
I did not run this morning. AQI was still on the upper end “unhealthy for sensitive groups” and while I don’t have any of the conditions that make me a sensitive group, I am somewhat sensitive to crap in the air so I chose not to run. Also, the humidity was 94% (temp was only 64°F, but still) and it was really hazy. I’m really over summer weather already—can we skip to fall weather now?
Air quality is great here in west-central FL… but my Feels Like before sunrise was 94*. :headache: (83* + 78* Dew Point = T+D of 161 for those who prefer that measurement. I’m here to tell you that by this time of the year, T+D seems pretty irrelevant - it’s just freaking HOT and HUMID. Every day. Endlessly. For months. It’s often best not to look at all. Just assume it will be misery and roll with it.:rotfl:)
Yeah, I've resigned myself to doing everything but long runs on the treadmill for the next few months.
Air quality is great here in west-central FL… but my Feels Like before sunrise was 94*. :headache: (83* + 78* Dew Point = T+D of 161 for those who prefer that measurement. I’m here to tell you that by this time of the year, T+D seems pretty irrelevant - it’s just freaking HOT and HUMID. Every day. Endlessly. For months. It’s often best not to look at all. Just assume it will be misery and roll with it.:rotfl:)
I mean…you live in FLORIDA! Seriously I don’t know how you do it. I am even done with Springtime Surprise because I can’t tolerate that heat. At least here in winter you can add layers and only have to worry about your face being exposed. You can only shed so many layers before it’s socially unacceptable 🤣
June running totals

Total miles : 64.3
Average pace : 11:10/mile

I decided to run today after all because the aqi was holding steady so I’m done for the month. I finished up a training block with a HM PR. I took a week off before it to mend a sore hip (it worked) and am in the midst of a reverse taper so my miles are light but I’m healthy! Here’s to a strong July everyone!
June 2023 totals
Distance: 100.0km (62mi)
Average pace: 6m48s/km (10:55/mi)
YTD: 1078km on 2023km

Recovery from the Ottawa challenge, work, end of school year for the kids, heat, smog and vacations explain why this is my smallest month in year. Yet, I am satisfied with what I ran.
Have a great summer ☀️
June Running
193.32 miles
7:48 avg/mile

I started going back to PT this month after some lingering achilles/upper hamstring issues the last couple of months. It's been helping a lot. One week out from a mile road race which I'm equal parts looking forward to/dreading.
June summary: Finished off my "buildup" plan by doing a simulated 1/2. It met my expectations (don't kill myself to chase times when I have nothing to prove, but not go too slowly so that I feel like I'm somehow failing myself and what I "theoretically could" do. Yeah, it's a b**ch being in my head)

I am now in week 2 of NY marathon training and am being reasonably successful in running the slowest paces I have ever run (even for the mildly optimistic planned/predicted race pace)--which is a lot tougher mentally than physically. Summer is nature's automatic throttle, so in a weird way, it's good to be doing marathon training in the summer--something I have never said before.

In other running related "accomplishments" for the month...I finally completed some bookings for my fall trip to Scotland to run the Dramathon, with a few days in London afterwards. I better get on the stick for DL race (which I finally told DH I signed up for)
June Running

Miles: 47.61
Time: 11:49:18

I'm sad because I would have hit 50 miles if I hadn't gotten sick and skipped two runs at the beginning of the week. :(

I did complete my 5 mile "easy" run this morning. I'm still not 100 percent and it was tough. I didn't even check the temperature when I left but it felt like a billion degrees with a million percent humidity. I had to switch from :30/:30 intervals to :15/:30 intervals at mile 3, and I stopped for water and to dip my arms in the community pool somewhere between mile 3 and 4, but I finished! And then I promptly came home and jumped in my pool.
I mean…you live in FLORIDA! Seriously I don’t know how you do it. I am even done with Springtime Surprise because I can’t tolerate that heat. At least here in winter you can add layers and only have to worry about your face being exposed. You can only shed so many layers before it’s socially unacceptable 🤣
30 years of acclimation lol! I always tell people - it’s not that it ever feels less hot, only that I’ve gotten used to being hot. My pace slows a lot, and I run in the least amount of clothing legally required, and I do a lot before sunrise - it’s honestly not so bad. But I also moved here because my body physically rejects the cold: I break out in hives when my skin is exposed to temps as high as 50. My running performance on paper is LOADS better in cold weather, to be sure… but I’m so miserable wrapped up in layers, I don’t even find it enjoyable! If I could just have a high of 70-80 and a low of 65 every day, I’d be golden. :rotfl:
Not a great month but given that I took a 2.5 week break on vacation then came back to insane heat I really can't complain too much!

I just graduated PT this morning, though! Officially have corrected my running and walking form enough to not have hip or foot issues anymore.
Good luck your Chicago Marathon training! I presume that this is your "A" race. Do you have any other races planned in the lead-up to the Windy City?
Nope that's the first in the series! And I wouldn't even call it an "A" race, given that I'm not gunning for a certain time. Covering a marathon distance should always be countable as an "A" goal in my book, so I guess it does count. I have a bunch of halfs lined up after Chicago: Philadelphia in November, Disneyland in January, Princess in February. None of them are time goals though, I'm trying to take a mental break.
I realised that this is my first time posting in this year's thread! I stopped running as much for a bit last year - way too busy with work, then caught COVID which made me too tired to run for a couple of months which made my stamina even worse!

When I finally started running regularly again in December last year I was so slow and deconditioned from months of barely running... but have been running fairly regularly over the last few months and running is getting more fun now as I'm getting used to running again. It's been interesting/fun/motivating seeing my stamina and speed increase over the last few months.

Still quite a while away from 10km and half distances (mostly doing 1-3 mile distances at the moment) but at least I'm making progress!

Anyway, June was a milestone as I finally made my target of running an average of 2km/day! Hoping to keep this up (have signed up for Princess weekend 2024 and I'd better train if I want to enjoy a weekend of running!)

June numbers:
60.5 km (37.6 miles)
6min30s/km which is I think 10min24s/mile - this is the fastest average speed I've had since 2019!


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