The Running Thread - 2019

ATTQOTD: Running in the Kiawah Island Marathon Dec 14th. It will be my first marathon, (and if training goes well, first attempt at a BQ). I signed up for the Savannah Sunburn half marathon as a fun way to kickoff my training program, but per my earlier post, my wife has agreed to let me start training earlier. So a long run on the weekends, and one gym trip per week for a speed workout, as it is too hot to do any such thing on my lunch runs. I am also going to start working in 2-3 strength training workouts a week, which I have been putting off.
ATTQOTD: I started this year with my usual new year's resolution of running a total of 365km in the year (i.e. average of 1km a day). Last year I got to 300+ but didn't quite hit 365km.

Around February I massively ramped up my running and mileage, and around March I realised that I could actually run 100km a month fairly comfortably.

I passed the 365km mark sometime in April. At which point my new goal for the year became to run an average of 100km a month. Currently at 741km so far this year, and still on track so far!

I have other secondary goals this year too - improve my race timings, do a half marathon (my last one was in 2017). Also finally doing a WDW runDisney race later this year and I'm really looking forward to it!
QOTD: Now that more then half the year is gone, what are your running goals for the rest of the year? Has it changed from what your goals were for the whole year?

While I didn't really have a stated goal at the beginning of 2019 other than keep running consistently after completing Dopey. I've always hoped to run a 1,000 mile year but never thought it would be doable for me.......and then I signed up for a 50 miler. In Feb, Mar, and April prior to the race my training had me averaging 165 mile/month and I followed with 100 mile months since my early May race.
So, my goal is to CRUSH that 1,000 mile year......avoid any injuries doing so.
ATTQOTD: My goals at the start of the year were to get faster and to run more often and on consecutive days to prepare for Dopey. I've been focusing more on the consistency of running per week and especially as it's gotten hotter, not worrying as much on the distance. Once it cools down, then I'll add longer runs to the consistency of running. So far I'm happy with my results and had better times in the shorter races I've done. I've got the Dallas 10k/Half Marathon challenge in December to train for and that should help keep my training for Dopey on track as well.

Short Term - Recover from this ankle injury and return to running in February
Long Term - Continue with strength + bike + run through 2019 and see if I can continue to make running gains using this method. Ideally preparing for a BQ attempt at Disney 2020.

Short term was a success. After sustaining an ankle injury in August 2018, I was finally able to feel normal again in early February. I ended up taking 19 weeks off from running to allow it to heal (October to February). Since restarting running in February 2019, I've only had one run with an ankle issue which I now attribute to a very specific turn on my running route (of which I have since eliminated).

Long term is a continued work in progress. I have continued with the new routine of strength + indoor cycling + running. I did sign up for the 2020 Disney Marathon and still plan to attempt to run a sub-3 (barring fitness levels at that time). I'm in week 4 of the 29 week Ironman training plan now. Just at the tail end of the last training cycle I was starting to feel like my old self again. So I think this new routine might be helpful in the long term.
ATTQOTD: I have a lot of races planned for the fall, including Berlin, NYCM and MCM 50K (and a lot of others). So my training right now is focused on Berlin, where I hope to PR from my current PR which was at Grandma's in June. I also want to "run the year" (2019 miles) and as of the halfway point was on track. If so this will be the first time I've done this (last year I came close).
QOTD: Now that more then half the year is gone, what are your running goals for the rest of the year? Has it changed from what your goals were for the whole year?

Due to having my second ankle surgery of the year in early July my goal of completing the Twin Cities Marathon in under 4 hours has gone out the window. I will still be running it with the goal of just finishing and actually running the entire distance, pending the ankle holds up.
ATTQOTD: My goal for the year was/is to break 4 hours in the marathon. I cut 10 minutes off my time in the spring for a 4:01:xx time, and I’m hopeful that for my marathon in October I will be able to get a 3:xx:xx. And then the rest of the year’s goal is to take it easy, have fun, and run MCM 50k, W&D 5k and Half, Rt. 66 Marathon, and then on to Dopey!

Training so far in the heat and humidity has been a little tough. It’s hard to tell if my fitness is the same as when I ran the first spring marathon, or if I lost a lot after that when I maintained and ran 3 more easy paced marathons in the following two months.

Right now I’m hoping that it all works itself out with the weather. And the fall will have great weather for PRs!
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ATTQOTD: I have a number of goals for this year. The ones I know( I’ll need to go back a double check I haven’t forgotten any):

Run 1,500 miles this year - I am currently on target for this.

Run 26 races this year - I’ll need to go back and count exactly how many I’vr Done so far, but I know that with what I still have coming up that I’ll make it.

Break 2 hour half-Marathon- I came 38 seconds off from doing so in my last half-Marathon my next half is at the end of September.

Train for Dopey - official training for my Nov marathon/Dopey began this week.
DO IT!!!! They removed the out and back around mile 5 down on the southern end of the course that I remember you not being a fan of. :)

Okay, okay... you talked me into it... I registered. So glad they removed that out & back portion!! I am up for a DIS meetup on race day. This is the first race I have registered for in 2019, although I may try to squeeze in a 5k before this race just to get a sense of where I am.

@LSUlakes, please add the following when you have time:

November 2019
3 - opusone - Chicago Hot Chocolate 15k (TBD / N/A)

ATTQOTD: I started the year with no running goals; in fact, I was in the middle of a long (over 6 months) hiatus from running. I started back up a couple months ago, and so my rest-of-the-year goal is simply to get back into shape by maintaining consistent training (4 days per week) and hopefully lose 10-15 lbs in the process.
Short term goals: Find the joy in running again. I felt a little beat up after my marathon in December and I am finally starting to enjoy running again rather than it feeling like a chore. I guess this could be a short term or long term goal.

Long term goal: I want to continue my streak of 100+ miles per month (24 months and counting), eat better, drink more water and stay consistent with my strength training. I also want to check off some more states on my goal to run a half or full in all 50 states (which will take way longer than 2019, LOL). Of course the overall goal is to run a sub-4 marathon and sub 1:45 half, but that may not happen this year and I am okay with that.

I have successfully achieved the short term goal by taking a break from longer distances. There are still days when I don't want to run, but overall I have found the joy again and I am very thankful for that.

I have continued the streak of 100+ monthly miles and I am currently sitting at 30 months in a row (should be 31 here in a few days). The eating better and drinking more water has not been as successful, but I am getting back on track after some hectic weeks of moving. I have stayed consistent with strength training and checked three more states off my list though (LA, NC and MS)! I am leaning toward attempting to PR the half on Kiawah Island in December and then the full in possibly January (Disney) or March (Snickers). Decisions, decisions!

Short term: Get back into running shape after coming off a not so good spring for running and injury.

Long term: Have a good training session for Dopey and stay healthy. All three of my kids will be in school all day starting next Monday!! Very excited for the time that I will have during the day to devote to running and doing cross training plus getting stuff done around the house that can be more difficult with the kids around. I definitely used my kids being on different schedules as an excuse to skip runs throughout the years so now I can't use that as an excuse. I had the goal of maintaining 1000 miles for the year but that most likely won't happen this year and I'm ok with that. Rather have a good training session and show up for marathon weekend ready to go.
QOTD: Now that more then half the year is gone, what are your running goals for the rest of the year? Has it changed from what your goals were for the whole year?

My goal at the beginning of the year was to go through the SW Half without spending the whole race figuring out how far in front of the balloon ladies I was. Goal accomplished.

Goal for the rest of the year: get a faster 10k/12k/half time that moves me up to corral D (or equivalent) for Princess and/or Star Wars.
ATTQOTD: I had 1 real goal for 2019 and that was/is to BQ at Indy Monumental in November. I'm still hoping I can get where I want in November, but a lot of work, fortune (with injuries), weather coopertating, etc. will have to happen between now and then. But it's nice for me to have 1 large goal to focus on whether it is met or not.
QOTD: Now that more then half the year is gone, what are your running goals for the rest of the year? Has it changed from what your goals were for the whole year?

Training hard this summer after a dubious spring where I was repeatedly sick and out most of May for our anniversary trip to Italy. Fall goals:

8/11 Charleston Sprint Tri
9/15 Kiawah Triathlon International Distance
10/19 Wilmington Ironman 70.3
12/14 Kiawah Half Marathon (PR attempt)

I also have a few 5k and 10k races and would like to run a sub 20 minute 5k. I am trying to get 8-10 pounds below my standard running weight but am having a tough time with that.
ATTQOTD: Short term goal is to lose those last dadgum 5 lbs I've been trying to lose for months now. Lots of day-by-day goals like water consumption each day, planking every day, keeping my protein intake at healthy levels.
My forever long-term goal is to run a marathon in under 5 hours. I signed up for Goofy this year so any PR plans will be on the back burner for now. Just trying to stay healthy and mobile into my later years is my super-long-term goal. I figure if I hang on until I'm 70 or 75 I may eventually qualify for Boston :rolleyes:
I had a goal to aim for an under 4 marathon this fall, but I've been having lots of injury issues so that goal is not going to happen. So, it's now see if I can run it at all. Otherwise, it's just looking forward to having fun at Wine & Dine races.


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