The Running Thread - 2019

@LSUlakes, please add the following when you have time:

September 2019
22 - DopeyBadger - DoLittle Half Marathon (1:37:00 / N/A)

October 2019
20 - DopeyBadger - Haunted Hustle Half Marathon (1:40:00 / N/A)

November 2019
10 - DopeyBadger - Madison Half Marathon (1:25:30 / N/A)

Here's my reasoning for my goals (link). DoLittle is a fitness check under hot conditions. Haunted Hustle was a free entry run because of placing at the Brat Fest 5k. Madison Half Marathon is to check whether my sub-3 goal at Disney is truly realistic. I also plan to try out my new pair of Nike Vaporfly Next% on these runs to see whether that will be my Disney marathon shoe.
Now that more then half the year is gone, what are your running goals for the rest of the year? Has it changed from what your goals were for the whole year?
Definitely changes for me, but I'm okay with them.

1. Finish my first marathon as part of Dopey. Done.
2. Avenge my disappointing showing from last year's San Francisco Giant Race in September. I think this goal is off the table now, but has been revised to just finish the race and I'm okay with that. Between intense work pressures without a race immediately afterwards and getting a nasty cold that wiped me out for 3 weeks in June, I'm back to square one on training for that race. Coach recommended that I revise my goals for that race and focus on using it to prepare for being in peak shape come January for Dopey and again in April for Star Wars.

I feel I have unfinished business with the distance, but I am not going to address it at Wine & Dine (It will be a fun run, not a do-over), and I am not sure the September option is my time.
I still think I feel this way about the Giant Race that I struggled at last September even though I finished my first marathon and Dopey this past January.

And then I think I hit a goal wall. Because I finally did the "big one."
I felt kind of listless running wise post Dopey as well. I think I solved it by registering for Dopey 2020, which has me once again rethinking my running life. Almost like I somehow managed to forget just what the marathon entailed. Or that I truly enjoyed the experience so much that I wanted to do it again.

1) Get in a sold training block between now and the end of October.
2) Survive my MC50K/W&D Tour de Idiot.

3? If I get through that unscathed, keep the diet and training going for the rest of the year to WDW weekend. I'll decide after Wine & Dine what, if any, race to do over that weekend. The other goal is to get some consistent strength training in as well, but that is really tough. Takes a lot of time on those days.

Part of the fun of getting older is that you don't always remember something you posted or said months ago. I can't remember what my goals were for the year, LOL.

Even though I won't remember them later on, My goals for the rest of the year are:

1>Run 3-4 times a week (100+ miles a month)
2>Sign up for Fall and Winter Races (feels so empty having nothing on the calendar right now)
3>Ease up on expectations and try to enjoy running injury free!
Thank you @LSUlakes for this new thread, it is a real gift to share with others.

ATTQOTD goals:
  • Keep treating injuries with respect not to aggravate any of them
  • Improve/maintain sub-2 time for the Half
  • Train for and attempt my first full Marathon (September)
  • Coach DD to her first 10k if she wants to (see next line... She wants to come)
  • Plan and get ready for Dopey 2020
  • Enjoy this board
  • Drink more water
ATTQOTD goal status:
  • Keep treating injuries with respect not to aggravate any of them: So far so good. I saw physio and masso therapists and slowed down when necessary.
  • Improve/maintain sub-2 time for the Half: Maintained kind of but speed was not this year focus (see above and below).
  • Train for and attempt my first full Marathon (September): On track with that.
  • Coach DD to her first 10k if she wants to (see next line... She wants to come): Going well there too. She even convinced DM to let her go running 3km tonight! Wow!
  • Plan and get ready for Dopey 2020: Flight, hotel and bib are reserved! Here we (all) come!
  • Enjoy this board: Always true, thank you!
  • Drink more water: Ooops
I read here all the time and rarely post but am trying to talk to other runners more (I don’t really know many IRL). So! ATTQOTD: At the beginning of this year I’d been running a little over 6 months and had a goal to keep going and maybe try a race. Halfway through the year I’ve been seriously bitten by the running bug, am running 5 days a week, have done a 5K, a 10K, and have my first half next weekend. My goals for the rest of the year are to keep training smart, maybe focus on speed a little more, and do a couple more races before I meet up with my childhood BFF to run the WDW half in January.

Part of the fun of getting older is that you don't always remember something you posted or said months ago. I can't remember what my goals were for the year, LOL.

Even though I won't remember them later on, My goals for the rest of the year are:

1>Run 3-4 times a week (100+ miles a month)
2>Sign up for Fall and Winter Races (feels so empty having nothing on the calendar right now)
3>Ease up on expectations and try to enjoy running injury free!

What he said.
I don't think this question has been asked since early in the 2017 thread, so answers might be different.

QOTD: Tell us about your favorite part (most memorable) of a race (possibly outside of the Disney bubble) that you have done.

ATTQOTD: For me, the most memorable part of a race is the first time I ran the Texas Independence Relay. My second leg was right at sunset, and the section of road I was running was close to rice patties. About a mile into the leg, I got a whole lot of added protein with the number of bugs in the air! My van came by about that time, I yelled at them that I just had a second dinner. I quickly understood why others were wearing Balaclavas type things on their face at the exchange point.
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ATYQOTD: Well....I completed Dopey stronger than I expected even with an undiagnosed stress fracture of the femoral neck head. That fx derailed my plans for the rest of the year. I was hoping to train all year and chase a sub 2 half in November or December. The fx uncovered some other health issues that I'm working on now. I started running again in May and things are going well. I am attempting to run a 10 mile race in October in under 1:35. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, there's always next time. I still freak out about every twinge I have in my hip area, but I think that's to be expected. After the 10 mile race I'm running all 3 W&D races, a 5K in December and I'm registered for Goofy in 2020.
I don't think this question has been asked since early in the 2017 thread, so answers might be different.
QOTD: Tell us about your favorite part (most memorable) of a race (possibly outside of the Disney bubble) that you have done.
ATTQOTD: Small backstory, I started running when a friend told me I could use her CM discount for beach club if I would come run Princess 10K with her. I had some pregnancy related health problems and this was a kick to get me to pick up a healthy habit. My favorite race moment was that 10K (which ended up not being my first race). DH wheeled our kids out to the resort loop and my favorite part ever was DH seeing me on my way, and the kids and their stuffies hugging me. I was so excited to see them, and know I was doing my part to stick around for them.
Second favorite: after the above race, one kid decided she wanted to run a race in her Tink costume. So I let the girls dress up for the local turkey trot, not thinking that a mile was far too long for them to run- we cut the course a bit. But Tink was convinced she could fly, and was thrilled to finish and get the snack pack of mini-oreos they were handing out at the end. Our elf was not happy to be running, but did sprint when she saw the cookies at the end!
ATTQOTD: Disneyland 5k in 1995. It was my first running event ever and I had no clue what I was doing preparing to do it. I still remember the whole experience, running through the huge Disneyland parking lot, most of which is now California Adventure, but it was truly magical coming into the park by Splash Mountain. There were no character photo spots on the course, but the characters were out. I remember Indiana Jones cracking his whip right around the Rivers of America and Roger Rabbit was out. I think the most memorable part for me was because it was towards the end. They routed us through Big Thunder Trail and Fantasyland into Toontown and more backstage areas. I was getting tired and then I could hear the music from It's a Small World and have never been more happy to hear that song. My energy spiked as we got back into the park and I pretty much dashed from there down past the Matterhorn to the finish line on Main Street. Finishing on Main Street was very cool. Only the marathon runners got medals, and seeing them was what sparked me wanting to do the Disney World marathon.

The next best was a couple of months later at the Universal Studios 5k. We started on the backlot and security was much more lax than it is now. I got there early and I got to hang out on the balcony of one of the buildings in Monster Square that they used in Frankenstein before the race.
QOTD: Tell us about your favorite part (most memorable) of a race (possibly outside of the Disney bubble) that you have done.

ATTQOTD: So many to choose from......

1) Somewhere around mile 44 of this years Rock the Ridge 50 miler as it was just beginning to get dark, I heard branches breaking in the woods just off the trail. I looked up to spot a mother black bear and her three cubs up in a tree.

2) my very first race, a 5k in Central Park where I first discovered I loved running in races

3) finishing my first Spartan Beast in Killington VT in the dark after traipsing up and down that mountain for 17+ miles in over 9 hours

4) first RunDisney event, 2013 W&D with my wife....running through Osborne Festival of Lights....and staying out late at the after party

5) First full, 2015 WDW marathon during my first solo trip
QOTD: Tell us about your favorite part (most memorable) of a race (possibly outside of the Disney bubble) that you have done.

ATTQOTD: I'll go with a non-Disney race experience. The bulk of the Badwater Cape Fear 51.4m race consisted of two out and backs on the beach on Bald Head Island. Each leg was ~10 miles. My second outbound leg was slowed immensely by high tide and a lack of "runnable" sand, which required a lot of walking and slowed me down significantly. The sun was starting get lower in the sky as I started the final return leg from Fort Fisher to the finish line. It's a fairly small race to begin with (~100 51.4m runners this year) and I was running towards the back of the field, so I had a lot of solitary time on that return leg. The smell of the salt air, the crashing of the surf and the beauty of the sunset as darkness fell on me made that an incredibly relaxing, almost zen, running experience. There was something freeing about not worrying about pace and just running to enjoy the run. I hope to do it again soon.
ATTQOTD: My very first Triathlon in 2013, at the end of the run, seeing my whole family there cheering me on and giving my husband and daughter a hug and kiss before finishing my race. It was an amazing feeling knowing I had that support after so. many. hours. of training.
ATTQOTD: Rocket City Marathon. I've done it 5 times. Even though it's 4+ hours away (7 hours in a snow storm), I consider it my 'home' marathon.

Somewhere around 17 or 18 you see the Saturn V as you head toward the Rocket Center. Having done the race before, I know: this is the tough part of any marathon, you have to make a slog through a parking lot, but then you make the glorious turn toward the finish line. Not sure what the Disney equivalent is (maybe getting out of WWOS?), but you see the Saturn V, and you kind of know you got it. (Notice the lots of weasly words, because 18 is not done).
ATTQOTD: I've got two non Disney ones. First was at the finish line of the Tobacco Trail Half marathon back in 2017. I've made a point to not look at my watch during races because it does nothing but stress me out. I allowed myself to look at it right at the mile 13 marker and saw I was going to PR. It was the best feeling crossing the finish line! Second was crossing the finish line of the Richmond Half marathon this past November. Same as before with the watch. I looked and noticed I wasn't going to PR but was really close. That race has great crowd support all throughout and a huge downhill finish with a large finish line crowd. The coolest part was hearing my name called as I crossed the finish line. In all the races I've ever done, I don't think I've ever heard my name called.
ATTQOTD: Hmmm....favorite part of a non-disney race. I don't have a lot of non-Disney races under my belt. I guess crossing the finish line of a sub 1 hour 10K. I'm a middle of the pack runner so that was an awesome feeling knowing I pulled off what I thought at one time was impossible.


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