The Running Thread - 2020

what thoughts do people have on the future of runDisney? The covid is killing the both Disney and non-Disney races. They have now cancelled Star Wars weekend - and the wording implies it (AT BEST) is being rethemed, so not even star wars possibly (which is odd, given the recent Star Wars shows/movies announcement) for that weekend. The Disneyland races have effectively been permanently scrapped - since no updates now in a long time. My Travel Agent tells me that a majority of the runDisney staff is still furloughed, so that can't be good for the future. This is rather depressing in all honesty.
Honestly? I am not optimistic and steeled myself for news that rD cuts back drastically on real races and begins a hard push on virtuals. Some of that is rooted in self-preservation: the SW cancelation really hit hard. But some seems like reality to me: Disney is hemorrhaging money and looking to save everywhere they can - why spend $$$$ to put on in-person races when you can spend $ and still get people to fork over $$$ for virtuals? I think Marathon has the best chance at survival in some form (all 4 races, though? IDK), and probably PHM.

I think Disney and other companies will use the pandemic to make unpopular changes they may have been wanting to make for business reasons but didn't due to backlash. It will boil down to how runDisney fits into their future business model and how profitable it is - either directly or indirectly through bringing more people to the parks, hotels, etc.
ITA. Sadly. If there's enough pent-up demand to fill the parks and resorts with no running events post-COVID, no reason to hold a bunch of running events throughout the year. I think they may be greatly overestimating the desire for virtual races outside of a pandemic, but I could be wrong. I would not be surprised to see in-person races return with fewer characters, lower caps, no fireworks, just less expensive experiences overall. Even looking at the expos - I imagine expos help offset costs by bringing in stall rental $$, but with so many businesses struggling, could they even bring in enough vendors to pay? If not, better to reduce the entire experience to save on costs.
I am hopeful that the future of runDisney will include several in-person races every year. I think with the announcement of a plan to re-theme SW in 2022, they haven't discounted the plan to return to physical events. I sure hope they return!!

Even looking at the expos - I imagine expos help offset costs by bringing in stall rental $$, but with so many businesses struggling, could they even bring in enough vendors to pay? If not, better to reduce the entire experience to save on costs.
I've often thought about how the expo businesses must be taking a huge hit. I would never buy many of things sold at the Disney expos without attending a race and I'm sure many others are the same.
I've often thought about how the expo businesses must be taking a huge hit. I would never buy many of things sold at the Disney expos without attending a race and I'm sure many others are the same.

I work for an IT consulting firm. One of our clients is a company that does things for expos and convetions and the like. They are hurting BIG TIME right now and no real end in sight. There is a chance a lot of big conventions and expos decide to stay virtual.

Companies that use expos to sell their products are also hurting. If marathon weekend did happen in january I bet the expo would be half the size at best and not due to social distancing but just due to companies able and willing to come

The good news with a vaccine startin to roll out we are on a path to recovery.
what thoughts do people have on the future of runDisney? The covid is killing the both Disney and non-Disney races. They have now cancelled Star Wars weekend - and the wording implies it (AT BEST) is being rethemed, so not even star wars possibly (which is odd, given the recent Star Wars shows/movies announcement) for that weekend. The Disneyland races have effectively been permanently scrapped - since no updates now in a long time. My Travel Agent tells me that a majority of the runDisney staff is still furloughed, so that can't be good for the future. This is rather depressing in all honesty.

edit: It doesn't bode well for Paris runDisney either - their website won't load...sigh:
One thing though about all those Star Wars projects announced last week is that only one of them is an absolutely known commodity. That's the 2023 Rouge Squadron movie. The Taika Waititi movie is still unknown as to when it's releasing and we don't know how his style will translate to Star Wars. The other announcements were all Disney+ series. While The Mandalorian is very popular for Disney+, we do not actually know yet how the general public will respond to new series. I hate to say it, but it feels like medal themes had run dry for Star Wars races. I ran 3 Star Wars races at Disneyland, 2 at Disney World, and one virtual this coming April. Of those 6 race weekends, only 2 of them which were both exclusively themed to the Light Side did not feature a stormtrooper on at least one of the medals. There's also part of me that wonders how much of a hit Star Wars races specifically, and runDisney in general took with the cancellation of Disneyland races. The virtual Kessel Run just wasn't the same and the real loss of both Coast to Coast medals may have hit harder than they realized.

I do not think we are seeing the end of runDisney though. I just won't be surprised if they cut back on race weekends for a while just to see how the parks recover in late 2021 and 2022.
That's incredible! I'm guessing you did it cycling? Climbing Everest next on the list??

Four of my friends and I completed a virtual Everesting on Zwift back in July. 16 hours on a bike on a trainer made for a very long day. I'm extremely glad we had a Zoom call going to keep us all chatting with each other and taking our mind off the monotony. I'm not sure I'll ever venture all the way up Everest, though I do want to trek up to basecamp. My friends who have summited say it's pretty amazing.
Four of my friends and I completed a virtual Everesting on Zwift back in July. 16 hours on a bike on a trainer made for a very long day. I'm extremely glad we had a Zoom call going to keep us all chatting with each other and taking our mind off the monotony. I'm not sure I'll ever venture all the way up Everest, though I do want to trek up to basecamp. My friends who have summited say it's pretty amazing.
You have very cool friends- awesome!
Who has a favorite pair of mittens or gloves that keep their hands toasty in sub-freezing weather??
I ran this morning in 30 degree temps and wore some thick ski gloves and had numb fingers (I have something called Reynaud's that makes me really prone to getting numb fingers!). I need something better!
My (8 year old, well loved) Nordictrack treadmill belt has a tear in it. Has anyone successfully replaced a belt or is it time for a new treadmill?

Well, I know personally trying to replace the belt would end in disaster but I know my limited handyman skills. I would recommend finding either a local Nordictrack dealer or a local higher end fitness equipment dealer. They may be able to give you a quote and then you can compare that to a new treadmill. If you have a place that sells refurbished treadmills they likely have someone that repairs them.

Who has a favorite pair of mittens or gloves that keep their hands toasty in sub-freezing weather??
I ran this morning in 30 degree temps and wore some thick ski gloves and had numb fingers (I have something called Reynaud's that makes me really prone to getting numb fingers!). I need something better!

I have a pair of Arc'teryx Venta gloves I wear when it gets near and below 0. They are expensive but the best running gloves I've ever had.

If you need warmer try their Alpha gloves.
Who has a favorite pair of mittens or gloves that keep their hands toasty in sub-freezing weather??
I ran this morning in 30 degree temps and wore some thick ski gloves and had numb fingers (I have something called Reynaud's that makes me really prone to getting numb fingers!). I need something better!

For really cold weather, I have an Asics fingerless glove/over-mitten. (Although, the thumb is totally covered) Mittens are better for retaining hand warmth. And the nice thing about these is if my hands get warm (which mine tend to do after 1-2 miles of running), I can flip the over mitten back--it has velcro tabs to hold in place--and air out my fingers for a while. It's also good because if I stop while running to have a gel or whatever, I can push the overmitt back and have my fingers free to open things etc.

Of course, I don't see this item anymore on their website.
Who has a favorite pair of mittens or gloves that keep their hands toasty in sub-freezing weather??
I ran this morning in 30 degree temps and wore some thick ski gloves and had numb fingers (I have something called Reynaud's that makes me really prone to getting numb fingers!). I need something better!
Like @jmasgat, I am a fan of dutch mittens. I had a pair from saucony that I liked but lost one. I'm pretty sure it was on a business trip, so I replaced them with a JackRabbit store brand ones that I find less warm and not well made so they will be replaced soon (If only the one coming apart was the same hand as the lone saucony glove!). For both, the inner finger portion was not significantly warmer than my cheap knit gloves, but the mitt was wind/water resistant and in the preferred pair relatively well insulated. I am also not ashamed to say I have put a hot hands crack pack in them if I think it will be slow going and I will not warm up much.
My (8 year old, well loved) Nordictrack treadmill belt has a tear in it. Has anyone successfully replaced a belt or is it time for a new treadmill?

Personally, I would try replacing the belt ... but I also like to tinker with things. If you're not someone who will try to fix anything even if it means potentially breaking it, I'd suggesting finding a treadmill repair person and getting a quote for how much it would cost to replace the belt.
Who has a favorite pair of mittens or gloves that keep their hands toasty in sub-freezing weather??
I ran this morning in 30 degree temps and wore some thick ski gloves and had numb fingers (I have something called Reynaud's that makes me really prone to getting numb fingers!). I need something better!
I like my Trail Heads Convertible Mittens for really cold weather.
I thought everyone might enjoy this inspiring story from the front page of The Salt Lake Tribune this morning:
This guy ran every single street in the city this year, and the story online includes his Garmin maps and some favorite routes. Hilariously, his least favorite is the neighborhood I most commonly run because it's closest to my place. LOL!
Well, I know personally trying to replace the belt would end in disaster but I know my limited handyman skills. I would recommend finding either a local Nordictrack dealer or a local higher end fitness equipment dealer. They may be able to give you a quote and then you can compare that to a new treadmill. If you have a place that sells refurbished treadmills they likely have someone that repairs them.
Personally, I would try replacing the belt ... but I also like to tinker with things. If you're not someone who will try to fix anything even if it means potentially breaking it, I'd suggesting finding a treadmill repair person and getting a quote for how much it would cost to replace the belt.

So I am NOT handy, but my husband is... so I get handy projects done without doing them. (Similar to how he gets a scheduled life and home cooked meals without ever scheduling or cooking... ;) ) He's willing to give it a go, so I think we might try it next.

Living in the middle of nowhere, I don't have a repair option close, but that is a great idea.

I read online to trim the belt when it's frayed/ripped as a short term solution. So I am going to try that to be able to get some miles in. I am not opposed to a new machine, but I don't know what to do with an old treadmill if I do.
My (8 year old, well loved) Nordictrack treadmill belt has a tear in it. Has anyone successfully replaced a belt or is it time for a new treadmill?

My handy hubby replaced the belt on my Proform treadmill a few years ago, so hopefully your hubby can fix it. Mine is now 17 years old and still going strong!

Who has a favorite pair of mittens or gloves that keep their hands toasty in sub-freezing weather??
I ran this morning in 30 degree temps and wore some thick ski gloves and had numb fingers (I have something called Reynaud's that makes me really prone to getting numb fingers!). I need something better!

I also have Raynaud's and I put those Hot Hands packets in my Brooks mittens or any mittens really. Toasty! :-)
Merry Christmas, everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying the day in whatever form it may take this year. We had a few inches of snow overnight and very light flurries this a.m., so we woke to a white Christmas. I went for a short run--the footing was mixed and I really need to order Yaktrax--but it was still nice.

Will try to watch Soul at some point, will Zoom with the kids, and eat more than I should. And fend off the dog, who really wants to pull his stocking off the mantel!


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