The Running Thread - 2021

August Totals:
Activities 12
Total Distance 62.17 mi
Total Activity Time 12:01:32 h:m:s
Activity Calories 6,921 C
Total Elev Gain 2,503 ft
Average Speed 5.2 mph
Average Heart Rate 141 bpm
Average Run Cadence 162 spm

Was a challenging month filled. Shin splints side-lined me for a lot of it and now I am dealing with something peculiar with my cardio. Hopefully things take a turn for the better in September.
August Training Summary
Running Miles: 184.33
Running Time: 32.49:08
Average Pace: 10:43/mi
Average HR: 149/min

Walking Miles: 94.55
Rolling 12mo Running Miles: 2,038.78 (New PR!)

August was another solid training month as my plan peaked and started tapering for this Saturday‘s Weymouth Woods 50k. A large proportion of the mid-week runs were done in “feels like” temps from 100-107deg, which resulted in the slower average pace for the month and the higher average heart rate. After the race this weekend, I’ll have a couple of light recovery weeks before jumping into Dopey training with a Wine & Dine interlude around mid-way.
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Hi everyone! Back into a consistent running groove since cutting way back for a year or 2. Currently training for W&D 2 course challenge and I’m finishing a 100 day run streak this upcoming Tuesday and I’m tired! The heat and humidity in SE Virginia is kicking my butt, but it’s going to be 65° at 6 AM Friday so I’m looking forward to getting a long run in and not feeling like I’m dying.

August Miles- 75.33 (most since Fall 2018 probably)
August 2021
Miles: 160.44
Average Pace: 9:44

Very solid month of training for the Chicago Marathon. August had me doing Yasso 800s and Fartleks for the first time. I can’t decide which was worse. I am questioning my sanity to train for a marathon in the Florida summer 😆 I have not seen a T+D under 150 in months.
I feel like such a slacker in comparison.
Guess I need to step it up.

Banish that slacker talk! just need to do what is right for you, and be grateful/proud of what you got done. "Do more" because it's right for you/fits with your run goals, not just because others are doing it.

August- 111.6 miles for me. Starting up my MW training plan. I think the thing that makes me happiest is that my YTD mileage is 820 miles---that is 70 miles more than I managed all of 2020 while fighting my neck injury. So I guess I better stop slacking on the yoga and strength training so I stay healthy.
Very solid month of training for the Chicago Marathon. August had me doing Yasso 800s and Fartleks for the first time. I can’t decide which was worse. I am questioning my sanity to train for a marathon in the Florida summer 😆 I have not seen a T+D under 150 in months.

I was in Destin last week and the T&D was extremely challenging. I'll be back in Florida mid-month and have more high T&D to look forward too... and some quick WDW visit. :D Trying to train for an October and November marathon too. Last week trying to run there was humbling. I'm impressed with all you folks that deal with this for such an extended time. Our summer is mostly ~140 when I run and maybe a tad higher, but we get occasional breaks. I don't think Florida does.
I was in Destin last week and the T&D was extremely challenging. I'll be back in Florida mid-month and have more high T&D to look forward too... and some quick WDW visit. :D Trying to train for an October and November marathon too. Last week trying to run there was humbling. I'm impressed with all you folks that deal with this for such an extended time. Our summer is mostly ~140 when I run and maybe a tad higher, but we get occasional breaks. I don't think Florida does.

I forget every year what it's like in the summer. Then summer gets here and I swear it's the worst summer we've ever had. It's a never-ending cycle 😁 When winter gets here I always feel so fast after running in hot soup :car: I just wish it wasn't so flat. Real hills are an hour drive so I never have the opportunity to train on them. I had a slight incline for about a mile on my run this morning and my quads were burning.
I forget every year what it's like in the summer. Then summer gets here and I swear it's the worst summer we've ever had. It's a never-ending cycle 😁 When winter gets here I always feel so fast after running in hot soup :car: I just wish it wasn't so flat. Real hills are an hour drive so I never have the opportunity to train on them. I had a slight incline for about a mile on my run this morning and my quads were burning.
YES on the slight incline feeling like a mountain! It’s very flat at home for me and I do at least 95% of my runs here. Recently we got a place in the TX hill country and I have run there twice so far and it is so hard! The hills are killer but I am so glad to finally have some hills because I know it will be good for me overall. But I have yet to do anything over 3 miles because I just don’t know if I could actually run any farther than that with the hills.
YES on the slight incline feeling like a mountain! It’s very flat at home for me and I do at least 95% of my runs here. Recently we got a place in the TX hill country and I have run there twice so far and it is so hard! The hills are killer but I am so glad to finally have some hills because I know it will be good for me overall. But I have yet to do anything over 3 miles because I just don’t know if I could actually run any farther than that with the hills.
Conversely, it is so hilly where I live that the WDW flat races kill my legs. With hills you vary the muscles in use. The very flat courses in WDW make it difficult to do that. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
Conversely, it is so hilly where I live that the WDW flat races kill my legs. With hills you vary the muscles in use. The very flat courses in WDW make it difficult to do that. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
So what you REALLY want for training is a long, flat, featureless expanse, punctuated by a gruelingly long incline, like a highway overpass or something...
August 2021 Training Summary

Running duration = 27:02 hours
Running mileage = 188 miles
Average Pace = 8:38 min/mile (about 1.5 min/mile slower than peak M Tempo)
Average HR = 132 (16 bpm less than M Tempo)
Indoor Cycling duration = 0 hours
Indoor Cycling mileage = 0 miles
Indoor Cycling average power = n/a
Indoor Cycling average Normalized Power = n/a
Strength = 0 hours
Total Training Time = 27:02 hours

G miles = 6.1 miles

Average T+D = 144

This was a good month overall. The legs are starting to finally feel normal again. The fitness is not there yet, but I can tell once the heat drops that I'll start to fly again. Which speaking of, this month has been brutal for WI summer. Looks like my average T+D for the month was 144. Hitting a peak of 164 during what was supposed to be a 10 mile run with 7 at tempo (just did easy instead). The total mileage run (188 miles) represents the most mileage I've done since July 2018. That was the last time I was running six days per week before I shut it down and moved to run+cycle+strength instead. In terms of time spent running (27:02), this represents the most since July 2018, and then not until December 2017. So suffice to say, I'm back up above all of the three discipline training now and trending towards where I was prior. However, I don't plan to go as high in volume as I once did in an effort to continue to strike that balance between enough and too much. Gigi continues to run and is excited for our Princess 2022 5k together. She admits that our runs together are the highlight of her day, as they are for me too. I've got about 10.5 weeks until my mid-November Madison Marathon. I may do a fitness test 10k later this month if the temps drop enough.
A great marathon pace run today because the T+D here in PA was.....wait for it.....wait for it....98! The remnants of Ida came through Tuesday and Wednesday, and the temperature plummeted after the rain! It was a brisk 46 degrees for my run this morning - wore long sleeves for my warmup mile.
A great marathon pace run today because the T+D here in PA was.....wait for it.....wait for it....98! The remnants of Ida came through Tuesday and Wednesday, and the temperature plummeted after the rain! It was a brisk 46 degrees for my run this morning - wore long sleeves for my warmup mile.
Yup, temperatures are great here.. too bad my running path here in Philly is currently underwater! :fish:
Absolutely love seeing you running this many miles again Billy and really hope that things keep progressing nicely for you.

As much as I love your miles, this is even better! Seriously enjoy every minute of these runs.

Thanks @cburnett11! Some weeks (like last week) I wonder why I ever stopped running six days per week. And some weeks (like this week) my body reminds me why. I'm doing all right though and holding things together. The time with G has been phenomenal.


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