The Running Thread -- 2022

ATTQOTD: I couldn't agree more with what was already said. It sounds like you've been signing up for race after race after race, from your training journal. Personally that always leads me to a bad mental state. I was really in a funk this past spring but it was because I overdid it on my race commitments. Training is supposed to be "periodized" (I don't even think that's a word but i hear it used): Time on and then time off. Time off doesn't have to mean not exercising or even not running. It only means not being so rigid.
A "reset" like Billy mentioned can be pretty short. Honestly it's just giving yourself permission not to run. Saying, I don't have to run this week if I don't want to. You'll find that you *do* want to, (going back to the mindset of "I get to do this"), maybe just not being told exactly the pace and how far for a little while. And not feeling like, if you don't do it, there will be consequences later on (e.g., a bad race). A week of just not following a set plan can go a long way!
In the long term, you might want to consider not signing up for anything for a while. Just do what your mind & body tell you. You will be ready to go sooner than you think if you give yourself a break.
ATTQOTD: This may or may not be relevant to you... I sign up for a lot of runs from Spring through Fall. They keep me motivated and looking forward to the next race. But a big but is that, for me at least, most of them have to be "fun runs" or no more than "training runs". When too many become "A" races then I lose the enjoyment and feel the pressure to PR the day. This makes normal training less fun. There is something almost liberating to get to the start line of a race knowing that I'm going to take it at an easier "B" pace and just enjoy the ride.

My problem can be that I enjoy these runs so much I am hesitant to declare any race an "A" race. At age 64, I don't need to (nor can I) constantly try to set new PRs and running can just be for the fun of it. I have an "A" HM in October, but the last 2 I have done and the next 3 before it are fun run "B" races. Then I have HMs for W&D and for Marathon Weekend and Disney races are definitely fun runs.
Had a pretty rough long run today. I actually stopped a few times around mile 11.5. T+D were fine. But mentally it was so tough and I felt exhausted and even sat for a while. My furbaby last his battle with cancer yesterday. He was with me since he was 8 weeks old. Lots of people were walking their dogs on the trail this morning. Give your guys extra hugs.
Had a pretty rough long run today. I actually stopped a few times around mile 11.5. T+D were fine. But mentally it was so tough and I felt exhausted and even sat for a while. My furbaby last his battle with cancer yesterday. He was with me since he was 8 weeks old. Lots of people were walking their dogs on the trail this morning. Give your guys extra hugs.
So sorry to hear that. ❤️
Had a pretty rough long run today. I actually stopped a few times around mile 11.5. T+D were fine. But mentally it was so tough and I felt exhausted and even sat for a while. My furbaby last his battle with cancer yesterday. He was with me since he was 8 weeks old. Lots of people were walking their dogs on the trail this morning. Give your guys extra hugs.
I can't even imagine. Sometimes running can be great therapy and sometimes it's just too much time in your own head. Give yourself grace during this time and run what you can but don't stress over it.
Had a pretty rough long run today. I actually stopped a few times around mile 11.5. T+D were fine. But mentally it was so tough and I felt exhausted and even sat for a while. My furbaby last his battle with cancer yesterday. He was with me since he was 8 weeks old. Lots of people were walking their dogs on the trail this morning. Give your guys extra hugs.
So sorry for your loss!
QOTD: how do you overcome a crisis of confidence in your running ability?

I’ve been having a series of bad/shortened/skipped runs this summer, and I’m starting to worry I can’t do this anymore. I have 70 days until my next race and I need to get out of this funk.
I think Billy hit the nail on the head on my trouble: life stressors and heat. The weather is supposed to be much nicer this week, so I’m going to try to hold to my planned runs and see if cooler temps (and lower humidity) help me out. I’m feeling better now than I was this morning.

As far as my various races, I mostly treat them as supported training runs. Disney races are definitely just fun runs for me. I guess I would classify the TC Loony Challenge as my A race (or races, technically), but the only one with a strict time requirement is the first race, since I have to finish the 10K in time to start the 5K, but the time limit is well within my abilities (I think I have to start the 5K by 9:30, and last year I finished the 10K at 8:46). And for the 10 Miler the next day, I just have to finish before the slowest marathon runner, so I could basically walk the whole thing I wanted/needed to.
Had a pretty rough long run today. I actually stopped a few times around mile 11.5. T+D were fine. But mentally it was so tough and I felt exhausted and even sat for a while. My furbaby last his battle with cancer yesterday. He was with me since he was 8 weeks old. Lots of people were walking their dogs on the trail this morning. Give your guys extra hugs.
Sorry for your loss. It's never easy.
Had a pretty rough long run today. I actually stopped a few times around mile 11.5. T+D were fine. But mentally it was so tough and I felt exhausted and even sat for a while. My furbaby last his battle with cancer yesterday. He was with me since he was 8 weeks old. Lots of people were walking their dogs on the trail this morning. Give your guys extra hugs.
I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy. it might have been a tough run and not the run you wanted, but maybe the one you needed. Give yourself grace. Big hugs to you and your family.
Had a pretty rough long run today. I actually stopped a few times around mile 11.5. T+D were fine. But mentally it was so tough and I felt exhausted and even sat for a while. My furbaby last his battle with cancer yesterday. He was with me since he was 8 weeks old. Lots of people were walking their dogs on the trail this morning. Give your guys extra hugs.

So sorry for your loss!
Had a pretty rough long run today. I actually stopped a few times around mile 11.5. T+D were fine. But mentally it was so tough and I felt exhausted and even sat for a while. My furbaby last his battle with cancer yesterday. He was with me since he was 8 weeks old. Lots of people were walking their dogs on the trail this morning. Give your guys extra hugs.
Very sorry for your loss. Our furry family members carry pieces of us away when they go. There will be time for better runs after the grieving.
Had a pretty rough long run today. I actually stopped a few times around mile 11.5. T+D were fine. But mentally it was so tough and I felt exhausted and even sat for a while. My furbaby last his battle with cancer yesterday. He was with me since he was 8 weeks old. Lots of people were walking their dogs on the trail this morning. Give your guys extra hugs.
Sorry for your loss. Such a difficult thing to deal with. 😥
A few months back I mentioned I signed up for two 1 mile races. I ran 5:41 in 2019 and wanted to beat that time. I had a 12 week training plan I was planning to use to improve that time but due to an injury in May I was stuck just doing easy miles for a month. The first 1 mile race on June 24 was going to be a race to see where I was at and I didn't run it well. I didn't parse my effort properly, it was hot and I don't think I hydrated throughout the day enough, and the race was right into the sun. I finished with a time of 5:46 which was a disappointment.

I went into the goal race this weekend just wanting to come in under 5:30 but I was really not sure due to the lost training time. I managed a 5:27.7 based on the official chip time. Now I wonder what I could get that down to without missing half of my training cycle.



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I finished the SF Marathon yesterday and it was a very enjoyable race on the whole. Definitely challenging, but the weather was perfect (low 50s and sun only came out the last few miles), the views were mostly great, and running the bridge was a cool experience. The course was definitely too congested at the start (waves were too large IMO) and very narrow at times, which made it difficult to run unhindered at parts. The hills leading up to the bridge on both ends were no joke!

I had expected to finish around 4:10, but at the halfway point things were going really well and I decided I might get in around 4:05. I ended up at 4:01:20. If I had known I was going to be so close to 4, I probably would have tried to push a little more. But I’m super happy with this because it means I have a sub-4 in me, at least on an easier course. This was only my 3rd marathon and my times have gone from 4:50 to 4:29 to 4:01, so overall feel pretty good. Probably going to have to fight hard to see incremental improvement from here on out!
I finished the SF Marathon yesterday and it was a very enjoyable race on the whole. Definitely challenging, but the weather was perfect (low 50s and sun only came out the last few miles), the views were mostly great, and running the bridge was a cool experience. The course was definitely too congested at the start (waves were too large IMO) and very narrow at times, which made it difficult to run unhindered at parts. The hills leading up to the bridge on both ends were no joke!

I had expected to finish around 4:10, but at the halfway point things were going really well and I decided I might get in around 4:05. I ended up at 4:01:20. If I had known I was going to be so close to 4, I probably would have tried to push a little more. But I’m super happy with this because it means I have a sub-4 in me, at least on an easier course. This was only my 3rd marathon and my times have gone from 4:50 to 4:29 to 4:01, so overall feel pretty good. Probably going to have to fight hard to see incremental improvement from here on out!
Great job!!!
Had a mile race last Friday evening, the Liberty Mile. Ran 5:29, a few seconds slower than last year. Like GreatLakes above, anything under 5:30 I'd be happy with but hoping for in the 5:20-5:25 range. I was right on it at the half-way timer but faded a bit down the end.

Even though in the moment, it can be a little rough (usually at one point thinking, why the hell did I sign up for this?), it's still an enjoyable event. It's a nice change up having a race in the evening and fun watching all the various heats, especially the pro ones.
I have an apple watch that I use with runkeeper to track my runs. I've started thinking that I should get a garmin watch to track my runs instead. For those who had/have both, do you think it's worth the upgrade?
I have an apple watch that I use with runkeeper to track my runs. I've started thinking that I should get a garmin watch to track my runs instead. For those who had/have both, do you think it's worth the upgrade?
I feel like most people that I’ve read about switching from an Apple Watch to a garmin do so for the battery life. But if you use your watch so you don’t have to take your phone on runs that’s definitely a consideration. Or they only use the garmin for running and 2-watch their runs 😂
I have an apple watch that I use with runkeeper to track my runs. I've started thinking that I should get a garmin watch to track my runs instead. For those who had/have both, do you think it's worth the upgrade?
It depends on what's most important to you. My experience has been that Garmin is a fantastic training tracking watch with ok smart watch features. The Apple Watch is a fantastic smart watch with ok training tracking features.

Personally, there's no way I would give up my Garmin in favor of an Apple Watch to track my runs. Garmin is just too good at it with everything integrated nicely into one package where the Apple Watch is too 3rd-party app based for my taste. Want to run Galloway intervals?

For me, though, the true sweet spot is "why not both?" I have a Garmin on my main wrist to track the run. I have an Apple Watch with cellular on the other wrist for music/audiobooks and text/call capability for safety. I don't have to carry a bulky phone. It's the best of both worlds.


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