The Triathlon thread

Soryr Jim. For some reason my brain had it as the wekend after mind. Next week? Must have been 2 weeks after mine adn m brain scheduled it for 2 weeks from 2 weeks ago. I can't keep track of my own schedule, though. :upsidedow
My long run today, lasted 18 miles at 10:05 average pace.

There was a Na Wahine Women's triathlon today. All the women did great on the course, we were cheering them on the way back from our run.

I just saw on the news that JLo finished a triathlon in Malibu in just over 2 hours. I hope that's incentive enough for everyone to get out there and workout.
My long run today, lasted 18 miles at 10:05 average pace.

There was a Na Wahine Women's triathlon today. All the women did great on the course, we were cheering them on the way back from our run.

I just saw on the news that JLo finished a triathlon in Malibu in just over 2 hours. I hope that's incentive enough for everyone to get out there and workout.

Hey Jeff,
Yeah, JLo was there and, of course, attracted a LOT of attention! After I finished, I brought out the camera and shot some pictures of my wife and just so happened to see JLo finishing the run. I'll post a pic if anyone is interested. Otherwise, lots of celebs participate in this race.

This is a great race to do because many spectators and finishers line the course to cheer you on. I had a great time and can't wait to do it again next year...

Anyone interested for next year?...
Congrats Danny! That sounds liek fun! Was it an ocean swim? :scared1:
Hi Carrie,
Thanks! Yes, it was a lot of fun. I think I enjoyed it so much was the fact that I was able to keep pace with Sarah Reinersten on the bike and she was so nice to talk to me while riding. That made the miles go by really quick!...thanks Sarah!!! I would recommend this race for anyone...

BTW, yes it was an ocean swim but the waves were fairly small...not too bad...
Sorry to hijack this thread, as i don't usally post here -- but i wanted to say that i saw pics on Yahoo! of the Malibu tri - and jlo, and saw 2 people (man and woman) right behind her wearing Disney endurance shirts!! I figured i should come here and see if they were WISH'ers!

Great job to all who did this!
Yes, Disney Tri Team was certainly out there in force. I think they came in first place in terms of group fundraising while we(CHLA) came in 2nd place. Still, any money raised towards the hospital was better than nothing. Here's a link to the
Well, that shouldn't be a surprise. Not between the writing in the wall and my latest round. Coming in 97th out of of a field of 100 men in my AG was probably a subtle hint. I guess I got the tri fever like normal people get new car fever. I'm human, after all. I've got some tri gear I need to unload but the big purchase was a used tri bike and it will get sold. I just have to think of it as another one of life's lessons. I came up with this great idea to have a summer season of events and tri was it. Came off of my MTB and it sat for 4 months. After being on it now for 2 weeks I came to realize how much I love it...and that when next summer rolls around it will be just time to kick back and be outside. I do love running and going down to town lake each week and I can be OK with that. I don't have to do "running races". I just love to run...and I'm grateful I can. But I think this post tri time has been a reflection of what is really important: my son. He's 13yo and needs my guidance more than ever. I was 12yo when I saw my old man last; my mom gave me a book with a pink cover on it about divorce. That was my solution and left me with even more unanswered questions...and affected me immensely going into adulthood. What is important is listening...and being there. My son has expressed interest in a road bike; I want to be there to teach him...and ride with him...while he still wants to. This time will pass...and all too soon. I want to be OK with not getting up to cat 1/expert and just being at the races and giving my all. I've brought my son out to a couple of short course dirt races and he is trying...and trying hard. That's what's important. It's really hard to have a balance in life but I think I'm finding my way. So if you've read this far: thanks. I'm getting back on my MTB and maybe there will be a thread on cycling events...but it's OK if there is not because I will be outside...
I'm not sure I told you guys that I signed up for my first half Ironman! It is in Stony Plain, Alberta on July 5, 2009. It should be an interesting year!
Hope to see some of you out there at the various races I'm doing, I know I'll at least see a couple at WDW this weekend!

21 Sep - Athletes for a Cure Triathlon at WDW (1500m/40k/10k)
27 Sep - Beach Blast II Triathlon in Mexico Beach, FL (1500m/40k/10k)
4 Oct - Atlantic Coast Triathlon in Amelia Island, FL (1900m/90k/21.1k)

I'll be sportin the WISH shirt on the runs, wee! :banana:

Edit: Ooh and congrats Leana, that'll be great! Signing up is the toughest part anyway. :)

Another edit: stego I finish towards the back of the pack in most triathlons, but I'm always just competing against my self anyway. :) Don't let that affect you, it's all about having fun! And for me the finish line is an addiction...
Stego - I'm sorry to hear that you are thinking about hanging it up. Don't take your placement as a sign that this wasn't for you. I don't think those numbers matter at all, but if you really want it to tell you something, let it motivate you on how to improve.

I think you can successfully train for triathlons and spend quality time with your family. I realize I'm a single gal saying this, but my tri coach bills herself as a mom first, triathlete second, yet she trains a group and races Ironman and Kona herself. You can still do fun stuff like biking with your son (and he'll love doing that with you) and still do the other stuff too. I hope you change your mind on selling all of your gear and your bike. At least give it another year before you decide to sell it all off! You may regret that decision later.
Good luck to Jim and Matt tomorrow!!!

Stego...I'm not sure I should tell you to try not to get discouraged or if you really feel tris aren't for you, that's cool. Either way, I think a cycling thread would be really cool if you'd like to start one. I have TONS of dumb questions about bikes :teeth:
stego - SOrry to hear you are so disappointed. If you're really stepping back for more time with your son, then it's absolutely the right choice. If it's just because of your place, I'd re-think that. JMO, but I wouldn't do anythign if I only did what I placed at. :grouphug:

Leana - Huge congrats on saigning up for a half iron!!!
Spammed my race report over on the associated thread, and looks like in Jim's thread he had a great race also. It's funny as soon as I got home I started looking forward to next weekend's race. :rotfl:

I looooooove racing!

Keep up the training all, shoot for those goals!
Another race report of mine went up on this week's results thread, and I'll have one more after this weekend and the weekend after that. Just wanted to bump this one up a bit. Did everyone's tri season end?!? Am I the only one still obsessed?!? :yay:
Nice job, Matt! I'll have to get over to the other thread and read your latest report. I read your last one (previous to this). You were moving on that bike!

My tri season's not quite over. I have one last one this weekend, a 2-person team event that I'm running with my cousin. It's a great "non-elite" tri that a lot of people around Cincy use as their first multi-sport event. Instead of swimming, there is a 6-mile canoe (hence, the 2 person team in the canoe) followed by a 6 mile run and 18 mile bike. I've done it the past two years and my cousin and I are shooting for a time in the top 15% this year. We'll see how that turns out. :scared1: He's a much faster runner than I, but I think I can catch him on the bike. :)

Matt, you are a machine cranking out all those tri's weekend after weekend! I had a stretch this summer where I did three oly distance events three weeks in a row, and I was WORN OUT at the end of that stretch!

How's Ironman training going for you?

To everyone else, how goes the training? Anyone else still racing this season?

Matt - COngrats on the tri! Read your report, but didn't get a chance topost over there.

Steve - That race sounds liek a blast!!!!

Between full trining adn being sick, my bike has not gone out in a couple weeks. :guilty: Must get out before teh snow flies.
Matt - WTG!! You are one tri machine!

Steve - that event sound like something Patrick would love since he's not into the swimming part of a tri. We've seen info on adventure tri's that do kayak instead of the swim and he's considering one of those for next year.

Class schedule just came out for winter swim lessons so going to look over calendar and see what will work.


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