The "Why I didn't speak to my sister for a week" trip report *** Now Complete :)

Well your parents and I are practically neighbors !! :thumbsup2

Yes, I miss SW - espeically since I didn't appreciate it at the time ( I don't think you ever do when your a kid), but now that my son is 7 and loves whales, he would have the best time! He loves to look at old pictures from our visits to the park. They just auctioned off Geauga Lake's rollercoasters and other stuff maybe that's why I'm so sentimental right now!

Okay, sorry I'm done hi-jacking the thread ! Promise!!:rolleyes1

Sorry for continuing the hijacking. :) I'm an old Chardon girl so you're making me sentimental too!

Still loving the TR, can't wait for the next installment.

OK, one final hijack - GO BUCKEYES!!! :thumbsup2

And to Kelster - Orlando in August - cooler??? :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Hope your sis is staying in a different resort so she'll have a change of scenery!
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who's reading and commenting.
I've been crazy busy at work again this week (I work in a gas station - we've been selling gas at cost this past week. Need I say more ?) and haven't had time to answer the comments but I sure read em !

To my fellow Bon Jovi fans, who are going to see them in Central Park this week... don't take this the wrong way, but I loathe you. :rockband:

Oh, and Orlando is HOT in July :scared: WHO KNEW ?????????
Marina, you are up late! Just home from work? :eek: I'm *enjoying* (somehow that just doesn't seem like the right word!!) your TR, as always. :)
Looks like you've acquired quite a few new fans this time! :thumbsup2 Hopefully you'll have time for an update soon.
Marina, you are up late! Just home from work?

Goodness no it's 2am :) I've been done with work for a while but we had a mini drama to take care of with some of my coworkers. I have to share, because it's making me SO upset, I can't sleep !!!

Remember in my pretrip I told you about one of my bosses who was attacked when the store got robbed ? Well now they're firing him ! He didn't even make any mistake, they just told him they don't think he "has what it takes" for the job. Like we're a frickin last-chance-heart-surgery clinic or something.

The guy almost took a bullet for that store. Darn he still has the scars from the stitches in his skull where they busted his head open. And that's how they thank him.

(Working on an update since I'm too angry to sleep!)
I am sorry about your boss. That is a horrible thing for them to do to him.:hug:
Goodness no it's 2am :) I've been done with work for a while but we had a mini drama to take care of with some of my coworkers. I have to share, because it's making me SO upset, I can't sleep !!!

Remember in my pretrip I told you about one of my bosses who was attacked when the store got robbed ? Well now they're firing him ! He didn't even make any mistake, they just told him they don't think he "has what it takes" for the job. Like we're a frickin last-chance-heart-surgery clinic or something.

The guy almost took a bullet for that store. Darn he still has the scars from the stitches in his skull where they busted his head open. And that's how they thank him.

(Working on an update since I'm too angry to sleep!)

What a crappy thing to do! Jeez.

Loved the updates. :thumbsup2
Enjoying your report though I feel bad for enjoying reading about the difficulties of travelling with your sister! Kind of like a trainwreck, don't want to look but can't help it. I don't know how you managed with her lazy tendencies! Oh my goodness I would have been over the edge!

So Jessi had just basically told me that I was ruining their trip by rushing them, and worse, Grumpy had agreed.

She actually managed to make me feel guilty. Was I really ruining the trip ?? I decided, no more planning today. No more looking at maps and schedule. Either we make it or we don't.

We missed the Seymoure & Clyde show. I didn't say a thing. When Jessi asked what we were going to do now, I said "whatever you want". Now she wanted to know which show we could go to. Now she wanted me to look at the schedules.

"I think we can make the Believe show if we leave now and walk fast. But we don't have to. Whatever you guys want."

We made it, with only a few minutes to spare. I had decided not to plan anymore, but I also decided I would walk at MY pace. Jess walks so slow, if I tried to go as slow as her my feet'd hurt like hell. So I told them I'd go along and wait for them by the stadium.

Most of the good seats were taken but we find some all the way to the top & right. Not the best seats but then again we're gonna be looking at a WHALE. Kinda hard to miss, ya know?

Grumpy & I seat in an empty row, making sure there's enough space for the four of us. Jessi walks by us, Alex in tow, and they go seat two rows away from us. "It's better for pictures."

Whatever. I want to enjoy the show. I love all the shows at SeaWorld, but this one, omigod, tearjerker. I think it's the music. The "Salute to heroes" does it for me every time (you don't have to support the war to respect and be thankful for all the men and women who fight for others' freedom), and it's very hard for me to keep from crying during the scene with the little boy and the whale at the beginning.


Shamu's pretty impressive, but I'd rather take the trainer home to my bathtub.







After this we left for our tour. It was a small group of maybe 12, including one guy who was carrying a HUGE stuffed Shamu. It was hilarious because he kept bumping into stuff with it.

The tour starts slow, with some visiting of the backstage areas and the guide explaining us how they care for the animals, etc.... did you know that Seaworld makes all of the salt water used in the park ?

We then went to visit a polar bear. It was a bit sad. The bear was in a rather small (for a bear) room with glass windows. Apparently there was another smaller bear in the next room and it was bugging him big time because he kept going around the room backwards growling at it. Jess was impressed, but I didn't much care for that part of the tour. That bear should have been on some iceberg somewhere, not in a dark smallish room in Florida.



Then after some more walking and backstage-area-looking we went to see the penguins. That's the highlight of the Polar Expedition Tour, you get to touch a penguin !!

The girl holding the penguin, Tiara (that's the name of the penguin not the girl) explained to us that they are prone to project urine when they think they're being attacked, so we were not to stand right behind the animal.
Good to know !!!


We all got in line and waited our turn to pat Tiara softly on her back with two fingers. She felt very soft, and very scared. She buried her head in the trainer's lap, it was too cute. When it was my turn I made sure to touch her very softly and told her not to be scared. Poor baby !!!


We were allowed to stay with the penguins, take pics and ask the trainer some questions. I mostly took pics. The penguins had just been fed and were very sleepy.




The tour lasted about an hour. Something to know if you intend to do it - DON'T plan it at 1pm in the middle of April. The heat was brutal. A good part of it is outside, I had no hat or sunglasses and you're on your feet the whole time.

When we came out of there, I had to admit even I was exhausted. We wanted to find a quiet area to sit and relax for a while. Seaworld is not Epcot - finding a place to sit isn't that easy. I walked ahead again, found some place near a shop. While I waited, because I still felt guilty about rushing them, I went in the shop and bought Jess & Alex a stuffed polar bear and a stuffed penguin.

Ten minutes later and still no Grumpy or sister. I know she walks slow, but not THAT slow. So I walked back to where I came from, hoping to find them on the way. Nope. My cell rang and Jess was tellig me they were at the "fair" area of the park, trying to win a big stuffed Shamu.

If you've never been to SeaWorld, they have that tacky Dinoland-ish kiddie area where you can play games and win stuff.





They also have characters in there, which is something I wasn't aware of.
I had just found Grumpy, the place was packed, and I didn't even notice there were people taking their pictures with a character. Or the character.

"GAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's the noise I make when a 6ft tall Shamu gets in my way.
Mickey Mouse I'm used to. Princesses are still scary, but not that bad. Stuffed whale walking around ? Frea-ky!

Grumpy & I went searching for Jessi and Alex. We finally found them sitting in an area close to the water. Jess had her shoes off. We knew something was up.

"I think we're going to have to go back to the hotel. I have a blister."
Ok, I've been lurking on your TR for a while, but just had to say hello and that you're a much better woman than me! :worship: Our trip is coming up (soon!) and my sister and I have already warned my family that if they can't keep up, we're leaving them! ;)
My Dsis is one of my favorite traveling partners to WDW, DH just thinks it's ok. I am so sorry your sister has been such a pain!

Enjoying the story, does it get better?popcorn::
Just caught up again with your TR after being very busy at work for some days,

Very entertaining, you are a great writer. Sorry it was at the expense of your vacation enjoyment, though.
I just wanted to say that I know how you feel. About 2 years ago, my husband and I took a trip to Orlando with his best friend and his best friend's girlfriend. We all drove up there together for a weekend. Well, during the whole trip the girlfriend wanted to sleep in until noon and then go to the parks. Our first day, hubby and I were up early and ready to go. My husband's best friend, ended up being up early like us. He wanted to get to the parks early before the crowds. He tried several times to get her up, then when he finally did she took an hour shower. By this time, all three of us were ready to go. We were actually going to Sea World on this day. My husband's best friend had a surprise for her and she still was taking her sweet time. We finally got there around 11:30ish which was to early for her. All she did was complain, complain, complain. Her surprise was that her boyfriend was going to propose to her at the sea lion area (which is her favorite animal). While we were walking back there, all she kept saying was that she wanted to leave. Once we got back there, hubby and I were on the other side away from them (for privacy) and I took pictures of him proposing to her. She cried and then the complaining continued. I think there was a happy moment in there somewhere, but come on. You are now engaged! I love my husband's best friend like a brother, but both of us couldn't take much more of it by the end. We ended up taking a cab without them. Oh and to top it off, at dinner that night she basically insulted my husband and me. She said that my wedding ring and engagement ring were cheap and that our wedding was horrible. My husband wanted to tell her off but he bit his tongue. (He knew how much her ring cost and he paid more for mine.) After all that, she then had the nerve to ask me to help plan her wedding and be her maid of honor since she doesn't have any girl friends to do it. (I wonder why!) Of course, I said No! I hope that your trip turns out to be better than mine.
I dont know how you survived this vacation!!
And that is awful about your boss at work!!
Waiting for more, we are all enjoying hearing about your trip, I guess its like looking at an accident, you dont want to see it, but you cant stop yourself from looking.
Poor Klondike and Snow (the polar bears....they were born here in Denver and my oldest feels like they are her polar bears).

A BLISTER!! She had to leave for a blister??? I would blister her butt.
Shamu's pretty impressive, but I'd rather take the trainer home to my bathtub.

:lmao: I totally agree!

My step-brother felt the same way about the polar bear. When we were in Wild Arctic (we didn't do the tour) he got so mad and it ruined the rest of the day.

Your penguin pictures are cute!
No parks, nothing. Because it was too hot. Orlando in July is hot. Who knew? (can you hear my sarcasm? hmmm?)

P.S. This year she's taking all three kids in August because she says it'll be cooler. :eek: Yeah, have fun!

P.S.S. Just have to add that my parents live in Bear, DE. Add us to the list of Delawarians ;)

:scared1: What the ...........(heck)? August is cooler........I think your sister is nuts! :rolleyes1 She better reschedule now. Of course, it may be cooler than Delaware in August :laughing: (which can get so freak'n humid)
have been reading your trip report and havent really commented up to now.

It seems there are quite a few disers who can sympathise..... me too ... but wont go into it. But just like many, it was family that kinda put a downer on my trip last year (Im not a lover of kids and there was a spoilt 3 yrs old in our party .... say no more)

I have to say it's amazing that something hasnt been done about the polar bear. I know alot of people who have been and have commented on the stressful acting of him. I got so upset during my trip last year (to the point of tears!) because of the way he was acting (and had been told he'd been acting about 6 months earlier) I actually asked a seaworld rep where all of these animals are kept. All i got was a snoty lady look down her nose at me and said "they are all kepted out back in whatever regulatory space they need" and she turned away. I keep saying that i'm sure they are kept in a suitable sized place because im sure checks are carried out by authorities, but obviously the space is NOT big enough for that polar bear - feel VERY sorry for the animals there (I have never looked at a birds eye map, but when you think about it what room other than what you can see- especially for the whales where you can see behind teh big screen too) do they have?????)

Needless to say I WILL NEVER give seaworld my money again and deter anyone from going there. Its not just the polar bear - there are many things that dont add up with various animals in the park. But Hey thats just my own personal feelings.

Anyway, back to the subject. sorry that your sis called you that - as you say you have used far worse before so she probably just slipped out (not that its an excuse) Looking forward to reading the rest of the trip report so thank you for your time :thumbsup2
"I think we're going to have to go back to the hotel. I have a blister."

And I hope YOU said.......

"Here's some cab fare to get back to the hotel. SEE YA!"


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