The WOnDeRs - Welcome to the Club -W/C 7th April

Hi Anne - the last bit is always the worst but we are all here for you :hug:
Hi Wonders.

I'm Claire from Hertfordshire in England. I would like to lose 6 stone (84lbs) so far I have lost 25lbs since I joined a local Slimming World group. I have lost weight 3 times in the past and put all and more back on but I am determined this time as if I succeed then my DH is taking me back to WDW in December!
I will post this weeks loss (hopefully ;) ) on Wednesday after my weigh in.

Overall I have more to lose but 6 stone is my goal at the moment and then I will review it!

I would like to offer to help you at any time Jackie, if you are on holiday or if anything crops up and you need to take a week off. Let me know and if you want I will PM you my mobile number.

Good luck to all my fellow Wonders. :grouphug:
Yay, the new WOnDeRs thread is up!

Hi, I'm Mandy!

I recently decided it was time to take back control of my life and get HOT again!
I never had weight problems until after I got married! I was a size 4 on my wedding day ( I have the size 4 dress to prove it :rotfl: ) I seems like I began gaining weight immediately. Looking back on it it was the fact that we were both going to school full time and working full time and eating almost every meal out, lot's of fast food and take out from our fave Chinese place! Anyways by the time I was in nursing school I had reached a size 12 and realized I had to do something, I was able to get back down to a size 8 and was really happy with that size. Then I got pregnant and blew up to 200 lbs. I was eating for 2 but it was more like 4! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: After baby #1 I started doing a step class and lost about 10lbs, but turns out I am blessed with being too fertile and I had 3 more children. I had 4 kids in 4 years and it wreaked havoc on my body :scared1:

I am 5 4" and have a very small frame and need to loose 40 lbs, I currently wear a 14/16. I am a SAHM and need more exercise and need to cut calories and eat less junk. I LOVE sweets, cookies, candy, cake, brownies. If they are in the house then I loose control and will eat an entire pan of brownies. My goal is to make lifestyle changes that will allow me to loose weight and keep it off. I also want to teach my kids to enjoy healthier foods!
Hi Claire - Great weight loss so far and thanks for the offer of help. I am sure the threads will mostly run themselves but will let you know if I get stuck. Good luck with weigh in :)

Hi Mandy - What a gorgeous family you have there :goodvibes - good luck with your goals :hug:
Hi Claire - Great weight loss so far and thanks for the offer of help. I am sure the threads will mostly run themselves but will let you know if I get stuck. Good luck with weigh in :)

No probs Jackie. :thumbsup2

I am sure they will run themselves...I was just thinking ahead as I saw your ticker (and I'm jealous ;) ). I just mean't the tallying up of weight loss each week and starting a new thread.
Yay, the new WOnDeRs thread is up!

Hi, I'm Mandy!

I recently decided it was time to take back control of my life and get HOT again!
I never had weight problems until after I got married! I was a size 4 on my wedding day ( I have the size 4 dress to prove it :rotfl: ) I seems like I began gaining weight immediately. Looking back on it it was the fact that we were both going to school full time and working full time and eating almost every meal out, lot's of fast food and take out from our fave Chinese place! Anyways by the time I was in nursing school I had reached a size 12 and realized I had to do something, I was able to get back down to a size 8 and was really happy with that size. Then I got pregnant and blew up to 200 lbs. I was eating for 2 but it was more like 4! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: After baby #1 I started doing a step class and lost about 10lbs, but turns out I am blessed with being too fertile and I had 3 more children. I had 4 kids in 4 years and it wreaked havoc on my body :scared1:

I am 5 4" and have a very small frame and need to loose 40 lbs, I currently wear a 14/16. I am a SAHM and need more exercise and need to cut calories and eat less junk. I LOVE sweets, cookies, candy, cake, brownies. If they are in the house then I loose control and will eat an entire pan of brownies. My goal is to make lifestyle changes that will allow me to loose weight and keep it off. I also want to teach my kids to enjoy healthier foods!

I think we were separated at birth. :laughing:
Thanks, Kim, for the great idea, and thanks, Jackie, for maintaining this thread!

I'm Mindy, and I'm new around here (snicker!).

I've had a lifelong battle of the bulge...slightly chubby throughout school, one moment of glory right before I had children, then all bets were off. I quit smoking when I got pregnant, and just packed on the pounds. I've lost large-ish amounts of weight several times, but I'm the quintessential yo-yo dieter. Lose 25, gain 40. Lose 35, gain 70. I'm now at the "lose 70, gain..." point, and have gained back 35. If I follow patterns, then that means I'd be gaining 100, and I'm NOT going to let it happen this time!

I work at a garden center, which is seasonal work around here. This gives me 3-4 months to sit around and DIS, as well as eat. I go to the gym fairly religiously whilst I'm laid off, but it's not enough to counteract the amount of food I end up eating. I eat pretty well, but I eat A LOT! I have a really difficult time knowing when I'm full. Actually, I'm never full. As you can guess, this is a problem. I'm almost always hungry. I try to fill up on veggies, fruits, and whole grains, but even then I crave protein in large amounts. Go figure. Try to keep the proteins to lean meats. Now I just need to figure out how to be satisfied on normal-sized portions.

I'd be happy to lose the most recent 35 lbs, but if truth be known, I should get at least 65 off to reach goal. I'm 5'6", so can carry the extra 30# okay, and usually feel very good at the higher weight, so I'll play it by ear, otherwise I fear the goal may be too daunting.
Hi Kim - many have set said yourself small goals and posting on here will hopefully inspire everyone to make small changes - Good luck :goodvibes
Hello my name is Lauren and I live in NYC. I am one of those people that go up and down all the time. I recently lost 22 pounds on weight watchers. I have done every fad diet and trick out there and for me the one thing that seems to work is weight watchers. I feel like for once I can have a life on a diet and I dont feel restricted or guilty about the things I eat.

Right now I weigh about 133 pounds. My goal is to be 120 pounds for my September 27, 2008 wedding. Since I am one of those people that tend to go up and down with my weight My ultimate goal is to be anywhere between 120 pounds to 130 pounds when we all go on the pod-cast cruise. For once I want to lose weight and keep it off.

P.S. I actually love to workout and love to drink water! :scared1: ;)

Looking forward to becoming friends with all of you! :goodvibes

Beth here and joining in.

I've had a weight problem all my life (if i send you my toddler pictures, you'll see i'm telling the truth).

At the age of 14 i went on a very very strict diet with an endocrinologist.
At that time (which was 38 years ago), he determined that i do not properly metabolize carbohydrates, so i was forbidden from eating bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc.
He put me on a 1,000 calorie diet at the age of 14, which is considered very low for a teen.
I managed to lose 50 pounds in 6 months and was for the first time in my life, thin. not anorexic, but thin. I managed to keep it off for a few years, but it slowly crept back up.

i yoyo'd through high school and university, but by the time i reached grad school i was again a full 50 pounds overweight. Which is bad on someone who's only 5'4" tall.

in my second year of grad school, i again managed to lose 50 pounds....this time with a very extreme exercise program and diet..

i kept that off for a few years.....then it slowly crept back up again..

after the birth of my second child, i went on one of those hospital supervised liquid diets and lost another 50 pounds and again looked great..

then again, the weight slowly crept back up..
during this period, it was discovered that my thyroid was not functioning due to a tumor.
half of my thyroid was removed and i began taking thyroid hormone to replace what i was missing..

but my weight continued to rise...

i yo yo'd some more over the next 15 years, until the beginning of this year.

on january 1st i had a hysterectomy, oopherectomy and some other reconstruction (to repair damage caused by traumatic births)...

as a result of this surgery, i was now able to exercise again for the first time in about 2 years and i decided it was time to get myself into shape..
i really really really was feeling terrible about myself, how i looked, felt, etc etc
and so i started walking 5 km every day.....

i'm also being very careful about what i eat, although i haven't really changed what i eat by all that much, since even before this i never ate carbs, and kept to a relatively low calorie diet....but now i'm being extra careful and am finally exercising the doctor upped my thyroid dose, so that may help as well...

so since i started dieting/exercising on feb 1st, i've lost 12 pounds.

Ideally, i'd like to lose another 40 pounds. But realistically, i'd be happy with 20 (in addition to the twelve i've lost).
And i'll be really really happy if i can manage to keep them off.

My birthday is in May. If i can lose another 5 pounds by then in addition to the twelve i've lost, i'll be over the moon...
Hi all! I'm glad to be part of the club :) A little about me... I am 31 years old and live in Jacksonville, FL. I'm married and have no kids, just two pups.

I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. When I turned 22, I started having severe episodes of depression and anxiety so I took my Dr's advice and turned to antidepressants. Three years later I gained nearly 100 lbs and was more depressed than when I got off the drugs. At that point, I went to my Dr begging him for help getting off the medication because it was ruining my life (for more reasons than just the weight) and he just handed me another 6 month prescription and sent me on my way. He said I "needed" to be on it. Needless to say, that was the last time I ever went to him! I eventually managed to ween myself off but that was a long and difficult road. Since that time my weight is constantly fluctuating, I lose a little then gain a little more... Now I am at a point where I need to stop the madness and lose it for good!

My goal for the podcast cruise is 75 lbs which will put me at my ideal weight. I am going on my first Disney cruise this September and I would like to have at least 25 lbs gone by then.

Good luck to all :)

Hi. I am Julie. I live in the far northern part of Canada. It offers some challenges. Believe it or not this move came after I lost close to 60 pounds. I am just shy of 5 feet. I felt happy and healthy and I was willing to take chances. Hence when opportunity came I jumped at the chance to move and start new adventures. The first year the crazy arctic red head did everything from curling, mushing, scottish dancing and pottery. There is no reason to hibernate if you don't want to. I had been overweight since middle school and looked at things differantly and with adventure.
That was 3.5 years ago. Since then I have packed it all back on. Summers are great (bike riding at midnight is amazing) but winters are more difficult. I don't own a car so I walk (even in -52c I tough it out) everywhere within a reasonable distance.
I love sweets even if fruit. Produce can be unappealing here at times. I don't eat out much except when I travel but it is difficult to get motivated to cook when you are single.
I need to keep my eye on that magical feeling. Actually just taking time to write this has helped.
Hi All, my name is Chris and I'd love to join your little group. My wife and I have been trying the weight watchers thing for 4 weeks now. Not actually going to the meetings just supporting each other. So far so good, 16 lbs in 4 weeks. I think it would be great to have more support from fellow Dis'ers no less. With all the weight we could lose we might affect the buoyancy of the ship come next May.:goodvibes
Hi Lauren, Beth and Candis

Hopefully this thread will inspire us all to get to our goals whatever they are.

Wow Beth - you have gone through so much - hope the surgery has helped :hug:
Hi and welcome Chris - 16lbs in 4 weeks ,something is working :goodvibes


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