This is the dawning of the rest of our lives... AT DISNEY WORLD!!!! COMPLETED 1/6!!!!

DECEMBER 5, 2011
Day 1, Part 1 In Which We Roll Like G's

Approximately six minutes of time passed in between when I was finally able to stop obsessing long enough to fall asleep and when my alarm went off.

It was alarming. Which, I know, is the entire point of an alarm. But I was really shocked by it for some reason.

I think my body and mind were just completely out of whack from the difficult task of trying to process my ridiculous excitement.

As soon as I heard it, my thought process was basically just exclamation points followed by something like:


I was mostly all packed, so after throwing my toiletries and last minute items into my suitcase, I checked and double checked everything. During which I was singing all the songs from Tangled and caressing my hair. BEST. DAY. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sigh. Such a flawless movie.

Anyway, fast forward to 5:00 AM when our limo arrived. Yeah, that's right, our LIMO. We're VIPs, okay? Deal with it.

As soon as I stepped into the limousine I started laughing hysterically.

It looked like this:

It's a shame I didn't bring my bling and some bottles of Patron, I thought to myself.

When my mom got into the limo, before she could say anything, I immediately told her, "We're meeting up with Jay-Z and Kanye before we hit the airport."

We proceeded to get crunk.

It was just so funny because I am not the limo type. I love glamour and privacy and all that but it just seems like an unnecessary expense to me since you can just take a normal car service or taxi that will get you to the exact same place in the exact amount of time for much less money. My dad USUALLY feels the same way, or so I thought, which is why I was shocked when he said he got us a limo. Shocked! But that's what made it so fun. I absolutely love surprises, and it just added a little glitter to the trip.

And some hilarity.

We rolled up to JFK like the P-I-M-Ps that we are in less than an hour, which is AMAZING. We beat all the traffic just like we planned!

Pixie Dust was already working in our favor, because if you do not beat the traffic and you are driving from Jersey to JFK (in New York City), the 40-50 minute ride can turn into a 3 hour journey of stress and nervous breakdowns, which is the main reason my dad hired a professional to drive us instead of doing it himself.

As soon as we walked into the airport, they were playing Madonna, and right after that they played Paul McCartney. I'm just glad the nice airport people play my favorite music upon arrival. I would have sent in a complaint had they not!

I checked in at one of the kiosks with no problem at all. I really love those things, so convenient!

We proceeded to the security checkpoint, where we hit a little snag. We were told my mom's carry on was too big. I had been worried about that because in order to save money, I told my mom we shouldn't check any bags (for those who don't know, it's $25 each way per bag - that's $100 saved by carrying on!). She agreed, but ten days worth of clothes + toiletries = a big fat carry on!

Luckily, my mom was able to remove some items from the bag and put it in another (you're allowed one carry on bag and one smaller bag like a purse/laptop case) and then it fit! Yay!

By the time we got to our gate, we still had like two hours left to go for our flight. I hate this. I love travel but I hate traveling, you know?

While my mom was off getting Starbucks, I realized it was December 5th. Which I knew, since I had that date in my head as THE DISNEY DAY since I booked our trip. But I mean, it was DECEMBER 5TH!!!! Do you know what day that is? THE DAY WALT DISNEY FIRST GRACED OUR PLANET!!!


I couldn't believe that I totally forgot it was Walt's birthday. I thought, how perfect that we are arriving at Walt Disney World on Walt Disney's birthday. It's funny when you don't even plan something like that, and it just happens. To me, this was a sign that the trip was going to be even more magical than I was expecting.

I posted on Twitter:
OMG I totally forgot today is Walt's birthday! Happy 110th Birthday Walt Disney! Your dreams and legacy live on forever.

When my mom came back, I decided it was time for me to hunt down my breakfast.

You may remember (but probably not because I wrote about it a year and a half ago) my unsuccessful search for a McDonald's at the Charlotte airport in 2010.

That so was not going to happen this time, folks. I was going to find the perfect processed breakfast if it killed me.

I normally do not eat McDonald's because it is disgusting, but the problem is that it is also delicious. On Disney trips I just do not give a CRAP and so I like to enjoy a sausage mcmuffin with NO EGG.

Look McDonald's, I can handle the processed cheese and meat and bread. But I can't do the "Egg Product".


They claim, "All of the fresh Grade A eggs used for the Egg McMuffin sandwiches are inspected at the farm."

Somehow I doubt this. But anyway, back to the trip report.

I had to walk pretty far, take one of those moving walkways, and two escalators to get my Sausage McMuffin WITH NO EGG, but it was so worth it.

I hadn't had one in AGES. Like, since summer of 2009. I remember the exact day b/c I had worked on Boardwalk Empire in Brooklyn from 9am the previous day til 6am that day, and was so tired I could barely function but decided I needed a Sausage McMuffin with NO EGG anyway, so I walked to McDonald's at like 7am where I ran into a man who asked me for a dollar so he could buy beer. I obliged so that he wouldn't follow me around but it didn't work. He then went to get his beer and came back and sat down at the table I was enjoying my Sausage McMuffin WITH NO EGG at. But he wasn't alone. There were two other folks with him who looked like they showered occasionally at most. He asked my name. "Amber," I said. He then introduced me to the other homeless people and honestly they all couldn't have been nicer. Or more drunk.

I think I'm making it clear why it is important for me to get away from it all and go to Disney every so often.

Well, there you go, another tangent. But I like to include these little stories about my life b/c I think it lets you guys in on who I am a bit more and then you enjoy the report more. Or you just think I'm weird. Either way, welcome to what I'm sure will be another epicly long Disney TR.

SO ANYWAY. I called my mom and said, "I'm at McDonald's. Do you want anything?" Her response was, "OOooOOoooOOoooh."

She also hates McDonald's food, never eats it, but enjoys it very much. She got the same thing as me, Sausage McMuffin with NO EGG. We may be lovers of McDonald's "food", but we have standards too!

Avoid the Egg Product, people.

What seemed like an eternity later, we were finally about to board. One of my favorite things about going to Disney are the adorable kids who are so excited they are about to burst. Do you remember that from when you were little? The complete and utter innocence and wonder and joy. There was a little girl who was talking to a flight attendant with such elation in her tiny little kid squeaky voice that I teared up.

She said, "'It's my birthday! That's why I'm getting on a plane to see Mickey! I'm going today!!!" The flight attendant wished her a happy birthday and asked what her favorite Princess was. "Um... ALL OF THEM!" she replied. The flight attendant told her to have a great trip and the little girl said, "YOU'RE A NICE LADY!" and walked away.

It was basically the cutest thing I have ever seen.

I don't remember much about the flight b/c I blacked out due to excitement.

But who cares what happened on the plane anyway? Cause within two hours we were at MCO, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Instantly I recognized the smell of the Orlando airport. And the warmth. And I was basically RUNNING from the gate to the fake monorail.

There was a Christmas tree:

I think they are inspired by Disney's trees, because they used the same kind of lights Disney uses on a lot of their decorations and the same tall skinny tree style.


When I called it the fake monorail, my mom said, "It's a real monorail." I informed her that any monorail not operated by Disney is NOT A REAL MONORAIL.


I was nervous about Magical Express because on our last trip, the line was literally the longest line I have ever seen for anything in my ENTIRE LIFE. Luckily, this time, there were only like three families in line ahead of us. Yay!


I heard the CM tell the family in front of us, "Race you to the castle!" as he sent them on their way, and I was kind of disappointed when the CM we got didn't say that. But who cares, we were about to go to Disney World. He could have said, "SCREW YOU GUYS" and I still would have been like, "Thanks, and have a magical day! :):):)"

We made our way to our line:

I remember thinking how much I loved that I had to follow castle signs in order to get to where I was going.

As I was walking, a CM asked me if I was a cheerleader.

".........................No?" was my response. I thought that was weird, but it turned out there was a huge amount of high school cheerleaders at Disney to compete that week. Hey, any day someone looks at me and thinks, "She must be a 17 year old cheerleader!" has to be a good day, right?


We were on our way to POP CENTURY!!!!!!!! One of my favorite resorts. It is the first Disney Resort I ever stayed at and therefore, it feels like home. If I did not stay at Pop, I would still visit because to me, it's not a Disney trip without Pop.

And now, I will introduce our amazing Trip Mascot... HULA TIMON!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to be obsessed with buying small Disney stuffed animals, like even far into my teen years. I recently stopped (although I think I am going to start again since I bought a Christmas Stitch for my mom and we keep fighting over him...but that's another story!) , but Timon is one of my favorite characters of all time, and when I saw that they made a toy inspired by the line "What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?!" from The Lion King, I HAD TO BUY IT.

And so, he became our mascot. I bought him way back when we were supposed to go in October, so I thought it would be perfect for the Halloween party since he is dressed up, but alas! It was not to be.

I took a picture of my Mickey nails:

Love them and so easy to do! I am not very good at nail art, but all you have to do is a black stripe, yellow stripe, and two white dots. For the dots, I dipped a pen into the nail polish. I find that's the easiest way.

I also changed from my Ugg boots into my Crocs.

I posted on Twitter:
Changed into the sexiest pair of shoes I could find! Hope I don't get anyone too excited.

With this picture:

Look, I know you all want to date me but I'm just really enjoying being single right now. Also, hmm, looking at this picture I feel I really need more Jibbitz. I would like one of Timon, Abu, or Pascal. I love Disney's animal sidekicks, what can I say!

That's all for now. UP NEXT: This must be... POP!​
Ahhhhh I miss that 'I'M GOING TO DISNEY TODAY, SUCKERS' feeling. It's the best feeling in the entire world. Well, maybe second best. Actually arriving on Disney property is the best feeling.

Six months, Kara, only six months...

It's a shame I didn't bring my bling and some bottles of Patron, I thought to myself.

That might be the greatest thing you've ever said. But don't you know that all of the really cool people are partying with Dr. Pepper now? At least that's what Pitbull has told me every single time I've watched college football for the past 4 months. We're also supposed to be hanging out under highway overpasses. It's the only way to have arealgoodtime.

December 5th also marks 7 months until my birthday. Walt Disney? Pssh. I'm way more awesome than him.

Isn't eating a Sausage McMuffin with no egg essentially just eating a cheeseburger for breakfast? I like the way your mind (taste buds) work(s).

Hula Timon is adorable. He's always adorable, obviously, but even more so with a flower in his hai-fur. Did you take him to 'Ohana?

I love your nails! My monochrome nails are so boring compared to the things you DISers churn out. I've gotta start thinking up something cool...

Well, those Crocs have me all hot and bothered. I have a thing for people in chunky plastic footwear.

Mmmmm- I am now craving a sausage mcmuffin with NO EGG now...that is the way I order it too. I can just taste the yumminess now...the crunchy edges of the english muffin with the spicy sausage and melty processed cheese. DIS really needs a drooly emoticon for moments like this, don't they???
Hey Lia! I am a lurker from your previous report (I may have posted once or twice) but I'm definitely on board for this one!

I live on Long Island and hateeeeee flying from the city airports, strictly because it's the biggest pain to get there if you don't time it exactly right! Glad to hear you made it there quickly with no problems!

P.S. WDW is one of the only places (the other being DLR, DLP, etc.) where is socially acceptable to wear Crocs. They are feet lifesaverssss!

I know so many people tell you this but you really have an awesome style of writing! Can't wait to hear more :thumbsup2
Even just reading "I'm going to Disney World TODAY!" posts makes me excited. Even when they're in past tense! I'm not sure what's wrong with me.

Ahahaha that limo is ridiculous. Please tell me your dad specifically picked out the most swankified limo available to send you and your mom off. (Google Chrome is trying to tell me swankified isn't a word. Excuse YOU, Chrome.)

OH DUDE SPEAKING OF KIDS AT THE AIRPORT. Last time I went, mom and I were waiting at the terminal to board the plane and there was this ADORABLE little girl. I forget her name, but she was super energetic and excitable about everything, along with her baby brother. At one point, a little boy wearing Mickey ears walked in and she proceeded to chase him in circles around the terminal screaming "MICKEEEYYY! MICKEEYYYY!". I swear I'm not making this up. Some lady beside us was calling someone up on her cell to tell them what was happening, it was that funny.

Timon is one of my absolute favourite Disney characters, too! Nathan Lane, man. I can't even.

Those crocs are giving me the vapours, tbh.

(My apologies for the novel I just left you. I have a lot of feelings, apparently!)
Ahhhhh I miss that 'I'M GOING TO DISNEY TODAY, SUCKERS' feeling. It's the best feeling in the entire world. Well, maybe second best. Actually arriving on Disney property is the best feeling.

Six months, Kara, only six months...

It's a shame I didn't bring my bling and some bottles of Patron, I thought to myself.

That might be the greatest thing you've ever said. But don't you know that all of the really cool people are partying with Dr. Pepper now? At least that's what Pitbull has told me every single time I've watched college football for the past 4 months. We're also supposed to be hanging out under highway overpasses. It's the only way to have arealgoodtime.

December 5th also marks 7 months until my birthday. Walt Disney? Pssh. I'm way more awesome than him.

Isn't eating a Sausage McMuffin with no egg essentially just eating a cheeseburger for breakfast? I like the way your mind (taste buds) work(s).

Hula Timon is adorable. He's always adorable, obviously, but even more so with a flower in his hai-fur. Did you take him to 'Ohana?

I love your nails! My monochrome nails are so boring compared to the things you DISers churn out. I've gotta start thinking up something cool...

Well, those Crocs have me all hot and bothered. I have a thing for people in chunky plastic footwear.


SIX MONTHS!!! :dance3:

Pitbull is the gift that keeps on giving, isn't he?

OH MY GOD. A SAUSAGE MCMUFFIN WITH NO EGG *IS* HAVING A CHEESEBURGER FOR BREAKFAST. No wonder why I love them so much. Sigh. You just GET ME, don't you? Separated at birth.

I DID, in fact, take Hula Timon to 'Ohana which turned out to be a whole ordeal. Of course. Stay tuned...

Mmmmm- I am now craving a sausage mcmuffin with NO EGG now...that is the way I order it too. I can just taste the yumminess now...the crunchy edges of the english muffin with the spicy sausage and melty processed cheese. DIS really needs a drooly emoticon for moments like this, don't they???

You could always use this one: :sick: Since that's always how I feel like 20 minutes after I eat one of those bad boys and the instant glee from whatever addictive drug they pump into it fades. LOL

Hey Lia! I am a lurker from your previous report (I may have posted once or twice) but I'm definitely on board for this one!

I live on Long Island and hateeeeee flying from the city airports, strictly because it's the biggest pain to get there if you don't time it exactly right! Glad to hear you made it there quickly with no problems!

P.S. WDW is one of the only places (the other being DLR, DLP, etc.) where is socially acceptable to wear Crocs. They are feet lifesaverssss!

I know so many people tell you this but you really have an awesome style of writing! Can't wait to hear more :thumbsup2

Hey! Yeah, I remember you from your TR with tinkgurl! Congrats on your wedding and Disneymoon!! :bride:

I know right! I hate flying out of the NYC airports but the price is often SO much less. This time especially it was a massive savings to fly out of JFK.

Thank you so much!

Even just reading "I'm going to Disney World TODAY!" posts makes me excited. Even when they're in past tense! I'm not sure what's wrong with me.

Ahahaha that limo is ridiculous. Please tell me your dad specifically picked out the most swankified limo available to send you and your mom off. (Google Chrome is trying to tell me swankified isn't a word. Excuse YOU, Chrome.)

OH DUDE SPEAKING OF KIDS AT THE AIRPORT. Last time I went, mom and I were waiting at the terminal to board the plane and there was this ADORABLE little girl. I forget her name, but she was super energetic and excitable about everything, along with her baby brother. At one point, a little boy wearing Mickey ears walked in and she proceeded to chase him in circles around the terminal screaming "MICKEEEYYY! MICKEEYYYY!". I swear I'm not making this up. Some lady beside us was calling someone up on her cell to tell them what was happening, it was that funny.

Timon is one of my absolute favourite Disney characters, too! Nathan Lane, man. I can't even.

Those crocs are giving me the vapours, tbh.

(My apologies for the novel I just left you. I have a lot of feelings, apparently!)

There is nothing wrong with you, I get so excited when I read those kinds of posts too!!!

AWWWWWWWWWWKJDFSLDKFJL that is too adorable!!! Witnessing all the adorable kid moments is one of my favorite things about WDW. Too cute.

Don't apologize! Long replies are kind of a thing around here. LOL. I love it!
Um, thanks. You now have me craving some sort of breakfast sandwich and as I am currently working and it's 4am, all I have is a teeny bag of pretzels. Not the same.

Totally loving your writing style. I am also finding everything extremely hilarious as it is 4am. I tend to get delirious at this point in my shift, so thanks for keeping me entertained!
Hey everyone!!! Today was amazing. I got to see Cathy Rigby's production of Peter Pan at Madison Square Garden! My friend, who also loves Disney and is ESPECIALLY obsessed with Peter Pan got free tickets b/c her sister was in the audience of the Wendy Williams show when Cathy was on and gave free tickets to the audience! We had such a great time! There was SO much Pixie Dust in the show... even more than I expected! pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust: It was wonderful. Also I played a lost boy in a production of Peter Pan when I was little so it really brought back memories! I have to add that I always thought it was weird that a woman always played Peter Pan in the stage versions, but Cathy Rigby is so amazing that I honestly barely noticed! She is so talented, I mean here is this woman in her 50's playing a 12 year old boy and totally selling it, not to mention her production company runs the whole tour! AMAZING! Do see it if the tour comes to your area. Especially if you have kids. I won't give things away but there are some really magical moments during the show where the kids were just beside themselves. As was I... I refuse to grow up!

Here is the trailer for it:

Even though it was not a Disney production, it was such a high quality show that it was almost just as good and it made me miss WDW even more than I already do which I did NOT think was possible! Though, I must say being so used to the 1953 Disney version I really missed the music created just for that film, especially "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" It just wasn't the same without that. And I kept thinking of scenes from Peter Pan's Flight the whole time. I wish I could go on that ride right now! AHH! Well anyway, enough of my rambling!

I really want to update this more often than my last endless TR b/c there is a POSSIBILITY I am going to WDW in I will need to finish this a lot faster! So I will be updating soon!

I'm loving this trip report already!

Also, I totally agree, NO EGG!

Thank you! :woohoo: No egg is the way to go!

Um, thanks. You now have me craving some sort of breakfast sandwich and as I am currently working and it's 4am, all I have is a teeny bag of pretzels. Not the same.

Totally loving your writing style. I am also finding everything extremely hilarious as it is 4am. I tend to get delirious at this point in my shift, so thanks for keeping me entertained!

hahahaha I love that out of this whole update, the thing people are commenting on most is the mcmuffin.

Aw man... all-nighters suck! I've been there, doll! So happy you are enjoying the report and I can help keep you entertained!
I'm glad you had a great Christmas... omg I miss the OC. Seth. OH. Lust. I got a lot of Disney related presents too! Although, they weren't technically for Christmas, and I bought them all for myself at WDW. But I was very thankful nonetheless.

So listen, you really are a G. Were yall wearing long gold chains around your neck, grills on your teeth, and sunglasses with diamonds for lenses? One can only hope.
WALT DISNEY IS MY HERO OMG. I was actually really close to making him a birthday cake but I thought that would be... overdoing it? Maybe?
I do remember your search for McDonald's in your last TR, but that's probably because I read it like, a month ago. I'm glad you were successful this time. :laughing:
Hahah the fake monorail. I call it the schmonorail. Can't really explain why...
FUNNY, I found one of those, what were they called, JIBBITZ? On the ground. At Magic Kingdom. Only I didn't realize they were something that go on shoes or else I would NOT have picked it up, (because, random stranger's feet, ew) even if it had Mickey on it... which it did. In fact it looked exactly like that one. WEIRD? DID YA LOSE ONE?
PS. Dirrrrty pop.

OH and PS again, when you tweeted today about seeing Peter Pan I was SO jealous. Ugh. Are you seriously maybe going in JULY? AHHH! I wanna go!!!
I'm glad you had a great Christmas... omg I miss the OC. Seth. OH. Lust. I got a lot of Disney related presents too! Although, they weren't technically for Christmas, and I bought them all for myself at WDW. But I was very thankful nonetheless.

So listen, you really are a G. Were yall wearing long gold chains around your neck, grills on your teeth, and sunglasses with diamonds for lenses? One can only hope.
WALT DISNEY IS MY HERO OMG. I was actually really close to making him a birthday cake but I thought that would be... overdoing it? Maybe?
I do remember your search for McDonald's in your last TR, but that's probably because I read it like, a month ago. I'm glad you were successful this time. :laughing:
Hahah the fake monorail. I call it the schmonorail. Can't really explain why...
FUNNY, I found one of those, what were they called, JIBBITZ? On the ground. At Magic Kingdom. Only I didn't realize they were something that go on shoes or else I would NOT have picked it up, (because, random stranger's feet, ew) even if it had Mickey on it... which it did. In fact it looked exactly like that one. WEIRD? DID YA LOSE ONE?
PS. Dirrrrty pop.

OH and PS again, when you tweeted today about seeing Peter Pan I was SO jealous. Ugh. Are you seriously maybe going in JULY? AHHH! I wanna go!!!

I never really lusted after Seth. I mean, I love him and would marry him instantly, but lust? I LUSTED after Ryan Atwood. Ugh he is perfect. I love Ben McKenzie. Luckily he is on Southland now, although it has much less pop culture references so that's a downer. Le sigh.

You don't need to explain the Schmonorail thing, trust me, I get it! LOL. That reminds me of Kathy Griffin calling the Creative Arts Emmys the Schmemmys. Love her.

I didn't lose one of my Jibbitz, thankfully! But just so you know... they never actually TOUCH your feet when you wear them. So I think you may be ok.

YES a July trip is possible! I really have no idea if it can actually happen but the seed is planted. We'll see.

Hey Girl! Definitely count me in for this one! :thumbsup2

Hey!! :welcome:!!!!
I never really lusted after Seth. I mean, I love him and would marry him instantly, but lust? I LUSTED after Ryan Atwood. Ugh he is perfect. I love Ben McKenzie. Luckily he is on Southland now, although it has much less pop culture references so that's a downer. Le sigh.

You don't need to explain the Schmonorail thing, trust me, I get it! LOL. That reminds me of Kathy Griffin calling the Creative Arts Emmys the Schmemmys. Love her.

I didn't lose one of my Jibbitz, thankfully! But just so you know... they never actually TOUCH your feet when you wear them. So I think you may be ok.

YES a July trip is possible! I really have no idea if it can actually happen but the seed is planted. We'll see.

Hahaha, okay, so lust was quite a strong word. I just suddenly really missed the OC and you mentioned Seth, so I guess I went crazy for a second. :rotfl: I really do love Adam Brody... just not THAT much haha. Oh man do I miss the beauty of Benjamin McKenzie. :love:

Well then it's okay! :laughing: I hope I didn't lose my little JIBBIT so I can put it on my future Crocs! Because yeah, I've definitely decided that tennis shoes do my feet no favors at Disney.

Aw I hope you can go then! I'm sure it would be awesome. :)
I love how easy it is to pick out other people on tumblr by their internet vocab; there's a certain vernacular that goes 'round there and it TOTALLY bleeds into my real life and then everyone looks at me funnily. BUT ASIDE FROM THAT (I have no idea about twitter because I have a compulsion to use as many words as possible in every possible internet situation, also I like to use tags to ~express myself~ and I don't like twitter tags as much):

I don't understand some of the advertising fast food joints use. Like Wendy's never frozen meat? How do they ensure the meat is safe? Like, I freeze meat all the time. It's great! I can use it later and it's not spoiled! Freezers are awesome!! Is that even real meat then? (But all is forgiven because the wildberry lemonade and fries are delish)

Ahha, both my boyfriend and I have the converse-style crocs (why do we have matching shoes, who am I) but I have the kid's-size, purple-sparkly, all-ready-for-jibbitz kind. I haven't yet unbent enough to go full-on crocs. They make my feet itch. Or something. Too much plastic in one pair of shoes.

I like female Peter Pans, but that was my first exposure to it, so sentimental bias. Jeremy Sumpter is a close second (I haven't seen a live PP in ages!).
Hahaha, okay, so lust was quite a strong word. I just suddenly really missed the OC and you mentioned Seth, so I guess I went crazy for a second. :rotfl: I really do love Adam Brody... just not THAT much haha. Oh man do I miss the beauty of Benjamin McKenzie. :love:

Well then it's okay! :laughing: I hope I didn't lose my little JIBBIT so I can put it on my future Crocs! Because yeah, I've definitely decided that tennis shoes do my feet no favors at Disney.

Aw I hope you can go then! I'm sure it would be awesome. :)

You know when I totally DID lust over Adam Brody? When was in a band in Jennifer's Body!!!!! Him playing the guitar.... ugh. I have a dangerous love for bad boys. Although, I love Seth Cohen way more. I mean, not only is he amazing but he's never killed anyone so that's a plus.

and yes... GET CROCS!!! I can't stress enough how amazing they are.

I love how easy it is to pick out other people on tumblr by their internet vocab; there's a certain vernacular that goes 'round there and it TOTALLY bleeds into my real life and then everyone looks at me funnily. BUT ASIDE FROM THAT (I have no idea about twitter because I have a compulsion to use as many words as possible in every possible internet situation, also I like to use tags to ~express myself~ and I don't like twitter tags as much):

I don't understand some of the advertising fast food joints use. Like Wendy's never frozen meat? How do they ensure the meat is safe? Like, I freeze meat all the time. It's great! I can use it later and it's not spoiled! Freezers are awesome!! Is that even real meat then? (But all is forgiven because the wildberry lemonade and fries are delish)

Ahha, both my boyfriend and I have the converse-style crocs (why do we have matching shoes, who am I) but I have the kid's-size, purple-sparkly, all-ready-for-jibbitz kind. I haven't yet unbent enough to go full-on crocs. They make my feet itch. Or something. Too much plastic in one pair of shoes.

I like female Peter Pans, but that was my first exposure to it, so sentimental bias. Jeremy Sumpter is a close second (I haven't seen a live PP in ages!).

Yes, I am addicted to Tumblr! I already love you for noticing this LOL. I use Tumblr talk in real life constantly, but thankfully most of my friends are addicted too so they understand what I'm talking about. I'm also obsessed with Twitter. I hate Facebook though. I kind of miss MySpace. And I used to LIVE on Livejournal. Buuuut I digress.

It's probably not real meat. Who even knows what it is. and OOH I really have to try that wildberry lemonade. It's probably like 4,000 calories per cup though.

Your Crocs sound amazing! I really would like some new ones. I want the kids ones too because they are just cooler. Luckily I have small feet so it will probably work out!

I haven't seen the Jeremy Sumpter Peter Pan yet! My friend who I saw the play with is obsessed with it and has been telling me to watch it forEVER, so I'm definitely going to this weekend. So far I rewatched Disney's Peter Pan and Hook, so that's next! Sigh, I love all of them so much!
Stopping by to say, why pick one when you can lust after both Ryan and Seth?

I'm pretty sure that's why the phrase 'best of both worlds' was invented.

Stopping by to say, why pick one when you can lust after both Ryan and Seth?

I'm pretty sure that's why the phrase 'best of both worlds' was invented.


Whoa. YOU'RE RIGHT. It's Seth AND Ryan Time anyway, not Seth OR Ryan Time.


Sigh. I miss Seth and Ryan time. Ahh remember when Seth got all upset b/c Ryan was leaving to take care of Theresa and be a dad and he like couldn't even function and just sailed away on a boat and Summer was like are you serious right now? I mean best bromance ever, Seth gave up SUMMER because he was so upset about Ryan. A 17 year old dude gave up getting laid regularly by his dream girl to live with LUKE IN PORTLAND cause he was so bummed about Ryan leaving and I will never recover, bye.
I use Tumblr talk in real life constantly, but thankfully most of my friends are addicted too so they understand what I'm talking about.
My best friends use Tumblr as much as I do, but one time I was talking to a girl in one of my classes and I said I wanted to work hard on an assignment because I wanted "all of the good grades". She just kind of stared at me and I felt very insecure about my life choices. BUT WHATEVER I was ~born this way~
So I'm just joining in after seeing you on Kristin's Buttercup TR. :) I am already in love with your TR. We have a very similar sense of humor, so obviously this was a good TR choice for me.
I hate McDonald's and I will tell everyone that, but sometimes I will get a McGriddle or a Snack wrap without anyone knowing. Shh, don't tell my fiance. He hasn't been to Mickey D's since he was like 5 because when he was at a bday party he went to the bathroom and saw an employee use the restroom then NOT WASH THEIR HANDS. Ew. I know the logic he has now is dumb, but I'm pretty sure he was scarred for life. 17 years he hasn't even snuck a McMuffin with no eggs. Shame, shame.
Anyways, sorry for the rant!
I love your Timon. I'm scared that when we go to WDW in 19 days (EEK!) I might buy way too many of the mini plush.
Can't wait to read more!

I hope you all had a wonderful celebration that will lead to a very magical and enchanted New Year! As always, my main resolution is to be happy! Not as easy as it sounds sometimes... but Disney exists, so that helps.

Look who I kissed at midnight:


This is my friend's dog. His name is Atticus and he enjoys sleeping my bed, giving me hugs, and playing with my Disney toys. All things I also enjoy very much! He has to go home tomorrow. BOO.

I'm going to make my best impression of the red velvet cupcakes from Starring Rolls tonight! Woooohooo! But first I must post my next TR update right after I post these replies. :wizard:

My best friends use Tumblr as much as I do, but one time I was talking to a girl in one of my classes and I said I wanted to work hard on an assignment because I wanted "all of the good grades". She just kind of stared at me and I felt very insecure about my life choices. BUT WHATEVER I was ~born this way~

hahaha yes, as many tumblr users know, it's not enough to have something, you need to have ALL of it. and also, you're right. you WERE born this way! :woohoo: After that song came out, my friend and I OBNOXIOUSLY used that excuse for everything. "I don't feel like cleaning. Sorry. I was born this way!" or "I'm drunk again, but what can I say? I WAS BORN THIS WAY!" We're annoying.

So I'm just joining in after seeing you on Kristin's Buttercup TR. :) I am already in love with your TR. We have a very similar sense of humor, so obviously this was a good TR choice for me.
I hate McDonald's and I will tell everyone that, but sometimes I will get a McGriddle or a Snack wrap without anyone knowing. Shh, don't tell my fiance. He hasn't been to Mickey D's since he was like 5 because when he was at a bday party he went to the bathroom and saw an employee use the restroom then NOT WASH THEIR HANDS. Ew. I know the logic he has now is dumb, but I'm pretty sure he was scarred for life. 17 years he hasn't even snuck a McMuffin with no eggs. Shame, shame.
Anyways, sorry for the rant!
I love your Timon. I'm scared that when we go to WDW in 19 days (EEK!) I might buy way too many of the mini plush.
Can't wait to read more!

Hey!!! :welcome: and thanks for joining in!

I am of the belief that 90% of people who claim to not eat at McDonald's occasionally eat at McDonald's.Your BF is probably sneaking all kinds of nasty food. I bet he even eats McRibs. I find that the people who are the most adamant about never eating fast food are the ones who wake up with a pile of french fries in their bed, clutching a ketchup packet.

You know what's funny about the mini plushes, I find that the Disney Store usually has better ones than the parks! Some are cheaper too. You just have to shop around I guess. :yay:


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