This is the dawning of the rest of our lives... AT DISNEY WORLD!!!! COMPLETED 1/6!!!!

DECEMBER 5, 2011
Day 1, Part 2 In Which The Kingdom Stays Open In Honor Of A Very Special Princess

After less than 10 minutes of waiting it was time to board Disney's Magical Express!

As usual, once on board we waited for more guests to arrive. I instantly recognized the song they were playing as the tune of The Main Street Electrical Parade, and to my surprise, my mom knew what it was too!

"THIS IS FROM THE PARADE, ISN'T IT?!" she exclaimed. It surprised me because she is not obsessed with Disney music like me and hadn't heard that tune in ages! I guess it was burned into her brain from all the times I watched the video tape we took of the parade in 1998.

After a few more minutes, it was time at last for us to be motor coached to WALT DISNEY WORLD!

I was just in total shock at this point. I was having stomach pains. Any time I get REALLY excited, my stomach hurts. It's not even a BAD pain, though, it's just like such excitement that my body can't even settle, you know?

They showed some cartoons after the usual video of the characters arriving to Disney World. It was a hilarious one where Donald was out in the middle of nowhere and was trying to set up a folding chair and kept getting trapped inside it and kept saying PHOOEY and things of that nature. Oh, that Donald!

I took a video of us going through the gates which unfortunately got erased because cameras are evil! I am so sad about this because we had a truly great and enthusiastic bus driver who really got us even more hyped up than we already were. It was so much fun and we screamed and danced as the bus drove through the world famous arch. My mom even recognized the driver from a prior trip (in 2006) because he was so memorable!

Finally, after eighteen months of planning, obsessing, crying, losing my mind waiting for Disney, I was on Disney Property once again.

Seeing Pop Century again was indescribable and the CMs standing at the red carpet to welcome us were so sweet as usual! I have no pictures of any of this because I was totally beside myself.

My mom knew I could not stand and wait for the bags to be taken out of the side of the bus so she kindly waited while I RAN into the lobby, inhaled extremely deeply, and bolted to the Online Check-In line, which was a complete breeze! It was my first time using the Online Check-In service and it went flawlessly. I definitely recommend using it. It went so quickly!

Every time I stay at Pop, I am always excited to see what section we get placed in. I love leaving it up to chance so I never request a certain section. Prior to this trip, I had stayed in the 60's, 70's, and 50's. My favorite was the 60's, just because it's the closest to the food court, shopping area, lobby, and main pool (The Hippy Dippy Pool), and I like to be in the center of the action. This time, we got placed in the 80's and I was thrilled! Always exciting to stay in a new section.

Walking from the lobby to your room is always the most intense feeling. You are at the very beginning of your adventure. The anticipation is so palpable, it's like it's an actual thing you're carrying along with you. All of your plans and favorite Disney things are dancing in your head, for you know you are about to experience them all. THIS IS IT!!!!!! THIS IS WHAT YOU DREAM OF EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE. This is where you constantly wish you were and now YOU ARE HERE! You are really at Disney World and it is ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!!!!!!

Oh man, there's really no feeling like it in the world that I can compare it to. It's just the best.

And finally we reached our room. 80's section, Building 9, Second Floor, Room 9248.


Hula Timon enjoyed the bed. He was tired, it had been a busy morning!


I love this picture because it looks like he is gesturing with his arm, showing off the bed Vanna White style.

Immediately, I turned on the Queen.

As usual, she was so wham that I could barely deal. I love unpacking and getting settled while listening to Stacey frolic around Walt Disney World. Is there anything better in life?

I tried to tweet the picture of her I took above, but I guess it didn't send cause I don't see it on my feed! The only thing about our room location I didn't like was that I had VERY poor cell phone service there.

On this trip, I noticed Stacey does this often:

She gives the thumbs up while on rides, mostly intense ones. I'm just glad she found a way to be clear about how much fun she is having, because usually I'm searching her face to find some form of emotion! Sheesh!

I just love her so much.

ANYWAY, at this point I was honestly in disbelief and complete shock that we were even at Disney World. When you want something so bad for so long, it can feel surreal when you finally experience it. I kept saying over at over, "I can't believe we're at Disney World." I had been crying on and off all morning, it just means so much to me to be there and I had to get that emotion out somehow. Some of us scream "TEST TRACK BABY!", some of us cry, some do both. I do both.

Once I was done unpacking and watching 14 loops of Stacey, I decided to head out to try and find a shortcut to the busses and lobby/food/shopping area of Pop. I knew there would be an easier way than what we had taken to get there (which was going out of the lobby through the backdoors and on through the 60's and 70's sections-- pretty far!), and I really didn't want to take that long walk at the end of every crazy park day.



Luckily, I figured it out quickly! If you hang a right after the giant walkman and just go straight through the parking lot, you'll hit the bus area right away! It's like a 2. minute walk. Much less if you HAUL over there like a madwoman, as I often do. It ended up being a GREAT location with such a short walk to all the action. More Pixie Dust!

After that, I went back to the room to change and told my mom I wanted to leave soon so that we could possibly get into 'Ohana. Since we had to reschedule our trip, we lost our October ADR for 'Ohana and I had gotten so excited about dining there on our first night that I just couldn't it give up even though I know how popular and crowded it always is there. I know so many people who absolutely LOVE 'Ohana, so between that and all the DELICIOUS looking food pictures, I knew we had to at least TRY to get in!

I didn't know what time they opened for dinner, but I assumed that like most places, it was 4:00. I didn't want to rush my mom, but I did tell her that I thought the sooner we got there, the better. She moves slower on vacation, she likes to relax more than I do on our trips, and after being up since 4:00 AM she just wanted to chill for awhile. I didn't want her to look back on the trip and remember me being all naggy and telling her to hurry up, so I tried to cool it a little. Not an easy task! Though now, looking back, my favorite moments of the trip were when we were just hanging out and not rushing anywhere. On one of our last days, we sat at Starring Rolls for close to an hour just talking and enjoying the atmosphere and eating delicious treats, and it's one of my fondest memories. It's hard to find that balance of fitting in everything you want to do and taking it slow.

Pretty soon we were out the door and in the Magic Kingdom bus line!

Check out the massive early December crowds!!!! This was a constant trend on this trip, the place was just wall to wall people. ;)

Timon was soooo ready for the Polynesian Resort! I mean, just look at his outfit:

The bus took a really long time to come. This is one thing I hate about the Walt Disney World Transportation System. I think that it's a really is a great benefit of staying on property and they do a wonderful job, but it's just such a time saver to get in your own car and just GO.

I was so adamant about us renting a car this trip because of all the time I felt we wasted waiting for the busses last trip. But then when we had to reschedule, I was charged a huge penalty for postponing our plane tickets. So they originally cost $340 for two roundtrip tickets. When I canceled those seats, I was told that I would get a credit for the full amount, but they charge a $150 dollar penalty per seat. They actually ended up giving me $60 back toward the new tickets, but the prices had risen significantly. So I had to pay $360 for our next set of tickets for a grand total of $700!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, Disney is worth the all the expenses, but the penalties you have to pay are really NOT fair and it just made sense to try and get that money back somehow. So when I looked at the price of a rental car for 10 days ($250) against the cost of taking the Disney busses ($0), the busses were looking PRETTY sweet!

Plus, they're Disney busses. And I love them. So it wasn't so bad. But I hate waiting. I HATE IT.

When the MK bus finally came, the driver did something weird that I have never seen done before. Once everyone was aboard, he stood at the front and went on for about 5 minutes about all the things going on that night not just at the Magic Kingdom, but in all of Disney World. It was very informative, but I wanted to GO! I mean, the drivers usually don't do that at all, but if they do talk or give info, it's usually over the loudspeaker while they're driving. It was all info I already knew anyway and oh man I just wanted to get to the Poly!

The driver's last announcement made the wait and not having a car all worth it. "Today is a very special day," he said. "The Magic Kingdom was originally supposed to close at ten o'clock tonight, but because it's this little princesses birthday, they are staying open until ONE AM in honor of her!"

You guys. I can't even tell you how awesome this was.

The look on that little girl's face I will not forget if I live to be two hundred years old. How special she felt. It was the most magical moment. I cried. She couldn't have been more than five. Imagine being five years old and someone who works for Disney announces that the Magic Kingdom is staying open in HONOR OF YOUR BIRTHDAY.

I remember that as soon as I saw the castle when we were approaching the Magic Kingdom, I started bouncing up and down and saying, "The castle! The castle!" at the exact same time, my mom said, "OooOOoooOh, I see a CASTLE!" We're collectively about 12 years old.

When we arrived at the Magic Kingdom, the bus driver said to a different little girl who was dressed as Cinderella, "Why aren't you at the castle? Aren't you late, Princess?"

Needless to say, this bus driver was the coolest person in the whole entire world. I love CMs that LOVE Disney and get it as much as we do. It's not just a job for them.

Disney is the greatest place in the world. I was so happy to be home at last!

UP NEXT: A run-in with the boyf and an unexpected 'Ohana adventure!

P.S... do ya like my new avatar? Rapunzel & Eugene!!!!!! :lovestruc
First of all, thank you Kara for seeing things clearly and realizing that you CAN want both Seth and Ryan. Oh yes. :love:

ALSO... I LOVE your new icon picture thingy. OH EUGENE and Rapunzel. :lovestruc

Hahaha I saw that same cartoon! I love Donald.

Oh no! I'm sorry your arrival video got erased. :(

Hahahaha oh Timon, you make a beautiful Vanna.

So maybe the only reason the bus driver was standing while he was making the announcements was so he could see the girl's face. That is the SWEETEST THING!

Can't wait to hear about 'Ohana!
Totally singing Livin it Up now, thank you...:sad2:

I am joining in to read about your trip dates. I suspect that the crowd level was fantastic when you were there!

We too will be going in the summer - I suspect it will be July (middle to end I hope. I really don't want to be with the 4th of July crowds.)

I have to know what type of camera you use. The color saturation in your pictures is wonderful. I use a DSLR and have to post process to get the color. Do you edit your pictures? I am figuring you use a point and shoot bc you banged it on the table to fix it...:rolleyes1
First of all, thank you Kara for seeing things clearly and realizing that you CAN want both Seth and Ryan. Oh yes. :love:

ALSO... I LOVE your new icon picture thingy. OH EUGENE and Rapunzel. :lovestruc

Hahaha I saw that same cartoon! I love Donald.

Oh no! I'm sorry your arrival video got erased. :(

Hahahaha oh Timon, you make a beautiful Vanna.

So maybe the only reason the bus driver was standing while he was making the announcements was so he could see the girl's face. That is the SWEETEST THING!

Can't wait to hear about 'Ohana!

Right? All hail Kara! :worship:

Thank you!! I think Rapunzel and Eugene may be my new favorite Disney couple ever.

That makes sense, good thinking! He probably also wanted to make it really special for her by making it into a bigger deal as opposed to just driving along and bringing it up. So sweet. :goodvibes

Totally singing Livin it Up now, thank you...:sad2:

I am joining in to read about your trip dates. I suspect that the crowd level was fantastic when you were there!

We too will be going in the summer - I suspect it will be July (middle to end I hope. I really don't want to be with the 4th of July crowds.)

I have to know what type of camera you use. The color saturation in your pictures is wonderful. I use a DSLR and have to post process to get the color. Do you edit your pictures? I am figuring you use a point and shoot bc you banged it on the table to fix it...:rolleyes1

You're welcome!

The crowd levels were amazing! The only problem was that because of MVMCP, the MK was pretty crowded on non-party nights, but only in the Main Street and castle areas, so it wasn't too bad.

If I do go in July, it will be right after the 4th. I'm not thrilled about the holiday crowds either, but my friends are all going around that time so we will probably be having too much fun to let anything bother us anyway!

The pics above were taken with a Panasonic Lumix, and yes I did bang it on my desk repeatedly to fix it! :thumbsup2 The colors are like that because I do edit them. I would not recommend the camera actually. It has a lot of great settings, but no matter what setting you put it on, it really sucked as far as high quality night shots go. The best point and shoot I had was a Sony Cybershot, if you're looking for a good one.
Joining in! Can not wait to hear more! I really enjoy the way you express yourself! :goodvibes
I've never been on the Magical Express. I feel like I'm missing out on a super fun party-on-the-motor-coach experience. I mean, I party and flail and cry and scream in the car, but cars aren't nearly as exotic as motor coaches.

I'm sorry about your missing arrival video. Cameras are evil. People are all worried about a possible robot rebellion, but the reliability of our cameras is really the more pressing issue. They are not to be trusted.

Stacey and I have frequent thumbs up-ing in common. It's dorky as all get out, but I ALWAYS do it. I have no idea why.

If you hang a right after the giant walkman...
I love Disney.

I agree, balance is important. Running around like crazy people is fun, but just sitting around and enjoying the moment with my family has become one of my favorite parts of a WDW vacation.

Those crowds. OH THE HUMANITY! How did you not hop right back on the Magical Express and head home? It's just not worth it.

What a wonderful bus driver! I've decided that I'm going to jot down the names of all the amazing CMs we encounter in July and send "So-and-so is awesome" notes to Guest Relations or something. I've been doing lots of College Program research and I've realized that while I always go out of my way to say thank you and such, there are A LOT of people who don't. These CMs deserve to know just how appreciated they are. WDW wouldn't be the same without them. :wizard:

Anyway, I can't wait to hear what happened with 'Ohana! Well, I know what happened, but I need details!! :rotfl:
Awesome start! :thumbsup2 Loving the random anecdotes, particularly the McDonald's story :laughing: The crowd levels that week sound amazing! Can't wait to read more. I hope you were able to get into 'Ohana. Such a fun place!
I keep on getting recommendations for your TRs so I finally decided to join in on the fun and I'm hooked! :) I love reading about people getting extremely enthusiastic about Disney as I do whenever I heard the word (Disney *twitch*) This sounds like a really fun TR and I gotta give you a big :thumbsup2 to Mr. Timon! One of the funniest lines EVER in Disney and Film History, I crack up every time I hear it. The Lion King= BEST DISNEY MOVIE EVER! (Alongside Princess & the Frog, of course ;) ) Still need to go out and buy the darn thing, I NEEDS MY LK!!! Okay... I'll just end this crazy tangent now and just say... can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum
Yay, you're at Disney!!! :banana:

You did a great job describing that feeling of finally arriving at your Disney resort, with the whole trip still ahead of you. The excitement is so real, it's unbelieveable.

Sounds like you got a great room!

What an awesome bus ride...I wish I was that little 5 year old girl!

Can't wait to hear about 'Ohana!
Joining in! Can not wait to hear more! I really enjoy the way you express yourself! :goodvibes

Aww thank you! :welcome: !!!!!!!!!

I've never been on the Magical Express. I feel like I'm missing out on a super fun party-on-the-motor-coach experience. I mean, I party and flail and cry and scream in the car, but cars aren't nearly as exotic as motor coaches.

I'm sorry about your missing arrival video. Cameras are evil. People are all worried about a possible robot rebellion, but the reliability of our cameras is really the more pressing issue. They are not to be trusted.

Stacey and I have frequent thumbs up-ing in common. It's dorky as all get out, but I ALWAYS do it. I have no idea why.

If you hang a right after the giant walkman...
I love Disney.

I agree, balance is important. Running around like crazy people is fun, but just sitting around and enjoying the moment with my family has become one of my favorite parts of a WDW vacation.

Those crowds. OH THE HUMANITY! How did you not hop right back on the Magical Express and head home? It's just not worth it.

What a wonderful bus driver! I've decided that I'm going to jot down the names of all the amazing CMs we encounter in July and send "So-and-so is awesome" notes to Guest Relations or something. I've been doing lots of College Program research and I've realized that while I always go out of my way to say thank you and such, there are A LOT of people who don't. These CMs deserve to know just how appreciated they are. WDW wouldn't be the same without them. :wizard:

Anyway, I can't wait to hear what happened with 'Ohana! Well, I know what happened, but I need details!! :rotfl:

I like Magical Express but having a car is better. The party that goes on when you go under the arch IS super fun, though.

YOU DO THE THUMBS UP ON RIDES TOO? Another reason to adore you!

LOL I know, when I wrote "hang a right after the walkman" I chuckled to myself. Disney is the best.

That is such a great idea and so sweet of you! I'm sure those CMs would really appreciate it. :goodvibes They deserve it!

Awesome start! :thumbsup2 Loving the random anecdotes, particularly the McDonald's story :laughing: The crowd levels that week sound amazing! Can't wait to read more. I hope you were able to get into 'Ohana. Such a fun place!

Thank you!!! I'm glad someone enjoys my random tangents!

I keep on getting recommendations for your TRs so I finally decided to join in on the fun and I'm hooked! :) I love reading about people getting extremely enthusiastic about Disney as I do whenever I heard the word (Disney *twitch*) This sounds like a really fun TR and I gotta give you a big :thumbsup2 to Mr. Timon! One of the funniest lines EVER in Disney and Film History, I crack up every time I hear it. The Lion King= BEST DISNEY MOVIE EVER! (Alongside Princess & the Frog, of course ;) ) Still need to go out and buy the darn thing, I NEEDS MY LK!!! Okay... I'll just end this crazy tangent now and just say... can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum

Aww yay! Thanks for joining in! Timon is the best. I still can't believe they put a line about dressing in drag in kid's movie. LOVE IT!

Yay, you're at Disney!!! :banana:

You did a great job describing that feeling of finally arriving at your Disney resort, with the whole trip still ahead of you. The excitement is so real, it's unbelieveable.

Sounds like you got a great room!

What an awesome bus ride...I wish I was that little 5 year old girl!

Can't wait to hear about 'Ohana!

Aww, thank you! I often feel like I'm not describing things well so it is awesome to hear that! :cloud9:

The Disney never ends. Omg. I love my life so much.

I still say we need to write the rest of that Livin it up song. I sing it constantly. Stacey is my idol. I probably watched her a total of 50 times this trip. And I would have watched her more if it wasn't for freakin' ESPN and my brother and my Dad.

I love that your Mom loves stacey now. :lmao: Awesome.



__disneygirl said:
Yeah, it's an awesome trip report. People love it. If you haven't read it, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE!! GET OVER THERE!!

:rotfl: I love you. And you can totally get away with saying that because it totally is!!!

Disclaimer. :lmao: Ahh you're killin' me already. I want to apologize in advance for these long comments. But hey, you know me.


MarietheCat24 said:
That screencap of Stacey is killing me. She is America's greatest treasure.

Kara, you kill me too. :rotfl2: God, I love you two. AND STACEY!!!!!! :love:


WOOHOO A LIMOOOO! What an awesome start!

My appreciation for Walt is like sky rocketing by 4305987875634760294875093876 million right now. So I totally find that super magical.

PS do you mind if I incorporate my tweets in my upcoming TR? I don't want to steal your idea but it's pretty much brilliant.

This McDonald's story is fantastic. And I love your little tangents. KEEP EM COMING, KEEP EM COMING!

And I also love your little child stories. I ALWAYS listen in to the children's conversations. I absolutely just love them. They make me tear up. SO CUTE OMG.

HULA TIMON! Awesome. And cute cute cute mickey nails!! :) Kristen always does that mickey one haha. I don't think I have yet! I better get on that next time.


I want to hear about your making your own Red Velvet Cupcake experience!


AHH Stacey! Her show is SO short now. It sort of really disappoints me because I miss her old crazy self. But hey, it's Stace. The queen of the Disney World. Nothing is better than watching her 18 million times in a row.

That is SUCH a beautiful story about that CM and the little princess. Oh my GOD. Like... if I was that child, I don't even know. I just... AHH I love disney so much. My obsession is through the room.

__disneygirl said:
I love CMs that LOVE Disney and get it as much as we do. It's not just a job for them.

This is why I MUST work there. I need to marry a boy who loves Disney and move there and work there for the rest of my life. I just don't even care. That was my decision on this trip. It's all I want to do.

Ahh okay I'm sorry about that rambling tangent of Disney goodness. But THANK YOU FOR WRITING. I love it, I love it, I love it!!! Can't wait for more! :wizard:
You're welcome!

The pics above were taken with a Panasonic Lumix, and yes I did bang it on my desk repeatedly to fix it! :thumbsup2 The colors are like that because I do edit them. I would not recommend the camera actually. It has a lot of great settings, but no matter what setting you put it on, it really sucked as far as high quality night shots go. The best point and shoot I had was a Sony Cybershot, if you're looking for a good one.[/QUOTE]

I am relieved that you edit them.:rolleyes1 I use an DSLR and the color satuation needs tweaking. I always recommend Nikon coolpix point and shoots to my friends. I had two over the years and they took fantastic pics. I've never played with the Sony. If the next "fix-it" session doesn't work, you can consider the Nikon. :lmao:

Oh, and of course, I am singing the song again...:upsidedow
Just finished your McLovins Trip Report and I can't wait to read this one, too!!!

We stayed in the '80s section last time we stayed at POP- my DH was thrilled, as we were born in the '80s :)

Can't wait to read more!
Oh my goodness, I totally teared up at the story of the totally awesome bus driver and that little girl! She must have been beyond excited!

I am totally lovin' this TR. Love your writing style and feel that you captured the arrival day feelings perfectly.

Um, I totally need to book an early December vacation at some point if the crowds are like that.:thumbsup2 (I may need to incorporate more thumbs up gestures on rides and in pics as opposed to my typical cheesy asian happy peace sign).

Stacy tv is the best kind of tv on vacation. I was utterly devastated when we stayed in Orlando over the summer and didn't have Disney tv (but maybe the fact that we were on Universal property had something to do with that).
Yes, I am addicted to Tumblr! I already love you for noticing this LOL. I use Tumblr talk in real life constantly, but thankfully most of my friends are addicted too so they understand what I'm talking about. I'm also obsessed with Twitter. I hate Facebook though. I kind of miss MySpace. And I used to LIVE on Livejournal. Buuuut I digress.

It's probably not real meat. Who even knows what it is. and OOH I really have to try that wildberry lemonade. It's probably like 4,000 calories per cup though.

Your Crocs sound amazing! I really would like some new ones. I want the kids ones too because they are just cooler. Luckily I have small feet so it will probably work out!

I haven't seen the Jeremy Sumpter Peter Pan yet! My friend who I saw the play with is obsessed with it and has been telling me to watch it forEVER, so I'm definitely going to this weekend. So far I rewatched Disney's Peter Pan and Hook, so that's next! Sigh, I love all of them so much!

Haha, I pretty much exclusively interact with science-y people and NO ONE uses it. No one watches cartoons or teenage dramas or, you know, TV (stupid Colorado) so Tumblr is totally an ~outlet.~ I still have my livejournal floating around, I use it to read the news (for some reason or another).

The only thing that is awful about wildberry lemonade is that it's 50 cents for a refill. I never have actual money on me and I feel so awkward using a debit card for 50 cents.

I wear either a 6.5 or a 7 in shoes and the juniors' sizes for crocs fit me. And since I never learned how to walk properly in clogs, I can walk! They lace up! Minimal weird plastic-y smell! Wins all around!

I think the 2003 Peter Pan was the adaptation that came closest to the actual book (as much as I love Rufio, it's just not the same). It's just so wonderfully filmed and precious and gorgeous (also Jason Isaacs) and I love it. And Rachel Hurd-Wood is pretty much a perfect Wendy.

You know, I don't know if I've ever been on the ME buses because I've only ever flown in for school trips and I definitely don't remember any movies. Maybe Disney secretly does hate tour groups.

Ahh, early December looks so nice compared to mid-to-late December. Though I still wouldn't want to take the buses. Especially since there's no set schedule. How do you have buses without a schedule posted?! How do you know when to line up? There are existential differences between my way of life and Disney Transportation's way of life. But there are no fun transportation people in a car (the tram people are not quite as fun. Or give annoying spiels about Epcot when they should just be driving me to Epcot).

I'm glad Disney has start trending towards the 'give everyone a personality and personal story arc!!' in their movies because, let's be real, the early princes are boring (except for Philip but that doesn't translate into a face character apparently).
AHHH Only two posts in and I'm already behind in my commenting. This isn't a good sign. HERE WE GO:

I also LOVE seeing all the kids in the airport on our way down to Orlando, especially when they have their Mickey/Princess/Cars luggage. So adorable.

The fake monorail is awesome. It just totally sets the mood for the beginning of an amazing trip.

TIMON! I love that it looks like he's wearing Minnie's hairbow in that first picture. Oh Timon, you so crazy.

Main Street Electrical Parade music brings back suck amazing memories for me. I know most people like Spectro better, but MSEP was my very first Disney parade, I was so so so happy when they brought it back. The music from that is probably in my top 5 favorite Disney Parks tracks.

STACEY!! Whenever we enter our room during the trip, not just the first time, but even when we're returning from the parks, my husband and I always have to turn the TV on say "I wonder what the Must Dos are?" Oh Stacey. They'd better bring her back to do the updated video once Fantasyland is open. Nobody else could do it justice.

Awww @ the bus driver talking about the girl's birthday. Love it when Disney cast members do things like that to make someone's trip so special and memorable.

The Disney never ends. Omg. I love my life so much.

I still say we need to write the rest of that Livin it up song. I sing it constantly. Stacey is my idol. I probably watched her a total of 50 times this trip. And I would have watched her more if it wasn't for freakin' ESPN and my brother and my Dad.

I love that your Mom loves stacey now. :lmao: Awesome.



:rotfl: I love you. And you can totally get away with saying that because it totally is!!!

Disclaimer. :lmao: Ahh you're killin' me already. I want to apologize in advance for these long comments. But hey, you know me.


Kara, you kill me too. :rotfl2: God, I love you two. AND STACEY!!!!!! :love:


WOOHOO A LIMOOOO! What an awesome start!

My appreciation for Walt is like sky rocketing by 4305987875634760294875093876 million right now. So I totally find that super magical.

PS do you mind if I incorporate my tweets in my upcoming TR? I don't want to steal your idea but it's pretty much brilliant.

This McDonald's story is fantastic. And I love your little tangents. KEEP EM COMING, KEEP EM COMING!

And I also love your little child stories. I ALWAYS listen in to the children's conversations. I absolutely just love them. They make me tear up. SO CUTE OMG.

HULA TIMON! Awesome. And cute cute cute mickey nails!! :) Kristen always does that mickey one haha. I don't think I have yet! I better get on that next time.


I want to hear about your making your own Red Velvet Cupcake experience!


AHH Stacey! Her show is SO short now. It sort of really disappoints me because I miss her old crazy self. But hey, it's Stace. The queen of the Disney World. Nothing is better than watching her 18 million times in a row.

That is SUCH a beautiful story about that CM and the little princess. Oh my GOD. Like... if I was that child, I don't even know. I just... AHH I love disney so much. My obsession is through the room.

This is why I MUST work there. I need to marry a boy who loves Disney and move there and work there for the rest of my life. I just don't even care. That was my decision on this trip. It's all I want to do.

Ahh okay I'm sorry about that rambling tangent of Disney goodness. But THANK YOU FOR WRITING. I love it, I love it, I love it!!! Can't wait for more! :wizard:

YAY!!!!! The Disney never ends and it never will! :cloud9:

haha, at the beginning of our trip my mom kept being like, "Please can we watch normal TV?" and I would just be like "No, we're watching Stacey." Period!!

Of course you can use the tweets in your report! :goodvibes

I will definitely keep the tangents coming... if you need someone to ramble on and on endlessly... look no further than me!

Thank you!!! You and Kristen are the queens of awesome Disney nails, so that is quite a compliment :)

The cupcakes were alright. To the untrained mouth, I'm sure they were much better, but to me, I was just comparing them to Starring Rolls and they are nowhere near as good! But everyone liked them. At first I bought the frosting b/c I didn't feel like making it from scratch, but it was really crappy... it just tasted like vanilla, not cream cheese, so my mom home made some and it was really good. :thumbsup2 Not as good as Disney, but you know, nothing is.

I miss the longer Stacey show and her being more crazy so much!!! I miss when the tribal rhythm was all...mmm... in her blood, and when she was yelling at the LAAAAZY PEOPLE IN THE LAAAAAZZYYYY RIVER. I miss her Triple. Mountain. WHAMMY!!!!!!!!!! and everything else. Sigh.

Aww I hope you get to work at Disney someday and find the perfect fellow Disney-loving Prince!! I have a feeling you just might. :wizard:

I am relieved that you edit them.:rolleyes1 I use an DSLR and the color satuation needs tweaking. I always recommend Nikon coolpix point and shoots to my friends. I had two over the years and they took fantastic pics. I've never played with the Sony. If the next "fix-it" session doesn't work, you can consider the Nikon. :lmao:

Oh, and of course, I am singing the song again...:upsidedow

The latest time crashing my camera against a hard surface did NOT work... but that is a story for later on in the TR! :3dglasses

Just finished your McLovins Trip Report and I can't wait to read this one, too!!!

We stayed in the '80s section last time we stayed at POP- my DH was thrilled, as we were born in the '80s :)

Can't wait to read more!

Yay!! Thanks for stickin' with me over here!!

I love the 80's! Mostly for the movies... I've always been a bit obsessed with The Brat pack!

Oh my goodness, I totally teared up at the story of the totally awesome bus driver and that little girl! She must have been beyond excited!

I am totally lovin' this TR. Love your writing style and feel that you captured the arrival day feelings perfectly.

Um, I totally need to book an early December vacation at some point if the crowds are like that.:thumbsup2 (I may need to incorporate more thumbs up gestures on rides and in pics as opposed to my typical cheesy asian happy peace sign).

Stacy tv is the best kind of tv on vacation. I was utterly devastated when we stayed in Orlando over the summer and didn't have Disney tv (but maybe the fact that we were on Universal property had something to do with that).

Thank you!!! So glad you're enjoying it. :goodvibes

I definitely recommend going in early December! Though if you do go, get all your holiday crap done before you go, so you can just relax when you get home. :thumbsup2

This is why I can't stay off property. There is no Stacey and Mickey and Stitch don't call you there. These are two essentials to enjoying any Disney trip :laughing:

Haha, I pretty much exclusively interact with science-y people and NO ONE uses it. No one watches cartoons or teenage dramas or, you know, TV (stupid Colorado) so Tumblr is totally an ~outlet.~ I still have my livejournal floating around, I use it to read the news (for some reason or another).

The only thing that is awful about wildberry lemonade is that it's 50 cents for a refill. I never have actual money on me and I feel so awkward using a debit card for 50 cents.

I wear either a 6.5 or a 7 in shoes and the juniors' sizes for crocs fit me. And since I never learned how to walk properly in clogs, I can walk! They lace up! Minimal weird plastic-y smell! Wins all around!

I think the 2003 Peter Pan was the adaptation that came closest to the actual book (as much as I love Rufio, it's just not the same). It's just so wonderfully filmed and precious and gorgeous (also Jason Isaacs) and I love it. And Rachel Hurd-Wood is pretty much a perfect Wendy.

You know, I don't know if I've ever been on the ME buses because I've only ever flown in for school trips and I definitely don't remember any movies. Maybe Disney secretly does hate tour groups.

Ahh, early December looks so nice compared to mid-to-late December. Though I still wouldn't want to take the buses. Especially since there's no set schedule. How do you have buses without a schedule posted?! How do you know when to line up? There are existential differences between my way of life and Disney Transportation's way of life. But there are no fun transportation people in a car (the tram people are not quite as fun. Or give annoying spiels about Epcot when they should just be driving me to Epcot).

I'm glad Disney has start trending towards the 'give everyone a personality and personal story arc!!' in their movies because, let's be real, the early princes are boring (except for Philip but that doesn't translate into a face character apparently).

NO ONE WATCHES TEEN DRAMAS?! :scared1: I wouldn't be able to deal with that. Thank God you have Tumblr!

I ended up loving the 2003 Peter Pan! I still prefer the 1953 film b/c of my incurable obsession with all things Disney, but it was truly beautiful. and YES, JASON ISAACS. I would talk about how I feel about him but there are several words/scenarios that are not appropriate for the DIS so I'll just say this: I dig that guy.

hahaha as annoying as the buses can be, I love them. You need to take at least one Disney bus ride! I love the spiels, I really do. I just hate waiting for them to come, load, and then having to stand sometimes is just UGH. But besides that, I love them.

I agree SO MUCH about the princes! Though I do find Aladdin and the Beast to be quite interesting and have great stories to them, but Prince Charming in Snow White and Cinderella are basically just there to look good. Prince Eric is a bit boring too. However... Eugene Fitzherbert... :lovestruc is the best. I actually read that they changed the name of the film from Rapunzel to Tangled so that people would know it's not just all about the princess and it's for boys to identify with too and stuff. Apparently a lot of people didn't like this decision but I think it was smart!

AHHH Only two posts in and I'm already behind in my commenting. This isn't a good sign. HERE WE GO:

I also LOVE seeing all the kids in the airport on our way down to Orlando, especially when they have their Mickey/Princess/Cars luggage. So adorable.

The fake monorail is awesome. It just totally sets the mood for the beginning of an amazing trip.

TIMON! I love that it looks like he's wearing Minnie's hairbow in that first picture. Oh Timon, you so crazy.

Main Street Electrical Parade music brings back suck amazing memories for me. I know most people like Spectro better, but MSEP was my very first Disney parade, I was so so so happy when they brought it back. The music from that is probably in my top 5 favorite Disney Parks tracks.

STACEY!! Whenever we enter our room during the trip, not just the first time, but even when we're returning from the parks, my husband and I always have to turn the TV on say "I wonder what the Must Dos are?" Oh Stacey. They'd better bring her back to do the updated video once Fantasyland is open. Nobody else could do it justice.

Awww @ the bus driver talking about the girl's birthday. Love it when Disney cast members do things like that to make someone's trip so special and memorable.

haha I love the kiddie luggage!!! I need Disney luggage!

I agree... once I get on the fake monorail I feel like the trip is really STARTING.

I feel the same way about MSEP, though I think I do like Spectro better. But MSEP reminds me of being like 5-10 years old during my first Disney trips and those are such precious memories!

Stacey was recently a guest on a Disney podcast and she said we will be seeing more of her at Disney in the future!!! :woohoo: SO glad she's not going anywhere anytime soon!

Thanks for reading everyone!!
joining in. so far, it's great! so funny. :) I did not know of this Stacey until now, pretty cool!



joining in. so far, it's great! so funny. :) I did not know of this Stacey until now, pretty cool!

Thank you so much! :welcome:!!!!!!!!

Your life will be better now that Stacey is in it, trust me. :rotfl:


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