This is Us- Season 5

Loved this episode!

The opening 5 mins gave me a little PTSD with my kids’ experience with dance over the last year. Thankfully our studio made it through and they’re back in person, but it was a hard year.

Loved Deja and seeing her be the voice of reason for Randall.

Nicky has my heart every episode.

The end got me too 😭

Scenes for next week...Kevin, don’t screw this up!
Love love love love love Deja. I always think she deserves more air time. She is such an amazing actress and I love her and Randall's interactions.

What happened with Beth and the studio was just so real. Seeing it play out was so sad.

Kevin. Man he better not screw this up. Madison has really grown on me and I love what they have. Darn Zoe for getting in his head. Now he is doubting everything. I am done with Sophie. Go back to Virgin River (if you know, you know LOL)
Can someone give me a synopsis of the preview, thank you.

Deja and Beth. The best. The two characters I will miss when it all ends. Miss like a delusional idiot who feels like they are real people and I personally know them. :rolleyes1:drinking1
A la Claire Fisher (Six Feet Under) and Peggy Olson (Mad Men) for me.
What was going on with the wedding dress shopping/dad not coming to the wedding thing? She’s shopping for a dress last minute or her dad pre-plans his work crises well in advance? :confused: The whole thing was just too illogical and seemed really stupid. Maybe I’m just not understanding it right.
What was going on with the wedding dress shopping/dad not coming to the wedding thing? She’s shopping for a dress last minute or her dad pre-plans his work crises well in advance? :confused: The whole thing was just too illogical and seemed really stupid. Maybe I’m just not understanding it right.

I didn't understand that either. Even if the wedding was just a few weeks away, I wouldn't really call something a "work emergency" because that sounds like something that comes up last minute.
I didn't understand that either. Even if the wedding was just a few weeks away, I wouldn't really call something a "work emergency" because that sounds like something that comes up last minute.
It’s a little disappointing when a show that has gone to some pretty great lengths to weave important points in the storyline together in a meaningful way just gets lazy and dumps a bunch in and muddles them up. Full disclosure - I’m not a fan of this show, I basically hate-watch it because DH puts it on so maybe I’m being too critical. :confused3
What was going on with the wedding dress shopping/dad not coming to the wedding thing? She’s shopping for a dress last minute or her dad pre-plans his work crises well in advance? :confused: The whole thing was just too illogical and seemed really stupid. Maybe I’m just not understanding it right.

Haha. I was thinking the same thing. Also, with the dance studio, why did they show the dancers in masks and then zoom classes?! Seems like it would have been the other way around.
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I think the "work emergency" was to show it was a non-excuse, he just didn't want to come and it was evident that was the case since the wedding is still a ways away to really have a work emergency.

I agree about the dance studio montage, they would have done zoom first, then the masks. I'm guessing they didn't think that out clearly when filming. At first I was thinking, oh, great, Beth has everyone back since they were wearing masks and then all of a sudden they're zooming and dropping like flies. Again, not clearly thought out. If they are going to include the pandemic in their story, they need to keep things straight since we are presently living it and will notice things like that very easily.
I didn't understand that either. Even if the wedding was just a few weeks away, I wouldn't really call something a "work emergency" because that sounds like something that comes up last minute.
I think that because the dad is a jerk - he made up the "work emergency" because he doesn't care and thought that would suffice. She knows he's lying.
I thought this episode was a bit "meh". Not much really happened and what did happen didn't make much sense.

The dress shopping and Madison's dad storyline made no sense. A work emergency? Also, she is marrying a pretty major celebrity. I would think a professional stylist would be involved, there wasn't even anyone working in the salon.

Beth closing her ballet studio. Wouldn't that have major financial ramifications for their household? I know they both had good jobs at one point but how long can that money last for? Randall is certainly not making much as a councilman. And I love Deja but she seems way too old for a 9th or 10th grader. She's almost a stepmom (and no one seems concerned about that at all?), she was adopted out of foster care, and yet she seems like the most put together person in the household.

I actually really liked the scenes of Toby and the neighbor. He's a really funny guy when Kate is not totally bringing him down with some crisis or complaint.

I want Keven & Madison to work because I don't want him to walk on his kids but I see zero chemistry between them. They just seem like roommates.
. And I love Deja but she seems way too old for a 9th or 10th grader. She's almost a stepmom (and no one seems concerned about that at all?), she was adopted out of foster care, and yet she seems like the most put together person in the household.

I think Deja being so upset about Janelle calling Jennifer "Mommy" showed her immaturity. Jennifer (I think that's her name) is Janelle's Mom and so it shouldn't be surprising that she is in her child's life.
I am actually worried about season 6 being the wrap up. I hope the writers do a good job and don't just wrap things up so quickly they don't make sense and we are all left scratching our heads. Time will tell.
I thought this episode was a bit "meh". Not much really happened and what did happen didn't make much sense.

The dress shopping and Madison's dad storyline made no sense. A work emergency? Also, she is marrying a pretty major celebrity. I would think a professional stylist would be involved, there wasn't even anyone working in the salon.

Beth closing her ballet studio. Wouldn't that have major financial ramifications for their household? I know they both had good jobs at one point but how long can that money last for? Randall is certainly not making much as a councilman. And I love Deja but she seems way too old for a 9th or 10th grader. She's almost a stepmom (and no one seems concerned about that at all?), she was adopted out of foster care, and yet she seems like the most put together person in the household.

I actually really liked the scenes of Toby and the neighbor. He's a really funny guy when Kate is not totally bringing him down with some crisis or complaint.

I want Keven & Madison to work because I don't want him to walk on his kids but I see zero chemistry between them. They just seem like roommates.
Closing the ballet studio would have financial ramifications, but with the dwindling enrollment, it may have made more financial sense to close it (less utilities, even if rent still needs to be paid). It was a very real situation all dance studios were faced with. My kids' studio really struggled. Thankfully they made it through.


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