This is Us- Season six

In no way am I suggesting that it was or is easy. I’m just saying that none of that was Jack’s fault. He was a victim. He had his own struggles once out of it, so it’s unfair to put the responsibility of a relationship on him. He called. He stayed in touch.
He and Nicky were definitely the #1, total innocent victims etc.; however I don't think the mom was ever not a victim...nor the kids really. Those years and years of abuse tainted her reality, which is pretty common. She saw herself as weak, worthless, just a burden etc., so there was no way for her to look past that. You could see the paranoia anytime there was talk about her going to visit and obviously when she did. To us it seems so unreasonable and like paranoia, but to her it was very real and stunted any ability of her to have a real mother/grandmother son/grandkid relationship in many ways and especially in PA.

I do agree with you that neither of them really hav÷ much blame in their situation of not seeing each other. Both were coping and functioning the best they could.
He and Nicky were definitely the #1, total innocent victims etc.; however I don't think the mom was ever not a victim...nor the kids really. Those years and years of abuse tainted her reality, which is pretty common. She saw herself as weak, worthless, just a burden etc., so there was no way for her to look past that. You could see the paranoia anytime there was talk about her going to visit and obviously when she did. To us it seems so unreasonable and like paranoia, but to her it was very real and stunted any ability of her to have a real mother/grandmother son/grandkid relationship in many ways and especially in PA.

I do agree with you that neither of them really hav÷ much blame in their situation of not seeing each other. Both were coping and functioning the best they could.

I never said that her paranoia seemed unreasonable. I have much empathy for her as well. I just take issue with the idea put forward in this thread that some were “mad at Jack” because he didn’t do more to see his mom. Abuse victims cope as they can. If this was set in present time, I’d wish them counseling but in the time it was set there was little help.

I have compassion for them all and am sad that abuse continued to rob them even when it was over.

If some must place blame, then for me it rests on mom. She did little to protect her sons (and I know protection was near impossible but she was the adult) and if Jack had trauma that kept him from having a relationship. I won’t blame him.
If some must place blame, then for me it rests on mom...

For me, it rests on Jack's dad. He is the one ultimately responsible for the whole mess, not any of the victims.

Would it have been great if his mom had the resources to get them out? - Sure. Would it have been great if Jack had found the strength to take the kids to visit her? - Sure. But the "blame" is still all on Stanley.
For me, it rests on Jack's dad. He is the one ultimately responsible for the whole mess, not any of the victims.

Would it have been great if his mom had the resources to get them out? - Sure. Would it have been great if Jack had found the strength to take the kids to visit her? - Sure. But the "blame" is still all on Stanley.
While I agree with you in theory, this is where the disconnect is for me. Why was her only responsibility to get them out, but it was his to keep the relationship together afterwards? Why is blame put on Jack (not you, but generally) for not visiting her more often, but it’s not put on her for not visiting them? Yes, she has her traumas, but so does Jack.
That blame can’t only go one direction.
Why is blame put on Jack (not you, but generally) for not visiting her more often, but it’s not put on her for not visiting them?

Maybe people are thinking that she did visit once, and so it was his "turn" in a way?

Or maybe that (excluding the emotional baggage for both of them, and just looking at the practical side) she was up against the possibility that her ex would catch her in town, while he was up against the logistics of taking three kids on a four-hour car ride - not easy, of course, but not exactly scary in the same way.

I think, as somebody said above, that they may have both done as much as they reasonably could to stay in touch and still protect their "new" lives. You could tell even the phone calls were uncomfortable.
Just look at all this thoughtful and perceptive and compassionate discussion about the events in this one episode. I agree that it is a timeless episode. It could have been in any season.

I enjoy each episode (some more profoundly than others) of this show for itself, with it's strong writing, acting, character development, terrific ensemble, etc. It makes me think and feel. I don't really watch from the angle of putting the puzzle pieces together to reach the final conclusion. I know a lot of the fans do, though. I will just be sad when it is done because I think it is a high quality show.
@WebmasterMaryJo, can you suggest and/or look into getting a :hug: emoji as a choice on the like/react options.

Many times I press the sad when I really want :hug:

(You being a regular on this thread makes you an easy ask! :wave::flower3:)
I think this is a great suggestion. I sent it on to @WebmasterCorey. I didn't get a response, but we can always. hope. :)
I loved Nicky and his girlfriend. I have loved the relationship between Nicky and Kevin since the beginning. They are such an unlikely duo, but they work and they just "get" each other.

LOVED the scenes with Randall, Beth, Deja and Malik. Beth was so funny when Randall got sucked into a side conversation with Tess. LOL!! Beth was like, "it's a diversion!" I have always loved Deja, I have said it before and I will keep saying it, she is a phenomenal actress. It's all in her movements, her facial expressions, her demeanor etc. She says a lot without saying a lot. I hope she does not move to Boston, but I wonder if that is where the storyline is going. Something about when Beth asked Randall what he would do if someone asked him to stay away from her at that age.

Loved how music connected Kate and Rebecca. Wow Kate have Rebecca a run for her money when she was a teen! I wonder if this will somehow play into the accident with Jack and the smoker. When Kate said they can't have Rebecca watch the kids anymore unsupervised. I wonder if she somehow convinces them to let her watch him.

I liked the episode, but am really curious to see how Kate and Toby finally end their relationship. Also really want to know who Kevin ends up with. Next new episode is Feb 22.
I loved Nicky and his girlfriend. I have loved the relationship between Nicky and Kevin since the beginning. They are such an unlikely duo, but they work and they just "get" each other.

LOVED the scenes with Randall, Beth, Deja and Malik. Beth was so funny when Randall got sucked into a side conversation with Tess. LOL!! Beth was like, "it's a diversion!" I have always loved Deja, I have said it before and I will keep saying it, she is a phenomenal actress. It's all in her movements, her facial expressions, her demeanor etc. She says a lot without saying a lot. I hope she does not move to Boston, but I wonder if that is where the storyline is going. Something about when Beth asked Randall what he would do if someone asked him to stay away from her at that age.

Loved how music connected Kate and Rebecca. Wow Kate have Rebecca a run for her money when she was a teen! I wonder if this will somehow play into the accident with Jack and the smoker. When Kate said they can't have Rebecca watch the kids anymore unsupervised. I wonder if she somehow convinces them to let her watch him.

I liked the episode, but am really curious to see how Kate and Toby finally end their relationship. Also really want to know who Kevin ends up with. Next new episode is Feb 22.
Well we know he ends up with someone. And as Cassidy said, he has many women across many cities. Given they teased in last seasons finale all of the 4 women (Madison, Zoey, Cassidy and Sophie) it’s going to be very interesting.
I missed the first half of the show. Will have to catch it on Hulu today.

Ti add to the comments from above on the thread, I think Kevin will end up with someone we don't know yet. We only just met Evie, so maybe Kevin's love will appear in a new episode soon.


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