Thread for anyone and everyone who is excited the CP!


Nov 2, 2010
I'm starting this thread for anyone that is going to do the CP, whether soon or two years from now, it doesn't matter. I'm so excited about participating in the CP, and if anyone on here is like me, I love to talk about going! I have no one in my family that is that interested in this, so I come on here to talk to people about it! This thread may not pick up and get a lot of people, but I hope it will. Come here for ANY questions (big or small :)) Come here to talk about how excited you are or discuss anything about the program! I hope I get some fellow excited CPers!!! :banana:
Great idea! Ya, I don't know a lot of people I can talk to about planning on going, so this is awesome. I love to plan.

My name is Melissa and I am a freshman in college. I plan on doing Spring 2012. Why didn't I do it this spring semester? Well, I wish I did. But me and my friend who is transferring to my college next year are waiting to do it next spring. I wanted to get one full year of college under my belt. I wanted to learn how to adjust being away from home, and for me, it was a hard transition. But I learned how to distract myself in my school work and I feel that I'm ready to live and work in Florida for a few months! I am actually pretty excited about it!

I really wish that I could apply right now! I don't think I'll be able to apply til early fall, but until then I will be practicing my interviewing (I tried a little on OptimalResume today...and failed) The thought of being rejected scares me. I want to do this so badly, and I think the second semester of my sophomore year is the perfect time for me to apply. Of course I would try again, but ideally the spring semester of my sophomore year is when I really want to go.

My dream role is working attractions, at dinosaur. I love love love everything about that ride, and I rode it 15 times in a ROW last trip. And it never got old. If I can do that, I will be a very happy girl. But, I'm afraid that I will be put in merchandise or food service. I think they might put me in merchandise because I worked (and still do)as a cashier at Shop Rite were I handle cash and customers all the time so I'm really experienced in that field. Or they might put me in food service because my major is nutrition. Of course I will take those roles to get in the program, but ideally, I want to work on dinosaur :)
Hey everyone!! I'm Meredith and I'm doing the Spring Advantage college program this year and I am extremely excited!!!!! Pretty soon before I know it I'll be leaving for the CP. I'm going to be working at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique as a FGIT and I'm so excited!!! Cannot wait to live out my dream.
Great idea! Ya, I don't know a lot of people I can talk to about planning on going, so this is awesome. I love to plan.

My name is Melissa and I am a freshman in college. I plan on doing Spring 2012. Why didn't I do it this spring semester? Well, I wish I did. But me and my friend who is transferring to my college next year are waiting to do it next spring. I wanted to get one full year of college under my belt. I wanted to learn how to adjust being away from home, and for me, it was a hard transition. But I learned how to distract myself in my school work and I feel that I'm ready to live and work in Florida for a few months! I am actually pretty excited about it!

I really wish that I could apply right now! I don't think I'll be able to apply til early fall, but until then I will be practicing my interviewing (I tried a little on OptimalResume today...and failed) The thought of being rejected scares me. I want to do this so badly, and I think the second semester of my sophomore year is the perfect time for me to apply. Of course I would try again, but ideally the spring semester of my sophomore year is when I really want to go.

My dream role is working attractions, at dinosaur. I love love love everything about that ride, and I rode it 15 times in a ROW last trip. And it never got old. If I can do that, I will be a very happy girl. But, I'm afraid that I will be put in merchandise or food service. I think they might put me in merchandise because I worked (and still do)as a cashier at Shop Rite were I handle cash and customers all the time so I'm really experienced in that field. Or they might put me in food service because my major is nutrition. Of course I will take those roles to get in the program, but ideally, I want to work on dinosaur :)

Hey Melissa! I agree with you on waiting for your sophomore year of college to go.. Half of me wants to go as soon as possible, and half of me wants to do what you did. I'm worried about being so far away from home too, I definitely feel like it would be a hard transition! I'm so scared of being rejected too! I would definitely feel horrible! :guilty: Hopefully you get the job you want.. but I don't think merchandise would be too bad.. I wouldn't want to do food service though.. I'd rather work on a ride, but I guess we have no choice in the matter do we??? haha.. I think it's cool you like Dinosaur so much! It's definitely one of the best rides there for me!
Hey everyone!! I'm Meredith and I'm doing the Spring Advantage college program this year and I am extremely excited!!!!! Pretty soon before I know it I'll be leaving for the CP. I'm going to be working at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique as a FGIT and I'm so excited!!! Cannot wait to live out my dream.

Hey Meredith! That is so cool! I bet you are sooo excited! You're lucky to be going so soon! Was Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique your number one choice? I wasn't sure if you meant that was your dream or working at Disney is! Haha. I'm excited for you!! Definitely keep me posted once you go! I wanna know if you love it! :cool1:
Oh and sorry to everyone about the mistake in the title! I seemed to have left out a word! Haha! Too bad! :lmao:
Hello there! I'm applying for Fall 2011... I've actually already applied twice to try to get into Spring 2011. The first time, I didn't pass the web based interview but a few weeks later, I learned that doing it on a Mac computer with Safari is a bad idea and I that's what I did the first time, so I called and got it reset because it could've had an effect on my "score". But even the second time, I didn't pass (I really don't understand why! All my answers are good, atleast, I thought so), so I was extremely bummed.

And now this program is all I can think about. No matter how hard I try I can't stop thinking about how amazing this program is going to be when I get my chance!! I know a few of my friends are going down to Florida for Spring and I want to go with them, but I can't apply again till May because I only got it reset in November... and it's driving me nuts!!

But on a side note, I would really like to be a Photopass photographer who works with Character Attendant.. or a character attendant that is also a photopass photographer. haha! i love photography so to capture those special moments of kids with their favorite characters would be truly amazing for me! :D But my second choice would of course be attractions. ^.^ I think Bippity Boppity Boutique would be fun too, but I don't have a whole lot of experience with styling hair, and all that jazz. .haha

thanks for this thread!
Hello there! I'm applying for Fall 2011... I've actually already applied twice to try to get into Spring 2011. The first time, I didn't pass the web based interview but a few weeks later, I learned that doing it on a Mac computer with Safari is a bad idea and I that's what I did the first time, so I called and got it reset because it could've had an effect on my "score". But even the second time, I didn't pass (I really don't understand why! All my answers are good, atleast, I thought so), so I was extremely bummed.

And now this program is all I can think about. No matter how hard I try I can't stop thinking about how amazing this program is going to be when I get my chance!! I know a few of my friends are going down to Florida for Spring and I want to go with them, but I can't apply again till May because I only got it reset in November... and it's driving me nuts!!

But on a side note, I would really like to be a Photopass photographer who works with Character Attendant.. or a character attendant that is also a photopass photographer. haha! i love photography so to capture those special moments of kids with their favorite characters would be truly amazing for me! :D But my second choice would of course be attractions. ^.^ I think Bippity Boppity Boutique would be fun too, but I don't have a whole lot of experience with styling hair, and all that jazz. .haha

thanks for this thread!

Welcome! :) I'm sorry to hear about you not passing for Spring 2011! Hopefully the Fall will work out! It sucks that some of your friends are going down there for the Spring! That would definitely drive me crazy! I think being a Photopass photographer would be amazing! I honestly hadn't thought about it before, but that is a great idea. It'd be so sweet to see all those little kids going up to their favorite characters! The only reason I wouldn't want to be a character attendant is because you're the person who has to tell the people waiting in line that "Cinderella is going to take a break soon" so they can't get their picture taken!! Haha. That happened to me last time I went! If you could pick any attraction to work at, which one would it be? And thank you very much for writing on here! :thumbsup2
Hey everyone!! Here's some questions for everyone!!

1. What do you think will be the hardest thing about the CP?
2. Who is your favorite Disney character? (Can be ANY character! Not just Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc)
3. Would you want to wear a pin lanyard on the job or not?

Another random question I've been wondering:
Is anyone else worried that their love for Disney might go down once they do the CP? I've heard that some people absolutely love it and it only makes them love Disney more, but I've also heard working there takes some of the magic away from going back as a paying customer! What do you think?

Thanks everyone! Hoping for some more people on this thread! Also hoping my little mistake on the title (leaving out the word "about") isn't causing people not to write on here! Haha! :cool1:
Hi guys! I'm Molly, I'm a sophomore at university in New York, and I originally wanted to do Fall 2011 but as of late I am leaning more towards Fall 2013, after I graduate! I know waiting an extra two years is gonna be so hard but I think it'll be worth it. :)

I've been leaning towards Photopass for the past few months but I'm still a little nervous about it simply because it's so physically demanding.
Though deep down I secretly would love to be friends with Alice. ;)

I'm so glad I have these boards to talk about the CP with other people who are excited! My parents haaate hearing about it and I just know my friends are sick of me talking their ears off. You guys are the only ones who understand! <3

And to answer bkandreu's questions (which are awesome!)

1. I think the workload is very scary! I mean, I've spent the past six summers of my life working from 9-4 five days a week outside being a camp counselor which was a pretty demanding job. But at least I got to go home at the end of the day! I think I'll get homesick for sure, and working for like 8 hours a day six days a week is more than I've ever had to do. But you hear so many happy work stories and, well, you're working at Disney that, in the long run, I will leave with only happy memories.
2. Oh man. I will always love Jack Sparrow first and foremost. But after seeing Tangled? I just have the greatest connection with Rapunzel. I love her! And Flynnnnnnn don't even get me started. <3
3. YES I love the pins! Probably because I never had a pin collection hahah and I've always wanted oneee.

And I totally understand your unease about how you might feel about Disney after the CP, cause that's been one of my biggest concerns, too. I think it all depends on your mindset.
Welcome! :) I'm sorry to hear about you not passing for Spring 2011! Hopefully the Fall will work out! It sucks that some of your friends are going down there for the Spring! That would definitely drive me crazy! I think being a Photopass photographer would be amazing! I honestly hadn't thought about it before, but that is a great idea. It'd be so sweet to see all those little kids going up to their favorite characters! The only reason I wouldn't want to be a character attendant is because you're the person who has to tell the people waiting in line that "Cinderella is going to take a break soon" so they can't get their picture taken!! Haha. That happened to me last time I went! If you could pick any attraction to work at, which one would it be? And thank you very much for writing on here! :thumbsup2

Pirates of the Caribbean!! :D
1. What do you think will be the hardest thing about the CP?
I think the hardest thing there is the workload, for sure! I can barely take my 5-6 hour shifts as a cashier at Shop Rite, but I hate that job so it will be different for a job I actually like I hope!
2. Who is your favorite Disney character? (Can be ANY character! Not just Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc) My favorite disney character....I think I am going to have to go with Donald Duck.
3. Would you want to wear a pin lanyard on the job or not? Hmm, no. I was never much into pin trading.

Another random question I've been wondering:
Is anyone else worried that their love for Disney might go down once they do the CP? I've heard that some people absolutely love it and it only makes them love Disney more, but I've also heard working there takes some of the magic away from going back as a paying customer! What do you think?
Oh gosh, I hope it doesn't ruin the magic for me! I think the only way for it to get ruined for me is if I have an absolutely horrible horrible horrible time. But, I think thats like a 2% chance.
Pancakes...what county are you from? I'm from South Jersey too! Burlington County :D
Hey everyone!! Here's some questions for everyone!!

1. What do you think will be the hardest thing about the CP?
2. Who is your favorite Disney character? (Can be ANY character! Not just Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc)
3. Would you want to wear a pin lanyard on the job or not?

Another random question I've been wondering:
Is anyone else worried that their love for Disney might go down once they do the CP? I've heard that some people absolutely love it and it only makes them love Disney more, but I've also heard working there takes some of the magic away from going back as a paying customer! What do you think?

Thanks everyone! Hoping for some more people on this thread! Also hoping my little mistake on the title (leaving out the word "about") isn't causing people not to write on here! Haha! :cool1:

1. I think the hardest thing will be being away from home for so long. I go to college about an hour away from home and so I go home alot (most weekends). The most I've ever been away from home is two weeks during the summers when I was growing up for sleepaway camp and maybe two weeks sometimes during college, but typically I'm home every weekend.

2. Pooh! (kind of obvious from my username, lol)

3.I'm not. I think learning the innerworkings and all the work that goes into creating the magic will only strengthen my love for Disney.
Hi guys! I'm Molly, I'm a sophomore at university in New York, and I originally wanted to do Fall 2011 but as of late I am leaning more towards Fall 2013, after I graduate! I know waiting an extra two years is gonna be so hard but I think it'll be worth it. :)

I've been leaning towards Photopass for the past few months but I'm still a little nervous about it simply because it's so physically demanding.
Though deep down I secretly would love to be friends with Alice. ;)

I'm so glad I have these boards to talk about the CP with other people who are excited! My parents haaate hearing about it and I just know my friends are sick of me talking their ears off. You guys are the only ones who understand! <3

And to answer bkandreu's questions (which are awesome!)

1. I think the workload is very scary! I mean, I've spent the past six summers of my life working from 9-4 five days a week outside being a camp counselor which was a pretty demanding job. But at least I got to go home at the end of the day! I think I'll get homesick for sure, and working for like 8 hours a day six days a week is more than I've ever had to do. But you hear so many happy work stories and, well, you're working at Disney that, in the long run, I will leave with only happy memories.
2. Oh man. I will always love Jack Sparrow first and foremost. But after seeing Tangled? I just have the greatest connection with Rapunzel. I love her! And Flynnnnnnn don't even get me started. <3
3. YES I love the pins! Probably because I never had a pin collection hahah and I've always wanted oneee.

And I totally understand your unease about how you might feel about Disney after the CP, cause that's been one of my biggest concerns, too. I think it all depends on your mindset.

Hello Molly! Let me start by saying I love your name! Anyway, I think the fact that you're waiting until you graduate is pretty interesting.. I'm still not sure when I'm going to do the CP so for me, I like to hear everyone's ideas about when they will go and why. Is there any certain reason you plan on waiting until you graduate? I think doing Photopass would be pretty amazing, except there's been many times during busy seasons I've seen ridiculously long lines for Photopass.. People are very impatient and most of the time do NOT form an orderly line to wait to have their picture taken, so you have two or three families at a time stepping forward to hand you their Photopass cards.. It seems like it could get pretty hectic. But then again, what job at Disney wouldn't get hectic from time to time? Haha. I guess it's just something everyone has to deal with.

My parents hate hearing about the CP too! They just don't get it! :confused3

I agree with your first answer.. Yeah, it can be a demanding job I'm sure, but if you're a real Disney fan (like most everyone at the Disboards is) then you're most likely going to find the fun at working there! The homesick thing really is my main concern.. It's not like I can hop in my car after work and drive the nine hours back to my house! :rolleyes:

Jack Sparrow is just amazing :hug:
And I love pins.. I have a HUGE collection. Thanks for writing, hope you keep coming back to this thread! Just a reminder, everyone can talk to everyone on here! :) Let's be more social! Who knows, what if we all run into each other one day during the CP! We'll have a good icebreaker! :flower3: "oh hey! weren't you that girl I talked to on the DIS?!" :dance3:
1. What do you think will be the hardest thing about the CP?
I think the hardest thing there is the workload, for sure! I can barely take my 5-6 hour shifts as a cashier at Shop Rite, but I hate that job so it will be different for a job I actually like I hope!
2. Who is your favorite Disney character? (Can be ANY character! Not just Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc) My favorite disney character....I think I am going to have to go with Donald Duck.
3. Would you want to wear a pin lanyard on the job or not? Hmm, no. I was never much into pin trading.

Another random question I've been wondering:
Is anyone else worried that their love for Disney might go down once they do the CP? I've heard that some people absolutely love it and it only makes them love Disney more, but I've also heard working there takes some of the magic away from going back as a paying customer! What do you think?
Oh gosh, I hope it doesn't ruin the magic for me! I think the only way for it to get ruined for me is if I have an absolutely horrible horrible horrible time. But, I think thats like a 2% chance.

I like your answers.. I like hearing different people's responses because so many people think differently. Some people think being homesick will be the hardest, some think the work load.. I definitely see where you're coming from.. Working at Disney definitely is not a small feat. I'm hoping you're right, that working at a job you like will make it better! I'm thinking it will :thumbsup2
I love Donald :)

I'm a huge pin trader, but I see where you're coming from too! I've heard that you don't really get a choice in the matter when it comes to wearing a lanyard.. If they assign you one, you are required to wear it and keep it in view at all times.. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you don't get one ;)

I agree with the 2 % chance thing! I think I'll love working there and I'm sure you will too! :cloud9:
1. I think the hardest thing will be being away from home for so long. I go to college about an hour away from home and so I go home alot (most weekends). The most I've ever been away from home is two weeks during the summers when I was growing up for sleepaway camp and maybe two weeks sometimes during college, but typically I'm home every weekend.

2. Pooh! (kind of obvious from my username, lol)

3.I'm not. I think learning the innerworkings and all the work that goes into creating the magic will only strengthen my love for Disney.

I agree with it being hard to be away from home.. It's gonna be hard to be away for so dang long! :guilty: Pooh is so cute! And I love your username :love: And I'm glad you think that way! I think it will strengthen my love for Disney too! I get so mad when I hear people calling it "slave work" and saying Disney is evil and stuff.. It just drives me crazy.. I think working there will be amazing.
I like your answers.. I like hearing different people's responses because so many people think differently. Some people think being homesick will be the hardest, some think the work load.. I definitely see where you're coming from.. Working at Disney definitely is not a small feat. I'm hoping you're right, that working at a job you like will make it better! I'm thinking it will :thumbsup2
I love Donald :)

I'm a huge pin trader, but I see where you're coming from too! I've heard that you don't really get a choice in the matter when it comes to wearing a lanyard.. If they assign you one, you are required to wear it and keep it in view at all times.. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you don't get one ;)

I agree with the 2 % chance thing! I think I'll love working there and I'm sure you will too! :cloud9:

They require you to sometimes!? :eek: well, I wouldn't mind so much if they provided the lanyard and pins. Those pins can be so dang pricey :rotfl:


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