Thread for anyone and everyone who is excited the CP!

Hello everyone :goodvibes

My name's Kelsey, I'm a freshman in college, and I'm from Alaska. I want to do either the Disneyland CP or the WDW CP (right now I'm more likely thinking WDW) spring of 2012 which is my sophomore year.

I'm SO excited. I've been planning this since high school.

I don't know *exactly* what I want to do yet, but I wouldn't mind QSFB in outdoor foods, merchandise, or attractions.

Hello Kelsey! Thanks for joining :thumbsup2 That's really cool because I may be doing the same thing in spring of 2012!! :yay: So you've known since high school that you were going to do this? That's great! Then I bet you're even more excited since you've been planning to do this for a long time!! I hope you get to work in the place of your choice! :thumbsup2 Talking about this is getting me excited because I'm ready to do this! I wanna do the CP sooo bad. I just think it's gonna be a great experience, don't you? :earsboy:
Question Time!!! :dance3:

1. Depending on when you do your CP, there's a pretty big chance you aren't going to be home for a holiday (Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Year, family birthdays, etc) How are you going to cope with that? Is it a big deal to you and do you think you'll be homesick?

2. Are you concerned at all about the fact that some guests can get very rude and argumentative with workers at Disney? Are you worried at all about losing your patience or do you think it will be no problem with you?

3. What do YOU think would be the hardest job to do there?

Thanks to everyone who is writing on here! :cool1:
Awesome! I'm from LI so I know Hofstra. I definitely think it's a NY/LI thing that nobody knows about the college program and schools don't seem to accept credit for it, which definitely sucks. I've been rethinking if I'll be able to do it after I graduate, but I'm going to apply anyway just to see.

But yeah I definitely hear ya about going to a school where nobody else cares about Disney.

And back to the thread you all were having, Toy Story 3 is amazinggg. My boyfriend is absolutely obsessed with it, and cried the first two times he saw it in theaters. And also takes every opportunity to watch it with family and friends.
Yeah I'm a NYC kid, it's sooo not really known here. I did careerstart the semester after high school and I found out about it by ACCIDENT. Never even knew the college program existed. Lol

Toy Story 3 was super sad, but in a nostalgic bittersweet sort of way. Andy waving by to Bonnie and Woody at the end stopped my heart. It was so sad, I felt like I was waving goodbye to Woody. And I'm not a weepy sort of girl!
It was like watching a chapter of my life close.
Question Time!!! :dance3:

1. Depending on when you do your CP, there's a pretty big chance you aren't going to be home for a holiday (Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Year, family birthdays, etc) How are you going to cope with that? Is it a big deal to you and do you think you'll be homesick?

2. Are you concerned at all about the fact that some guests can get very rude and argumentative with workers at Disney? Are you worried at all about losing your patience or do you think it will be no problem with you?

3. What do YOU think would be the hardest job to do there?

Thanks to everyone who is writing on here! :cool1:

1. The holidays are what make me WANT to do the Fall CP! It's always been my dream to be able to experience every holiday at Disney and the CP will help me check most of them off! And I'm a Jewish girl who loooves Christmas, so I can enjoy experiencing Christmas in the parks without feeling like I'm missing out on anything at home. hehe. I am sad because Thanksgiving is one of the few times I get to see my relatives every year, but I keep reminding myself that it's just one year of my life. There will be plenty more holidays to enjoy with family.

ALSO, if all goes well and I end up doing the CP with three of my bestest friends, we're totally gonna organize all types of exciting holiday plans. Thanksgiving dinner, frolicking during Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, ALL KINDS OF CHRISTMAS STUFF! And spending New Years Eve together? It's gonna be awesome!!!! Nope, I won't be homesick a bit!

2. I am of course a bit concerned as I would be with any job, but I've worked in retail before and I've been a summercamp counselor since age 13. I was always taught to just suck it up, don't get angry. I have had experiences with some insaaaane parents, but what can you do? :confused3 Just smile, nod, and remind yourself that in a matter of time it'll all be over. No sense getting worked up about it. I just think, if I get one awful guest for every 10 amazing guests, it's worth not losing my temper if it means I can stay in an awesome job. :)

3. I definitely hear Photopass is hard because it's sooo physically demanding. But I also think about the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Those girls have to stand allll daaay in a VERY fast-paced place, applying makeup and doing hair for little girls who may cry, throw tantrums and have mothers with fury and rage and don't even get me started on the whole lice issue. But at the same time, you do get to be a fairy god mother and transform little girls into princesses. So I guess that's worth it. :P
It's so weird cause apparently Nassau Community College is really big on the CP? Or so I've heard? So the campus reps come and always make it seem like such a big deal here at Hofstra when in reality it's not supported at all here. xD

I'm most nervous that I'll wait til after I graduate, but then get a job offer (scarce when you're a history education major!) that I won't wanna turn down. And then, whoosh, there goes my last chance to do the CP.

Count me in as another who is from Long Island! Wow, small world. One of my best friends is a freshman at Hofstra and we live like 15 minutes away. I go to Binghamton, though. :)

Everyone I know who has ever done the CP has done it through Nassau. That said, I feel like no one else on LI (or at my school, for that matter) has ever heard of it.

Hello Kelsey! Thanks for joining :thumbsup2 That's really cool because I may be doing the same thing in spring of 2012!! :yay: So you've known since high school that you were going to do this? That's great! Then I bet you're even more excited since you've been planning to do this for a long time!! I hope you get to work in the place of your choice! :thumbsup2 Talking about this is getting me excited because I'm ready to do this! I wanna do the CP sooo bad. I just think it's gonna be a great experience, don't you? :earsboy:

Hello :hippie:

Yay! It's awesome to plan with other people who want to go at the same time. And yeah, I think I found out about the program my junior year of high school here on disboards so...I am DEFINITELY ready! I would want to do fall of this year, but I need more time to make money because coming from Alaska, airfare is spendy all the way to Florida. Yeah, I hope I get my place of choice too! What do you want to do? Gahhh yes I'm excited :banana: I look forward to the warmth, haha (even though it will probably be too hot for me for awhile).
Question Time!!! :dance3:

1. Depending on when you do your CP, there's a pretty big chance you aren't going to be home for a holiday (Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Year, family birthdays, etc) How are you going to cope with that? Is it a big deal to you and do you think you'll be homesick?

2. Are you concerned at all about the fact that some guests can get very rude and argumentative with workers at Disney? Are you worried at all about losing your patience or do you think it will be no problem with you?

3. What do YOU think would be the hardest job to do there?

Thanks to everyone who is writing on here! :cool1:

1. Well, I'm pretty sure I want to do the spring CP, so there isn't really that many holidays at all that I'd miss. I'd miss Easter, but I don't particularly care, as last year I spent it away from family anyway. I'd miss my dad's birthday, but I could always call him so I'm not too worried about that either. I will likely get homesick though (but I don't imagine it to be because of holidays). I mean, I will be FAR from home. Basically across the country, ha. But I'm hoping my family will be able to come down so I could let them take advantage of those free tickets that the CP's are given! I know my mom would love that, as she's a huge Disneyphile. I'm living at home while going to school this semester (and maybe next semester also), so honestly I kind of hope I'll be sick of my family by the time the CP rolls around, so it will take me longer to miss them :laughing:

2. Yes, I am concerned about that (who wouldn't be?). I'm not too worried about losing my patience, however. It takes A LOT to really piss me off, and pretty much only those that are really close to me are able to do that. Strangers don't really get to me on a personal level. I mean, if a guest blames me for something I have no control over, of course I'd feel irritated, but I do realize that crowds and heat are atrocious, and kids are whiny. When you put these two together when things aren't going the way you want them to, how can you not get frustrated? I've been to both DL and WDW in these conditions, so I could relate to them on that. I think knowing that is what will keep me sane :thumbsup2

3. I think one of the hardest jobs would one in which you have to multitask a lot, so probably one of the attractions with spiels (like Jungle Cruise). In these you have to control a vehicle AND memorize something and delvier it flawlessly to guests. That sounds pretty high stress to me.
1. The holidays are what make me WANT to do the Fall CP! It's always been my dream to be able to experience every holiday at Disney and the CP will help me check most of them off! And I'm a Jewish girl who loooves Christmas, so I can enjoy experiencing Christmas in the parks without feeling like I'm missing out on anything at home. hehe. I am sad because Thanksgiving is one of the few times I get to see my relatives every year, but I keep reminding myself that it's just one year of my life. There will be plenty more holidays to enjoy with family.

ALSO, if all goes well and I end up doing the CP with three of my bestest friends, we're totally gonna organize all types of exciting holiday plans. Thanksgiving dinner, frolicking during Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, ALL KINDS OF CHRISTMAS STUFF! And spending New Years Eve together? It's gonna be awesome!!!! Nope, I won't be homesick a bit!

2. I am of course a bit concerned as I would be with any job, but I've worked in retail before and I've been a summercamp counselor since age 13. I was always taught to just suck it up, don't get angry. I have had experiences with some insaaaane parents, but what can you do? :confused3 Just smile, nod, and remind yourself that in a matter of time it'll all be over. No sense getting worked up about it. I just think, if I get one awful guest for every 10 amazing guests, it's worth not losing my temper if it means I can stay in an awesome job. :)

3. I definitely hear Photopass is hard because it's sooo physically demanding. But I also think about the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Those girls have to stand allll daaay in a VERY fast-paced place, applying makeup and doing hair for little girls who may cry, throw tantrums and have mothers with fury and rage and don't even get me started on the whole lice issue. But at the same time, you do get to be a fairy god mother and transform little girls into princesses. So I guess that's worth it. :P

I love all your answers! You seem to be a very enthusiastic Disney lover :thumbsup2 I've been to Disney during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Halloween.. So I'm not so excited about the holidays at Disney as you are. I can understand that, I'm just gonna be homesick, I know it!! Haha. And during Christmas, the magic hours last for a lonnnggg time! You seem well prepared for the stressful part of the job. You sound like you're gonna have an amazing experience, definitely. I agree about the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique.. I'm not sure I could do that job. I'm not even good at styling my own hair :scared1: haha!
Hello :hippie:

Yay! It's awesome to plan with other people who want to go at the same time. And yeah, I think I found out about the program my junior year of high school here on disboards so...I am DEFINITELY ready! I would want to do fall of this year, but I need more time to make money because coming from Alaska, airfare is spendy all the way to Florida. Yeah, I hope I get my place of choice too! What do you want to do? Gahhh yes I'm excited :banana: I look forward to the warmth, haha (even though it will probably be too hot for me for awhile).

It really is nice to talk to other people about the CP because none of my family is too psyched about the idea and I don't know anyone from my school who even really cares about Disney! So I have barely anyone to talk about the CP to! I'm thinking I'd want to be a character or work on the attractions. Not completely sure yet though. I wanna be in the parks, hands on. I do NOT wanna work at the resorts and hotels.. I really wanna be working inside of the park, that's pretty important to me. I think I'd be a bit depressed if I didn't get to work in the park. It probably will be a bit too hot! Haha. I get cranky when I get hot so I'm gonna have to try to work that one out! :laughing:
Hello :hippie:

Yay! It's awesome to plan with other people who want to go at the same time. And yeah, I think I found out about the program my junior year of high school here on disboards so...I am DEFINITELY ready! I would want to do fall of this year, but I need more time to make money because coming from Alaska, airfare is spendy all the way to Florida. Yeah, I hope I get my place of choice too! What do you want to do? Gahhh yes I'm excited :banana: I look forward to the warmth, haha (even though it will probably be too hot for me for awhile).

You're so right about Jungle Cruise... I have a friend who was a JC Skipper over the summer and while he did love it, there was a time one of the boats got held up and there was this big disaster and his boat ended up being stuck in the same place for 45 minutes. He had to keep all those hot angry guests happy that whole time, and apparently there was a veeery grumpy dad whose daughter reeeeally had to use the bathroom.
If I were him I'd be scared of getting thrown over the edge of the boat by the guests. xD I mean, you can only make so many jokes when the guests start to get *really* irritated. x___x
1. Well, I'm pretty sure I want to do the spring CP, so there isn't really that many holidays at all that I'd miss. I'd miss Easter, but I don't particularly care, as last year I spent it away from family anyway. I'd miss my dad's birthday, but I could always call him so I'm not too worried about that either. I will likely get homesick though (but I don't imagine it to be because of holidays). I mean, I will be FAR from home. Basically across the country, ha. But I'm hoping my family will be able to come down so I could let them take advantage of those free tickets that the CP's are given! I know my mom would love that, as she's a huge Disneyphile. I'm living at home while going to school this semester (and maybe next semester also), so honestly I kind of hope I'll be sick of my family by the time the CP rolls around, so it will take me longer to miss them :laughing:

2. Yes, I am concerned about that (who wouldn't be?). I'm not too worried about losing my patience, however. It takes A LOT to really piss me off, and pretty much only those that are really close to me are able to do that. Strangers don't really get to me on a personal level. I mean, if a guest blames me for something I have no control over, of course I'd feel irritated, but I do realize that crowds and heat are atrocious, and kids are whiny. When you put these two together when things aren't going the way you want them to, how can you not get frustrated? I've been to both DL and WDW in these conditions, so I could relate to them on that. I think knowing that is what will keep me sane :thumbsup2

3. I think one of the hardest jobs would one in which you have to multitask a lot, so probably one of the attractions with spiels (like Jungle Cruise). In these you have to control a vehicle AND memorize something and delvier it flawlessly to guests. That sounds pretty high stress to me.

Good point on your first answer! There's a high chance you might just be wanting to get away from them for awhile! Haha. I hate being homesick but I'm hoping it wont be too bad. And good point about the free tickets! My family would love that too! Haha. I love that your mom loves Disney! :woohoo: I agree on the second answer too.. I've been there as a guest so many times that I'm sure I'd be able to sympathize with whatever the guest is wanting, since I've been in some very frustrating scenarios at Disney too! I'm just not looking forward to some of the really jerky people who wont let stuff go and really want to argue with you! (My feelings get hurt easily! I know the first time someone is really rude to me, I'll probably have to wipe a few angry tears away! hahaha :lmao:) And good point on the last answer!! I've really never heard anyone suggest that job as being hard, but you know, you're exactly right.. that job seems pretty hard. I love listening to their script when they are saying stuff to you, I just never really thought about them having to drive and know what they have to say too, at the right times.
You're so right about Jungle Cruise... I have a friend who was a JC Skipper over the summer and while he did love it, there was a time one of the boats got held up and there was this big disaster and his boat ended up being stuck in the same place for 45 minutes. He had to keep all those hot angry guests happy that whole time, and apparently there was a veeery grumpy dad whose daughter reeeeally had to use the bathroom.
If I were him I'd be scared of getting thrown over the edge of the boat by the guests. xD I mean, you can only make so many jokes when the guests start to get *really* irritated. x___x

That honestly sounds like a nightmare to me!
Question Time!!! :dance3:

1. Depending on when you do your CP, there's a pretty big chance you aren't going to be home for a holiday (Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Year, family birthdays, etc) How are you going to cope with that? Is it a big deal to you and do you think you'll be homesick?

2. Are you concerned at all about the fact that some guests can get very rude and argumentative with workers at Disney? Are you worried at all about losing your patience or do you think it will be no problem with you?

3. What do YOU think would be the hardest job to do there?

Thanks to everyone who is writing on here! :cool1:

1. I don't think it will be too bad. I actually have spent either Thanksgiving or Christmas at Disney since 2001, so the holidays at Disney are home for me. Plus, my mom/family is/are AP holders and we're from GA, so my mom said she'll come down for the major holidays. Even though I probably won't get time off on the actual day, I'll probably have a day off around the time to spend with my family. My first CP is spring, so I won't miss too much, but I plan on doing it again Fall Advantage so I'll be there for all the holidays!

2.I'm not really too concerned, because I work in a customer service position now and I'm used to people being argumenative in some situations and things. I think you'll just have to remember the guest is always right.

3. I think the transportation jobs would be hard, mostly because I'm not the best drivers, hence why I'm not applying for a transportation job!
It really is nice to talk to other people about the CP because none of my family is too psyched about the idea and I don't know anyone from my school who even really cares about Disney! So I have barely anyone to talk about the CP to! I'm thinking I'd want to be a character or work on the attractions. Not completely sure yet though. I wanna be in the parks, hands on. I do NOT wanna work at the resorts and hotels.. I really wanna be working inside of the park, that's pretty important to me. I think I'd be a bit depressed if I didn't get to work in the park. It probably will be a bit too hot! Haha. I get cranky when I get hot so I'm gonna have to try to work that one out! :laughing:

Yeah, I know what you mean! Even though I said my mom loves Disney, I think she'd rather talk about our DL trip in May because that's sooner and pertains more to her being at Disney than me :P And I don't think my brother or dad care that much (though I did talk to them about it today). But we all have eachother on here to be excited about the CP! :banana:

I TOTALLY agree about wanting to be in the parks. I've decided that my number one is custodial (crazy I know, since it's most everyone's last choice, but it actually sounds kind of awesome), and I don't want to do it at any of the hotels or downtown disney. Only the parks! Preferbly EPCOT, AK, or MK over hollywood studios or whatever it's called now. Which park would you want to be in?

Mer, I also get cranky in the heat. I'm used to cold! It's like 10 below here right I'm going to have to get used to hot weather, especially since my number one role choice is all outside:eek:. At least with the spring CP it gradually gets hotter so I'll have some time to get used to it.
You're so right about Jungle Cruise... I have a friend who was a JC Skipper over the summer and while he did love it, there was a time one of the boats got held up and there was this big disaster and his boat ended up being stuck in the same place for 45 minutes. He had to keep all those hot angry guests happy that whole time, and apparently there was a veeery grumpy dad whose daughter reeeeally had to use the bathroom.
If I were him I'd be scared of getting thrown over the edge of the boat by the guests. xD I mean, you can only make so many jokes when the guests start to get *really* irritated. x___x

Yikes, that sounds awful:scared1:. And to think Jungle Cruise used to be my number one choice (I think it was because the awesome lame jokes appealed to me)! Gosh, he must have had to make up jokes on the spot for those 45 minutes.

I also think transportation would be a bad match for me, since my driving skills leave much to be desired...I got stuck on the side of a road earlier tonight and driving in general is just taxing on my nerves :sad2:

I think I'll be much more content doing custodial, and I'm confident that there's a pretty decent chance that I will get that role, since they have a lot of spaces for it and not a lot of people want to do it :thumbsup2
1. I don't think it will be too bad. I actually have spent either Thanksgiving or Christmas at Disney since 2001, so the holidays at Disney are home for me. Plus, my mom/family is/are AP holders and we're from GA, so my mom said she'll come down for the major holidays. Even though I probably won't get time off on the actual day, I'll probably have a day off around the time to spend with my family. My first CP is spring, so I won't miss too much, but I plan on doing it again Fall Advantage so I'll be there for all the holidays!

2.I'm not really too concerned, because I work in a customer service position now and I'm used to people being argumenative in some situations and things. I think you'll just have to remember the guest is always right.

3. I think the transportation jobs would be hard, mostly because I'm not the best drivers, hence why I'm not applying for a transportation job!

1. That's cool that your mom will go up there! Even if you didn't get actual time off, you'd probably still get to see her, plus it'd make me feel better knowing she was there! :) How many times are you planning on doing the CP?

2. That's a good way to see it. haha. There's been a couple times when I've went to Disney and one of the CMs there wasn't all that polite to me. I always wonder what I'd do in the situations they are put in!

3. Amen! I agree with you! I wouldn't want a transportation job either..
Yeah, I know what you mean! Even though I said my mom loves Disney, I think she'd rather talk about our DL trip in May because that's sooner and pertains more to her being at Disney than me :P And I don't think my brother or dad care that much (though I did talk to them about it today). But we all have eachother on here to be excited about the CP! :banana:

I TOTALLY agree about wanting to be in the parks. I've decided that my number one is custodial (crazy I know, since it's most everyone's last choice, but it actually sounds kind of awesome), and I don't want to do it at any of the hotels or downtown disney. Only the parks! Preferbly EPCOT, AK, or MK over hollywood studios or whatever it's called now. Which park would you want to be in?

Mer, I also get cranky in the heat. I'm used to cold! It's like 10 below here right I'm going to have to get used to hot weather, especially since my number one role choice is all outside:eek:. At least with the spring CP it gradually gets hotter so I'll have some time to get used to it.

Haha.. I understand what you mean about your mom.. Some of my family members love Disney too but they don't really wanna talk about me working there. And I'm glad someone agrees with me about wanting to be in the parks! It just seems so much more magical to do that and not just be in the hotels or, as you said, Downtown Disney! I completely agree about that one.. No rides.. No fun for me. Haha. I think I'd rather work in Magic Kingdom, and then Epcot. Those are my top choices but i wouldnt be mad if it was either of the other parks.. At least I'm in a park!! Which would you want to work in? And custodial wouldnt be too bad! You might even just get that job no problem since most people don't want that as a first choice! I want to work on the attractions or something with characters.. I really wanna be in the thick of things!!

And the weather is one of the main things I'm concerned about with my cranky level! But maybe if I'm working in attractions (INSIDE) it wont be a problem!! haha:rotfl:
Does anyone plan on doing the CP for only one year, or is everyone here planning on doing multiple CPs?
And the weather is one of the main things I'm concerned about with my cranky level! But maybe if I'm working in attractions (INSIDE) it wont be a problem!! haha:rotfl:

Even if you get attractions, the majority of them have outside positions. There are very few 100%-indoor attractions

You're so right about Jungle Cruise... I have a friend who was a JC Skipper over the summer and while he did love it, there was a time one of the boats got held up and there was this big disaster and his boat ended up being stuck in the same place for 45 minutes. He had to keep all those hot angry guests happy that whole time, and apparently there was a veeery grumpy dad whose daughter reeeeally had to use the bathroom.
If I were him I'd be scared of getting thrown over the edge of the boat by the guests. xD I mean, you can only make so many jokes when the guests start to get *really* irritated. x___x

That happened to me once on GMR. I was stuck in a spot for about 15 minutes, and I was fishing stuff out of my mind by the time we started moving again
I've been very sick so I haven't been writing on here as much everyone! But I'm back so everyone please feel free to come back and write again.


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