To Go or Cancel due to Zika

Disney has perhaps the best mosquito regimen of anywhere I've ever been. I don't even bring bug spray on our trips and haven't gotten a single mosquito bite, not even back when Discovery Island was open. You'd think the place would be swarming with them - pretty much anywhere around me with that much water is! - but they're exceedingly scarce.
Only you know what you are ultimately comfortable with in terms of risk. I would definitely consult your OB. For what it's worth, I had one pregnant friend not go over spring break when her family went and one TTC friend go last month.

Good luck!
I was kind of surprised how edgy the OBGYN was, when I went in April, about Zika. She was saying that if we went to Orlando (even in a cooler month) we shouldn't try to get pregnant for two months afterwards. I had kind of thought things had relaxed until that appointment.

PS: I hadn't even asked about Zika when this discussion transpired. She noticed some bug bites on me. I was very careful when I was pregnant, but I've relaxed on spraying myself since having my baby.
Only you can decide. If you are nervous about it even though the risk is very low, just go at another time.

I will say, though, that I am a mosquito magnet and have never gotten a bite at a theme park in Orlando during their winter season (when I like to go). I don't know what they do to control this, but it is amazing. Other places in the Caribbean, Florida, Mexico, Costa Rica -- different story
We go to WDW almost every year and I have never even been bit by a mosquito. Must be some sort of Disney magic or something. ;)
We killed several mosquitos at PO-R this July (3 diff rooms in diff parts of the resort). Also a couple at Poly. (Both resorts supplied repellent packets.) I still wouldn't worry, but obv speak to your dr.
There was a thread about this recently and it seemed many were being told by their dr.'s to not go. Many felt it was not worth the risk.
My OB/GYN still has a big sign up in their office as of last week about Zika

I do know quite a few people who have skipped Florida trips this year while pregnant or trying.
I didn't even know Zika is still a thing. I live in south Florida and I remember when it first got here people talked about it and they did a lot of bug spraying in Miami. For almost all of 2017 no one here has even mentioned the word and I don't think it ever got up to Orlando. You'll be fine.
I'm currently 23 weeks and went to Disney in May and July, against my doctor's orders here in PA. When I returned and told them I had traveled to Florida (they ask if I traveled out of state), they told me they had to call the PA Dept of Health. So use your judgment, and remember that your husband can pass it to you through intercourse, so make sure he's careful too. We got the mosquito bracelets and wore them in our wrists and ankles, as well as using spray.

They're really strict about travel south at my OBGYN office at this time and there's signs about Zika everywhere.
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I'm pregnant and going in October as well. I'll be 25 weeks. I asked my OB about it; she literally laughed at me and said I needed to be more concerned about dehydration. She said if I'm really worried to use bug spray, but otherwise to enjoy my trip.
Just took a quick look at the CDC website. There have been 175 cases of Zika in all of the US so far this year and 0 have been from local transmission. You should be pretty safe to go.
This is what I was going to suggest. We just went in February. I am now 21 weeks pregnant. First thing my OBGYN pulled up was this site to see if there were any cases. There weren't. You should be fine, OP. But, as with anything else medical, confirm with your OBGYN.


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