Tokyo Disney on 2 Weeks’ Notice: Hightower Halloween Costume!

After I sent Patrick off to the shoot, I took a break in the hotel room to photograph our loot and write a few letters and postcards. The post office was just a couple doors down from our hotel, so I mailed two letters and two postcards and bought three more letter stamps and three more postcard stamps. Holy cow, it cost me $17! Guess I shouldn't complain about the US Postal Service's prices anymore…

Then I took the subway to Harajuku and Aoyama to investigate more swanky shops. I started on Omotesando, a broad, tree-lined avenue that's home to a large concentration of Tokyo's most distinctive architecture, in the form of fashion designers' flagship stores. Apparently it's known as the "Champs Elysées of Tokyo," and I think it an apt description in contrast with Chuo-dori in Ginza, which feels like 5th Avenue in New York. Otomesando definitely has a different vibe than Chuo-dori – the crowds surging toward me were younger and edgier (though not the outlandish characters of T a k e s h i t a-dori, the street where teenage Harajuku lovers parade around on the weekends and whose name I had to finagle to get past the DISboards' censors).



After it crosses Aoyama-Dori, the boulevard narrows into a suburban-feeling avenue lined with more designer boutiques. This is where I found the a-friggin-mazing Prada boutique, which is super-difficult to photograph from across a slim two-lane road.



Even worse, they won't let you take pictures of the inside or even looking out the window at other buildings from inside. The thing is an architectural marvel—picture-taking oughtta be mandatory! Once again, I am totally mystified by how often photography is prohibited in a culture that, at least to Western eyes, appears to be fanatical about photography. …Then again, maybe that's why they have to prohibit it!

I made another Flickr set of some of the few good images I could find of the interior:

Next door is another fabulous building, which houses Cartier and Chloe.





Down the street, the Yoku Moku butter cookie shop tempted me with a sleek courtyard café.



But Aoyama felt remote from the exciting hustle and bustle of Harajuku, so I went back up the boulevard to where the action was.

… And the action was at Kiddyland, another multi-level toy mecca!


At street level, they have a boutique devoted to Minnie Mouse, including what appears to be an attempt to replicate the success of the ultra-popular Duffy bear (more on that later!): rows of plush Minnies and a bunch different outfits to dress her in.





Inside, Kiddyland is a bit more cramped than Hakuhinkan Toy Park but better organized, with several of the six floors devoted to a single brand or company. They also offer Tokyo's largest collection of choking hazards in a single display.

Festival of Choking Hazards!

"Yes, but do you have any Elmo dolls?"

I passed up yet another Totoro, but I think in this case you can't blame me…


Another toy I saw all over Tokyo and yet remained strangely immune to was Kapibara-san—an adorable, limbless capybara stuffed into a doughnut. By all rights, my eyeballs should have exploded just gazing upon its cuteness, yet I never felt compelled to buy one.

Shield your eyeballs from its cuteness!

And then I spotted this:


SNOOPY TOWN?! My pal Jennifaerie adores Snoopy! I was immediately gripped by a compulsion to buy her the coolest, most Tokyo-fabulous Snoopy souvenir imaginable, which lead to about an hour spent down the rabbit hole (or would that be the "dog hole"?) that is Snoopy Town Harajuku.


Sleepy Snoopys

Slobby Snoopys

The coolest, most Tokyo-fabulous Snoopy souvenir turned out to be a pair of Converse Chuck Taylors—unfortunately, they only had kids' sizes. Hope Jennifaerie likes toaru!

When I spotted this, I knew it was time for this grown woman to leave Kiddyland:

I totally had the original of this Barbie, AND the one pictured inside the box!
At the checkout counter is when I first began to notice the ubiquitous Japanese retail custom of perpetual dialogue. The cashier starts talking to you from the moment you reach the counter and doesn't stop talking until the door is hitting you on the way out! Of course I had absolutely NO idea what she was talking about, so I just smiled and nodded and presented my credit card with two hands and accepted it back with two hands and tried to get a "domo arigato gozaimasu" in edgewise as I backed away from the counter.

What was she talking about the whole time? Was she describing everything she was doing? "Welcome to Kiddyland did you find everything you were looking for oh that's nice would you like this wrapped I guess not how about I put an extra plastic bag in here for you ok I guess you want to pay by credit card whew it went through OK here it is back and OH MY GOD LOOK OUT IT'S MOTHRA yeah you totally don't understand anything I'm saying here is your receipt have a nice day and don’t let the door hit you on the way out!"

After spending about 8 years in Kiddyland, I was hungry and it was getting to be dinnertime, so I set about looking for a restaurant with my new must-have-windows criterion.


Too small….


Just right!


I found a really stylish place inside Otomesando Hills shopping mall, another wedge of a building with endless corridors, but at least these just went around in a big loop so you couldn't get lost.


I don't know what to call this – it's like a crystal curtain hanging above the entrance


I don't usually go for Italian, but when you find a place in Tokyo with windows, stick with it! I had squid ink pasta with Japanese squid and aglio aiolio sauce – tasty!

… but not tasty-looking!

After dinner I stopped in at one of the swanky Jean-Paul Hevin chocolate shops I kept seeing all over town to see if their stuff was really as good as it looked. They actually let me take pictures!



I picked out a caramel-sea salt chocolate bar that turned out to be quite good. I love it when you can get sweet and salty all in one bite!

Next on my list was to take the subway to Shibuya to find the crossing you see in the movies – the one with all the buildings with neon signs, huge masses of crowds crossing diagonally every few minutes, and Kabuto's ninjas chasing Tokyo Mater.

On the way, I caught my first glimpse of my fave anime character, Domo, in his native land. I was surprised how hard he was to find in Tokyo!

… I mean, besides being on the side of a bus…

Another fave— I smelled it before I saw it…




It was crazy go nuts! Crossing the street there is like walking down Main Street, U.S.A. after the fireworks on New Year’s Eve. I tried to take a picture as I was actually crossing the street, which of course turned out like this:


Looking back across the street as the crowds subside

View of Shibuya Crossing from a skybridge.



My next objective was to find the statue of Hachiko the dog. In the 1920s, he used to walk to the station with his master every morning and meet him there every night. After his master died while at work, Hachiko continued to come to the station to wait for his master's return every day for 10 years. About a year before Haichiko died, the locals erected a bronze statue of him near Shibuya Station. The original was melted down for weapons during WWII, but a replica was installed in 1948.


It’s now the most popular place in Tokyo to meet – and smoke!


I went up in the Shibuya Mark City building to get a better view of the area and wound up in the swanky hotel restaurant on the 25th floor shooting pictures quickly before anyone threw me out.



Check it out – a playing field on the roof!



On the way back to the subway, I discovered that Coldstone Creamery has made its way across the Pacific!


What haven't arrived yet are any of the mix-ins I like – no graham cracker crumbs and no peanut butter! Poop!

Finally I hopped the Ginza line back here and did all the collapsing and bathing mentioned waaaaay back at the beginning of Day 3—you know, like a week ago! However, you shall be rewarded for sticking it out this long, because….

Up next: First Day at Tokyo Disney!
You must have had the busiest day ever! What a perfect day :cool1: I now really want to go to Kiddy Land just to buy some Snoopy and Minnie items! That Barbie is hilarious, only because I know I had that one! In fact my sister and I both had one. I can't wait to hear more!
That Minnie Boutique is AWESOME!!!!!! I want a Minnie I can dress in cute outfits!

The architecture is really amazing over there.

I love the night time photos you got.

Glad to see Hachiko......I remember emailing you about that during your trip to tell you about the movie based on the true story. Thanks for the photos & if you haven't seen Hachi...a dog's tale. RENT it & make sure you have a kleenex nearby.
Thanks for the update.
Honestly don't think i would be brave enough to travel around that city by myself!
all of the pictures are really neat to look at. Thanks again for posting. :thumbsup2
At the checkout counter is when I first began to notice the ubiquitous Japanese retail custom of perpetual dialogue. The cashier starts talking to you from the moment you reach the counter and doesn't stop talking until the door is hitting you on the way out! Of course I had absolutely NO idea what she was talking about, so I just smiled and nodded and presented my credit card with two hands and accepted it back with two hands and tried to get a "domo arigato gozaimasu" in edgewise as I backed away from the counter.

What was she talking about the whole time? Was she describing everything she was doing? "Welcome to Kiddyland did you find everything you were looking for oh that's nice would you like this wrapped I guess not how about I put an extra plastic bag in here for you ok I guess you want to pay by credit card whew it went through OK here it is back and OH MY GOD LOOK OUT IT'S MOTHRA yeah you totally don't understand anything I'm saying here is your receipt have a nice day and don’t let the door hit you on the way out!"


Such a great TR and you haven't even posted the Disney part yet!
Oh my! Kiddyland is so amazing! This will be my downfall in Tokyo... wanting to buy everything. It was bad enough this weekend at Disneyland, I hadn't been since December and wow there were so many new things.
You were very right about your dinner though, it does not look great, but sometimes the best tasting things don't look good.
Also, I wanted to say it is strange that photography is prohibited so much over there, it would seem the culture is photoaholic...but then again I have never tried to take photos in a prada store over here :-)
Can't wait to hear about Tokoy Disney!!!
Don't leave me hanging Carrie--I need more Tokyo Disney report :)

I'll get on it as fast as I can — but I'd prolly better do some real work first! :teeth:

I'm beginning to think that the only reason for me to go to Tokyo is to each chocolate!!!:thumbsup2

Yes. Yes it is. :cutie:

You must have had the busiest day ever! What a perfect day :cool1: I now really want to go to Kiddy Land just to buy some Snoopy and Minnie items! That Barbie is hilarious, only because I know I had that one! In fact my sister and I both had one. I can't wait to hear more!

Whohoo! Somebody else who had that Barbie!

If you think that was a busy day, wait til you read about the day after my first Disney day - I think I did a museum, a lake, a couple shrines, the zoo and a traditional shopping street in less than one day. :faint:

Glad to see Hachiko......I remember emailing you about that during your trip to tell you about the movie based on the true story. Thanks for the photos & if you haven't seen Hachi...a dog's tale. RENT it & make sure you have a kleenex nearby.

Oh man, I actually started crying about it just writing that post—I think the movie's gonna do me in! :sad1:

Awesome update - such fabulous pictures! I can't wait to hear all about Tokyo Disneyland!

Next installment! I promise!

Thanks for the update.
Honestly don't think i would be brave enough to travel around that city by myself!

Oh, but it's easy! All you need is a subway map and a smile—people will help you out if you get lost, and there's always another subway station just around the corner to take you back to where you started. :thumbsup2

Such a great TR and you haven't even posted the Disney part yet!

Thanks! I'm getting excited to post the Disney part, but MAN are there gonna be a lot of pictures!

Oh my! Kiddyland is so amazing! This will be my downfall in Tokyo... wanting to buy everything.

Tell me about it. I think we were fairly restrained to only bring back one big duffle bag full of loot, but it could have been a lot worse.

Also, I wanted to say it is strange that photography is prohibited so much over there, it would seem the culture is photoaholic...but then again I have never tried to take photos in a prada store over here :-)

Hmmm - good point! I'll try it next time I'm in Beverly Hills and see what happens! ;)
I had the same Barbie Doll! Looks like you had a great time!! You have seen so much! I am still in shock over all of the photo restrictions.
Amazing update! You did so much in one day!

I would not have been able to leave Minnie's Boutique without one! So cute!!

Can't wait for the next installment. :)
Being a newbie, this is by far THE BEST thread ever! Great job caputuring the Tokyo area and all its greatness! Looking forward the Disney report.
First I have to say I HAD THAT SAME BARBIE DOLL TOO! I have to see if it is still in my Barbie box which has been stashed away. I just love reading your trip report. The Prada building was fabulous! I have never been too interested in architecture but that was a work of art.

That caramel sea-salt chocolate bar does sound tasty. I absolutely love Japanese snacks and their interesting tastes. I wish you would find bolder food items over here in the states.
Awesome report update on your next day of Japanese immersion! SO much to look at, amazing feast for the eyes all the amazing architecture and attention to detail. The modern lines and all the steel and crome and neon! It all looks so fastidious. I really laughed at your comments about a photography compulsive culture which won't allow photos. WHAT is UP with that -- we once had a Japanese tourist ask us to take a photo of our new puppy outside the Seattle REI store. And YOU can't take a photo of a chocolate display? Crazy. All those toys and stuffies! Incredible! I couldn't keep them all apart, and talk about oozing cuteness!! UBER cute some of those! AND Ink squid pasta. Dinner sounded awesome! Coldstone cakebatter with graham cracker :thumbsup2 Can't wait to read all about Disney next!!! One last thought -- the crowds crossing the streets :scared1:...
Awesome report update on your next day of Japanese immersion! SO much to look at, amazing feast for the eyes all the amazing architecture and attention to detail. The modern lines and all the steel and crome and neon! It all looks so fastidious. I really laughed at your comments about a photography compulsive culture which won't allow photos. WHAT is UP with that -- we once had a Japanese tourist ask us to take a photo of our new puppy outside the Seattle REI store. And YOU can't take a photo of a chocolate display? Crazy. All those toys and stuffies! Incredible! I couldn't keep them all apart, and talk about oozing cuteness!! UBER cute some of those! AND Ink squid pasta. Dinner sounded awesome! Coldstone cakebatter with graham cracker :thumbsup2 Can't wait to read all about Disney next!!! One last thought -- the crowds crossing the streets :scared1:...

Yep, 250,000 people cross that one intersection a day! :scared1:
What a great update, Carrie!!! I do have to say my favorite part of your day was your 8-year sojurn in Kiddyland. :laughing: The Minnie Couture boutique is just too darling. I think my house needs those Minnie topiary trees out front! :lmao: Like so many others, I, too, had Peaches and Cream Barbie! Remember how she came with this little top-like spinner where you could spin it and see what she should do that day -- I think there were things like a cruise boat pictured on it. Also, I had Crystal Barbie (the one pictured in the box), and she had these sparkly plastic shoes that looked like glass slippers??? (I did love my Barbies when I was younger! ;))


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