Tom & Heidi 1/19/09 Italy WD/WP/Narcoossee's/Sago Cay...Sprint to the Finish!!!

the offending “tiramisu”


the cannoli made up for it, though


eggplant and zucchini

parmesan crusted chicken with mushroom sauce

spaghetti and meatball...had to do it with a “Lady and the Tramp” theme




past with arugula and feta


tilapia with piccata sauce


pasta bar

And then it was time for fireworks!!












We had a little while after the fireworks to hang out and chit-chat, but then they loaded us back on the busses and took us back to the hotel.

It was a really fun night, and I wish it could have lasted longer! We had a great time, and the decorations, location and food were fabulous!

But, we had to get to bed for an early start the next day!
Great installment! Love all the pictures! Especially the Lady and the Tramp reinactment... too cute. I love your original wedding dress shortened... very good idea! Can't wait to read more!
Aww I love the Lady and the Tramp theme!!!! The picture of the spaghetti was so cute!!! :goodvibes
I love that you wore your first wedding dress and how you had it altered. Too cute!

Everything was awesome looking. I love your firework pics!!!
Great installment! Love all the pictures! Especially the Lady and the Tramp reinactment... too cute. I love your original wedding dress shortened... very good idea! Can't wait to read more!

Aww I love the Lady and the Tramp theme!!!! The picture of the spaghetti was so cute!!! :goodvibes

I love that you wore your first wedding dress and how you had it altered. Too cute!

Everything was awesome looking. I love your firework pics!!!

Thanks! The Lady and the Tramp re-enactment was "strongly" suggested to us (either MOH or Mom...can't remember which!), but I'm glad we did it!

I had the alterations lady do a balloon hem, so that the original hem was just tucked under and attached to the inside of the natural waist. This way, I could let it down again. I just couldn't bring myself to cut it!!
It’s finally HERE!

We slept really well the night before the wedding. Being married certainly takes out some of the “nervousness” of the Big Day! My plan was for the girls to get ready with me and for DH to put his tux on in my parents’ room. They were supposed to be there at 5:00, along with Patricia and her assistant.

Lesson Learned: when staying concierge, whomever is coming to your room COULD have trouble. Patricia didn’t expect to, because she’d done it before, but this time the guy thought he was the gate keeper. So, 15 minutes was wasted on arguing, phone calls, and ultimately DH getting dressed to go down. It really set us back, and I hardly got any pics before the ceremony...and no pics before the ceremony of me and the girls. PAD YOUR TIME for hair and makeup. I thought 4 hours was enough for six hair and makeup. It wasn’t!

In the end, because it was so early, and because we are WAY more fun, DH hung out with us for a while. This was really great. I think he was jealous, because the morning of the wedding, I got a LITTLE bit of what we missed the night we couldn’t go out. We just hung around and chatted. Some of my friends are HILARIOUS! And it was great to be back together. This was one of my favorite parts of the whole day!

DH was wonderful. He went to Gasparilla Grill and brought up breakfast. Then, he later ordered mimosas from room service. He was acting like our page boy (even though we didn’t ask him too), but it was really nice to have everyone taking care of our other needs (food and alcohol) so we could focus on being beautiful! :) He also took some pics of the early moments, since the Roots weren’t there till about 8:45.

a little cramped, but really fine...


my special outfit for the occasion!


a lot of this going on


and this

and this


and some of this...this...and this



the amazing airbrush contraption...

Everyone seemed happy with their hair and makeup (if they weren’t they didn’t tell me, but I really think they looked great!)

Sometime during all this, the videographers came in (I think it was around 7:30) and they started filming EVERYTHING which I thought was hilarious!


Sometime in there, my flowers showed up. I LOVED the BM’s (which came out first), but was disappointed with mine. It was way too “peachy” and not purple-y enough. I wanted something like this with a little more purple color.


Also kinda like this...


Now that I see it in pics, it really is beautiful, but I wish I had left them with those pictures to be more specific on what I wanted. The big problems were the centering of the peach roses in the middle of the bouquet, and the fact that there were only a couple orchids, and they were TINY. In the examples, the orchids were a large part of the bouquet.

see the tiny orchid...and these are cymbidium orchids...supposed to be much bigger!


and the peach are front and center while the lavender are on the edges


the colors of the BM’s tussy mussies were amazing, though!



Some other pics of the bouquets taken throughout the day.







I have to break this post into several because of the number of pictures!
The Roots came in after they were done with the boys’ pictures.

Lesson Learned: I did not tell DH’s family to be at the GF early for pics with him. Didn’t even think about it. And we do have pics of them with both of us after the ceremony, but I think they would have liked to have more with him...and before hand we had time.

The Roots then got some artsy shots!









And some last minute getting ready.





if you have Patricia...get the false lashes!!! They were put on in individual pieces

here’s why you should get them



At this point, I realized we were running late. I HATE running late, and on this day, running late meant no pics with my girls before the wedding. Grrr!

So, we kinda rushed a bit at the end...




I LOVE the pics of my MOH/BFF buttoning my dress...particularly the close-ups of her hands...SOO symbolic of her constant touch on my life.







More to come...dang photo limit!



quick touch-up




this one cracks me up...the cell phone synch meeting...

and then MOH and I had to run out to the GF lobby to meet the coach. She had to go back up with the other girls to finish getting ready...




So at least I was out the door! There's lots more to come (of course! Duh! You know what happens!) But I have to type it up!
You are the best writer. I just found your report last night and I had a hard time going to bed without finishing. I have loved WDW since I was a kid. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get married at WDW but I have been with the man of my dreams since 1986. Maybe we can have a 25th anniversary party there in a few years.

Your wedding is SOOOOOO beautiful. I want to thank you and your husband for the work you do to keep our country safe. You 2 are a beautiful couple!!!
You got some really great getting ready shots even though you were crunched on time! I didn't think I wanted getting ready shots but now I'm thinking I do need just a few:goodvibes
The WD looked a lot of fun. Can't wait to hear about the rest of the Wedding Day.
Awesome update! More please popcorn::

I have to write them first :scared1:

Heidi, your photos...and you, are just gorgeous!!!

Thanks! :lovestruc I think the Roots know how to bring out our best side!

You are the best writer. I just found your report last night and I had a hard time going to bed without finishing. I have loved WDW since I was a kid. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get married at WDW but I have been with the man of my dreams since 1986. Maybe we can have a 25th anniversary party there in a few years.

Your wedding is SOOOOOO beautiful. I want to thank you and your husband for the work you do to keep our country safe. You 2 are a beautiful couple!!!

I think anniversary parties are a great idea! I've told my parents I'll foot the bill for a 50th at WDW...if they can make it 5 more years without doing each other in :laughing:

Thank you! And Happy Memorial Day!

You got some really great getting ready shots even though you were crunched on time! I didn't think I wanted getting ready shots but now I'm thinking I do need just a few:goodvibes

I LOVED that I'm really glad I have some good shots of it.

The WD looked a lot of fun. Can't wait to hear about the rest of the Wedding Day.

It was all so much just went too fast!
beautiful Heidi! I love the WD with the Lady and the Tramp theme, the decorations and food look wonderful!

And you were just beautiful on your "re" wedding day! It was a stunning event!
I love both your weddings, they are gorgeous!

Roots did a fantastic job on your photos, they are beautiful! I can't wait to read more.

You and your hubby are an adorable couple :goodvibes
beautiful Heidi! I love the WD with the Lady and the Tramp theme, the decorations and food look wonderful!

And you were just beautiful on your "re" wedding day! It was a stunning event!

Thank you so much!! I thought you would appreciate the Lady and the Tramp theme!!

I love both your weddings, they are gorgeous!

Roots did a fantastic job on your photos, they are beautiful! I can't wait to read more.

You and your hubby are an adorable couple :goodvibes

Aww, thanks!!

I cannot believe it's been so long since I've written! Work has NOT been fun! I'm running out of patience with being alone! Our anniversary was Saturday, and it was as wonderful as it could be! It was so much fun to reminisce, and I surprised him with boudoir photos. He's still oohing and aahing. And I got a 10.2" digital frame! So excited to display all the wedding pictures!!!

But, the BIG news is the WEDDING VIDEO ARRIVED!!! Of course, I had the typical "I can't stand how I sound on video" and "don't I look dumb right there?!?!" moments, but it's really great. Now, I just have to figure out how to crop bits of it and upload it somewhere so you can all see it!

I've ripped it using Handbrake, but it's 800MB (the file had the Love Story, Montage, then ALL of the Pre-Ceremony, Ceremony, Pre-Reception and Reception in one file!). If anyone knows how to crop it down using a Mac and then what website to use to upload it, I'd be appreciative!!
I didn't realize how far behind I was on your TR. I had to start reading from before the tea. So first of all, your tea looked phenomenal! OMG! It was gorgeous. What a fun and unique experience.

Your dinner party looked amazing also. Love the theme! Was the park still open because the background looks like no one is there except you guys.

Love the start of your wedding day. Patricia is doing my hair also. I'm so glad I decided to go with her. Anyway, I LOVE everything. You had an amazing wedding experience. Is it wrong to say I'm jealous? It's like a dream wedding! Can't wait to read more!

And Happy Anniversary (sorry it's late)
Your dinner party looked amazing also. Love the theme! Was the park still open because the background looks like no one is there except you guys.

Love the start of your wedding day. Patricia is doing my hair also. I'm so glad I decided to go with her.

Thank you for all the sweet compliments! I think you'll LOVE Patricia. I'm excited to see how she does your hair.

Believe it or not, there were still people in the park. We got there about 8:00pm. Honestly, though, we were sectioned off and I didn't really notice the people! Of course the whole thing went by so quickly it is kind of a blur!

Well, I figured out how to crop the file using iMovie. Now, I have to find a place to upload it...I have a few options to try! Hopefully I can share it soon and GET ON WITH THE TR!!!
I think I have achieved success with the video. The 1st disc (yes there are two!) has the Love Story Interview, a Montage of the Ceremony and Reception, a Montage of Pre-Ceremony stuff, the Ceremony itself, a longer montage of pre-reception and reception, including the best man's speech, dances, etc. It's a lot of stuff!

I've uploaded just the intro montage set to music. I'm working on the Love Story interview. This is where I hate how I talk and the strange faces I make, but the opening is really cool!

So, here's the link to the Wedding Montage:

p.s. Mom, you're not allowed to watch this. I'm bringing the whole disc in 3 weeks!


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