Traveling Companions From Hell

Well, placed up with the trips described here, mine are cakewalks. I've just had some odd things developing with friends we have travelled with four times now. First time we got two studios, since then we have two bedrooms.

Things were fine the first two trips.

Then the third trip, odd stuff with my friend. On the previous 2br trip, we had just fallen into sharing stuff - cooking , cleaning kitchen, laundry etc. Not an issue at all. I said I would cook, I did and it was fine. She went and did something else and vice versa. Then on the third trip, if I went to the kitchen to prepare something - she jumped right up and came over to help. OK fine, not a problem. I just say, no I'm fine you can prepare it the next time. (I do tend to like to work alone in the kitchen). Then I was folding laundry in the room another night and she comes in abruptly and has her hands on her hips "why didn't you call me?" I said for what? She said - well I could have helped you do that. I said, no I'm fine - now keep in mind this - she had several times already folded laundry by herself without calling me, But she is chastising me for not calling her? I thought this mother hen stuff was very strange and it had not been an issue the first time. But I was also sick with the beginning of Graves disease, so I wrote it off to her mothering me because she thought I was tired.

This last trip, I mentioned that the BWV kitchens are smaller than OKW and hard to have two people working in them (Oh, OK, so I'm trying to pre-empt here!). I suggest we take turns with cooking and laundry. She comes back a few days later and says that may not be "fair" on days when we eat out. I say, well, it should even out over the trip, I'm not really counting I was just trying to help so we don't get in each others way. So she agrees that she will cook the first three days, and I do laundry. Then we switch. So immediately - on the first laundry load - she is right by my side in that little laundry space trying to help. Can you see four arms in those washers and dryers? I turned to her and said remember our agreement. And she said - well I "can't let you do all the work" (exact quote). So I remind her that she is cooking and asked her to just let me do it by myself and she can cook by herself. Every time after that - as I was doing laundry, she sat at the table and watched me. (If she was cooking, I went out on the deck to read) And if I didn't get right to the dryer or washer when it was done - she was right in there doing it. OK, whatever! I didn't say anything else the first few days.

Then when it was my turn to cook - and I really like to just cook by myself - she was all over me again. I told her that I wanted to prepare the meal myself. She AND her husband sat on the couch or sat at the breakfast bar each meals I prepared and stared me. BOTH of them! The first time it happened they were at the breakfast bar. After a while, I just looked at them and said jokingly "you guys must be really hungry, I feel like the vultures are watching me - I promise to be done soon!" BUt then they did it everytime - They didn't talk, or read or watch TV - they just stared at me. And asked several times - "do you need any help. Are you sure? I can do that for you." Each time I replied, no I'm fine. Picture me preparing turkey burgers. Now how many hands can be in that bowl mixing the ingredients at one time?????? Then the last straw when I was taking out salad stuff from the fridge and she jumped up again and started reaching in the fridge with me to take stuff out. I stood up, looked her in the eye and said obviously it really bothers you to watch me work without helping. And it bothers me that you are hanging over me. So I will just leave and you can do what you want. I went out to the deck. My DH said I wasn't thru the master bedroom door, and her DH leapt of the couch and both of them were in the kitchen.

OK, so not a fluke the first time - but a foreboding of things to come. She just can't stand it that I was working and she wasn't? I'm not really sure. I have no problem at all sharing and walking away when someone else is working. I guess she does.

There are also couples differences here - they won't use the dishwasher, and do all dishes by hand (saves on water!). They leave the water in the sink all day and then just add more soap and hot water at night to do the evening dishes. They don't do a laundry until the washer is full (I explained that's what the small/med/large load size is for). And some other things. I can live with those, and just do our thing.

But watching me and my every move to be sure what chores we do in the room is "fair"? It just irritated me beyond belief.

So not a trip from hell, but just a dawning of how just living with someone else for a week can get on your nerves! At least DH and I agreed that things were odd. I kept asking him - I'm I just being picky or small - and he would assure me that it was not just me. And he would tell me if he thought I was reading too much into it.

Ahhhhh. I feel better. I haven't told anyone this. I really don't want to complain about friends. So we will just get our own 1br at the BWV next time and they will be happy in their OKW 1br. Peace.
I have the opposite problem. Traveling with SIL, and she loves to spend money she doesn't have. She owes her mom over $5,000, and who knows how much to credit cards. I'm sure she will jsutify spending money with the fact she is our guest at DVC. It will be interesting to watch how she improves the economy at the Disney Store buying things she doesn't need.
We dodged the bullet with a relative.

She comes over with her child to visit and get things. One item was a breakable. My wife needed something to put it in and the only thing was a shopping bag. The problem is the child got hold of the bag and was playing with it. My wife told her she needed the bag for the for item. Well, the child starts to whine. The mother becomes annoyed because my wife took it looked my wife in the eye and said "well she's my child etc". The child was using the play one against the other routine (her favorite) to get his/her way, which he/she does. Last week I was checking to see if they had their plane tickets so we could fine tune the DVC date. That's when we were told they weren't going because the way we treated their child. HUH??
He said this was stupid over a bag. I said you're right since when he/she got home he/she could have played with it forever. DUH!!

Guess who will never see Disney on our nickle!!!
some of these are downright awful - like watching train wrecks!! Andrew, I loved yours!!

Every time I've been to WDW I've learned something new. One of the biggest is you can't control other people... one of my really bad moments was with my own family!!!! The plan had been set for a long long time... I was only asking everyone to get up early one day.. just one.. for early entry to MK. DH, everyone agreed. The night before I reminded everyone again and we had agreement all around. (This includes DH, BestFriend, DD, DD, DS )

The next AM I get up (very tired, but I knew I would be), woke my my 2 DDs... and tried to get DH up... he kept telling me he was getting up and never did... so emh comes and goes and i'm still waiting for him and getting real heartburn.... he started to make himself breakfast after getting dressed.. and that's when I realize - what was I waiting for him for anyway?? I said, c'mon girls, let's go... and I politely said to him, join us when you can... and all of a sudden he was in hurry up mode.. and we still had to wait... I've since learned he's passive/aggressive, so i know how to deal with him better!!! What I also learned was stop trying to control people - but it really wrecked my day - and i've remembered it clearly ever since!!!! This was YEARS AGO!!!!

I find that relinquishing control makes the trips easier. I enjoy watching people wander aimlessly etc, because they won't take my advice anyway, so why look like a know it all? I just pick a few things that I need to have happen for me, and I do them...

Remember the old saying - NEVER go to MK on a Saturday? Well, one year our visitors wanted to... We managed to get up for early entry and then I left with my kids at about 11:00 with the rest of them still going strong. I knew deep in my heart I wouldn't be happy with all those people and my crankiness would show.

So - I guess in retrospect, if it's going to be a bad trip, it's cuz I let it happen to me... now I just go with the flow!!! I've gotten really good at saying, "Oh, I can't join you for that, I am going to get some sun time at the pool"

(and invite less people, that always helps!)
SueOKW - I am so knowing what you mean! I have stopped trying to ask DH to go with me. I just tell him where I'm going and he can join me if he wants. It's much better now - he gets the lazy lay around vacation he wants, and I get to just bum around and people watch and go to shows and ride my favorites. When he gets bored (and he always does) he usually joins me or suggests we do something that I usually would like to do anyway.

This March trip we are going with my DSD and her kids and DH. The three girls are get up and out and go all day and the three boys are sleep in, laze around. We have already put them on notice that we leave when we leave and they can find us when they are ready!

And yes, DH is passive/Agressive as are my DF and her DH I mentioned before. So I had three of them (no offense to others out there, I'm sure my planning and Type A personality is not always becoming :angel: ) all at once! I would ask what do you want to do and get three "Doesn't matter to me" answers! Argh! Then when I would say it, they would get irritated with me! :rotfl: Ya just gotta laugh!
kathleena said:
The three girls are get up and out and go all day and the three boys are sleep in, laze around. We have already put them on notice that we leave when we leave and they can find us when they are ready!

I would ask what do you want to do and get three "Doesn't matter to me" answers! Argh! Then when I would say it, they would get irritated with me! :rotfl: Ya just gotta laugh!

OH my GOSH - we have the same families - the same number of people.. yes, three boys, three girls.. and you are also right about the "doesn't matter" answers... too too funny.

I am very very pleased we have both found the right way to behave so that everyone is happy!!!!!
(ps - it was reading your post that made me want to post about my silly experiences...) :rotfl:
We have been so lucky on our trip. We have taken on our trip:

Two nieces
Another Niece
Still another niece
My mother
Single SIL
BIL, SIL and their three kids

Every trip worked out great. Our last trip with BIL/SIL and their kids was the one I was most worried about and it was the best. We even told the kids as they were loading up their van and getting ready to drive back home that we needed to do this again!! But we have also had plenty of trips by our selves and have two more planned.
Wow... these stories are both hilarious and maddening!
iankh said:
There was an "atmosphere." We went into overdrive mode. The more they complained, the more cheerful and jolly we became.

We had the same experience! We went with a couple that complained constanly, her head, her hip, her stomach,the prices (they weren't even paying, work was.), the rooms etc. Well, it was about the third day and my husbands says, I am not going to try to fill the air with one more bit of Disney trivia today. I was doing the same thing. Things like, did you know that the Magic Kingdom has a underground trash system? Duh. :crazy: We were so uncomfortable. We gave up trying to please her. We went our own way!
Wow, does this bring back memories! We once travelled with a couple, good friends, EXCEPT, we discovered, when travelling with them. The Chevy Chase movie Vacation doesn't even begin to cover it. Weird things happened that NEVER happen to us on vacations. It was like this couple was a magnet for unusual phenomena. THEY found nothing unusual in this.

And they complained about stuff. Food, prices, hotels. We had to go miles out of our way for a cheaper snack. They insisted we do or see cheesy out-of-the-way attractions that, when we got to them, (yup, you got it) weren't even open. Did they want to see a world class aquarium? Nope, they wanted to go to a Condiments Exhibit (no kidding!) - that had been closed for 6 months. We wasted an hour and a half and didn't get to see historic mustards. We went through this drill five or six times until my husband called a halt after the "Rare Salt and Pepper Shaker Collection". The shop where it resided was closed the day we were there.

By the time we got home we were exhausted and more than a little surly. The other couple? They said they had a great time! And wanted to do it again soon. (No way.)

We have had two bad ones, but one in particular.

We drove and the couple we met down there flew in the day before we got in.
I did not know either one of them very well. The guy worked with my husband.

She met us at our door in Minnie Ears!!!! :cool1: :cool1:
I thought, this will be great.

No matter what we did, the guy complained. The room was expensive, the food was ok, the shows were boring.
He did nothing but talk about going on Space Mountain and when we finally got to that side of the park he said he did not want to go.
I looked at him and said "Whatever" and walked away.

He thought Fantasmic was so so.

After day one I was ready to blow and when we met for breakfast they suggested we eat breakfast together, go our separate ways and meet up for dinner.
I was so happy.
Did not matter as we got to hear him complain at breakfast and dinner.

They left two days before we did, so we at least had two days to let loose and have fun.

The day after we got home the guy called and I answered the phone. He told me he had the time of his life. Me, the person with no tact, said back to him "really, you certainly fooled me".

That was the last time we went with anyone.

We are taking my older sister down the week after Thanksgiving. Hopefully she will have a blast. I am constantly telling her how many days. We ordered our MVMCP tickets yesterday. :lovestruc
Yes, we've had a few of and friends. One or two were rather bad trips and the last one (last year) wasn't too bad. To us..vacation is that one time of year that we can do and go and wear whatever we want to. We are usually easy to get along with people, but we always "give in" throughout the year and just prefer not to do it on vacation. Don't get me wrong, we will comprimise on vacation, but not on everything and sometimes people will just take it too far. We truly thoroughly enjoy our vacations and don't want to be brought down by people who just can't be happy.
CarolA said:
Traveling solo is looking better and better all the time.

Boy, that's so true! And hearing these stories may explain why I cringe inside whenever anyone offers to come with me ("Wouldn't that be fun?") on my solo trips. Avoiding these stories is one big reason why I love traveling to WDW solo.
For our upcoming trip for my birthday, I'm being very relaxed about the whole thing. There are about 10 people coming down for my birthday, there are only two planned group activities, dinner on August 12th the day we all get there at Fulton's and a surprise birthday cake for one of my friends whose birthday is that day (he has been rather quiet about it because he considers it "my weekend).

Then on the 14th the dinner party at Jiko for my birthday.

That's it. Those are all the plans. I have told people that they are in no way obligated to do anything with us and everyone should feel free to do whatever they want and have a good time.

We are down there for a week, but everyone else is arriving Friday and leaving Monday and I know they all have special things they would like to do in such a short time.

I don't plan for other people anymore, not after my first and last experience going with other people (see the first post in this thread).

I'm finding that people are quite happy and relieved being given "permission" to do whatever they want and not feeling obligated to hang together as a group.
The first trip we took my dad and brother and sister with us in 99. Mu dad did nothing but complain about how much everything was from the room Value All Star Movies to a pop and fries. He has finally come to realize when you go to WDW you don't do it expecting to not spend money. We have an upcoming trip with some friends of ours that do nothing but all inclusive trips so we have told the husband over and over again how much things tend to cost. He is allready trying to budget for meals etc as we are putting them up in a studio. He has allready been looking at menues etc from places we have brought back for them to look over he has ruled out almost all the sit down places to eat and only agreed to do Chef Mickeys after his wife told hime they were doing it with or without him.
This is why DH and I never take our families. and we really don't have friends. ;) It is nice to hear that people do manage to have nice vacations with family and friends. Our families are all anti-disney :sad2:
This thread is an interesting read! No, we've never had this sort of experience, and we like to travel with friends/family. Our worst experience was a year that DM and DSis stayed at BW and we were at ASMu, the logistics didn't click and we actually booked another vacation that year, so we could get back some of the Disney Magic. We hated everything about the ASMu, but we've since been back, I think it was just that we tried to do WDW on too stringent a budget. This was before our DVC purchase.

I'm the "early to bed, early to rise" type of person, even my 85 year old mom often is going strong after DH and I are back at the room, but our friends also like to "do their own thing" and with a larger group, there's someone for every ride or taste, or so it has been.

Well, we have 3 4-5 day trips this year with Family and Friends and I sure hope that I will never have anything else to add to this thread!

Bobbi :flower:
I remember reading this thread earlier this year before we spent a week at OKW with my cousin & his family (mom, dad, 17 yo son, 13 yo daughter & 9 yo son). They approached us at a family gathering last year about a trip they planned to take to WDW in April 2005. Well, we had extra points & offered to get a two bedroom unit at OKW & go to WDW with them.

We had the BEST time!!!! I was afraid I would be the chief cook & bottle washer, but everyone pitched in to prepare meals, clean up after eating, laundry, take out trash, etc. It worked soooo well!!

I also wondered about finances since my cousins are both employed, but not high paying professions. I think I prepared them pretty well for expenses. We ate in more than my husband & I usually do, but that worked well, too.
iankh said:
Last night we were talking about our upcoming trip this summer to WDW for my birthday. I have invited a large bunch of friends to come down and help me celebrate.

The conversation soon turned to THE TRIP. This was a vacation we took a few years ago to WDW with another couple. THE TRIP was the first and only bad vacation we have ever had in WDW.

We did not enter into it to have a bad time. When we were planning THE TRIP it had in fact seemed like a very good idea.

The other couple was rather excited about it. They were really looking forward to it.

We had explained to them that WDW was not the cheapest vacation in the world, but if you surrendered to it, you could have a blast. The 6 day trip was on.

The trouble started soon after we arrived. They complained about eveythng. They complain often. It seemed like they complained continuously.

They complained about the parks. They complained about the people. They complained about the prices.

They esspecially complained about the prices.

We could not have a nibble or a meal without listening to the complaints about how expensive everything was.

We wasted half a day driving around Orlando trying to find a place to eat that was cheap enough.

Before you rush to their defense, these are not people who need to worry about money. These are shall we say, rather comfortable people.

THE TRIP was not going as swimmingly as we thought. There was an "atmosphere." We went into overdrive mode. The more they complained, the more cheerful and jolly we became.

I had to hold myself back from saying, "Oh just go ahead and buy the @#$& Mickey ice cream bar and shut up!"

It was a relief when the trip came to an end. The friendship did not end, but we vowed never to travel with this couple again.

I was wondering if any of you have ever been pumped up for a trip that turned into a horror story because of the people you were traveling with?

Our last trip to WDW. This was a family reunion from HELL! All I can say is it will NEVER happen again. I lived a lot of what you had written and add a few fights, JERRY SPRINGER episode 1-5 and there was our last vacation! :banana:


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