Trial Run for Dogs in Resort Rooms

Do you think dogs should be allowed in guests' rooms?

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I am totally against this. We usually stay at POR, but if they allow dogs, we will be going elsewhere. I don't want to hear barking dogs when I'm on vacation, and I will not stay in a room that had a dog in it previously. I do not own any pets and don't want sleep in a bed they have been lying on. They are animals and are not clean. I also do not trust dogs that "don't bite and are friendly." Any dog can turn on anyone for an unknown reason. Also, dog owners DO NOT clean up after their dogs and I don't want to have to watch were I walk on the resort for fear of stepping in dog Sh*t. When someone gets bit, the lawsuit payouts will be much more than any profits they are getting. Dog owners think they are human and should be allowed to go and do what people do. They will be in the restaurants and pools and running loose. I always hear "he/she listens" but they never do. TERRIBLE IDEA!!
What leads you to believe that they jumped to make a policy and that this hasn't been in the works for months or even years. The "quick" roll out to the public could have been very well preplanned so to keep the amount of dogs to a small handful to make things easier to trouble shoot at the beginning of the program. Hard for dog owners to plan to bring Fido in just a couple days-announce the dog policy and then put a six month wait to "prepare" for it would guarantee all dog rooms full on day one. This "quick" rollout allows for just a few dogs for a few weeks and allows for policy adjustments. Again my guess is this has been in the works for a long while.

Um, because I'd rather not believe that after months of planning that this lack of clear thinking is what they came up with. One would like to think if all of the details had been thought about months in advance, then there would be clear wings/sections, like say the back 6 bldgs., etc., of AB . I mean if this is someone's master plan for months.....well, then, I guess I don't really know what to say to that.
You know what, I’m following up on my own post because what the hell. The more I started thinking about it, the more convinced I am that this policy needs to go.

I have seen NUMEROUS people across all social media over the last 1-½ years I’ve been researching WDW state how Disney will bend over backwards to accommodate their needs and to make magic for them. CMs in all areas. WDW is supposed to be the place where dreams come true.

We all live in the “real world”, where we get sick, lose loved ones, lose jobs, struggle with relationships, health issues, the list goes on and on.

We go to the place “where dreams come true” to ESCAPE REALITY. That is why Disney does and should always bend over backwards for its guests needs and wants when it can. That’s why the Magical Express exists (one reason). It’s why Disney buses you to the parks (one reason). I don’t have to worry about traffic. Or bills. Or family drama. But you have to make decisions one way or another. Do some guests “dream” of being with their pet in their room? Sure. But you know what 99% of guests dream of? A problem-free, joyful, magical moment in time with their loved ones. This policy will put that in jeopardy. Sure there are rude people who work at WDW, people have a bad day, nothing will ever be perfect. But they try to make it that way. This policy will take that “dream” away from or at least taint it for more families than it will give it to. It makes me sad. It really does. That’s my opinion. Take it or leave it.
So what if someone "magic" is bringing their dog to Disney? I would say the opposite-I'd say many more families will enjoy having their pet at Disney than those adversely effected.
Um, because I'd rather not believe that after months of planning that this lack of clear thinking is what they came up with. One would like to think if all of the details had been thought about months in advance, then there would be clear wings/sections, like say the back 6 bldgs., etc., of AB . I mean if this is someone's master plan for months.....well, then, I guess I don't really know what to say to that.
Whose to say there isn't clear wings, rooms, etc. I've seen a lot of opinion but very little fact on this board. People are saying dogs get to ride busses, then when somebody calls Disney they present the facts they get shouted down because people saw something on this board and now opinion is fact in their world. Disney put together maps, created a policy- I doubt it was done in three weeks after the hurricane.
A very bad idea! Heads up.. there won't be certain cabins at Fort Wilderness for dogs, it's all of them for the time being. Yes there have been dogs allowed but only in a certain area of the RV parking, not the cabins but more than likely in the handicap loop for service dogs. My husband suggested to them to have a designated dog loop but since Disney is good at not listening that won't happen. That's fine so many are happy about this but so far the majority is speaking loudly. Disney will be opening themselves up to litagation if a dog bites anyone or is hurt or killed by a bus, work truck, golfcart or anyone suffers serious major health issues when the so called VIP cleaning doesn't work. They don't half clean the cabins as is so this should be interesting. We'll be there for Halloween as we always are but changed our next April reservations to Saratoga Springs. Yes you love your dog, we loved all 9 of ours before they got their wings but people have allergies and go to the Disney for fun.. bad enough they're trying to take the magic and t urn it into another Universal. Walt will come back from the dead and say, "What have you done."
The townhouse apartment complex I've lived at for the past 17 years did not allow dogs until a few years ago. Longtimers have not been happy about this change. They can make all the rules they want about how the dogs and their owners should behave, but that doesn't mean everyone will follow them. Some people will always think they are the exception to the rule.
Absolutely not!!!!! We always stay at Port Orleans Resort & Art of Animation and do not wish to be annoyed by barking dogs! It's bad enough we can't sleep properly because of rude guests let alone barking dogs, poop on sidewalk, fleas in rooms, pet dander in rooms. Set a resort aside for guests with dogs ONLY. Your housekeeping castmembers cannot clean under beds properly from people let alone dogs!! You can clean, clean, clean but still not get the dander out with my allergies. If you have never had an allergy problem, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Good luck with eliminating fleas when they become imbedded in room carpets, etc. I love dogs but not at my vacation resort! PLEASE!!! Build your dog hotel only then let the dogs come!
A very bad idea! Heads up.. there won't be certain cabins at Fort Wilderness for dogs, it's all of them for the time being. Yes there have been dogs allowed but only in a certain area of the RV parking, not the cabins but more than likely in the handicap loop for service dogs. My husband suggested to them to have a designated dog loop but since Disney is good at not listening that won't happen. That's fine so many are happy about this but so far the majority is speaking loudly. Disney will be opening themselves up to litagation if a dog bites anyone or is hurt or killed by a bus, work truck, golfcart or anyone suffers serious major health issues when the so called VIP cleaning doesn't work. They don't half clean the cabins as is so this should be interesting. We'll be there for Halloween as we always are but changed our next April reservations to Saratoga Springs. Yes you love your dog, we loved all 9 of ours before they got their wings but people have allergies and go to the Disney for fun.. bad enough they're trying to take the magic and t urn it into another Universal. Walt will come back from the dead and say, "What have you done."

All cabins, really? What is the point of having dog relief areas in 2200 & 2300?
All emails send to George K. are forwarded to Guest Relations for them to handle the situation or complaint.
Whose to say there isn't clear wings, rooms, etc. I've seen a lot of opinion but very little fact on this board. People are saying dogs get to ride busses, then when somebody calls Disney they present the facts they get shouted down because people saw something on this board and now opinion is fact in their world. Disney put together maps, created a policy- I doubt it was done in three weeks after the hurricane.

There are other boards where people are calling and being told certain things by CMs. I'm sure a policy that had months of planning would've had training for CMS so they would be prepared for calls and know the facts of the program. ?
Just so you know....In the last several years, they have been "adjusting" the categories of the camping loops from Pet-Free to Pet Loop and back again as per booking demands. I've had long conversations with them about why it's not safe (ex. cross-contamination, dog dander, people assuming they can take their dogs for walks in supposedly pet-free areas, etc.) but it has fallen on deaf ears. I think it is fair to assume they will do exactly the same thing with the cabin loops. I wouldn't want you to have a false sense of security.

Thanks for letting me know this. We are going to take our chances because there aren't any other affordable options for our party configuration. I am still watching how this rolls out because this seems incredibly hasty and poorly planned. This is our first time staying on-property, and I honestly expected more from Disney.
Just so you know....In the last several years, they have been "adjusting" the categories of the camping loops from Pet-Free to Pet Loop and back again as per booking demands. I've had long conversations with them about why it's not safe (ex. cross-contamination, dog dander, people assuming they can take their dogs for walks in supposedly pet-free areas, etc.) but it has fallen on deaf ears. I think it is fair to assume they will do exactly the same thing with the cabin loops. I wouldn't want you to have a false sense of security.

Thanks for letting me know this. We are going to take our chances because there aren't any other affordable options for our party configuration. I am still watching how this rolls out because this seems incredibly hasty and poorly planned. This is our first time staying on-property, and I honestly expected more from Disney.
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