Tried to be sneaky but the trick was on us! A family reunites... June 2014

Nice pics at AKL! We really, really liked AKL lots! Especially the CMs....some of the friendliest we've ever encountered while at Disney. However...if we were doing a long trip, we probably would choose another resort simply because of the location. We were only there a few nights for our "relaxing" part of the no parks - just Blizzard Beach. Their pool is so big and spacious that it never seems crowded at all. And the games they played with the kids were awesome!! Lots to do there without having to venture into the parks. But again...just too isolated for us.

Question...did POR not have seats for the movie??? It looked like everyone was seated on the ground. Kinda strange? Still a great resort!!

Did you say 'last day'???! :upsidedow Hate those! :laughing:

Y'all have a Happy 4th!!!

Yeah, I know what you mean about the isolated feeling too... It was a beautiful resort, I must thinks I'm more into the colorful, beachy resorts.. Although I did love WL in person and loved the southernness of POR.. It's between the 2 for our next trip!

Yep- we had to sit on towels but I thought that was all resorts... At CBR last year, it was the same way...

I hate the endings too but since we had just been in Oct and this was just a quick weekend- all we did was the 1 day at MK and it did not disappoint! Other than the rain of course! :)
Ah AKL. It's definitely worth a visit just for the animal viewing alone.

Haha, the "Wild and Crazy" photo is great!!!

I can't lie, I kinda enjoy visiting Wal-Mart in that area. Just the vast size of the "Disney" section is something to see.

You got that right! I was in full OCD mode- I couldn't even look at everything... Lol! And besides the fact that I was tired & it was pretty late!
Glad you got to see AKL - I am kinda with you in that it is beautiful and would make for a nice vacation, but by being so separate it almost seems like separate form the rest of WDW - especially when comparing it to a monorail or EPCOT area resort where you can like walk to parks and tons of other things.

That pool at POR looks like a lot of fun!

Gotta love those headboards :goodvibes

It definitely seems separate from the rest of the world...

The pool was great! Although- I think I'm a bigger fan of the CBR pool.. If you haven't checked it out- you should!
I can see how AKL isn't for everyone. But that's the treat thing about Disney, there's tons of variety and something for everyone.:thumbsup2

I did not know POR had a kiddie pool....hmmmm that's good information to know.

Oooh, that make your own pasta looks delicious. I could go through some pasta there.:rotfl2:

Heck yeah a trip to walmart with just you and your hubs is something to celebrate! Those times are few and far between, so doing anything with your spouse is precious. You could've been walking to he food court and it still would have been awesome. :lmao:
Its so true you always some how end up at Walmart during the trip for this or that. I have never wandered off Disney property alone so my alone time is usually the trip to QS for drink refills :laughing:

Great pictures of AKL we have stayed there twice and is one of our favorite resorts. We love the whole theme and Boma is one of my husbands favorite TS. We are big zoo people, always at our home town zoo. Talking about EPCOT resorts I want to stay at BC one day
Hi Marcie! I just found your trip report today and I'm definitely along for the ride! :goodvibes

Your boys are absolutely adorable and I love their names!
I can see how AKL isn't for everyone. But that's the treat thing about Disney, there's tons of variety and something for everyone.:thumbsup2

I did not know POR had a kiddie pool....hmmmm that's good information to know.

Oooh, that make your own pasta looks delicious. I could go through some pasta there.:rotfl2:

Heck yeah a trip to walmart with just you and your hubs is something to celebrate! Those times are few and far between, so doing anything with your spouse is precious. You could've been walking to he food court and it still would have been awesome. :lmao:

That's right! Disney definitely has something for everyone!!

I bet your family would love POR!

Lol about the food court but yes! I'm feeling you on that. These days, a trip to the restroom sans kids is grand for me. ;)
Its so true you always some how end up at Walmart during the trip for this or that. I have never wandered off Disney property alone so my alone time is usually the trip to QS for drink refills :laughing:

Great pictures of AKL we have stayed there twice and is one of our favorite resorts. We love the whole theme and Boma is one of my husbands favorite TS. We are big zoo people, always at our home town zoo. Talking about EPCOT resorts I want to stay at BC one day

Trips to the QS alone are good too! Lol

I want to stay at Beach Club one day too! I will have some pics coming up in a later day of our morning spent there.
Hi Marcie! I just found your trip report today and I'm definitely along for the ride! :goodvibes

Your boys are absolutely adorable and I love their names!

Hi Lauren! So glad you are here!

Thank you so much!! I love them too and now I feel like we are stuck with L names for future children. I also love your name & Elizabeth was my mn before I got married.. Maybe we will have a Lawson, Landen & Lauren one day :)
oh my goodness! I love love love all the pics around POR. it is so pretty and I totally miss it! it looks like you all were having a great time visiting resorts and getting your swim on!

don't you just love those firework headboards? we had to watch them every night before bed with the girls. it was so amazing!
I'm so glad you joined the party!! And super glad you said hello that day!! :)) Did you all get soaking wet?!! I felt so bad for the band members!

Yes, we got soaked! But, it is WDW so what do you do but put on the ponchos and keep going!

Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip!
oh my goodness! I love love love all the pics around POR. it is so pretty and I totally miss it! it looks like you all were having a great time visiting resorts and getting your swim on!

don't you just love those firework headboards? we had to watch them every night before bed with the girls. it was so amazing!

Yes! It was one of the best days we've had at Disney- rain and all!!
Yes, we got soaked! But, it is WDW so what do you do but put on the ponchos and keep going!

Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip!

You got that right! Rain and all- at least it's Disney!!

I hope to get in an update tonight!

I know it all ends tomorrow so it has to be today.....

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I woke up SO super excited this day. The day was finally here. I kept singing out loud and totally annoying everyone. " It's coronation day, It's coronation day" and " I know it all ends, tomorrow so it has to be today..."

Yes, it was disheartening to know we only had the one day at Magic Kingdom but by all means possible, we were going to live this day up! Starting with our first EVER rope drop!

We were all ready by 7:30 and headed to the bus stop but not before a picture!


It was perfect timing, as soon as we arrived, a bus pulled up and we were on our way. It was a short ride over and the glorious sound of the trumpets soon blared out of the speakers, as we arrived at the most magical place in all of the World... Magic Kingdom... We were right on schedule and we were all very excited.

Especially these two little loves-



It wasn't long before the mayor came out to do his little spiel and the train pulled up with all the characters. I may or may not have cried a little. I just can't even explain the happiness I had in my heart this morning. The boys were happy, my MIL was on top of the world.. Everyone around us were clapping and yelling. I could have just burst. I can't believe that we had never experienced rope drop before. I CAN tell you, it is a must do for me now. At least once during a trip.



After the opening show, the park was officially open and we were well on our way. At the advice of my good buddy and fellow Disney lover and DISer Rob
( Disneykidforlife) SHOUT OUT TO YOU MY FRIEND! we headed straight to Fantasyland.. No stopping for pictures, just like he said. As we hoped, everyone either headed for Anna and Elsa or Mine Train and we basically headed into New Fantasyland all alone. I swear. I wish I would have taken a picture b/c I really couldn't believe it. Where were all the summer crowds??

We got in line for what has quickly became one of my favorites. Under the Sea with Ariel. Well, not really a line, more like mosied through the que. But something was different this time.. I couldn't figure it out and then it just hit me.. There was no music... No one filling up the clamshells like normal, it was really just us and no music. LOL. All of a sudden, it came back on and all was right under the Sea.



We all sang along and enjoyed the rest of the ride. When it was time to get off, Landen said "Wide again, pweeze".. How could I resist? So, we all ran around the corner, went back through and got right back on.
He asked to ride again but we had another princess to tend to.
We had never done Enchanted Tales and it was up next on my list.. We had to wait in the "que" which is Belle's cottage for about 6-8 minutes before they let us in. Not bad at all. We went in the little room and they asked all the children to come up front. Lawson took Landen's hand and took him up there. But, when the doors opened and the CM asked the children to go on ahead, all I hear is Landen screaming. He is holding up progress and I have to cut in front to get him. Bless his heart. <3

We go in a little room and they give out parts. Lawson got to play Maurice and Landen and I were the cupboard.

After the casting, you go into another room, which is supposed to be the library and you surprise Belle! She was so "surprised" and just precious.

We acted out the story and at the end, you get to pose with Belle. Belle told me I had very handsome boys and she even asked if Lawson could kiss her hand but he got shy, looked at the ground and shook his head no. HA! !

I love all the pictures!






We came out and Lawson said " She wanted me to kiss her, mom" and I was just smiling so much on the inside. Also, I was quite pleased by this time as it was only 9:30 and we had completed the Little Mermaid ( TWICE) and ETWB all in one hour!

Plus, we were just minutes away from our surprise reveal for Lawson and my nephew, Hayden! EEkkkkkkk.................

On another note, we will celebrate Lawson's 6th birthday tomorrow. I honestly can't believe my little boy will be more than a handful. Literally. AHHH.. I have to work tomorrow but he has requested his favorite tomorrow night.. Mexican. So we will be going out to eat tomorrow night & hosting a cookout and sleepover on Saturday night. Stay tuned for pictures!

In addition, Here is a picture from this past weekend. Hope you all had a Happy 4th!

Rope drop makes me tear up, also. Actually, there is quite a bit in Disney that chokes me up.

Those Olaf shirts are adorable!

That's great that both boys were chosen for parts in Enchanted Tales with Belle. Cute story about Lawson not wanting to kiss Belle. He'll regret that opportunity someday!
aww your boys are so cute and I love the Olaf shirts.:thumbsup2
I match my boys up as often as I can too. A least until the day they wont let me any more. I wish I could write a TR but my crazy husband will not let me post picture of our boys on the internet, not even on Facebook:sad2:
Hes is not a DISER so I have actually thought about writing one, and not tell him, but I cant bring my self to do it:littleangel:
Your first RD is special we did a few of them on our last trip and it is so worth it!
We are forever RD people now, personally it takes a lot out of me but its worth it.
Rope drop makes me tear up, also. Actually, there is quite a bit in Disney that chokes me up.

Those Olaf shirts are adorable!

That's great that both boys were chosen for parts in Enchanted Tales with Belle. Cute story about Lawson not wanting to kiss Belle. He'll regret that opportunity someday!

There is a lot that chokes me up too!

I loved the shirts too- you should have heard me the day I got them in the mail! :)

I think he will regret it too! Lol!
aww your boys are so cute and I love the Olaf shirts.:thumbsup2
I match my boys up as often as I can too. A least until the day they wont let me any more. I wish I could write a TR but my crazy husband will not let me post picture of our boys on the internet, not even on Facebook:sad2:
Hes is not a DISER so I have actually thought about writing one, and not tell him, but I cant bring my self to do it:littleangel:
Your first RD is special we did a few of them on our last trip and it is so worth it!
We are forever RD people now, personally it takes a lot out of me but its worth it.

Aww! I wish you could do one!!! I do know others that won't post pics of their kids on FB and for me, that's all I do post.. :) I'd rather see lots of pics of cute pics than all the negative Nancy stuff! :))))

The RD was super special!!


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