Trouble with explaining my sadness.

Today was espically tough for me. This is the first time I've posted because I just don't know what to say or how exactly to express myself. I had never lost anyone close to me until now. Even though I had only known Bawb for a short period of time. He truly became a close friend fast.

I'm not real good with words, I find myself typeing a bunch and erasing, typing and erasing. Just know your are truly missed here Bawb!

Aww Will, it's good to hear from you! Big hugs to you and the whole team from someone up in Indiana who truly wishes she could be there.

Thank you guys, its nice to come here and let it out. I love reading all the memories and stories, he would be so happy to see everyone coming together.
.God Bless the man.He would always give us a chuckle.IHOPE the TEAM stays together.They were or are a small joy in our lives.God Bless

I agree. I would hate to lose my podcast friends who bring me joy every week.

Today was espically tough for me. This is the first time I've posted because I just don't know what to say or how exactly to express myself. I had never lost anyone close to me until now. Even though I had only known Bawb for a short period of time. He truly became a close friend fast.

I'm not real good with words, I find myself typeing a bunch and erasing, typing and erasing. Just know your are truly missed here Bawb!

I am so thankful Diana and the rest of the famly know how much we care. Thank you for sharing with us these updates.

I'm glad you are able to open up to us. (((huggs)))

Yes Will, it was so good to hear from you. I know what you mean about typing erasing and retyping. I am the OP and it took me about 15 times to get the words right before I posted them on the original message. You and the team take comfort in each other.
Well put Kevin - I truly honoured to be part of the Dis Boards and the Dis Unplugged. There is a special place in my heart for all you guys :hug:

I couldn't say it any better

Thank you pod cast crew for allowing the fans to become this great Family!:sad1:
And even while I find it so hard to explain to others and for them to understand how sad and upset I am about Bob, I also find it incredible that people who were closest to Bob, like Kevin, Corey, John, Will, ect....are taking the time to respond to us here, people they have never met...(for the most part)

And after my intial shock after reading Pete's post, I found myself thinking of people like Wild Oscar and UrsulaShadow and Rob and Jan who were to meet Bob for golf, ect....

It is really a tribute to Bawb, but also a tribute to this community that has been created here on the DIS.
I am so lucky that my Dh listened to the podcast sometimes and he loved Bob also, he "gets it" so when he got home today I was not alone in my sadness, but, all day the Dis community was all I had and I felt very connected to you all. It was good to hear from Kevin and Will. I feel like these people are my friends and I feel like I need to do something to help them. I guess with this new technology the best way is to express our feeling here and support one another. I am proud to be a part of the Dis family, and I am proud to call you all my friends! I will miss Bob very much.
I can definitely relate, and I've shed a few tears the last few days when I've managed to be alone. I very rarely "leak" due to sadness, but some of the posts, particularly Kevin's thoughts, have been extremely touching.

I have to say... I'm relatively new to the podcast and don't know the team as well as many of you do, but I found the news very shocking and sad. It was already apparent to me that the podcast crew genuinely had affection for Bob, but when I read Kevin's thoughts and saw Corey's photographs, they really tell me more than anything the kind of person Bob was and what an honour and pleasure it must have been to have known him.
You know, i'm not a terribly religious person. I have my beliefs, but I don't post them for the world to see. (DH and I have different views about The other night, I believe it was the day after Bob's passing, I was getting myself ready for bed. I remember lying in bed and silently praying, in my own way, for Bob, his family, and his friends.

When I opened my eyes, I looked at my bedroom door. When my door is closed, you can still see a faint light from the other room coming through the crack in the door frame. It just so happened that the moon was shining brightly and cast a stream of light through the blinds. The two light sources together created a perfect cross on the door frame. It comforted me and made me smile. I think that was Bawb's way of saying "hey, i'm alright"...

I haven't seen the cross since.
Hi folks,

I have just spoken with Diana and she is overwhelmed by the outpouring of emotion and tenderness that has been shown for Bob, his family and friends. She says she cant begin to express the appreciation that she and the rest of her family are feeling and the comfort that this is bringing to them.

As for people being understanding....

It's a new world with technological advances that allow us to get to know and become connected with people we might never get to see face to face.

This new technology has allowed us to form extraordinarily strong bonds that some people dont (and wont) understand. I like to think that Walt himself would have understood fully and I think all you need do is point any non-believer toward the Dis Unplugged board to see what has transpired in the last 36 hours.

I think we are very lucky to have this outlet to share the love and laughter along with the grief and sorrow that is part of life. I dont feel that any of us need to apologize or make excuses for the emotions that come from losing someone that touched our lives, whether that relationship is face to face or via the written or spoken word. I think it just proves that we are part of a different kind of in which I am honored to be included

I say hello to Anthony each week. Anthony has come to represent all of us that have had to explain our love of Disney to someone that doesnt understand.

Maybe Bob will come to represent the connection that those of us that communicate via this technology feel for one another. I cant think of a better guy to represent that touchstone of humanity and good will.

Though I am sorry that it has taken this to illustrate the depth and breadth of this humanity and good will.... but I am certain that Bob would be thrilled to think that he was part of it.


I woke up in the middle of the night last night and teared up thinking about your posts---I just can not get over you and the rest of the crew and the way you are supporting us. One would think that the boards might possibly be a special burden at this time, but you are treating us as if we are a blessing to you----words just escape me, but I am blown away by all of you. :grouphug:
You know, i'm not a terribly religious person. I have my beliefs, but I don't post them for the world to see. (DH and I have different views about The other night, I believe it was the day after Bob's passing, I was getting myself ready for bed. I remember lying in bed and silently praying, in my own way, for Bob, his family, and his friends.

When I opened my eyes, I looked at my bedroom door. When my door is closed, you can still see a faint light from the other room coming through the crack in the door frame. It just so happened that the moon was shining brightly and cast a stream of light through the blinds. The two light sources together created a perfect cross on the door frame. It comforted me and made me smile. I think that was Bawb's way of saying "hey, i'm alright"...

I haven't seen the cross since.

That is very neat! Thanks for sharing that.
I agree with everything I've read so far. I am on the boards daily, but don't venture over to this part often. Itunes picked up All About the Mouse overnight and was updating my ipod this morning. That was the first thing I put on when I got to work and I heard Brian's announcement about Bob. I am also crying at work (thank God for cubilcles). I don't usually save podcasts after I've listened to them, but I plan on going back and downloading a few of them so I can listen to more Bawb stories.

I think besides feeling like I've lost a friend. I was completely shocked when I saw that he is the same age as my mother.

All of my thoughts and prayers are with Bob's family, the Podcast crew and the DIS family.
I'm so glad some of Bob's friends have posted on the's very comforting to know Diana and family have so much love surrounding them during such a sorrowful time -- it's like a great big hug. :grouphug:
I was afraid that DBF wouldn't understand when I got home last night. I told him about the podcast. Later when I told him that I really felt like I lost a friend, he suggested doing something to remember him when we are in the parks next month. I will be having a Dole Whip at 2 on May 31 if anyone would like to join me.
I havent shared my sadness with anyone outside of this forum because sadly enough no one in my life would " get it " . I cried my eyes out when I heard the news. It just seems like life can be so unfair . You never know what will be around that next bend. You just have to have faith .

Bawb's passing sure brought everyone together. And I am glad to call you all my family ! We all understand each other in ways most other's wouldn't . Bawb was one of us , he was our family. Its not suprising how much his passing affected us all. Its like losing a favorite Uncle . I felt like I knew him. I think really in so many ways we all did.

I cant eat a Dole whip ( allergies) but you can bet I will still buy one for Bawb and leave it someplace special. I am sure they are going to start to wonder why people keep leaving so many Dole Whips around the parks! lol

Big hug for all my family here on the board! And Bawb ... You will always forever be a part of our lives. Never forgotten.... one of a kind... Thank you for all you gave. We love ya!


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