Turkey Day Gang 2009

I don't think I will see the MJ movie in the theaters!! I may buy it when it comes out on DVD.
Here's my camera horror story...This was before digital cameras came into vogue. I had my 35mm camera with me and my ex while we were visiting my brother over in Germany. We went to Disneyland Paris and the camera quit working on me. To make matters even worse, we had a video camera as well and it also went on the blink.

For this trip, I am making sure to have extra batteries with me for the camera so I don't get caught without any.

37% of our school is out with "influenza like illness". Both my kids are home sick. Thank goodness NOW and not next week!!!!

Lisa, glad your up and about... sorta!
Yes, I am able to post from work. I am doing it right now!!!:banana:

Fortunately, they let us get on the internet at lunch and on breaks.

I am so looking forward to having turkey and lobster tail!!!!:jumping1:

Hey, I had to go through four pages and that was just since yesterday at this time.

Hey everyone!
hope you are all getting excited!

I'm actually trying to talk myself into losing a couple of pounds before we cruise so that inevitable 3 or 4 lbs I DO gain in the week won't be so bothersome to me, especially as it will converge with the beginning of the holiday season!

Fortunately the swine flu seems to have made its way through our area already, although my 11 y.o. nephew in Rhode Island was hospitalized with it over the weekend (and one of his 7th grade colleagues died of it :sad1:). Fingers crossed for everyone to stay healthy from now until the cruise.

Other than that, DD is dreaming of Mickey Bars. She also told me last night that DexH said that he hoped it was ok if we didn't spend all of our time together because being with DD and me (and our bickering, as all teen daughters do with their mothers) makes him crazy.... hahahaahhahaha, my master plan is working :lmao:
Here's my camera horror story...This was before digital cameras came into vogue. I had my 35mm camera with me and my ex while we were visiting my brother over in Germany. We went to Disneyland Paris and the camera quit working on me. To make matters even worse, we had a video camera as well and it also went on the blink.

For this trip, I am making sure to have extra batteries with me for the camera so I don't get caught without any.


And my wife complains why I bring multiple cameras on a trip.

Need a DSLR for serious pictures, pocket cam for casual shooting, Video Camera for the "precious moments".

Of course nowaday any cell phone will take pictures too.
2nd post for today.

No significant H1N1 related illness at my son's school. Knock on wood.

However everyone in So Cal is in high alert, including work. Our company actually monitors anyone that's out sick with flu like symptoms and tell them to stay home until verified.
Hey everyone!
hope you are all getting excited!

I'm actually trying to talk myself into losing a couple of pounds before we cruise so that inevitable 3 or 4 lbs I DO gain in the week won't be so bothersome to me, especially as it will converge with the beginning of the holiday season!

Fortunately the swine flu seems to have made its way through our area already, although my 11 y.o. nephew in Rhode Island was hospitalized with it over the weekend (and one of his 7th grade colleagues died of it :sad1:). Fingers crossed for everyone to stay healthy from now until the cruise.

Other than that, DD is dreaming of Mickey Bars. She also told me last night that DexH said that he hoped it was ok if we didn't spend all of our time together because being with DD and me (and our bickering, as all teen daughters do with their mothers) makes him crazy.... hahahaahhahaha, my master plan is working :lmao:

I've been trying to talk myself into losing a few pounds FOR YEARS!!! Guess I'm just not a very convicing person. :confused3
I'm trying to decide if I'm going to do New Moon before the cruise or wait seeing that before the cruise would be a packed, late showing on Friday. I'm really excited to see this one. Team Jacob all the way. I'd LOVE the author to write a different ending with Bella and Jacob together. I really just don't get the Edward thing.

Yay, finally someone who makes sense! I just don't get the Edward thing either. I've never read any, but my co-worker tells me there is a lot of fan fiction available on the web where Bella and Jacob are together.
Doing my part....2nd post today...

Now I have to go and do some real work that I don't want to do.

On the Travel Channel...Cruising Do's and Dont's...right now they are showing DCL...how wonderful DCL is!!! They showed boarding the ship, sail a way, the shows, the characters, Christian as Cruise Director, children's programming, Castaway Cay....!!!! :thumbsup2 :cool1:

Lisa - that sounds marvelous. I would love to be home watching that right about now. However, I am in up to my elbows at work. 2 more weeks.....:yay:

BTW, for the record, I loved the twilight series too and can not wait to see New Moon. But I am one of those Edward fans. :scared1::rotfl:

Gotta go for now.

Crazy day today also... Just trying to finish up all those last minute projects. I have been working on some additional graphics that I will post to help the count cause.

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday.

Lisa - that sounds marvelous. I would love to be home watching that right about now. However, I am in up to my elbows at work. 2 more weeks.....:yay:


Although it was nice to see DCL....I would much rather be at work right now rather than feeling the way I am feeling!!! I will only have 3 1/2 days in the office prior to our cruise to be able to catch up on 2 weeks of work!! :scared1:

:scared1: Boss tested positive for H1N1 - dannnnnngggggggg :scared1:
I went to walmart and bought some AIRBORNE and just guzzled a glass -- I will go ballistic if I get sick!

it is so hard to imagine that next week at this time I will be one day away from departing for Florida.

We are so excited to spend the week before in Orlando seeing NASA and SeaWorld - we are thinking of two days at both since the shuttle is probably a no go..

Charlie's family (cousins) are down in Orlando - so we will meet up with them off and on during the vacation :)

Friday afternoon Dsis and Dbil will come in - I am going to pack some lunch and dinner foods from teh condo ( anyone know if there is a microwave at the Hyatt?? )

I sure hope I can order a steak each night as Chun said - I dont eat sauces on my food either - so I am really boring - chicken is usually baked her with spices - but MY spices - eheheh :woohoo:

I have a list of foods I cannot eat due to colon issues ( I had my colon explode in 2003 - three weeks before my first cruise!!! - I went on my cruise btw ) and already have many foods planned out - but if I can have a steak and tater as a back up - I will be happy happy happy! :cloud9:
Although it was nice to see DCL....I would much rather be at work right now rather than feeling the way I am feeling!!! I will only have 3 1/2 days in the office prior to our cruise to be able to catch up on 2 weeks of work!! :scared1:


Lisa - can you work from home on anything so you dont get stressed and sick?


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