UPDATE #293 FINAL LIST : DVC Christmas Tree, Sharing Holiday Magic!

The BWV TREE #3 was fantastic! It even had a electric blow up Christmas Mickey and lights as well :thumbsup2 . Unfortunately, the "mittens" referenced in the note was not in the box (it would have been nice to have a running list of families who have enjoyed the tree :confused3 ).

Thank you, thank you, thank you :goodvibes

BTW...Of course the kids (two boys age 5) thought Santa came early :rotfl: and as the box was DELIVERED to our room, the adults were amazed as well...aaaah true Disney magic :wizard:
Here is VWL Tree #2, which by the way is in my garage, here in VA!! Will email the owner about it.

Loved the tree, loved the fiber optics lighten! The bears were a great theme for WL! Couldn't use the outside lights at all though, so bummed, since we would have had to keep the slider unlocked and that couldnt' happen with dd3.


We are now at the BCV's and our tree is nowhere to be found. We are sooooo sad. I tried everyone here and they said they haven't seen it:(:sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: I was told I need the name of the person who had it before me.Please help!!!!We were suppose to give a DVC home to BCV tree#2. Thank you!!!!
We are now at the BCV's and our tree is nowhere to be found. We are sooooo sad. I tried everyone here and they said they haven't seen it:(:sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: I was told I need the name of the person who had it before me.Please help!!!!We were suppose to give a DVC home to BCV tree#2. Thank you!!!!
What a shame. Does anyone know who last had it?

A big thank you to everyone involved in the tree sharing. We had the BCV tree (number one I think) from 12-17 to 12-22. It was great! I went to the bell desk and the man working there had no idea what I was talking about. Then along came the bellman that brought our luggage up and the man at the counter asked him. He knew.. mentioned the Dis etc. Went to look and said I don't see one with your name but there is another one. No one has claimed that. Do you want to see it? He took me back to where they hold the luggage/food etc. And what do you know.. he sees our tree .. so that was fortunate! The tree was great.. everything thought of.. a Christmas cd, hot chocolate etc etc etc. It was so fun to have it! Thanks again!

mcwho, you are amazing! There are enough supplies packed neatly in that box to decorate the entire VWL! Amazingly organized!

When we first got the tree (they had to look a bit for it, but found it after a few minutes), we didn't have time to set it up, so I placed it by the window and sang to it:
Oh Christmas box,
Oh Christmas box,
How lovely are thy flaps...

I'll post some pics of the set up display later!

Hi MrShiny,
Thanks, I tried to put everything you might need in the box. Sorry they didnt find it at first and it took so long. Thanks for making me laugh with the song for the box, too funny. Hope you had wonderful stay.

Hi Granny,
Glad to hear you were able to get the tree without too much trouble. I am sorry to hear about the weather during your trip, but hope you had a wonderful stay as well. As far as packing the box, I started to draw out a re-packing plan and enclose it as well. I will try to do that next year.

To all who shared VWL #1 tree and to all the other DVC members sharing a tree, I hope you had a Merry Christmas and hope you have a Happy New Year.

To Wdwstar, thanks again for putting this together this year.

When we checked into BCV on the 21st the BCV tree #2 was still MIA. I had the young man at Bell Services call his manager @ 7:00 pm and I explained the whole story. The Manager let me go into the luggage holding area with her and we found the boxes. They were put into long term holding. They were not sealed and so I did not find a money envelope. I started a new envelope and I hope there will be enough funds to ship the box back home.

When we were packing it up I called to see if the next family had checked into BCV because I did not want the tree to go back to Bell Services. Well, the front desk did not have the last name on their check-in sheet so I packed everything up and took it to bell services on the 26th thinking all would be okay. On the 27th I received a phone call from the next family and the tree was MIA again! I couldn't believe it so I went back to Bell Services and they had the two boxes. I called the next family later on and they had the tree. YEAH! I suggested handing off the tree for the last swaps so there would not be any more problems. Right now the tree is safely with a DIS family

We included 2 new sets of balcony lights and some money for shipping. Thanks for the tree! My DD really enjoyed having it for Christmas morning.
Thank you for getting the tree to me :) It was crazy at bell services who told me they looked in three places and there was no other place to check. The name on the box is the name we checked in with...grrrrrrrrr!The tree is beautiful Laurabearz. We just love it and it was so nice of Rsschneck to replace the lights and for finding the tree for us!!!!!!! Happy holidays everyone :santa: :santa: :santa: Thank you all, for making our trip even more special!

Thank you wdwstar:)
Wow... My poor tree!!! And the families who missed it! Ok... I am now thinking next year, not only along the sides of the boxes will I put what tree number it is.... I will also put it on the top and the bottom of the boxes in case they are slide in that way....

Thanks so much rsschneck for finding the tree and making sure it get's passed along to others! Your the best!
Maybe we were just lucky but they seemed to be on top of their game at SSR

.For tree SSR # 2 they knew it was the tree swap and right where it was. When I took it back the young man said Is this a tree for the swap. I said yes and he took it right inside with no problem.
Maybe we were just lucky but they seemed to be on top of their game at SSR

.For tree SSR # 2 they knew it was the tree swap and right where it was. When I took it back the young man said Is this a tree for the swap. I said yes and he took it right inside with no problem.

OKW seemed to have it together too. Bell services knew immediately what I was asking for and it only took them a minute to get it for me. I hope it reached the next person without incident. When I returned the tree, I pointed out the next name on the list and someone from bell services tagged the box with the next name.
Thank you for getting the tree to me :) It was crazy at bell services who told me they looked in three places and there was no other place to check. The name on the box is the name we checked in with...grrrrrrrrr!The tree is beautiful Laurabearz. We just love it and it was so nice of Rsschneck to replace the lights and for finding the tree for us!!!!!!! Happy holidays everyone :santa: :santa: :santa: Thank you all, for making our trip even more special!

Thank you wdwstar:)

You are so welcome!!! I was glad we were still on property and had not left for home yet! BoardwalkTigger how are you handling the enormous crowds? The 27th and 28th (last days of our trip) were CRAZY! Crowds bigger than I anticipated! I don't think we would ever go for New Year's because DH would never leave the room.:laughing:
Wow... My poor tree!!! And the families who missed it! Ok... I am now thinking next year, not only along the sides of the boxes will I put what tree number it is.... I will also put it on the top and the bottom of the boxes in case they are slide in that way....

Thanks so much rsschneck for finding the tree and making sure it get's passed along to others! Your the best!

You are WELCOME! Thanks for sharing! I knew the tree had to be somewhere in holding I was just lucky enough to have a wonderful CM that helped me locate it in storage. Then I had another GREAT CM help get it to the next family because she was @ the Bell Services desk on the 26th when I had returned the tree and she knew exactly what I was looking for when I showed up on the 27th looking for it!

This was our 2nd time with the tree swap and I think it is such a MAGICAL experience to share these trees during the holidays. Our 1st tree swap was @ SSR and they had the box ready for me at the front desk when we had checked in. They really had their act together and that was 2 years ago.

BWV tree #1 made it home to me in fine shape. Thank you all who shared the tree, each of you added some special gift and shared your thoughts in the memory book. There was one family who didn't come, and if there is anyone who would like me to ship back the gift that was left, please PM me. I've asked if the family wanted the gifts sent to them, and the offer was declined.

Special thanks to our last family canwegosoon for doing such a great job shipping the tree back and for adding special touches to the tree for next year. They even replaced the broken bulb that we were unable to get out of the socket. We were going to bring that string of lights home with us, but in the end, we packed it with the tree because some of the bulbs did work.

Happy New Year, fellow DVC Dis'ers!

We are surviving the crowds well. We don't try to do everything in the parks. We spend one day each in the AK,MK,and MGM getting up early and then leaving by 2pm and back to the BCV to relax. Then out for dinner and maybe some light touring at night. We dont get up early for Epcot but go there frequently. This is our 3rd or 4th time here at this time of the year so we are used to it. I dont know how people spend all day in the parks though.We love visiting the other resorts and spending time in the Epcot resort area. We spent the morning in MGM today and it wasn't bad at all. The crowds were manageable until we left at 2. We are going to the UK in Epcot for dinner and to see the early fireworks and then we will exit the park. I think we will watch the midnight fireworks from the bridge near the BC because you can see both MGM and Epcots fireworks and the crowds aren't frighteningly large. Hope you had a great vacation.:santa: :santa: :santa:
I hope the person after me got BCV tree 2. I called her room but didn't hear back in the afternoon(this was a crazy day...new years eve, so Im sure we just missed each other.) Brought the boxes to Bell services.......
The tree was really very beautiful. Wdwstar...the envelope with $ from two of us is in the bottom of the box.

I was surprised that Epcot was much lighter this year than past years, at least near the UK, France etc. it was. it is usually awful when we finish having dinner around 945 to10 pm . Very manageable:)


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