Valentine's Day Countdown!

Happy, Happy Valentines Day to all my DIS friends!

Kathy, aka bitter party of 1, :grouphug: from us to you! I know your special someone is out there...somewhere...:teeth:

We are waiting till this weekend to go out to dinner, resaurants too busy tonight. Plus DD and DS got special valentines for their little crushes so we want to hear all about it over dinner.

As far as gifts, we did the usual mushy cards, mine was in my purse this am, and DP will get hers later. And my gift is being delivered today, a heart toggle bracelet from Tiffany's. DP isn't good with surprises, so she told me on Sat.! :rotfl: And her gift was a Taurus 357 revolver!!! :rotfl2: I know, I know not exactly romantic, but it's what she's been wanting!

Have a great day everyone!
We're not doing anything for Valentine's. Neither of us has ever really celebrated it beyond cards. Not into it for some reason. Joe hates it because he thinks of it as a made up Hallmark holiday.

I did give him some chocolate yesterday though. Not because of the holiday, but because he insisted that I do so on the way home from work.

Anyway, no plans obviously. I'm working a late night, giving a new volunteer orientation tonight for about a dozen folks. Won't be getting home until about 8:30 or 9pm. Kind of late for us to consider dinner plans.

He's probably gonna make some concoction that makes me wonder whether he's been paying any attention to Rachel Ray at all.
I'm with you Rick, working tonight, teaching Xn Ethics to about a dozen highly motivated students, so that makes it fun. Gwen made a cake on Sunday but she burned it (enuf said). LOVING the revolver. There's got to be a story there somewhere???
No offense intended but for a lesbian in Yakima the revolver makes perfect sense. I grew up in Spokane and one of my rites of passage with my dad was to learn how to shoot a shotgun and do target practice. We never went hunting as dad had stopped when I was about three (the family pet was a springer spaniel and when Edward R. Murrow (the dog) died I think dad lost interest). Even though there were no plans to go hunting, he still felt it incumbent to teach me how to shoot.

Just make sure you keep that trigger lock on at all times and locked in the closet. I've heard too many tragic stories of children getting a hold of a parent's gun.

Happy V-Day all!! We're probably not doing anything special (both working late tonight) but must remember to pick up some roses on the way home (Husbear's favorite).

Oh my! Thank you for both mentioning cards! I compleatly forgot! And I usually make really nice ones. Hmmmm.... Well, I think I will make Mark make one and then just sign my name. Keep him busy as I try to cook these hens.

I successfully was able to defrost them while hidden in the vegtable crisper. Will tried to cook dinner last night and almost saw them. I somehow distracting him by yelling "I WANT PIZZA!" at the top of my voice. I think I scared him so much by my random scene that he clearly was not going to say no. ;)

Penny, if you have had them before I am going to blame you if we don't like them. :) Right now it looks a little intimidating to me. Oh well, always good for an adventure!

Happy Valentines everyone!
We did the exchange cards thing this morning and are going to dinner tonight. This is our first Valentines Day with no more kids in the house so we are kind of celebrating that as well. Dinner will be cheap because I received a coupon for a free meal from one of our favorite resturants and we are using that tonight.
True North said:
Penny, if you have had them before I am going to blame you if we don't like them. :)
Hey, wait a minute!! :scared1: Please don't blame me! I'd rather be going out for pizza ;)

We have had them once before. Tonight we're going to butterfly them and then cook them on a grill pan, and have a side of steamed brocolli. Your recipe sounds delicious. I bet it will be a huge success!!
Valentine said:
So then get on it already! LOL!! I mean.. it's not like you are busy finishing your trip report! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

(inside joke folks!)


You JOKE! You JOKE! Do you realize I'm on my 6th week of a PC loaner???

Really, I got word last week that they can't fix it, so they've sent me a new one, but my tech guy, who can do the hard drive transfer, has been sick all week, and I'm going to be away all next week, and it just dawned on my that no one really cares, so now I'm going to just go back to whatever it is I was doing... :)
I have to confess that you all have inspired me. Even thought I still have to leave for work this evening, I stopped by the supermarket and picked up a dozen yellow roses, a Valentine's Day card (with Snoopy swooning), and three truffles - all for Gwen, who should be home any minute.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
T&KHayes said:
And her gift was a Taurus 357 revolver!!! :rotfl2: I know, I know not exactly romantic, but it's what she's been wanting!

Ok, I guess Im pretty lame. When I first read that I was like "Damn, she got her a freakin car for VD! I need to get me someone like you." Then I read it over again and realized you are talking about a gun. Yikes! But if thats what she wanted, its sweet then. Have a great Valentine's Day!
LMAO :rotfl2: !!!! Seattlebear pretty much has it right. We live in a very rural community, and DP has been a hunter for a long time. We have rifles, (no I don't hunt :scared: bambi?) but we go out to her folks house in the country and shoot at targets. And yes we already have a trigger lock. I know it is probably really weird to most of you who live in big cities, but most of the people we know have guns, and most of us have grown up with bb guns and around guns. Ohhh god, I am starting to sound like a redneck!! :rotfl:
Well, we ended up going out for dinner. Had a martini (SHOUTOUT TO VIKI), and a good meal. Cornish hens were still a little too frozen, so they're on the agenda for tonight.

True North - how did your dinner go?
PennyW said:
Cornish hens were still a little too frozen, so they're on the agenda for tonight.

True North - how did your dinner go?

haha! Well, ours defrosted okay, but as always our oven takes 2 times longer then it should, so by the time the hens were ready we were well into the second bottle of wine. They tasted great but really anything would tast well at that point. Will seemed impressed I actually did it so all went well! I hope everyone had a great night!
True North said:
haha! Well, ours defrosted okay, but as always our oven takes 2 times longer then it should, so by the time the hens were ready we were well into the second bottle of wine. They tasted great but really anything would tast well at that point. Will seemed impressed I actually did it so all went well! I hope everyone had a great night!
Happy to hear it went well. This reminds me of a friend of ours who would always meet people at the door with a gin and tonic when they were coming over for dinner. We thought she was just a FABULOUS cook! It took us a couple years before we realized why we thought her food was so good! :drinking:
T&KHayes said:
I know it is probably really weird to most of you who live in big cities, but most of the people we know have guns, and most of us have grown up with bb guns and around guns. Ohhh god, I am starting to sound like a redneck!! :rotfl:

Nothing wrong with sounding like a redneck. Got to remember, without rednecks, we'd only have blonds to make fun of. And yeah, it does seem a little strange to have a gun. To me anyways. And I wouldn't consider myself living in a city either. When I hear people have guns I start thinking, "you'll shoot your eye out". The only time I have seen a gun up close was when I was dating a cop. He had to take it everywhere. Yep, that kills the mood let me tell ya.


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