vent about WDW bus passengers

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I always give up my seat to a mom with a sleeping child, pregnant woman or anyone elderly. Many times, I've had to stand with a sleeping baby.

The worst display of rudeness I've experienced is when I was flying 7 months pregnant with my 2 year old. We got to our gate and all of the business travelers were taking up all of the seats with themselves and their luggage. I walked around for several minutes, looking for a single seat, and ended up sitting in the floor. Even my daughter asked me why I didn't sit in a chair.
I have a child who physically can't stand on a bus. So I don't get on a bus that is standing room only. Simple. I don't expect anyone to give up a seat. There is always another bus. There are taxi stands at each park with waiting taxis (especially at closing time). My child's safety is up to me not random strangers on a Disney bus.
While no one expects it, It really does make for a much more pleasant experience when you witness kindness toward your fellow man. Whether it be on Disney Buses/the supermarket or where ever... I know I feel better...Actually feels better than sitting down when you are tired....Try it
While I feel for the pp with the son with a medical condition...I have to disagree with one statement - you didn't 'have' to stand at the front of the bus - you could have waited for the next one. OR if he was really sick and you needed to get back as fast as possible - you could have grabbed a cab.

I likely would have given up my seat for him - but certainly would never expect it NOR consider it inconsiderate for others not to do so for my children. It is my choice when I get on a crowded bus instead of waiting for an empty one (which I have done many times when kids (and mom/dad) are very tired and I know we all WANT a seat). So keep in mind that many/some of those who are choosing to keep their seats very well might have been back to their hotel sooner but opted instead to wait for a bus where they could have a seat. And I'm sure you don't expect them to give up that seat that they waited long and hard for! There's always a choice and you are CHOOSING for you and your children to stand when you get on a crowded bus - so don't blame others for your choice.

Hey neighbor ... we're from Syracuse.

When I said we "had" to stand in the front of the bus... my point wasn't we "HAD TO STAND." I was pointing out our position, "the front of the bus," as opposed to a different section of the bus. Depending on the seating arrangement of the bus, this is important because if it is 2 seats facing forward, the isle is more narrow, in which case, my young children are able to hang onto the corner of the back of a seat. When the seats are facing each other, there is no where to hold onto unless you can reach the upper railing or are standing next to a vertical pole.

Sorry if it seemed worded as if I was playing the martyr... not my intention.

Also, I didn't call the other passengers "inconsiderate," the driver did.

And, yes, by the time we boarded the bus, I was well aware that we would be standing... as you can see from the rest of my original post... we ride standing quite often, I didn't anticipate he would be falling asleep, from the bus motion, the fever, a day in the parks... but for whatever reason, he did.

I also said I didn't expect anyone to give up their seat... but I know I would not have sat there and watched the above scenario without offering to help.

BUT, ya know what... that's me and mine, and we are okay with giving our seats to someone who appears to need it more.

And for those who don't feel they should offer their seat, for whatever reason... they are completely entitled to SIT. I'm also entitled to have my opinion of them.

No worries... just sharing our experience.
I've seen it all. :sad2:

We have a son with a rare medical condition, and one night when he was 5, he wasn't feeling well, so I was taking him back to the resort while the rest of the family stayed at Magic Kingdom. We had to stand in the front of the bus. These people didn't need to give up their seat for us, but would it have been too much for them to squish in and make a little room for a 5 year old? Really? Could one of them offered to just hold my bag while I attended to my son?

Since you ended up standing at the front of the bus, I'm assuming that the bus was very full and you were the last people on. That's when you need to wait for the next bus - you can see that it is standing room only, and if your son needed a seat you were responsible for making sure he got one. No one needed to hold your bag either - why not just place it on the floor next to your son? Would you want a stranger to have possession of your medical supplies? What if they decided to either go through it and remove things, or take it with them?

I know it sounds harsh - but you are the parent of your son, you are responsible for him, and you know what he needs. Next trip, try a stroller as a wheelchair GAC - that will help you the most.
We are staying at the POR resort now, and have stayed at ASMo in the past, this just irritates me to the bone! :furious: The adult passengers on a crowded resort bus not getting off their lazy you know what and giving up their seats to the small children that are standing! These people know good and well that these children cannot reach the bars! I understand that their are some adults that need to sit and those that are holding sleeping children, but my gosh people, if you are able to stand then give up your seat to a child! Ok, getting off my soapbox now and going to do laundry :laundy: so we have clothes to wear the rest of the week.

I know this feeling...even was I was preggo, and holding a small child (4yr), I had to stand. No one offered! My DH wasn't with us, he is the one that is very outspoken, he will very loudly talk abt the rudeness of people not letting children sit, until someone gets up to let a child sit! My teen thinks it is funny!
And, yes, by the time we boarded the bus, I was well aware that we would be standing... as you can see from the rest of my original post... we ride standing quite often, I didn't anticipate he would be falling asleep, from the bus motion, the fever, a day in the parks... but for whatever reason, he did.

I just wanted to let you know I totally understand! It is amazing how quickly kids can turn on a dime! Mine can be absolutely fine and having the time of his life and 5 minutes later be in full meltdown that we need to get to the resort. Or he can be fine waiting for the bus and then we get on and he falls asleep or has a complete meltdown about standing when the previous night he had no problems. It just happens and we can't always predict what will hindsight you probably would have been better off taking a cab...but how in the world were you supposed to know! So I totally understand and get what you were trying to convey!
We are staying at the POR resort now, and have stayed at ASMo in the past, this just irritates me to the bone! :furious: The adult passengers on a crowded resort bus not getting off their lazy you know what and giving up their seats to the small children that are standing! These people know good and well that these children cannot reach the bars! I understand that their are some adults that need to sit and those that are holding sleeping children, but my gosh people, if you are able to stand then give up your seat to a child! Ok, getting off my soapbox now and going to do laundry :laundy: so we have clothes to wear the rest of the week.


ITA! I just don't get how any adult without medical problems (not ederly ect.) can justify their selfish actions.
Sorry but after years giving up our seats for others we have nor reached the point I can stand long due to cancer problems.
Last May nobody offed me a place. I saw teens playing there Nintendo's while there parents looked with there face on "don't you dare ask my children to give up there seats , we payed enough money for them'.
I saw a Pooh sized family that took 10 seats although they were just five persons.
No I will not stand up for anybody because my whole life I tried to be polite and caring but now a days its all about ME ME ME and "special snowflakes" . ( and I don't mean the really disabled children ,just the spoiled ones).
And pregnant women? Sorry ladies. I was rushed into hospital while I was still working. Five days after giving birth I was back on my feet and also back at work.
Being pregnant is a healthy "sickness":lmao:
This is the arguement that can never be won. Likely due to a lack of understanding.

Personally, I don't understand why an able bodied adult or older child (my 8 y/o is expected to give up her seat) would not stand for a very young child, pregnant woman, or elderly person. Havn't seen an argument yet that enlightens me. Really though, I don't have to understand... my family is capable of giving up 3 seats and we regularly do.

I do understand the frazzled fealing of previously healthy kids that fall ill in the park and how badly you want to get them 'home' quickly. I also understand not taking children into a cab without a car seat. ...And I understand just how heavy a sleeping toddler gets (at any time of the day). Because I understand this, I promice you... I will give up my seat for you or your children and I thank you for your generocity when I need a seat and you help me out.

This makes me think of that insurance company comercial where people witness random acts of kindness and go on to do nice things for others. I hope if you see me or my family members getting up to offer a seat you will go on to do something nice for someone else. Hold a door, pick up the shoe that the little one kicked off on line for the ride... what ever. Makes the world a nicer place. :flower3:
My daughter has autism and standing on a bus isn't a good option so we never use them. I would never expect a person to give up a seat for us and since we need one, we drive to the parks. On crowded monorails, we stand while she sits in her special needs stroller. Not an option on those awful buses.
I will just defend the people sitting down, it would NEVER have occurred to me to stand up on a bus. My kids don't take public transportation normally & they are NOT allowed to stand up on a school bus ever. The very few -- I think it has been 4 times I have ridden a public bus in the city of Chicago I'm not even sure it is allowed to stand on those either. My kids were freaked out as it was without seatbelts much less standing.

Honestly, unless you grow up in a place that it's typical to stand up on moving vehicles, it would not occur to you to give up your seat. It never even crossed my mind for others to give up their seats to me the few times I stood with the kids.

I know DH would never give up his seat because he physically couldn't handle it real well. He would deal if he had to but no way would he give up his seat.

I actually didn't even know it was something you were supposed to do until I read about it here on the DIS.

It's never occurred to you to give up your seat to a parent holding a baby, an elderly person, pregnant person ect. that doesn't have a seat on a bus? :confused3 I don't understand your logic, are you saying that it wouldn't occur to you to give up your set because you don't think you're allowed to stand? There are ppl. standing all around you and you think it's okay for the elderly, pregnant, small child to stand, but that you're not allowed to? :confused3:confused3
Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly:confused3 I did not grow up ever taking public transporation, however it ALWAYS occurred to me to give up my seat to someone more in need.
I would give up my seat for:

  • A person visibly disabled and/or significantly older.
  • A pregnant woman.
  • A parent with a child being held.
  • A child under the age of 8 or so.

But that's because of how I was raised and/or what I feel to be and appropriate and kind thing to do for another human being.

But that doesn't mean you are entitled to have someone move for you just because you are someone in one of those categories. Sometimes people aren't nice, or aren't thinking about their manners or aren't schooled on bus etiquette or are just plain rude.

It's like getting mad at someone for not holding a door open for you if you are behind them while going into a building. While it might be something you would consider a person to be kind and thoughtful to do, it's not like it's a law or anything.
I always give up my seat to a mom with a sleeping child, pregnant woman or anyone elderly. Many times, I've had to stand with a sleeping baby.

The worst display of rudeness I've experienced is when I was flying 7 months pregnant with my 2 year old. We got to our gate and all of the business travelers were taking up all of the seats with themselves and their luggage. I walked around for several minutes, looking for a single seat, and ended up sitting in the floor. Even my daughter asked me why I didn't sit in a chair.

Why would you sit on the floor instead of asking someone to move their bags?
While this is a pet peeve of mine, I usually consider it an irritation. However, I did have an exception to my own rule on our last visit. My daughter had a sudden asthma attack and spiked a high fever on our last night at MK. When I say sudden, I mean this all happened within a 30 minute time span. I took her to first aid immediately to get meds for the fever, and then we headed back to the room. I left DH and DS at the park. DD was so miserable and exhausted that she was in tears on the bus. Yes, I could have waited for a bus with more room, but I just wanted to get her back to the room. As DD and I stood there on the bus, a man asked me what was wrong with her. I don't know why he wanted to know. He didn't offer up a seat. He just sat there staring at her.
It's never occurred to you to give up your seat to a parent holding a baby, an elderly person, pregnant person ect. that doesn't have a seat on a bus? :confused3 I don't understand your logic, are you saying that it wouldn't occur to you to give up your set because you don't think you're allowed to stand? There are ppl. standing all around you and you think it's okay for the elderly, pregnant, small child to stand, but that you're not allowed to? :confused3:confused3
Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly:confused3 I did not grow up ever taking public transporation, however it ALWAYS occurred to me to give up my seat to someone more in need.

Many of us have and would give up our seat to someone that needed it (disabled, elderly, pregnant etc...) but the fact of the matter is you are not always going to find that kind on person on the buses. Don't expect it to happen. We don't, we have a kid with a disability (and know how rude people can be) so we drive to the parks where we are guaranteed a seat! Personally, I don't think Disney should allow people to stand on the buses packed in like sardines. It isn't safe or comfortable.
To all those who would never give up their seat that is fine. I can still think you are inconsiderate etc. I have a right to my own opinion. However- if you are not going to give up your seat when you can clearly see a person struggling to hold their child etc. Then DO NOT make cutesy faces at my kid trying to make them laugh etc. Turn yourself around and leave us alone. I don't need you mocking the situation even further by trying to be entertaining. We don't find you entertaining. We find you annoying.

FTR- I don't expect anyone to do anything for us but it would be nice if people actually were more courteous to others in general. YMMV.
While I feel for the pp with the son with a medical condition...I have to disagree with one statement - you didn't 'have' to stand at the front of the bus - you could have waited for the next one. OR if he was really sick and you needed to get back as fast as possible - you could have grabbed a cab.

I likely would have given up my seat for him - but certainly would never expect it NOR consider it inconsiderate for others not to do so for my children. It is my choice when I get on a crowded bus instead of waiting for an empty one (which I have done many times when kids (and mom/dad) are very tired and I know we all WANT a seat). So keep in mind that many/some of those who are choosing to keep their seats very well might have been back to their hotel sooner but opted instead to wait for a bus where they could have a seat. And I'm sure you don't expect them to give up that seat that they waited long and hard for! There's always a choice and you are CHOOSING for you and your children to stand when you get on a crowded bus - so don't blame others for your choice.

FWIW, you *cannot* just "grab a cab" from the Magic Kingdom. You have to go up the monorail ramp and take the monorail to the TTC. THEN, it is a little bit of a hike over to find the cabs. BTDT when I had a sick baby. When all was said and done, would have been easier to wait for the next bus. It was exhausting.
While this is a pet peeve of mine, I usually consider it an irritation. However, I did have an exception to my own rule on our last visit. My daughter had a sudden asthma attack and spiked a high fever on our last night at MK. When I say sudden, I mean this all happened within a 30 minute time span. I took her to first aid immediately to get meds for the fever, and then we headed back to the room. I left DH and DS at the park. DD was so miserable and exhausted that she was in tears on the bus. Yes, I could have waited for a bus with more room, but I just wanted to get her back to the room. As DD and I stood there on the bus, a man asked me what was wrong with her. I don't know why he wanted to know. He didn't offer up a seat. He just sat there staring at her.[/QUOTE]

Wow:sad2::sad2: I'm so sorry you had to have that experience. I can't help but just feel complete disgust for that man specifically. WTH is wrong with ppl.:sad2::sad2:
Since you ended up standing at the front of the bus, I'm assuming that the bus was very full and you were the last people on. That's when you need to wait for the next bus - you can see that it is standing room only, and if your son needed a seat you were responsible for making sure he got one. No one needed to hold your bag either - why not just place it on the floor next to your son? Would you want a stranger to have possession of your medical supplies? What if they decided to either go through it and remove things, or take it with them?

I know it sounds harsh - but you are the parent of your son, you are responsible for him, and you know what he needs. Next trip, try a stroller as a wheelchair GAC - that will help you the most.

See the post right above yours. (You were probably writing this when it posted.

We've been to Disney many times, we know the deal. We don't mind standing, we don't mind giving up our seats. We accept full responsibility for boarding a "standing room only" bus. We accept full responsibility for all our children, their well-being and their safety.

I'm just sharing our experience. On that night, my son, (who can and does normally stand if necessary) fell asleep while standing on a moving bus... for whatever reason, I couldn't keep him awake. He was not sleeping when we boarded. If I had known he would fall asleep. we would have waited for the next bus or called a cab.

It would have been nice, even though it is NOT their responsibility, if someone had offered to help. I know it is what I would have done, even when it is not expected or required.

(I did eventually put the bag on the floor but in the beginning of the ride, I had my son standing between my legs, his arms wrapped around my waist. Also, this isn't a case of where we had the whole aisle to ourselves. We were behind the driver, others were standing along side of us, hanging onto the bar on the opposite side.)

It's not a big deal... I'm just surprised that any adult would watch a young child struggling to stand, and not offer... BUT I realize it's not their responsibility.
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