vent about WDW bus passengers

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While this is a pet peeve of mine, I usually consider it an irritation. However, I did have an exception to my own rule on our last visit. My daughter had a sudden asthma attack and spiked a high fever on our last night at MK. When I say sudden, I mean this all happened within a 30 minute time span. I took her to first aid immediately to get meds for the fever, and then we headed back to the room. I left DH and DS at the park. DD was so miserable and exhausted that she was in tears on the bus. Yes, I could have waited for a bus with more room, but I just wanted to get her back to the room. As DD and I stood there on the bus, a man asked me what was wrong with her. I don't know why he wanted to know. He didn't offer up a seat. He just sat there staring at her.[/QUOTE]

Wow:sad2::sad2: I'm so sorry you had to have that experience. I can't help but just feel complete disgust for that man specifically. WTH is wrong with ppl.:sad2::sad2:

Why didn't you go to first aid?
They were extreme helpful when I needed a cab.
FWIW, you *cannot* just "grab a cab" from the Magic Kingdom. You have to go up the monorail ramp and take the monorail to the TTC. THEN, it is a little bit of a hike over to find the cabs. BTDT when I had a sick baby. When all was said and done, would have been easier to wait for the next bus. It was exhausting.

Exactly. Wish it was that simple.
Why didn't you go to first aid?
They were extreme helpful when I needed a cab.

We did go to first aid (see original post), but they never mentioned getting a cab, and to be honest with you, I was so frazzled, it didn't even cross my mind to ask. They did help us with fever meds and there just so happened to be a pediatrician/dad in there waiting to be reunited with his lost child. He was a big help too. As stupid as it sounds, I didn't actually realize DD was having an asthma attack. She had never been diagnosed until the day after the trip when we got home. We knew about her allergy problems, and that she frequently had bronchial infections, but not the asthma. Knowing what I know now, I will consider cabs in the future. I also carry her inhaler with us at all times now, in addition to her other meds. That was our very first experience with a sick child in the World. It was definitely a learning experience that we won't forget.
FWIW, you *cannot* just "grab a cab" from the Magic Kingdom. You have to go up the monorail ramp and take the monorail to the TTC. THEN, it is a little bit of a hike over to find the cabs. BTDT when I had a sick baby. When all was said and done, would have been easier to wait for the next bus. It was exhausting.

Actually in an emergency, ie sick child- transportation can be arranged from MK.
While no one expects it, It really does make for a much more pleasant experience when you witness kindness toward your fellow man. Whether it be on Disney Buses/the supermarket or where ever... I know I feel better...Actually feels better than sitting down when you are tired....Try it


we only had one instance on the monorail, it was very crowded and a man was laying down across one entire seat, we got on and the CM told him he had to get up, I don't know if he was going to or not, since he was told, I am assuming he was going to keep laying down while we all stood.
so we all ended up with a seat, but by then my kids were having a game of who could go the longest without holding on while standing, so they kept standing!
we would always give up a seat, and my dh has always been the type to carry a stroller off a bus for someone etc, just the way he is
wow! i feel very fortunate! we went in october last year for the first time with kids...and people were wonderful! often we jsut wante the kids to sit and i didnt care if i stood at all. unless it was late nite and they were sleepy, then i normally took up two seats and dh stood with the stroller. many people were so gracious, of course those that were i found were families themselves.

when we had our bbb ressie(very early morning), we had two wonderful southern families share and squeeze so me and the kids could sit. they were so sweet! they also spoke to myself and dd the entire ride from asmovies to mk. we had some interesting conversations! later on in the day we even ran into one of the families by btmrr. guess its the luck of the draw.
If the bus is crowded, I always put my kid(s) on my lap. I hate to play the "hidden disability" card, but you really don't know other people's circumstances. I have an autoimmune that has affected my hands and knees. I have trouble standing and my hands have nerve damage, so I can't hold on. I take my time and don't use a GAC or ECV, but standing on the bus is not really an option for me. If I can't get a seat, I wait. If I have a seat, I do not give it up. I don't mean to be rude, but I'd prefer not to fall.
If the bus is crowded, I always put my kid(s) on my lap. I hate to play the "hidden disability" card, but you really don't know other people's circumstances. I have an autoimmune that has affected my hands and knees. I have trouble standing and my hands have nerve damage, so I can't hold on. I take my time and don't use a GAC or ECV, but standing on the bus is not really an option for me. If I can't get a seat, I wait. If I have a seat, I do not give it up. I don't mean to be rude, but I'd prefer not to fall.

And I don't think you are rude at all. We are in the same boat. If we are in a seat it may mean that we waited for the next bus. It does not make me rude.
We did go to first aid (see original post), but they never mentioned getting a cab, and to be honest with you, I was so frazzled, it didn't even cross my mind to ask. They did help us with fever meds and there just so happened to be a pediatrician/dad in there waiting to be reunited with his lost child. He was a big help too. As stupid as it sounds, I didn't actually realize DD was having an asthma attack. She had never been diagnosed until the day after the trip when we got home. We knew about her allergy problems, and that she frequently had bronchial infections, but not the asthma. Knowing what I know now, I will consider cabs in the future. I also carry her inhaler with us at all times now, in addition to her other meds. That was our very first experience with a sick child in the World. It was definitely a learning experience that we won't forget.

We learn every day. :lmao:
I'll give you an example of how rude people can be.
We always fly XXL seats. The cost 150 Euro pp. extra but for us it is worth the money.
Last May we were seated and a dad came over and demanded that we give up out seats so his children could play on the flour in front of them.
We said no of course and then he started shouting at the stewardess. She told him that these seats were more expensive and that children are even not allowed to sit there because these are emergency exit seats.

After a half hour of shouting and fighting he returned to his seats and while passing us he shouted: "old people should not be allowed to fly". :rotfl2:
The perfect solution to this is to not allow anyone to stand. I know this is a dream, but everytime I ride the bus I think of the incredible risk Disney is taking with all the standing people, as well as the unbuckled seated.

Just imagine the tragedy if there was crash? It's sad that it would take something like that to make better safety policies.
I know this feeling...even was I was preggo, and holding a small child (4yr), I had to stand. No one offered! My DH wasn't with us, he is the one that is very outspoken, he will very loudly talk abt the rudeness of people not letting children sit, until someone gets up to let a child sit! My teen thinks it is funny!

I'm also outspoken. If I heard that comment, I would very loudly talk about the self centered people who get on packed buses and expect others to give them a seat.
I'm also outspoken. If I heard that comment, I would very loudly talk about the self centered people who get on packed buses and expect others to give them a seat.

I know! All those self-centered elderly, disabled and young children....How dare they... :rolleyes:

Here's a little pixie dust for ya :wizard: Try to have a wonderful day.
It's never occurred to you to give up your seat to a parent holding a baby, an elderly person, pregnant person ect. that doesn't have a seat on a bus? :confused3 I don't understand your logic, are you saying that it wouldn't occur to you to give up your set because you don't think you're allowed to stand? There are ppl. standing all around you and you think it's okay for the elderly, pregnant, small child to stand, but that you're not allowed to? :confused3:confused3
Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly:confused3 I did not grow up ever taking public transporation, however it ALWAYS occurred to me to give up my seat to someone more in need.

I guess because when I was pregnant it wouldn't occur to me to to have anyone give up their seat!!! I would have looked at them like they were insane! Must be the independant streak my mom has & passed on -- even now at 70 years old she would think you were insane if you gave up your seat to her. Therefore, it never would enter my mind to give up my seat & frankly, yes, I would have thought it wasn't allowed, so I would have been baffled by how come they were allowed to stand on the bus.

I still don't know of anywhere here in real life that it's allowed. Disney has been the only place ever that I have gone that I'm aware of it's allowed.

I have no idea by looking at people who needs seats more than others, I'm so used to people assuming the worst in us because DH can't hear out of one ear, so doesn't always hear people & has other issues that you wouldn't know by looking at him.

I would more than happy to put my kid(s) on my lap to make room but it wouldn't occur to me to actually stand up.

We only were on 1 bus that had people standing in it & that was us with a bunch of others from downtown disney after the late La Nouba show. My 5 year old at the time managed to SLEEP standing up he was so tired...I didn't expect anyone to give us their seats & he has motor skill issues as it is so I was impressed with his skill of sleeping while standing he must have been so tired. I honestly never even gave it a THOUGHT that no one gave us their was crammed in there as it was. I wouldn't have wanted to be seperated anyway with him at a seat somewhere while me standing up somewhere else & the mass exodus when we got to our destination -- a good way to get seperated. We just wanted to get back and dealt with it.

About the only one that would possibly remotely enter my mind would be a newborn but I also had a 1 year old at the time and didn't really think much of it then either.
See the post right above yours. (You were probably writing this when it posted.

We've been to Disney many times, we know the deal. We don't mind standing, we don't mind giving up our seats. We accept full responsibility for boarding a "standing room only" bus. We accept full responsibility for all our children, their well-being and their safety.

I'm just sharing our experience. On that night, my son, (who can and does normally stand if necessary) fell asleep while standing on a moving bus... for whatever reason, I couldn't keep him awake. He was not sleeping when we boarded. If I had known he would fall asleep. we would have waited for the next bus or called a cab.

It would have been nice, even though it is NOT their responsibility, if someone had offered to help. I know it is what I would have done, even when it is not expected or required.

(I did eventually put the bag on the floor but in the beginning of the ride, I had my son standing between my legs, his arms wrapped around my waist. Also, this isn't a case of where we had the whole aisle to ourselves. We were behind the driver, others were standing along side of us, hanging onto the bar on the opposite side.)

It's not a big deal... I'm just surprised that any adult would watch a young child struggling to stand, and not offer... BUT I realize it's not their responsibility.

You're being way too kind to these inconsiderate people! And I can't believe people are actually faulting you for getting on the bus in the first place.

But I am a believer in 'treating others as you want to be treated' and in good karma. You're obviously a kind person who will have great things come to them!

As for these rude people, and those who didn't know they should give up their seat to someone with more need (PLEASE! I was raised in podunk and it's just common sense), well that's not for me to decide! ;)
While no one expects it, It really does make for a much more pleasant experience when you witness kindness toward your fellow man. Whether it be on Disney Buses/the supermarket or where ever... I know I feel better...Actually feels better than sitting down when you are tired....Try it

No kidding! When did we lose our compassion! Puts a smile on my face to help someone. Sounds like some people at WDW need to try it!
In the same vein, if you and your child each have a seat and people are standing, do you put your child on your lap so that someone else can sit? More often than not, we find that parents do not put their children on their lap.

All of the things that are discussed here are part of using public transportation. Most people at Disney probably don't use public transportation on a regular basis and don't realize how difficult it can be. I always tell peole if they have small children, and/or strollers that they would be better served renting a car.

Everyone is tired on that bus.
Why would you sit on the floor instead of asking someone to move their bags?

Because I was perfectly capable of sitting on the floor- just a bit uncomfortable. I've also been in a situation where I've asked people to move their bags so I could sit, and they are less than friendly. Rather than risk some off color comment in front of my two year old, I just sat on the floor. As long as it isn't something necessary for my health or my children, I'm content to take care of myself.

I still wish some people were more considerate, but it isn't my responsibility to educate them on polite social mores.
I'll turn this thread to where it is eventually going to go.

Having a child is not a disability. Leave the park earlier (before the big crowds); wait for the next bus (so you are the first ones on); drive your own car; or deal with standing.

Is it nice of others to stand for you? Sure (and I probably would). Should you expect it? Nope.

I think this quote about sums it up. "Should we expect it? Nope." I have held one of my daughters on my lap. When they were smaller, I sometimes had the youngest sit in my oldest's lap while I held my middle daughter. I could not live with myself if someone was standing while my family took up more room than necessary. My husband, like many other men, will always stand unless everyone has a seat. There have even been times where a seat has actually remained empty while two or three men stand because none of them want to sit while someone else stands!:rotfl2: Maybe we can't expect this in today's age but come on people just have some sense, put on a smile, and do the best you can to make room and let people sit.

And I'm sure somewhere in this thread, past where I've read so far, someone points out that one can't always see a disability and maybe the person you're glaring at can't give up their seat due to such disability. Really, there just can't be that many people dealing with hidden disabilities to explain the selfishness seen on the busses.

BTW, we often drive, wait for a different bus, etc. I'm not complaining how we personally have been treated. Although, the one time I have been tempted to scream to everyone on the bus was one time when we had our oldest daughter in WDW when she was 2. We were new to the Disney bus system and mistakenly took the bus to DTD. On the way back we were always the last stop and so waiting for the next bus did not work. We still had to get on a packed bus. There was no way for my husband to hold my daughter due to how packed the bus was so she had to stand between us. I looked around and realized that almost everyone in the seats appeared to be a couple - almost all young people dressed for a night out at Pleasure Island. Not one offered a seat for my daughter. I wanted to scream out to all the girls and say, "Do you really want to date someone who would not give up their seat to a 2 year old?!!!!!":headache:

And, to answer some other points I know will be brought up. Yes, I stand if someone seems to need the seat more than me. Yes, my now teenaged girls stand if someone needs their seat.

I don't even know why I open these threads. It just makes my blood boil.:headache: (I really need to have more self-control.;))
I don't agree with it, but just to play devils advocate here, I've had a very long day walking around the parks all day just like you. I have three children. One in a stroller. I'm tired, too. I waited in that very long line to get on the bus and finally be able to sit down and rest as well. Why should I have to give up my seat just so a kid can sit down? They've been in a stroller all day, they are very capable of sitting in the lap of someone else. If they are able to walk around the park all day, they can stand on the bus. If the bus is too crowded and you'll all have to stand, including the children, wait for the next bus so you get a seat. But then again, for safety reasons, I don't want my children standing on the bus because accidents do happen. I make the older two share a seat, because they are able to. (7 and 9) My hubby and I will each take a child in our laps to give someone a seat. Remember, devils advocate here.

Now that being said, I've had people give up their seats for me, and I've given up my seat for others. It all depends on the situation, and who's on the bus, but I agree, having a child is not a disability. More often then not, I will stand so my kids or someone else can sit. or we simply wait for the next bus.
I guess because when I was pregnant it wouldn't occur to me to to have anyone give up their seat!!! I would have looked at them like they were insane! Must be the independant streak my mom has & passed on -- even now at 70 years old she would think you were insane if you gave up your seat to her. Therefore, it never would enter my mind to give up my seat & frankly, yes, I would have thought it wasn't allowed, so I would have been baffled by how come they were allowed to stand on the bus.

I still don't know of anywhere here in real life that it's allowed. Disney has been the only place ever that I have gone that I'm aware of it's allowed.

I have no idea by looking at people who needs seats more than others, I'm so used to people assuming the worst in us because DH can't hear out of one ear, so doesn't always hear people & has other issues that you wouldn't know by looking at him.

I would more than happy to put my kid(s) on my lap to make room but it wouldn't occur to me to actually stand up.

We only were on 1 bus that had people standing in it & that was us with a bunch of others from downtown disney after the late La Nouba show. My 5 year old at the time managed to SLEEP standing up he was so tired...I didn't expect anyone to give us their seats & he has motor skill issues as it is so I was impressed with his skill of sleeping while standing he must have been so tired. I honestly never even gave it a THOUGHT that no one gave us their was crammed in there as it was. I wouldn't have wanted to be seperated anyway with him at a seat somewhere while me standing up somewhere else & the mass exodus when we got to our destination -- a good way to get seperated. We just wanted to get back and dealt with it.

About the only one that would possibly remotely enter my mind would be a newborn but I also had a 1 year old at the time and didn't really think much of it then either.

That's funny! Shows how different people are. When I was pregnant with my HUGE babies, if someone offered their seat to me, I would probably have kissed them!
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