victoria+ mike's 10-21-07 pj/tr+hm tr-pavilion-boardwalk-disney cruise 7day west

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Awesome! They all came out great! The last one is my favorite, if I had to choose.
so here is what happen...

we had our engagment session planned for yesturday now you all know that it rains alot in florida but it never rains all day. well yesturday it did. i was so upset we had lanned on going to a park near rhetts house (he is the photographer) and i was invisioning trees and grass and a lake. so romantic. well as well all know everything does not happen how we expect. we get to his house and he says " girl it is not going to stop" so we thankfully he had a back up plan. we went to the gaylord palms. if you have not been there.. go it is beautiful.

so we walked around and took a few shots. the ones in the beginning are so awkward becouse you dont know what to do and all. but i think that we got some good ones towards the end.

we then went back to his house and we designed a collage right there. i will have it by mnday and i already have the cd with the proofs. i was happy about that.

i do think all of your engagment pics came out better. i think i look ugly but i guees most girls feel that way. well i hope you guyes think that they turned out well. let me know

here are a few more. i am sorry i do not know how to resize






well i dont know if anyone is interested but i really wanted to show my engagment photos but they are not on a wesite so here are some more. maybe someone will enjoy them.














sorry if i am bugging everyone and i feel like i am writing to myself but i really wanted to show my collage!! i just cant believe how great it turned out and it ws ordered and mailed to me in 24hrs. yea
hope you like
Victoria the e-pics are gorgeous. He did a fabulous job! I like the collage a lot:thumbsup2
thank you ladies for responding. when i first saw them i thought i looked so ugly and that they were boring. we all need a little reassurance once in a while. i appreciate it
What a cool collage! Did the photography company do that or was it an outside place? Did you choose the pictures or did they?

My favorites (other than the one from before) are the ones w the fountain, the one by the sailboat and the one in your sig. I think they came out looking Beautiful! - something almost European about some of them. Very nice!
it is funny you say it looks european i have had two other people say that. It works for me. it truly was a beautiful place.

the collage. rhett my photographer did it. after our session we went to his home-office and we picked colors sizes and what pics we wanted. we also picked the cds for our favorites we went from 96-61 some we had our eyes closed and all. but yea we picked it out and he did it right on the computer in front of us and mailed the request to his printer. and wala 24 hrs later it was at our house.
I didn't notice you had posted your engagement pics! They turned out really well!! That is great that your photographer was able to find an alternative location for you which is equally as nice. I really like the collage he made. Are you going to send those to your guests? I'm not sure what the size is. That is also nice to leave with some proofs on CD.

You have some great ideas for your wedding. I really like the Boardwalk theme. Good luck with the rest of your planning!
thank you jax. i was very happy that he knew a aleternatie location. the collage was 16x20 very big. i had them made to 8x10 for my parents df's and grand parents for the shower and then a single pic that said thank you all you do for my bridal party the girls side. it really was a fun day. i ended up with 61 of 96 on the cd and i have full rights to make copies and all that saves alot of money.

thank yo9u for the copliment on the theme i hope it turns out well.
Love the e-pics, especially the one in your signature!
Your engagement pics turned out fabulous! I love the one where you guys are on the bridge with water flowing beneath you and lovely greenery! It looks like you're at some ruins in the jungle! I love it!
thank you ladies for allk the nice words. i really was so sad it rained but i think it worked out for teh best. i truly aappreciate it :)
my second fav is the one you like irish lily. hehe the jungle it does now that i look at it
So i can not believe it. the last event before my wedding. i remember going to new york to announce our engagment!
i am happy and sad all at once.
so i am leaving tomorrow.
on thursday -i will go shopping for me and my moms wedding day undegarments and try to find the jewlery for my bridsmaids.
on friday- all i know is i am getting up early to go somewher with my bridal party for a day of fun. i wil let you know what when i find out
on saturday- is my shower i am so excited. i dont know anything about this except the place. o and my moh who is my best friend said i had one pick of what color i thought the theme was and if i got it she would tell me, so imidiatly i said YELLOW. i was wright does she know me or what!?! so other then that i do not have a clue.

i will fill you all in on sunday. i will take lots of pics!! hehe
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