VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

I love my sketch tote, it was my first, I am carrying the black and red tote now I don’t remember the name. I was eyeing the Peter Pan crossbody in December but refrained. ;)
My sketch tote was my first as well! I plan to check out the outlets when there in June to see if I can find any on sale!
I hope this is true myself! I can see us still opting for either Slinky Dog or TSM though Alien Swirling may become something we interject every so often. But knowing all this is coming is exciting, because I will now have a reason on a week long trip to visit HS twice. And Star Wars around the bend don't hurt either:thumbsup2
It is definitely true, at this point. Club level guests who can book 90 days out have already booked for June 30th and they confirmed that all TSL rides are Tier 1 and everything else is a Tier 2.
Granny, I hope your trip is awesome! I am especially interested in your Aulani portion as that is on the list! Patiently awaiting pictures of all the different parts of your journey!
Granny you should have day 1 under your belt. Hope all is well and you and Cindy are enjoying your time on the west coast before departing for paradise. Enjoy!
Good morning Groupies! It's been a long time. I don't find myself logging on here much since there is so much Disney info on FB groups. Just wanted to check in.

We are heading to Universal for the first time in about 3 weeks. My son (age 12 now!) is a huge Harry Potter fan, so we're going to check that out for a few days. Then we are headed to Vero Beach for 6 nights. So relaxing there. Can't wait to get to some warm weather. It's been very cold and still snowing here in WI.

Booked SSR for the first week of December. However, thinking of switching to the week before Nov 24-Dec 1. Any thoughts? I know that the 24th and 25th will be very busy, but during the week should be dead. We've never done the first week of December either, but I hear that is Pop Warner time. What would you choose?
We are checking in the 3rd! Cya there! I will be requesting lake side, floor 3 or 4.
I will be requesting lake side, upper floor or lower floor. You can't miss us. We'll be the ones with the huge smiles on our faces, happy to be home, with our crazy kids!
Booked SSR for the first week of December. However, thinking of switching to the week before Nov 24-Dec 1. Any thoughts? I know that the 24th and 25th will be very busy, but during the week should be dead. We've never done the first week of December either, but I hear that is Pop Warner time. What would you choose?
Based on our experience these days, no time is not busy anymore. But given you have a choice, I would opt for the 1st week of Dec over the other week, just because, these days, its seems that the Thanksgiving crowd stays longer than they used too
Good morning Groupies! It's been a long time. I don't find myself logging on here much since there is so much Disney info on FB groups. Just wanted to check in.

We are heading to Universal for the first time in about 3 weeks. My son (age 12 now!) is a huge Harry Potter fan, so we're going to check that out for a few days. Then we are headed to Vero Beach for 6 nights. So relaxing there. Can't wait to get to some warm weather. It's been very cold and still snowing here in WI.

Booked SSR for the first week of December. However, thinking of switching to the week before Nov 24-Dec 1. Any thoughts? I know that the 24th and 25th will be very busy, but during the week should be dead. We've never done the first week of December either, but I hear that is Pop Warner time. What would you choose?

I know that Pop Warner has been talked about for years but I've honestly never run into anything from it. If not staying at one of the Values it's just not that additive to the parks anymore IMO (although I never found it that way at anytime). And these days there are a lot of other groups that occur thru out the year. Couple that with next to no busy times I don't think it matters that much. Back in the day when the early part of December was truly dead it probably made an impression but it hasn't been that way for years. I'd also choose the first week of December but would go in Nov if those dates worked better.
Ok thanks Kat and jimmytammy! Right now we have SSR booked, but hoping to maybe do a split stay and fit Copper Creek into the week too :) We already have to move from a standard to a preferred at SSR anyway, so if I'm moving, I'd rather move to another resort.
Jimmy's Hippy Days . . . ? Pictures; we need pictures!
Dad, I never had long hair, and I wasnt very wild(in comparison to my peers)but I did(and still do)like to listen to some pretty wild music. So I guess I could clarify myself as a short haired hippie:hippie:
Anything starting with Aerosmith(blame my older bro for this) and ending with Zebra(little known band)and all bands in between I was a fan of. I go so far back I remember when Yesterday by The Beatles was still in regular rotation on the radio, then 3 Dog Night playing Joy To The World, on up into the mid 70s when Kiss hit it big, all the singer/songwriters from that era. New Wave got to be a thing in the 80s, and most of what was heard back then was that very genre on the radio. I wasn't a big fan, so then the hair bands of the 80s caught my attn. That was probably the rebel in me coming out, protesting what I felt was some sorry excuse for music, New Wave that is. Still don't like it too this day:D
Nice pictures Granny! I saw that bridge and visited Muir Woods in 1972. Its a beautiful part of the country.

Nicoal - personally I try to avoid the first week of Dec. But honestly it seems WDW never has a slow period. Patience and perseverance....
One final note on our trip — we never got our day 4 towel service because we left the occupied sign out. Tried to resolve on two occasions on phone with unsuccessful results. Specifically, the housekeeping button on the phone sends you to member services which I found odd. At any rate, an inconvenience but not critical.

Also, this trip I made it a point to thank every bathroom attendant, trash collector, cashier, etc for their efforts and told them that the effort and contribution of all cast members make Disney vacations very special. This was received with many smiles — I hope if anyone has a chance on their upcoming trips they will take a moment and give cast members a thanks. Especially the ones in less glorious positions.
You know me well my friend:goodvibes

LOL...Jimmy, I knew you are a little young to remember the Summer of Love from 1967 but when I thought of young rebels, for some reason you came to mind. I could picture you rocking with Gerry Garcia and Janis Joplin.


I figured you would take it as a fun reference. :)
LOL...Jimmy, I knew you are a little young to remember the Summer of Love from 1967 but when I thought of young rebels, for some reason you came to mind. I could picture you rocking with Gerry Garcia and Janis Joplin.


I figured you would take it as a fun reference. :)
I did for sure:D
Though The Greatful Dead and Joplin are a little too "out there" for me. Which gets me around to a WDW reference(doesn't it always). A few trips back, we were watching Starship(aka Jefferson Starship and Jefferson Airplane)at Eat to the Beat. So these folks who apparently had been to every show(maybe 3-4 nights in a row)kept hollering "White Rabbit" to the band. Finally Mickey Thomas(the lead singer who basically took over and mainstreamed the band late 70s early 80s)reluctantly said they would do it, just for these fans who had diligently seen every show and since this show was their last one for them at Epcot, they agreed to do it. Well my kids look at me with the weirdest looks on their faces and DD ask what the h*#& was I smoking back in those days. I had to explain this was way before my time:hippie: Of course I get the "yeah, right Dad" comment much like that in the scene at Carousel of Progress. If Jeopardy had an all music category show, put me in there, I would make for some stiff competition :crazy:


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