Wade and Michelle's at-home wedding and WDW DISNEYmoon - new updates on page 6

When i went dress shopping the other Sat, i realised that what you see hanging on the rails looks totally different on. Trust me, i walked into one shop and thought, 'there will be not one dress in this shop for me, they all look horrid!'.. and i found my dream dress in there- the shop lady just told me to try on a few she thought from my description that i would like and i found one- the first one i tried on, it was amazing. I would have never noticed it if it wasnt for that lady telling me to try the dress on.

You never know what you might find, just try on loads of different dresses, and let one of the shop ladies pick a few out for you, because what you see on the rails looks totally different on, whether good or bad. On my PJ, i wrote that i found the dress of my dreams on the internet, (Sincerity 3159) and i couldnt wait to try it on- when i saw it in the flesh i didnt want it anywhere near me, i was a little gutted because it was a big big dissapointment from what it looked like in the photo, and i did not want to try it on!

Dont stress yourself over loosing weight before going to try on dresses again-you can still go and look and try them on! :flower3: You know, i thought i didnt want to try on dresses because ive put on quite a bit of weight, but some dresses really flatter you, and some didnt fit me exactly, but they were held together at the back so i could get an idea of what the dress looked like, and id say, go for a corset bodice- i was amazed by how the corset bodice made my waist look - thats the part where i have put on the most weight, and i felt amazing, so i'd definately reccomed a corset waist if you can find one! (and i didnt feel sucked up and i could actually move about comfortably) x
I agree with Stacey, they do look completely different on!
It can be quite upsetting though, when you see a really pretty dress in a magazine or on the hanger, and then you try it on and it looks gross! I tried on loads and got the proper face on sometimes, just hang in there. You'll find the one you want eventually!
I think the next time I go, I will take a few pictures of dresses I like and then have the ladies there pick stuff out for me to try on... that seems to be the best way to do it.. I think when I get at least to my halfway weight-loss point, then I'll go looking again... until then, I'll just keep browsing catalogs and the internet to see what styles I like...
Here are pics of a few dress styles I like... I'm even thinking about going with color (some shade of purple - my favorite color!) instead of white or ivory... I really don't think I want a train, or at least a very small train... I won't be wearing a veil...





Hey Tine! Do you have a planning journal going? You're getting married on Wade's bday!!! There are so few of us DCL brides and I just LOVE reading about everyone's plans as well as the past DCL brides' stories!!

Tuesday evening we were expecting an ice storm... we live just a little north of Dallas... someone says "ice" and everyone heads to the stores to stock up on batteries, water, etc... blah, blah, blah... and NO ONE can drive unless they came from a colder climate (like my wonderful DF who is from Maryland and definitely knows how to drive in the crap!) anyway... before the weather even got bad, they were canceling after school activities, etc... which meant my kids were gonna be home and I wouldn't have to baby-sit (I baby-sit the dance teacher's kids - helps pay for tuition!) so Wade got home early cuz he's in training all this week and we decide to head to the bridal shop. Well, they were already closed due to the weather! The roads were perfectly fine at this point or we wouldn't have driven all the way out there (it's about 30 minutes from our house).... oh, well... not sure when I'll be able to make it out there again! :sad2:

i did check out davidsbridal.com.... we also have a david's bridal near us... i haven't actually gone anywhere to try on dresses yet... i initially said i wouldn't until i lost my weight, but now i'm thinking about going ahead and trying them on, and then if i find one, ordering it a couple sizes smaller... that will "force" me to stay on track and lose the weight!! :thumbsup2

did you order it online without having tried it on or anything similar before hand? that makes me nervous... i see things i like online but have no idea if they would actually look good ON ME...:confused3

Here's the link to my PJ http://disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2058941

Ice storms...Yuck, I did see that it was pretty bad, but most places that dont have them alot or have snow alot, over react to the weather always...We have had a few bad storms here so far this winter, but mostly they have over reacted to the weather too! And we have snow every year!!

As far as Davids bridal store, they were alot more pricey than the online version...Some of the same dress I tried on in the store were over half off online!!! So look there before ordering anything, and dont let those pushy sales people talk you into something till your ready!!

I did order it online withour trying it on, but its empire waist, so I knew it would be ok
So while we already have the wedding booked, we didn't consider ourselves "officially" engaged because I had no ring on my finger... and now I'm thrilled to report that as of last night (Valentine's Day), we are "officially" engaged cuz there is now a ring on my finger!!!! I've been trying to get good pics but haven't been happy with the way the pics have turned out so far... just doesn't get even close to doing the ring justice! so I'm going to work on getting some good pics and then add them to the PJ...

So here's the story... I had picked out my setting at Jared's... it was a discontinued style and on clearance... didn't want to chance it not being there when we got the money, so we put it in layaway. It was only supposed to be in layaway like a week until payday... then the transmission went out on DF's car, costing us about $1200... so the ring sat in layaway... we had gone to a little hole-in-the-wall type jewelry store looking at loose diamonds a couple months ago too. The guy was great and we knew we could get a great deal there.... yesterday we were running errands and DF had to go make a payment on the ring but wasn't going to get it out cuz "he had a plan".... i've been bugging him, telling him I just want my ring... so he comes out of Jared's and then says we're gonna go see our "friend" the guy at the jewelry store to see what he's got in stock now for loose diamonds and maybe put a stone in layaway... so we're looking and i say "sure would be nice if I had the setting so I could see what it would look like since I've pretty much forgotten what it looks like " and he pulls the ring box out of his pocket and says, "Do you think it would look good in here?" Yes, he had the ring!! So we picked out a diamond and bought it, not layaway (he got his tax refund on Friday!! yay for me!!!) AND they could set it and size the ring for me YESTERDAY in just a couple hours... DF was like, "you just made her day!" cuz we thought it would be at least a day or two. so while it wasn't the way he planned it, he gave the ring to me last night. He surprised me with a room at a local hotel/resort, a Valentine's package that included champagne and chocolate covered strawberries in the room and breakfast in bed this morning. He also had purple roses (my fav color!) delivered to the hotel and they were set up and waiting for us in the room. The hotel also put rose petals all over the bed! It was SOOOO nice and we felt SOOOO pampered!! he gets the ring, says he needs to make it official and while it wasn't the way he originally planned, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I knew it was coming, I knew we had the ring, but I still cried!!! the feeling was more than i ever expected it to be... it was now official that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together! :lovestruc

so that's the official engagement story... not exactly what he had planned but still special and amazing nonetheless...




oh gosh thats a lovely ring- its so different and unique. I love it!!

YAAAYYYY for you now! The whole hotel room stuff was so romantic.. aw! Im so happy for you!
Oh my god that is one of the most beautiful wedding rings i have ever seen

you brave thing getting a tattoo i am so scared of them lol

i love those dress you posted

and the wedding band is beautiful

deff subscribing lookin forward to more :D
thanks, everyone! I definitely wanted color on my ring... while I would have preferred purple stones (amethyst or tanzanite) I was told they weren't good stones for long-term daily wear... sapphires were the next strongest stone next to diamonds... so I went with the sapphires...

the band I originally wanted I'm having second thoughts about... I'm afraid it will distract too much from the e-ring, so I think I have decided on a simple white gold band instead... don't know what DF will get for his band...

we're narrowing down song choices for the wedding and i'm closer to making a decision on the flowers and cake. I have a little bit of time before I have to get back to Cathy with all my choices...

won't be dress shopping for a while... just looking online, etc to get ideas...
If you've been following my PJ, you know that between the two of us, DF and I have 4 kids total. And we don't plan on bringing them for the wedding. For one thing, it will be expensive. Secondly, it's also going to be our honeymoon and can't really be a honeymoon with all 4 kids there! and oldest (teenager) will want to bring a friend (the 3 younger ones are close in age - 9, 9 and 7). So we decided before we tell them we're going without them in September, we have to have another trip at least planned for all of us. So after researching and thinking and talking, we're going to try for this June!! Yes, not exactly my favorite time to go. (Okay, I've never actually been in June, but I know it can be crowded and hot... I have been in May, though, and it was hot enough then... but we're from Texas, so we know heat.) With the kids in school and oldest in high school, just too difficult to do a trip other than spring break or summer. Also tried to figure out how to do it where we can afford it. Staying on property means 2 rooms at value or Fort Wilderness Cabins or a villa or something... well, we found some townhomes off site, close to Disney, 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with full kitchen and private "splash pool" for only $125/night... so.... if all goes well, we will be renting a mini-van and driving down, staying 4 nights June 10-14. June 13 is my birthday, so it will be AWESOME to celebrate my birthday there!! And we can get our mickey and minnie bride and groom ears before our wedding trip... :thumbsup2

Crossing our fingers it all works out!!! pixiedust:
Congrats on the engagement!!!
Loove the ring!

I just got my info packet e-mailed to me from Cathy and I am starting to think about flowers. :confused3 I think I need to find my dress first though.

I hope your June trip works out! And remember you get in free on your birthday! :thumbsup2
Congrats on the engagement!!!
Loove the ring!


>>I just got my info packet e-mailed to me from Cathy and I am starting to think about flowers. :confused3 I think I need to find my dress first though. <<

yay!! I am the most indecisive person on earth (although the decision to have the DCL wedding was pretty easy!) so it's a good thing I only have a few choices to make. Of course, I still can't decide about flowers or songs.. but I'm getting closer. I don't have a dress yet either. I'm in the process of losing weight and have quite a ways to go before I can start trying on dresses...

I hope your June trip works out! And remember you get in free on your birthday! :thumbsup2

Yeah, I know! I'm looking forward to it! I'm keeping my fingers crossed cuz my car just started making some weird noise and acting kinda funny... hoping we don't have to pour too much money into it... if we do, that could mean the end of the June trip... boo-hoo... as it is, we're thinking we may have to scale back our WDW honeymoon to afford the June trip with the kiddos... may have to switch from the Contemporary to Pop or something... wouldn't bother me, though... i'd be happy anywhere in Disney!! :cool1:
Hey, everyone... so Friday we decide to bite the bullet and book a townhouse at Windsor Hills for June for all 6 of us. Then Friday night my car died... :sad1: I could see our potential June trip with the kids going right out the window. We had to have the car towed to the shop because it wouldn't turn over at all. Turns out it's the alternator (DF was hoping that was it, not something worse/more expensive to fix) but total cost including towing and rental car is going to be about $550. :scared1:

so.... still not sure if we'll be able to swing the June trip. We told the kids we would take a vacation *somewhere* but wouldn't know where until closer to the summer.

One good thing that happened is that we looked at a house on Saturday and LOVED it! Perfect for us! Put in an app and crossing our fingers now. :worried:
Hey everyone... we have decided we may have to cancel the DCL wedding. :sad2:

We will still do the WDW honeymoon as planned. But we're moving to another house in April, which is going to cost money and actually more than we originally thought. We also want to take the kids to WDW in June (since we didnt plan on taking them in September)... now we've decided that we just can't afford to do EVERYTHING... so after weighing our options, I think we've decided to cancel the DCL wedding. We will either do a simple courthouse ceremony here or even somewhere in Orlando. Other options were postponing it, canceling the WDW honeymoon part or canceling the trip with the kids... DF did promise me that we WILL at some point get the DCL wedding... only the wedding will be a VR instead of the actual wedding (hoping for 1-year anniversary)...

so i'm a little bummed... but it'll be ok... :sad1:
I love your ring, it's beautiful! Sorry to hear your having to cancel the DCL part of your wedding .. it just gives you more time to plan you Disney VR! :yay:


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