WDW Event Swap: Due 11/7 - Update pg 29 post 429

I finally got to mail my stuff today. Sorry everyone for the delay. Life just kept getting in the way - don't my professors know that I have swapping to do?!?!

Thanks for hostessing Shauna.
Have you received mine yet? I'm getting worried and I can't find the DC# to check on it. If you haven't received it by tonight I may just make another set (since I was in a small group, it won't be too much work). It's been over a week now!
Shauna did a blanket checkin yesterday..she has been down with her migraines again and she said she had received some boxes but didn't list who.... I'll look for her to check in today and see if she can account for yours.... one of us will get back to you today via PM!!!

Hi Shauna. I hope you are feeling a little better. I checked on my DC# and it said that the package was delivered to your neck of the woods on the 15th, but didn't say it actually was delivered to the destination - you! So just checking (and hoping) that you got my package - and the mailman just forgot to scan the package. :scared1:

Mischief_Managed and PixieDust32 - your packages have arrived.

mla1977 - I PMd you last week regarding your package. Please shoot me an update when you have a moment.


My goal is to get these in the mail by Monday if at all possible. We leave on Tuesday for two weeks (for DBIL's wedding and 8 days at WDW) and I would really like to not have these to worry about while I am gone. I'll be really honest when I say that I have a lot to do this weekend for the trip so I may not be able to get everything out but I will try my hardest. Thank goodness for four day weekends right before a big trip!
Yay! Happy it got there. I started sweating for a few minutes.

If it makes your life easier, then please wait on swapping my stuff. I can definitely wait - plus, I was the bad one that took too long, so I should have to wait longer. :)

You should definitely pack and prepare for your trip to WDW! I hope the weather stays nice for you. We've had quite a few days of really cold days for the past two weeks. But, it does make it feel like Christmas in Disney when you are bundled up drinking hot cocoa on Main Street! You forget you are in FL.
It was in the 30s for our last trip so we were desperately hoping for warm weather this time. I've been seeing forecasts of high 70s but now it's showing more mid-60s. I'm bummed!
Mid-60s is still really nice for Disney. It just gets dicey at Epcot in the evening around the lagoon - always colder there for some reason. I'm an hour away from WDW and tonight we are in the low 50s. I'm sitting here with my space heater on!
Shauna: estimated delivery date will be saturday. I'll over night it if I have to.
Just a quick update for everyone. DH and I leave tonight for our 2 week trip to DBIL's wedding in Tallahassee and 8 days at WDW.

Unfortunately, I was not able to finish swapping this out to mail before I leave. I was trying to get both the Holiday pages and the Event Swap stuff photographed, swapped out, packaged and labeled. Between prepping swaps, cleaning, doing laundry, shopping for the trip and packing, the Event Swap didn't get finished.

We are getting home on Dec. 15 so I hope to be able to start mailing packages out that weekend. The last package still hasn't arrived but I am assuming that it will come in while we are gone. All of our mail is being held at the P.O. so it should be safe.

Sorry about the delay with swapping. Trip prep has taken more time than I anticipated. Thanks for your patience!
Mine should be there by now. Please tell me you got it!
mla1977 - Your package is here and everything is fine.

Update: Last package arrived while I was on vacay and we picked it up from the Post Office on Saturday. I'm done swapping out but haven't finished packaging. I feel really uncomfortable mailing this before Christmas due to my P.O.'s propensity for misplacing things which gets even worse when it is busy. My girlfriend in Hawaii sent us a care package on December 1 that my P.O. swears was delivered while we were gone except that all of our mail was being held by the P.O. She and I both had to file a complaint for them to look for it. :rolleyes:

Ideally, I'd really like to mail this after the first of the year but I can do it next Monday, 12/29, if y'all prefer. I just don't want these to get lost after everyone worked so hard on them. I can't even go to a different P.O. because the problem is at the main branch for our city (which just happens to be my local branch.)

Please chime in and let me know what y'all would prefer. I'll go with majority.
I'm feeling like I could wait. After all of this, I'm not even sure if I will be going to a PP&P party. Supposedly all of them were cancelled for the new year, but the Princess Half Marathon page still says that there is a party.
I can wait too. I will be out of town next week so mailing after the first of the year is fine with me. :thumbsup2
I'll got with whatever the majority goes. Unless you want to divide mailing in half. I am here for the holidays.
I'm good with whatever! I am not at home. Stuck at my moms due to the ever falling snow. now the roads are almost a foot of compact snow and ice. its nasty. We made it to my house this afternoon. UPS delivered a box of christmas gifts but the USPS hasnt been there in i dont know how many days. So I am good with waiting. that way its not sitting there, or in the back of the mail lady's truck.

Cant wait to see them though!


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