WDW vs. the terrible twos- and the verdict is... trip update 2/12

I love your TR!
I also want to tell you that you are too harsh on yourself when you judge your parenting skills and choices. Pacis are perfectly fine at least until age 3! It's called the oral stage: LO need to suck, it calms them to do it, it distresses them if they don't. You are doing great! Also please remember that when people stare at tantruming children, they are not always judging. Most parents and specially grandparents understand tantrums.
Wow, for some reason I didn't even realize you'd updated (even though it clearly says that you updated on 2/7 :confused3) because I wasn't expecting it for a while! Goodness. :rotfl: I hope things are going well with Foster!

I think moving your trip was a great idea, and the best part is that you still get to go relatively soon! Awesome! I want to stay at AoA so badly! Can't wait to see how yall like it there.
Its time to report on some changes! :)

As you guys know my DH, Mark, is going to be back on deployment in April, and we just recently found out that my SIL's school (she's a teacher) has decided to cancel April vacation since they have missed so many school days due to Hurricane Sandy and snow days. Since two major players were going to have to the vacation if we kept it in April, we decided to push it back to the end of Sept/beginning of Oct.

We'll be celebrating my Dad's birthday a little late, but we'll be enjoying the Food and Wine Festival, so everyone thinks that is a good trade-off. We're going down Sept 26- and staying through Oct 2nd. Right now we're booked at SSR, since that is our home resort, but we're going to try and switch it at the 7th month mark.

BUT- since that seems ever so far away, we decided to take an interim trip. ;) We'll be back down at the World from May 8th-14th, and this time we'll be staying in a Cars family suite at AoA. Since it was so last minute, its hard to get DVC reservations, but I really wanted to try out the new resort, so it all works out. Not to mention that Everett is going to LOVE the Cars theme.

The trip will be me, Everett, Foster, my Mom, and also my Dad! My father isn't nearly the Disney fan that my Mom and I are, so he usually just sticks to going on our once a year family trips. But, since he'll be retired by May, and really he doesn't have anything else to do, so he decided to come along. :rotfl: Its going to be really fun to have him along too! :goodvibes

So, now I need to get cracking on planning TWO new trips! :yay:

All caught up on your trip report. Also it looks like your family and my family will be at The Happiest Place on Earth at the same time in May. We are going from May 11th to May 17th. It will be my DH, DD and my dad. This will be my dad's second trip with us and sadly my mom still won't budge on coming with us. Even when my dear DD says "Pweeesssee. Oh pweeeseee Baba, come to meet Mickey!" She's a subborn one that Baba is!!

Anyway, if we are ever in the same park on the same day maybe we could say a quick hi. I have some ADRs made already but dont' have our days mapped out quite yet.

Have fun planning your trips!
I like the changes!!! I'm sure you'll have a fun trip in May. I hope you do a TR for that one too, I love seeing pictures of AoA. I'm sure Everett will be thrilled to stay there!

I think switching the April trip to September will be a good choice. If that's what it takes to get the whole crowd there together and you can enjoy F&W as a bonus, it seems like an obvious move! :thumbsup2

I do plan on doing at TR for May, that is if I can get this one finished first :rolleyes1

It wouldn't seem like a celebration without my DH and SIL, so this really is the best alternative! :)

Yay for 2 trips! I'll actually be down there during your May dates...have you seen the new food booths for F&G Festival? They had me at spiced rum Dole whips!

Jill in CO

I'm so excited about the food booths, its the Food and Garden festival! I'm also really looking forward to the rum dole whips, yummy!

I wondered if you were still going to keep your April trip since your DH's plans had to change. It stinks having to push a trip back, but like you said, you'll be there during F&W. That'll be a great way to celebrate a late birthday. Plus, Foster will be a bit older by then.

Your dates for May are great. I love going in May. The weather can be hit or miss, but normally the crowds are relatively low. :thumbsup2

Its really tough with DH, and at first we were just going to keep the April trip since it is so difficult to plan anything around the military, but once my SIL's vacation got cancelled, we knew we had to switch things up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that nothing gets in the way of DH coming with us in Sept/Oct.

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: Perhaps it was a blessing the first trip being cancelled...now you have two to look forward to. I bet you that Everett is going to go crazy when he sees the Cars rooms.

I really wanted to take Everett to Carsland, but that will have to wait until Foster is a little older, but I figured this was the next best thing! :yay:
That's great - 2 vacations to look forward to! Maybe it worked out for the best after all and am glad your dad is joining you in May :) Can't wait to see how Everett likes AoA and the Cars theme - would love to take my GS5 on a trip and stay there

I think he is going to flip over the Cars theme, we've watched that movie what feels like at least 100 times! :rolleyes1:rotfl: I'm really happy my Dad is joining us, he talks a big game about not being a Disney fan, until we get there, then its all "Can we ride pirates? I want to go on the people mover! Lets go get a Mickey bar!" Don't worry Dad, you're secrets safe with us ;) :rotfl2:

Yeah for two trips and two perfectly awesome times of year to travel. You are going to love F&W and I have lots of F&W pictures posted on my current TR. Oh - and the Halloween party. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Love it!

I know, May and Oct are my two favorite times to visit WDW also! I better enjoy them now, because we'll be tied to a school calender before I know it! :scared:

Yay for a bonus trip to plan! That sounds perfect, and now you can enjoy F&W (and the wine part of it this time!)

I'll bet Everett will LOVE the Cars area at AoA. It looks like a little boys' dream. :goodvibes

You better believe I'm going to be enjoying the wine part this time, I fully intend to enjoy the wine part of the Flower (Food) and Garden festival!

I know, he is going to be so excited! Its so nice that there is a "boy" themed area of the resort. I feel like there are so many things to cater to little girls, its great that there is something for the boys as well!

How awesome!! Too bad out October dates will not be overlapping again this year but yay for a fall trip! And another one in the meantime, you lucky girl you! :)

Aww too bad we're not overlapping, maybe sometime we'll be down at the same time!

Oh I know all about trip changes!!! Yay for 2 trips!!! And... We'll be at AoA at the same time! We're booked in a Nemo suite the 10-16! Is Everett really into cars? I bet he will love AoA!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

That is so exciting that we'll be there at the same time, maybe we'll run into each other around the resort!

WOW! TWO TRIPS! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous:thumbsup2.
Get to planning, lady!:cool1:

I'm on it! :thumbsup2

I love your TR!
I also want to tell you that you are too harsh on yourself when you judge your parenting skills and choices. Pacis are perfectly fine at least until age 3! It's called the oral stage: LO need to suck, it calms them to do it, it distresses them if they don't. You are doing great! Also please remember that when people stare at tantruming children, they are not always judging. Most parents and specially grandparents understand tantrums.

You are so kind! :flower3: I know I'm my own worst critic when it comes to parenting, but its nice to hear from someone else that the paci is still developmentally appropriate. Thank you for reading along!

Yay for planning TWO trips!! How exciting!! :cool1:

I know! Two trips are always better than one! ;)

Yay for two new trips!!! That's very exciting! Looking forward to your review so AoA!

Thanks, I do plan on doing a TR, so I better get cracking on this one!

Wow, for some reason I didn't even realize you'd updated (even though it clearly says that you updated on 2/7 :confused3) because I wasn't expecting it for a while! Goodness. :rotfl: I hope things are going well with Foster!

I think moving your trip was a great idea, and the best part is that you still get to go relatively soon! Awesome! I want to stay at AoA so badly! Can't wait to see how yall like it there.

Yeah, that is why we are going, it just seemed like FOREVER until the end of Sept, I think my mom knew I didn't want to wait that long :) I know that she wanted to get back soon too, I'm just a convenient excuse :rotfl:

All caught up on your trip report. Also it looks like your family and my family will be at The Happiest Place on Earth at the same time in May. We are going from May 11th to May 17th. It will be my DH, DD and my dad. This will be my dad's second trip with us and sadly my mom still won't budge on coming with us. Even when my dear DD says "Pweeesssee. Oh pweeeseee Baba, come to meet Mickey!" She's a subborn one that Baba is!!

Anyway, if we are ever in the same park on the same day maybe we could say a quick hi. I have some ADRs made already but dont' have our days mapped out quite yet.

Have fun planning your trips!

Don't give up hope yet, there is still time, your mom might change her mind! :goodvibes

It would be awesome to meet up, I don't have anything planned out yet, but lets exchange info when the time gets closer. It would be fun to do a ride together or something like that! :)
Episode 7: Solo time!- Part I

When I last left off I was contemplating what to do with my solo time in the MK, well my first stop is a top priority of pregnant woman everywhere- food!
Since I was already on Main Street, I decided to indulge in one of my favorite Disney treats, the ice cream cookie sandwich.


Did I manage to polish it off? You bet I did! (third trimester, don’t judge) :rotfl2:

After the restorative effects of ice cream I headed over to the firehouse to pick up my daily ration of SotMK cards and proceeded to Frontierland for my first mission.

While I was wandering around, protecting the MK from evil doers, I got a glimpse of an attraction that usually isn’t on my must-do list- Hall of Presidents. I decided that I wanted to use this solo time to give it a whirl, and once I was done with my mission, I headed over to enjoy an attraction I’d rather have bamboo shoots stuck under my fingernails than have ever bring Everett into!


I also promised my Mom that I would take it easy and not go total commando, so I figured getting off my feet and taking an A/C break during the hottest part of the day would get me in her good graces. :angel:

I’m kinda a history nerd (it goes hand in hand with being an archaeologist), so I really do enjoy Hall of Presidents. I do wonder how many more AAs they can fit up on the dais, will there come a time when there are too many presidents for the hall of presidents? I guess they could always “selectively edit” some of those boring ones in the middle. Who remembers Millard Fillmore or Franklin Pierce anyway?

I then headed into Adventureland for yet more SotMK and a little shopping, and had a very strange encounter.


The sorcerers game is really popular, and so there was usually a line at the portals, one or two people deep. It still moved pretty fast, and it wasn’t a big deal to stand and wait. Well, I approached the portal right by pirates, and encountered a small line. There were two people in front of me, so I got in line behind the last individual. There was a guy sitting on a bench off to the side, and he did look over when I got in line, but he didn’t say anything. I didn’t think anything of it, because I’ve had lots of people look over curiously at the sorcerers game, since it isn’t well publicized and the average tourist doesn’t know anything about it. Also people sit on benches at Disney all the time, that is nothing out of the ordinary.

Well, I waited my turn, and just as I was about to approach the portal I hear from behind me, “Fine then, go on, be rude and cut in line.” I turned around very surprised, and discovered that it was the guy on the bench that was talking to me. I was very confused, but he continued, “I was next in line, until YOU cut me off”. Look dude, I know that’s its hot and it’s hard to stand in line, I’m 7 months pregnant touring a theme park in 90 degree heat, you don’t have to tell me how it is, but if you wanted to wait off to the side, it would have been nice to tell me that, instead of being mean about it.

I didn’t want to start a confrontation, so I graciously told him that I was sorry, I didn’t realize he was in line, and to please go ahead. He got up in a huff, and went over to the portal, only to discover that he was at the WRONG portal! Karma at its finest. I’m sorry to say I did chuckle a little when he took his leave.

I finished off my game with one more sorcerers mission back in Frontierland. At the conclusion of that last mission, I had successfully completed level 1, and leveled up to the Master Sorcerer level.


At that point you are eligible for a new pack of cards, so off I went to the sorcerer station behind the Christmas shop to pick up my second pack of the day.
By that point we were heading toward dinner time, so I made my way over to Main Street to wait for my Mom and Everett to show up for our ADR at Tony’s that evening.


This was our first time dining at Tony’s , and my mom honestly didn’t even know that the restaurant existed. I haven’t heard glowing reviews of the place, but since I hadn’t been there yet, I needed to give it a try to work toward my goal of eating at every TS restaurant in WDW. (I’m getting close!).

I gave my mom a call to figure out their ETA, and settled in to one of the rockers on the porch to relax.

My mom and DS were a little late (notice a pattern here?) ;) but we still were able to check in and were seated fairly quickly. The restaurant is really cute on the inside, and I was happy to have a seat near the fountain, hoping it would add an extra element of entertainment for Everett.

Everett attempting to jump in the fountain

We started with an order of Parmesan bread, hoping it would help keep DS entertained while we waited for our main course, but didn’t realize that they would also bring bread out to the table. Oh well, I haven’t met a pregnant woman yet who would get upset at the prospect of double bread! :rotfl:

We also set up the DVD player for Everett, but he was really having none of it, and was on a record naughty streak. He was climbing all over the booth, and bothering the people around us, being really loud, and when he threw one of his toys, it was time to remove him for a little heart-to-heart and a time out. I don’t know what had gotten into him , he had taken a good nap, but he was a meal time terror. :headache:

His behavior improved slightly after his taking-to, but still wasn’t stellar, so I didn’t enjoy my meal the way I might have without distraction. Still, my Cannelloni wasn’t bad, and my mom’s chicken parm wasn’t terrible either. I wouldn’t go out of my way to eat at Tony’s, but I wouldn’t avoid it either.

We did decide to push the envelope with Everett’s behavior and order dessert, the tiramisu, which was really good, and featured a cute lady and the tramp design on the plate.


Since Everett was having such a hard time behaving, I decided it would be for the best to take him back to the resort, and watch the fireworks from there, as opposed to braving the crowds in the Mk.
Episode 7- Solo time- Part II

We headed back to the room and got Everett in his jammies. Since we had some time before the fireworks started, my mom talked me into heading over to the Top of the World lounge at BLT. They had just recently opened it up to all DVC members, and she knew that I really wanted to check it out. I was still worried about Everett’s behavior, but since it was so close, if things started to go south, we could easily head right back to the room.

We had to go all the way to the bottom floor of the Contemporary and then walk over to the lobby of BLT. The only way up to the Top of the World lounge is through a dedicated elevator, and we needed to show our DVC card so they would let us on.


When we got to the lounge there was a decent amount of people there. I was actually really glad that my mom talked me into going up there, not only because I wanted to check it out, but because I really wanted to support the lounge.

There was some talk of them closing the lounge, since it was not making enough money just based on DVC traffic, and then using it as an event space you could rent out. I would hate to see such an awesome perk abolished, so I wanted to be sure to throw some business their way. They have continued opening the lounge to all DVC members, even after the trial period, so I’m hoping that mean it was a success and they are receiving enough business.

I took a second to explore the lounge and take some photos while my mom put in our drink order.

The lounge is a decent size and is really nicely decorated.


It had this neat alcove area

And this cool light fixture


My mom ordered one of the specialty drinks, I got a Shirley temple, and we got Everett a fruit punch with a glow cube, which was a huge hit.


Everett was being much better behaved than he was at dinner
He played with his Disney buses


And read us the “story of the food”



And kept himself pretty well entertained until fireworks time.


We headed out to the balcony, which has an awesome view of the castle and the fireworks.

the view was like this- only not blurry ( that is unless you forgot your glasses or had one to many drinks)


My only complaint was that the railing was really high and solid concrete, so it was virtually impossible for little kids to see over. I mean, come on Disney, what’s a little safety when it comes to viewing fireworks, right. :lmao: At least I didn’t have to worry about DS taking a dive over the edge!:scared:


The fireworks started and they dimmed the lights and piped in the music. They did the same inside, which is good to know in case of bad weather, but the real show was outside.


I took a few photos, and since I know you are all dying to see some sub-par, blurry fireworks photos, here goes. :rotfl2:




Everett loved the fireworks as usual, and I loved not having to fight the crowds at the MK!

After the show me and Everett were back in our room and in bed before most of the crowd on Main Street even made it to the exit!

We had another uneventful night, and some good restful sleep!

Although the view is fabulous, this is a hard place to watch from with kids. We watched there one 4th of July, and it was packed, of course. I ended up taking Bella inside the lounge, because she just wanted to toddle around and cared nothing about a fireworks show and Brooklynn had to be held up by one of the guys to be able to see anything. Being in your room minutes after fireworks are over - that gets two of these - :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2!

I'm glad you got that precious alone time. :) The ice cream cookie was a perfect way to treat yourself. ::yes::
We love Tony's! Thanks for the info on the game too, we have been thinking about picking up some cards and trying it!
So you don't even need to be staying DVC to go to the TOTW lounge? You just show your card? Hey - maybe I'll do that this summer when I'm staying off site. I did not realize it was in jeopardy of closing.

I was up there once when I stayed at BLT and, unfortunately, the fireworks got rained out. I knew it was open to DVC, but I guess I thought you needed to be staying on points.

Anyway - that guy on the bench sounds like a jerk. How were you to know he was in line. Are you psychic? :confused3
Ugh, I hate rude people! That was very nice of you to let him go ahead...to his wrong destination! :laughing:

What a great idea to watch the fireworks from the lounge!
Episode 7: Solo time!- Part I

The sorcerers game is really popular, and so there was usually a line at the portals, one or two people deep. It still moved pretty fast, and it wasn’t a big deal to stand and wait. Well, I approached the portal right by pirates, and encountered a small line. There were two people in front of me, so I got in line behind the last individual. There was a guy sitting on a bench off to the side, and he did look over when I got in line, but he didn’t say anything. I didn’t think anything of it, because I’ve had lots of people look over curiously at the sorcerers game, since it isn’t well publicized and the average tourist doesn’t know anything about it. Also people sit on benches at Disney all the time, that is nothing out of the ordinary.

Well, I waited my turn, and just as I was about to approach the portal I hear from behind me, “Fine then, go on, be rude and cut in line.” I turned around very surprised, and discovered that it was the guy on the bench that was talking to me. I was very confused, but he continued, “I was next in line, until YOU cut me off”. Look dude, I know that’s its hot and it’s hard to stand in line, I’m 7 months pregnant touring a theme park in 90 degree heat, you don’t have to tell me how it is, but if you wanted to wait off to the side, it would have been nice to tell me that, instead of being mean about it.

I didn’t want to start a confrontation, so I graciously told him that I was sorry, I didn’t realize he was in line, and to please go ahead. He got up in a huff, and went over to the portal, only to discover that he was at the WRONG portal! Karma at its finest. I’m sorry to say I did chuckle a little when he took his leave.
It never ceases to amaze me to see or hear of men being rude to pregnant women! In my country (Panama) pg women don't have to stand in line, you just go to the front of the line or stand in a special (shorter) line for seniors :thumbsup2
That actually looks like a nice solo afternoon in the parks. And believe me, nobody is judging you for an ice cream sandwich or extra bread. Your excuse is still way better than mine. :rotfl2::rotfl:

That really is a little bit weird about the guy "waiting in line" from the bench. I don't think I'd have let him in front of me after being spoken to like that, but I'm glad he was in the wrong place anyway. :rotfl:

Nothing like getting to visit Top of the World lounge for the first time when you're pregnant, right??? :rolleyes:

It seems like it really is a fantastic place to spend the evening and watch the fireworks. I'm glad it worked out well for you!
Awesome solo time! I looooove that ice cream cookie sandwich, it is simply delicious. I think I may have to plan a trip when pregnant so I can enjoy all those Disney snacks with no guilt. :rotfl: Because I desperately want to eat them all now!!!

What a jerk at the SotMK portal. How in the world did he expect anyone to know he was in line on a bench? :confused3 Apparently you failed your mind reading class in school, as I also apparently did in nursing school according to some of the things I have had patients' parents tell me!

Ugh, I have anxiety over mealtimes out with Paxton! :scared: Most of the time he is just great but when he isn't, it's horrendous!! I can definitely feel your pain there, but I'm glad you still had a good meal otherwise.

Watching the fireworks from the lounge sounds like a perfect way to end the night! It's always great when you can watch them in your pj's and head right down to bed without having to fight crowds. :thumbsup2

Glad to see you are back to updating! How is baby Foster doing?
Although the view is fabulous, this is a hard place to watch from with kids. We watched there one 4th of July, and it was packed, of course. I ended up taking Bella inside the lounge, because she just wanted to toddle around and cared nothing about a fireworks show and Brooklynn had to be held up by one of the guys to be able to see anything. Being in your room minutes after fireworks are over - that gets two of these - :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2!

I'm glad you got that precious alone time. :) The ice cream cookie was a perfect way to treat yourself. ::yes::

Wow, I can imagine that July 4th would be mobbed! It was tough with Everett wanting to see the fireworks, but my mom held him up and he got a good enough view.

We love Tony's! Thanks for the info on the game too, we have been thinking about picking up some cards and trying it!

It was actually your dining review that convinced me to give Tony's a try, and I'm glad I did! You guys should definitely try the game, even if you end up not liking it, it doesn't take up much time, and you can always quit in the middle if you find it really boring.

So you don't even need to be staying DVC to go to the TOTW lounge? You just show your card? Hey - maybe I'll do that this summer when I'm staying off site. I did not realize it was in jeopardy of closing.

I was up there once when I stayed at BLT and, unfortunately, the fireworks got rained out. I knew it was open to DVC, but I guess I thought you needed to be staying on points.

Anyway - that guy on the bench sounds like a jerk. How were you to know he was in line. Are you psychic? :confused3

Apparently you don't need to be staying on points. I asked on the DVC boards here before we left, and that is what I was told. I know that they only asked for my DVC card and not my KTTWC, but as always with Disney, YMMV.

Ugh, I hate rude people! That was very nice of you to let him go ahead...to his wrong destination! :laughing:

What a great idea to watch the fireworks from the lounge!

I have unfortunately run into some really rude people playing SotMK, I don't know what it is about the game, but it seems to bring out the inner jerk in some people. :rolleyes2

It never ceases to amaze me to see or hear of men being rude to pregnant women! In my country (Panama) pg women don't have to stand in line, you just go to the front of the line or stand in a special (shorter) line for seniors :thumbsup2

Wow, that is awesome, I think I might go spend my next pregnancy in Panama! :rotfl:

Seriously though, I have no problem waiting my turn, I didn't expect any special treatment, I just expected common courtesy.

That actually looks like a nice solo afternoon in the parks. And believe me, nobody is judging you for an ice cream sandwich or extra bread. Your excuse is still way better than mine. :rotfl2::rotfl:

That really is a little bit weird about the guy "waiting in line" from the bench. I don't think I'd have let him in front of me after being spoken to like that, but I'm glad he was in the wrong place anyway. :rotfl:

Nothing like getting to visit Top of the World lounge for the first time when you're pregnant, right??? :rolleyes:

It seems like it really is a fantastic place to spend the evening and watch the fireworks. I'm glad it worked out well for you!

Seriously, I love visiting bars pregnant :rolleyes2 Well at least I could drown my sorrows in a Shirley Temple. :rotfl:

Awesome solo time! I looooove that ice cream cookie sandwich, it is simply delicious. I think I may have to plan a trip when pregnant so I can enjoy all those Disney snacks with no guilt. :rotfl: Because I desperately want to eat them all now!!!

What a jerk at the SotMK portal. How in the world did he expect anyone to know he was in line on a bench? :confused3 Apparently you failed your mind reading class in school, as I also apparently did in nursing school according to some of the things I have had patients' parents tell me!

Ugh, I have anxiety over mealtimes out with Paxton! :scared: Most of the time he is just great but when he isn't, it's horrendous!! I can definitely feel your pain there, but I'm glad you still had a good meal otherwise.

Watching the fireworks from the lounge sounds like a perfect way to end the night! It's always great when you can watch them in your pj's and head right down to bed without having to fight crowds. :thumbsup2

Glad to see you are back to updating! How is baby Foster doing?

Even though I will not be pregnant on my next trip, I'm certainly still going to indulge, I just won't have a good excuse ;)

It was a rough meal, and really I should have known better, but I wanted to eat at least one sitdown meal a day so I could get off my feet and have something a little more nutritious than hamburgers and chicken fingers. This next trip I'm only doing one sit down, and that is a breakfast at Kona on our departure day.

Foster is doing great, he is such a sweet and easy-going baby. He is becoming a real chunk-a-saurus rex though, and I love every little chubby roll. Everett was always such a skinny baby, its a fun contrast to have a little chunker this time around. :)
What a nice afternoon!

My DH was a History major, and even though I usually tease and call him a "history nerd" I really like HoP! It's not an every trip attraction for us, but it's a nice way to get off your feet in the AC. I really like the update they've done too. I agree that it's getting a bit crowded up there. We could probably do with out Fillmore.

For the record I would not have judged if you ate the whole ice cream sandwich and were not pregnant! Sometimes a girl needs a snack.

That's too bad about Everett's behavior at Tony's but at least it was there. If there's anywhere that people are going to be understanding, it's the MK.

Top of the World lounge looks really nice! What a nice way to end the day!
What a lame-o that guy was. I didn't know pregnant women were also blessed with psychic powers. :confused3 I just don't understand people.

I recommend flatbread at Tony's! SOOO GOOD. (At least, it was in 2010!) And the tiramisu is just amaaazing. :thumbsup2

OH BAY LAKE TOWER. I miss it so much. I'm glad yall had a nice evening there!


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