We can do it! -Disney bride weight loss group

Moonpie said:
I just got back from working out! :banana: The eliptical machine, and the treadmill say that I've burned 300 calories today! Yay! :banana: Let's hope I can keep this up for the rest of the week. It helps to have my fiance go to the gym with me.

See, that's what I don't get. I work my tushy off to burn 300 calories on the eliptical machine, and then people say that you have to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. Well, I don't think you're supposed to eat less than 300 calories in a day. I know normal daily activity burns some, but I wouldn't think that much, so how do you know, what do you do, help me!! :rotfl:
Yeah, you're right about the thing people say about burning more calories than you consume. But, I can only do what I can do. I figure that burning 300 calories has to make some sort of difference, even if it does just make me feel better inside. :goodvibes I mean 300 calories was the total amount of one of my meals today, so now it's like I've only eaten two meals. Right? :rotfl: Anyway, have a great evening everyone! :wave2:
I am so glad someone started this thread! I have been wanting to, but hadn't gotten up the nerve to.

A couple of weeks ago I started looking around for a way to lose weight (my fiance and I just decided to have an intimate September 20th!) and I am the biggest I have ever been in my life!!!! :guilty:

A friend of mine suggested Isagenix, so I started with them and in the first 9 days I lost 11 pounds and a little over 13.5 inches all around. What's cool though is that I had to stop doing it for about a week while I moved from Idaho to Texas and I kept the weight off (that's saying a lot since I basically lived off of McDonald's while I was on the road, yes we drove the moving truck from Idaho to Texas, it took 5 days.)

Anyway, it is working great for me. I can't afford a gym membership right now and I never follow through with them anyways. I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes, less than 45 days and my goal is to lose another 35 pounds. My friend who referred me to it lost just over 30 pounds in 30 days, so I think I'll be ok.

If any of you want more info about it pm me and I'll get it to you. It's a pretty new company and I had never heard about it until a few weeks ago.

I'm excited about this support group! Here's to being your most beautiful you at your wedding! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
SRUAlmn said:
See, that's what I don't get. I work my tushy off to burn 300 calories on the eliptical machine, and then people say that you have to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. Well, I don't think you're supposed to eat less than 300 calories in a day. I know normal daily activity burns some, but I wouldn't think that much, so how do you know, what do you do, help me!! :rotfl:

Ill look this up for sure, but i think it goes something like, the average person burns about 2500 calories per day. People trying to lose weight should try to make a deficit in their caloric intake so that instead of buring calories injested the body can burn stored calories. I think normally people who are dieting are suppose to cut back to 1200 calories. Im pretty sure that one pound is the equivalent of 3500 calories, so the goal would be to burn about 3500 more calories than injested every few days.

Working out is suppose to aid the process because you burn more calories than normal and because it builds muscle. Muscle burns calories while at rest so the goal is to buld muscle that will increase the body's ability to burn more calories throughout the day.
I am trying to lose at least 10 pounds by my wedding day...hopefully more!! Mainly I just want to look and feel good in my wedding dress and get back down to my smallest size. I just joined WW and so far so good! I also want to start taking spinning classes and going to the gym everyday!
Another tip I wanted to share (even though I know we are all focusing on diet and exercise) is Hoodia. It is all natural, from a cactus root, and works AMAZINGLY. As far as I know it is healthy and not as bad as other 'supplements/diet pills.' I took it last summer and lost 40 pounds fairly quickly when combined with a reduced calorie diet and exercise. You can do your own research, but I just wanted to throw it out there. I don't normally do supplementy/diety pill types of things, but I really researched this one and it seemed to be ok. If you are thinking about it and you have any questions, let me know. Just be sure you get it at GNC or Vitamin World or somewhere reputable and make sure it's pure Hoodia and not some imitation junk.
I really like this tread...I am post wedding, but i lost 50lbs leading up to it (took about a year)...and now its been three months since the wedding and I’ve already put back on 10lbs (5 of that i totally blame on the honeymoon cruise)...but so need help keeping it up...the wedding was great motivation but now I’m just trying to keep the routine...(very hard)...I normally workout for 35-45 min a day...but at work I just sit at my desk all day ....Love listening to all the ideas
Hey! Thought I would share some of the info from my nutritionist with you gals...

The average woman burns 1700 calories a day - this is what your organs use the just run your body for 24 hours. In order to lose weight you are supposed to burn 250 calories a day working out - and eat 250 less calories that you usually do - cutting out soda, desserts, one less piece of bread at breakfast - something like that. The theory is that now you have cut out 500 calories a day! You need to burn 3500 calories in one week to lose 1 pound, so you need to do that every day in order to lose any weight - prolly why its not working for me lol :confused3

I love SELF magazine, the SELF challenge helped me lose 17 pounds 3 years ago- its a great support system. They are doing a 1 month challenge starting on Aug 21st - check it out. www.self.com It gives you workouts, eating tips, and there is even a food diary online to help you keep track even when you are at work.

going to the gym! whos with me :cheer2:
This is a brilliant thread! I am in panic mode, i have 14 lbs to lose in 2 months! Impossible is what i am thinking! All the stress of the wedding as family stresses has made me pile on the lbs, if i dont lose it soon i better head for lipo! My dress cost $1700 and there is no way on earth i am buying another :guilty:
All i can say girls is dont leave it to the last minute and start now!
BrideToBe82 said:
Wow 50lbs!! That is great wendy! Keep it up :) How did you do it?

I did the 6 week body makeover …turned into the year long body makeover, but i didnt actually notice how fat i had gotten...lol....(I was up to 190 ugh…and I’m only 5’7)...Its from the guy who does extreme makeovers on TV (cant recall his name)....its a really good diet...A lot of cooking...but it works...he also has a 6day body makeover its a shortened version of it...
What i liked is it lets you snack throughout the day (since i'm just sitting at my desk it helps)....you eat six small meals during the day and it really speeds up your metabolism...I didn’t actually start working out until 3month before the wedding and by then i was already down 35lbs....now i'm trying to keep up the workouts but eat more standard meals...(not working that hot)...going to have to go back to the diet
wendy46001 said:
I did the 6 week body makeover …Its from the guy who does extreme makeovers on TV (cant recall his name)
Congratulations! I'd like to check this out. What is it called? Would it be good for guys too? My BF needs to lose some weight for the military. I wonder how much the 6 day one does too.
wendy46001 said:
I did the 6 week body makeover …turned into the year long body makeover, but i didnt actually notice how fat i had gotten...lol....(I was up to 190 ugh…and I’m only 5’7)...Its from the guy who does extreme makeovers on TV (cant recall his name)....its a really good diet...A lot of cooking...but it works...he also has a 6day body makeover its a shortened version of it...
What i liked is it lets you snack throughout the day (since i'm just sitting at my desk it helps)....you eat six small meals during the day and it really speeds up your metabolism...I didn’t actually start working out until 3month before the wedding and by then i was already down 35lbs....now i'm trying to keep up the workouts but eat more standard meals...(not working that hot)...going to have to go back to the diet

I don't know about the rest of you teachers, but I know there is no way I'd be able to eat 6 small meals a day. During the school year, I'm lucky if I get in 2 1/2. :rotfl:

Good for you, Wendy! I have heard that eating a larger quantity of smaller meals was much better than eating 2-3 larger meals. I know that's where my problem lies.
SRUAlmn said:
I don't know about the rest of you teachers, but I know there is no way I'd be able to eat 6 small meals a day. During the school year, I'm lucky if I get in 2 1/2. :rotfl:

I think eating all the time was the hardest part....
I'd set my outlook calandar to remind me to eat...lol....but like i said ...i sit here all day.....but the book is by Michael Thurmond and is titled the 6-day bodymakeover.....
I am so excited about this thread!! I am not just carrying a few pounds....I am obese. :sad2: I have about 80 pounds to lose. I know that I can not do this in 7 months (my wedding), so I am setting a goal of 50 pounds for now.

This is coming from a girl who used to weigh 120 and had 10% body fat. I was a competition cheerleader and a gymnast. I was able to eat whatever I wanted because I was so active. The problem was after those days of 3 hour workouts in a day six days a week, I wasn't able to eat whatever I wanted. Now, I get out of breath walking up a flight of stairs. :sad2:

So, my goal is to cut out the unnecessary sugars, eat only protein and veggies for meals, and snack on fruits, and have a chart on my refrigerator to chart my excercise. It will be Bride Booty Camp. I don't do the same excercises each day, because I would get too bored. So I change it up, one day i walk, next day i bike, next day Pilates (love it!!!), etc....

I have let my body get so out of control, that I need to do something not only for myself, but my DF, and my future children, I don't want to teach them my bad habits.

Ladies, we can all do this, it will be tough and we will struggle and want to give up, but on that day when we are able to walk down the aisle thinner and happier and see that amazing man smile at us and think we are beautiful.....it will all be worth it. :thumbsup2

Plus......hello......I wanna wear some sexy lingerie and look hot on my honeymoon!!! :banana:
TinkBride said:
I am so excited about this thread!! I am not just carrying a few pounds....I am obese. :sad2: I have about 80 pounds to lose. I know that I can not do this in 7 months (my wedding), so I am setting a goal of 50 pounds for now.

This is coming from a girl who used to weigh 120 and had 10% body fat. I was a competition cheerleader and a gymnast. I was able to eat whatever I wanted because I was so active. The problem was after those days of 3 hour workouts in a day six days a week, I wasn't able to eat whatever I wanted. Now, I get out of breath walking up a flight of stairs. :sad2:

I am right there with ya! I was a dancer for 18 years of my life. I was used to dancing 3 hours per day and being able to eat whatever I wanted. When I graduated from college and entered the 'real world' my eating habits didn't change, but I wasn't dancing anymore and on came the pounds. I really need to lose about 70-80 as well! It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks :) We can be buddies and do it together. I have about 11 months. Let's do it!!
I am ready for this!! I wanna feel confident and proud of my body again!! Just reading these few threads has inspired me so much!! We are in this together!! :thumbsup2
SRUAlmn said:
I don't know about the rest of you teachers, but I know there is no way I'd be able to eat 6 small meals a day. During the school year, I'm lucky if I get in 2 1/2. :rotfl:
Hee,hee! :rotfl: I can just hear those little voices now, "Whatcha eating?" "Can I have some?" "Teacher, why are you so hungry all the time?" popcorn::
Actually, I do know that some of the teachers at my school will eat their lunch during work time, while the kids are in the room. They just explain to the kids that they were very busy at lunch break and need to nibble on lunch now. I've never done that before, but maybe this year I give it a try with some small snacks through out the day.
Moonpie said:
Hee,hee! :rotfl: I can just hear those little voices now, "Whatcha eating?" "Can I have some?" "Teacher, why are you so hungry all the time?" popcorn::
Actually, I do know that some of the teachers at my school will eat their lunch during work time, while the kids are in the room. They just explain to the kids that they were very busy at lunch break and need to nibble on lunch now. I've never done that before, but maybe this year I give it a try with some small snacks through out the day.

Lunch break, what's that??? hahahaha We get 20 minutes and we eat WITH our kids in the lunch room. Oh yeah, that's right.
'Will you open my milk?' 'I forgot a napkin.' 'I don't wanna sit by him.' 'I can't open my applesauce.'
No eating lunch for me!
OK - just had to whine to someone... I feel horrible. My DF had some weird fever last week and complained of his back aching. He didn't kick the fever for 3 1/2 days. I am helping out with Vacation Bible School this week and we are leaving on Sunday for our planning session... I HATE being sick especially achy and feverish like I am now. AND I'm at work til 8 p.m. but I can't leave because I need the money... argh... I already took some aspirin. I guess the good news is I'm not the slightest bit hungry. So, maybe I'll lose a pound or two... not the healthy way to do it, but whatever kickstarts my body into weight loss... anyway, my DF is still working too and he whines to me when he gets a little cut on his finger... well, I am loving this thread and can't wait to keep posting our results. I bought the Buff Brides book last night on Amazon.com for just over $10. Can't beat it!! Talk to you girls soon!! Keep up the good work!! :thumbsup2


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